Hansard: Index

SUBJECT INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Page Program

Bergagnini, Abigail, 22, 2182

Bouhadi, Abrar, 22, 2239

Deacosta, Liz, 22, 2009

Debicka, Sophie Jaxa, 22, 2335

Ehmann, Sean, 22, 2335

Huynh, Mai-Anh, 22, 2379-2380

Ivanovska, Ivanka, 22, 2239

Pilotte, Ava, 22, 2181-2182

Rotimi, Debra, 22, 2335

Verrelli, Elena, 22, 2117

Palestine. See Government Motion

Palii, Neonila

Members' statements

Schott, 562

Paradise Landscape and in-Design

Lagassé, 838-839

Parc La Salle School

Members' statements

Cross, 63

Parc's Pantry program

Cross, 63

Park Community Centre

Members' statements

Simard, 949

Parks - provincial. See also Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Manitoba Parks Licence Plates)


Schmidt, 1385

Biodiversity protection

Schmidt, 1387

Budget 2024

Bereza, 1061

Jackson, 1186

Nesbitt, 1133, 1186-1187

Cabin owners, MOU with government

Nesbitt, 243

Schmidt, 243

Capital budget

Nesbitt, 1006

Schmidt, 1006-1007

Capital funding

Nesbitt, 1115-1116

Schmidt, 1115-1116

Capital investment inquiry

Nesbitt, 243

Schmidt, 243

Consultations re: Bill 211

Nesbitt, 1185-1186

Schuler, 1185

Creation of

Schmidt, 1387

Funding for strategy

Nesbitt, 1745-1746

Schmidt, 1745-1746

Indigenous consultations re: Bill 211

Dela Cruz, 1186

Nesbitt, 1186

Infrastructure investments

Nesbitt, 1184

Wowchuk, 1190

Investment in

Wowchuk, 268

Licence plates, promotion

Jackson, 1380

Licencing and passes, privatization

Brar, 1191

New designations

Wowchuk, 1189

Park passes and camping fees, price increase concerns

Nesbitt, 243

Schmidt, 244

Park passes and reservation services, privatization

Schmidt, 1385

Passes, affordability of

Brar, 1191

Privatization concerns

Cable, 1389

Oxenham, 1384

Public access

Oxenham, 1385

Services, quality of

Dela Cruz, 1185

Nesbitt, 1185

Specialty plates

Brar, 1191

Throne speech

Johnson, 220

Wowchuk, 268

Pembina Trails Collegiate

Pankratz, 155

Pemmican Island

Provincial park designation

Nesbitt, 1186

Pen and Paper

Jansens, Leo, retirement

Schmidt, 1245

Pension plans. See also Canada Pension Plan

Changes to (Manitoba)

Cook, 482

Personal-care homes

Budget 2024

Blashko, 1014

Devgan, 1124

Johnson, 1083

Cancellation of--Stonewall

Chen, 1105

Care hours, request for increase

Asagwara, 374-375

Lamoureux, 374

Construction inquiry--Winnipeg

Asagwara, 1352-1353

Lamoureux, 1352

Construction--Lac du Bonnet

Ewasko, 292, 789-790, 983

Sala, 790

Funding and nurse staffing concerns

Asagwara, 957

Johnson, 957

Hours of care, increase in

Blashko, 1014

Devgan, 1124

Throne speech

Johnson, 219


Amending The Winnipeg Foundation Act

Loiselle, 670

Carbon tax and rising food prices

Balcaen, 1579, 1889-1890

Bereza, 925, 1354-1355

Byram, 1355, 1790

Cook, 1219-1220

Hiebert, 1885-1886

Jackson, 1256

Johnson, 1533-1534, 1787-1788

Khan, 1536-1537

King, 1888

Narth, 1794-1795

Nesbitt, 1255, 1359-1360, 1753

Perchotte, 1887-1888

Wowchuk, 1792

Child welfare system-call for inquiry

Balcaen, 1792-1793

Bereza, 1794

Byram, 2338

Johnson, 1883

Narth, 1752

Stone, 1751-1752

Wharton, 1789

Child-welfare system-call for inquiry

Hiebert, 1851-1852

FortWhyte Alive

Hiebert, 1791-1792

Wharton, 1885

Hearing aids

Lamoureux, 73-74, 247-248, 478-479, 711-712, 1748-1749

Louise Bridge

Balcaen, 1852-1853

Byram, 1851

Cook, 1534-1535

Johnson, 1848-1849

Khan, 1582-1583, 1694-1695, 1790-1791

Narth, 2337-2338

Nesbitt, 1315, 1537-1538, 1849-1850

Perchotte, 1795

Medical assistance in dying and mental illness

Cook, 1316-1317, 1580, 1694, 1788-1789, 1884

Goertzen, 1356-1357, 1538, 1579-1580, 1754, 1789-1790

Guenter, 1316, 1357, 1580-1581, 1604, 1654, 1691, 1754, 1788, 1853, 1888-1889, 2337

Hiebert, 926-927, 1357-1358

Narth, 1854-1855

Piwniuk, 1755

Schuler, 1314-1315, 1360-1361, 1578-1579, 1602-1603, 1692-1693, 1793, 1853-1854, 1886, 2248-2249

Stone, 1796-1797, 1849, 1883-1884

Wharton, 1850-1851

Wowchuk, 1603-1604

MRI machine for Portage Regional Health Facility

Bereza, 1854, 1889, 2336-2337

Byram, 1749-1750

Personal health information

Schuler, 377

Provincial Trunk Highway 2

Jackson, 1690-1691, 1750-1751, 1795-1796, 1855-1856, 1887, 2192, 2339-2340

Johnson, 2192

Removal of federal carbon tax

Balcaen, 1354, 1534

Byram, 925-926, 1693

Cook, 926, 1355-1356

Ewasko, 778-779, 870, 958, 1219, 1254-1255, 1356, 1536, 1653-1654, 1691-1692, 1751, 1787, 1848, 1882-1883, 1945-1946, 2191-2192

Jackson, 927, 1358-1359, 1582-1583

Johnson, 1359

Khan, 1602

King, 1752

Narth, 1692

Nesbitt, 1220, 1693-1694, 1793-1794, 1884-1885

Perchotte, 1360, 1753, 1855, 2338

Stone, 1361

Removal of the federal carbon tax

Ewasko, 1081-1082

PhiBer Manufacturing

Members' statements

Piwniuk, 1244-1245

Philippine-Canadian Centre of Manitoba

Members' statements

Lamoureux, 408

Phoenix School

Expansion project

Cook, 989-990, 1569

Kinew, 1569-1570


Education and training

Ewasko, 982

Shortage--rural/northern Manitoba

Asagwara, 202-203

Kinew, 202

Lamoureux, 202-203

Piett, Don and Brenda

Members' statements

Guenter, 1681

Pitura Seeds

STARS fundraiser

Stone, 1042


Members' statements

Loiselle, 1977-1978

Point Douglas constituency

Community organizations

Smith, 967

Pointe du Bois Dam

Generator replacement

Ewasko, 291

Points of Order

P/O by Stefanson regarding a statement made by the Premier stating the budget for the Art, Culture and Sport in Community Fund was not made

Kinew, 477-478

Speaker ruled it was a dispute over the facts, not a point of order, 478

Stefanson, 477



Stone, 1319

Funding concerns in Budget 2024

Balcaen, 1844-1845

Wiebe, 1844-1845

Funding inquiry

Balcaen, 68-69

Wiebe, 68-69

Political parties

Election spending rebate

Ewasko, 2010-2011

Kinew, 2010-2011

Election spending rebate increase

Asagwara, 1839-1840

Ewasko, 1740-1741, 1779-1780, 1839-1840, 1981-1982

Kinew, 1740-1741, 1779-1780, 1981-1982

Rebate, government priorities

Ewasko, 1873-1874

Kinew, 1874-1875


Diversity in

Brar, 270-271

Kennedy, 254

Pollution crime

Hiebert, 1337

Portage District General Hospital. See Petitions

Portage la Prairie constituency

Bereza, 173

Health worker recruitment

Bereza, 1061

Highways and road maintenance

Bereza, 1062

Portage Learning and Literacy Centre

General comments

Bereza, 440

Members' statements

Bereza, 406-407

Post-secondary education. See also Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act

Budget 2024

Cable, 1021

Faith-based, attestation letters issued

Cable, 2125

Perchotte, 2125

Government overreach re: Bill 10

Perchotte, 1423

Sexual violence on campus

Cable, 1420

Sexual violence policies

Cable, 560

Sexual violence policies, consultations re: Bill 10

Cable, 1422

Lamoureux, 1424

Perchotte, 1421-1422

Schuler, 1422

Sexual violence policies, fine for failure to adhere

Cable, 1420, 1422

Cook, 1422

Perchotte, 1424

Sexual violence policies, person responsible to enforce

Cable, 1423

Schuler, 1423

Sexual violence policies, review requirement

Cable, 1420

Perchotte, 1423

Sexual violence policies, standardization

Lamoureux, 1424

Sexual violence policy requirement

Cable, 1420

Study permits for language programs

Cable, 1116-1117

Perchotte, 1116

Postpartum Depression Association of Manitoba

Kennedy, 253

Poverty and crime

Education levels

Altomare, 390

Poverty reduction

Adult education

Blashko, 400

Wasyliw, 397

Poverty Reduction Strategy

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Fontaine, 59-60

Power of the Purse, The

Members' statements

Hiebert, 1071-1072

Prairie Green Landfill. See Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)

Premier of Manitoba

Activities prior to being elected

Ewasko, 1507

Kinew, 1507

Fort Rouge constituency, crime rate

Ewasko, 1681-1682

Kinew, 1682-1683

Premier's office staff

Conflict concerns

Ewasko, 771

Kinew, 771-772

Prenatal care benefit

Government announcement

Fontaine, 1353

Lathlin, 1353

Prescription medication

Affordability for seniors

Lamoureux, 996

Pride month

Asagwara, 2321-2322

Lagassé, 2322-2323

Lamoureux, 2323

Primary Immunodeficiency Week

Members' statements

Jackson, 1344

Private post-secondary education

Foreign student revenue stream, private schools

Cable, 1746

Perchotte, 1746

Project labour agreements. See also Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Repeal Act

Apprenticeships and workforce diversity, provisions for

Marcelino, 573

Consultations re: Bill 7

Johnson, 573, 578-579

Marcelino, 573

EngageMB survey

Johnson, 579

Government construction projects and union dues

Johnson, 577

Reinstatement of

Dela Cruz, 1295

Loiselle, 1301

Request to repeal Bill 7

Balcaen, 575

Marcelino, 575

Tendering, impact on

Marcelino, 575

Wharton, 575

Union dues

Johnson, 580

Union dues, non-unionized workers

Marcelino, 575

Perchotte, 575

Unionization, does not require

Marcelino, 573

Property crime

Stone, 1319

Property taxes

Increase concerns

Cook, 991

Ewasko, 977

Goertzen, 1035-1036

Khan, 1007, 1015, 1599

Sala, 1007-1008, 1599-1600

Stone, 1054

Wowchuk, 1134-1135

School boards

Bereza, 1060

King, 1106

Narth, 1096

Prosecution services

Funding concerns

Balcaen, 975-976

Wiebe, 975-976

Protection for Persons in Care Office

Action plan update

Asagwara, 1312

Lamoureux, 1312

Case investigation backlog-timeline to clear

Asagwara, 1312

Lamoureux, 1312

Implementation of AG recommendations

Asagwara, 1313

Lamoureux, 1313

Provincial Court Amendment Act (Expanded Training for Judges and Judicial Justices of the Peace) (Bill 209)

1 R

Lamoureux, 963

2 R


Balcaen, 1286-1288

Fontaine, 1285-1286

Oxenham, 1288-1289

Opening statement

Lamoureux, 1281-1283


Balcaen, 1283

Cross, 1283-1285

Hiebert, 1283

Kennedy, 1283-1284

Lamoureux, 1283-1285

Perchotte, 1283, 1285

Provincial expenditures

Interim appropriation

Khan, 717-718

Sala, 717-718

Provincial finances

Balanced budget

Guenter, 723

Piwniuk, 795

Sala, 723

Borrowing and spending

Debt level concerns

Fontaine, 1528

Khan, 1017

Stone, 1527-1528

Ewasko, 979

Stone, 1053

Borrowing increase

Stone, 780

Borrowing inquiry

Ewasko, 703-704

Kinew, 703-704

Budget 2024

Schuler, 1129-1130

Capital expenditure amount

Khan, 715-716

Sala, 715-716

Credit rating downgrade concerns

Khan, 1524-1525

Kinew, 1525-1526

Credit rating update

Kennedy, 2017

Sala, 2017-2018

Debt forecast

Stone, 782

Debt servicing costs

Balcaen, 1024

Cook, 991

Ewasko, 978

Guenter, 733

Jackson, 1028

Stone, 780

Wowchuk, 1135

Debt to GDP

Maloway, 1091

Stone, 1053

Deficit forecast

Election campaign platform

Kinew, 414-415

Lamoureux, 414-415

Goertzen, 1035

Jackson, 1028

Stone, 736

Fiscal footprint

Wharton, 256

Forecast and tax increase concerns

Kinew, 408-409, 469-470

Stefanson, 408-409, 469-470

Former government, fiscal record

Devgan, 32

Sala, 32

Management concerns

Kinew, 281, 312

Schuler, 281, 312

MNP report

Khan, 799

Operating expenditures

Khan, 714, 718

Sala, 714, 718

Projected revenues

Guenter, 722

Sala, 722

Spending plans

Khan, 66-67

Kinew, 65-67

Stefanson, 65-66

Provincial Highway 227

Condition of

Bereza, 1062

Provincial Nominee Program

Apology request for Minister's comments

Byram, 1046

Cable, 1046

Application processing time

Byram, 1846-1847

Marcelino, 1847

Application processing times

Byram, 706-707, 1046-1047, 1121

Cable, 1047

Kinew, 1010

Lamoureux, 669, 1010

Marcelino, 669, 706-707, 1121

Backlog clearance

Byram, 1126

Budget to address application backlogs

Cable, 1010

Lamoureux, 1009

Call for independent investigation into Labour Minister

Ewasko, 1506, 1524

Fontaine, 1413-1414

Khan, 1445-1446

Kinew, 1506-1507, 1524

Moses, 1445-1447

Perchotte, 1407-1408, 1510

Simard, 1510

Stone, 1413-1414

Wiebe, 1407-1408

Call for labour minister to resign

Asagwara, 1442

Byram, 1443

Ewasko, 1442

Marcelino, 1443

Changes to draw criteria

Byram, 1569

Kinew, 1569

Marcelino, 1572-1573

Perchotte, 1572

Concern for applicants

Bereza, 1527

Kostyshyn, 1527

Fee, implementation of

Lamoureux, 997

Labour Minister's conduct, knowledge of

Asagwara, 1440-1441

Ewasko, 1440-1441, 1505-1506, 1523-1524

Kinew, 1506, 1524

Labour-specific draws

Byram, 1009

Cable, 1009

Meeting with applicants

Labour Minister's conduct

Byram, 1509

Marcelino, 1509-1510

Ministerial interference concerns

Asagwara, 1408-1409, 1441-1442, 1448

Byram, 1407, 1443

Cook, 1448-1449

Ewasko, 1441-1442

Johnson, 1408-1409

Kinew, 1448-1449

Marcelino, 1407, 1443

Newcomers right to protest

Altomare, 1445

Balcaen, 1443-1444

Jackson, 1445

Wiebe, 1444-1445

Nomination received and planned for 2024

Lamoureux, 709

Marcelino, 709

Non-postgraduate work permit holders

Byram, 1846, 1847

Marcelino, 1846, 1847

Number of applications processed

Byram, 1568-1569

Kinew, 1568-1569

Number of draws conducted

Byram, 1526

Marcelino, 1526-1527

Postgraduate work permit holders

Timeline for nomination letters

Lamoureux, 1938-1939

Marcelino, 1938-1939

Priority for expiring work permit applicants

Byram, 1008-1009, 1076-1077

Cable, 1009, 1010

Lamoureux, 1010

Marcelino, 1076-1077

Request for draw schedule

Ewasko, 1567-1568

Kinew, 1567-1568

Responsibility for and frequency of draws

Byram, 1406

Marcelino, 1406

Skilled worker and education stream

Byram, 1406

Marcelino, 1406

Staffing and application backlogs

Byram, 1009

Cable, 1009

Staffing, Budget 2024

Blashko, 1000

Pankratz, 995

Timeline for next draw

Asagwara, 1405-1406

Ewasko, 1405-1406

Provincial Parks Endowment Fund

Nesbitt, 225, 1184

Provincial Parks Infrastructure Renewal Strategy

Budget 2024

Nesbitt, 1132-1133

Provincial taxes

Affordability concerns

Khan, 704-705

Kinew, 704-705

Psychotherapy services

Regulation recommendation

Kinew, 282-283

Lamoureux, 56-57, 282

Public Accounts

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Sala, 60

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on. See also Public Accounts in Standing Committee on Public Accounts

First Report

Maloway, 15

Piwniuk, 497-498

Second Report

Maloway, 16

Third Report

Maloway, 16-17

Public Guardian and Trustee of Manitoba Special Operating Agency

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Naylor, 60

Public safety

Bail reform

Balcaen, 1596

Goertzen, 1171

Wiebe, 1596

Budget 2024

Byram, 1258

Ministerial statements

Balcaen, 2235-2236

Lamoureux, 2236

Wiebe, 2235

Public safety division

Program funding concerns

Lamoureux, 974

Wiebe, 974

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 21)

1 R

Altomare, 700

Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Repeal Act (Bill 7)

1 R

Marcelino, 497

2 R


Johnson, 576-580

Opening statement

Marcelino, 573


Balcaen, 574-575

Johnson, 573-575

Marcelino, 573-575

Perchotte, 574-575

Piwniuk, 576

Wharton, 574-575

Public Service Group Insurance Fund: Benefits Summary

Auditor's Report and Financial Statements April 30, 2023

Sala, 404

Public Utilities Board

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Sala, 60

Punjabi community

Sandhu, 769


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