What is Project CHOICES?

Project CHOICES is a free counselling program in Winnipeg for people who:

  • Are sexually active and may become pregnant
  • Drink alcohol

How does Project CHOICES work?

Participants are offered up to four individual sessions with a counsellor to learn about alcohol use and its impacts, risks of alcohol use during pregnancy and FASD, and contraceptive and birth control options. Counsellors use motivational interviewing strategies to provide individualized feedback and information, and invite participants to set goals regarding their alcohol and birth control use.

Participants are offered one visit with a public health nurse to get information about birth control options.

Self-referrals or referrals from service providers are accepted. For more information or to join, call Klinic at 204-784-4072, or NorWest at 204-938-5941.

View the Project CHOICES handbook (PDF)

View the Project CHOICES Infographic (PDF)