Hansard: Index

SUBJECT INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


La Vérendrye constituency

Community events

Narth, 21

General comments

Narth, 93

Green Team funding

Narth, 1936-1937

Wiebe, 1936-1937

Growth in

Narth, 1225

Highway and road upgrades

Narth, 276

Naylor, 276


Non-unionized workers and small business

Byram, 973

Marcelino, 973-974

Moses, 973

Replacement workers (Throne speech)

Lamoureux, 58, 76

Replacement workers, legislation preventing

Kinew, 475

Lamoureux, 58, 76, 474-475

Marcelino, 475

Shortage and adult literacy

Bereza, 440

Stone, 437

Support for

Loiselle, 1301-1302

Throne speech

Moyes, 217

Labour and Immigration Department

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Marcelino, 60

Supplement to the Estimates of Expenditure 2024-2025

Marcelino, 1110

Labour legislation

House rules and Minister's comments

Byram, 866

Marcelino, 866

Labour Minister. See Provincial Nominee Program

Labour Relations Amendment Act

Request to call Bill 37 to committee

Byram, 1685

Marcelino, 1685

Labour shortage

Immigration certificates issued (2023)

Lamoureux, 668

Marcelino, 668-669

Northern Manitoba

Bereza, 526

Lac du Bonnet constituency

General comments

Ewasko, 289-292

Members' statements

Ewasko, 2378

Personal-care home

Ewasko, 292, 789-790, 983

Sala, 790

Lac du Bonnet Lions Club

Ewasko, 101

Lacrosse. See Angus, Alexander; Angus, Sam

Lagimodiére constituency

Blashko, 222

Lake Winnipeg

Nutrient target regulations, timeline to implement

Lamoureux, 2246-2247

Schmidt, 2247

Sewage spill (2002)

Johnson, 756

Watershed-based approach needed

Nesbitt, 752

Lakeside constituency

General comments

King, 261

Highway 227 paving project, timeline for

King, 1050

Naylor, 1050

Landscaping. See Members' statements under Barkman, Troy

Langford, Brian "Woody"

Members' statements

Nesbitt, 1872-1873

Lathlin-Bercier, Austin

Members' statement

Lathlin, 767-768

Law Society of Manitoba

Change to French name

Wiebe, 1435

Lazaruk, Grant

Members' statements

Nesbitt, 813

Le Centre culturel franco-manitobain

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Simard, 60

Learning disabilities

Adult literacy programs

Cable, 327-328

Hiebert, 327

Legal Aid Manitoba

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Wiebe, 97

Budget 2024

Balcaen, 1023

Legislative Affairs, Standing Committee on

Fifth report

Blashko, 2367-2370

First Report

Dela Cruz, 498-499

Fourth report

Kennedy, 1831-1832

Second Report

Dela Cruz, 501

Third report

Sandhu, 1040-1041

Legislative Assembly Management Commission

Annual report March 31, 2024

Lindsey, 1243

Appointment of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Lindsey, 14

Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Decorum in the chamber

Perchotte, 1088

Louis Riel portrait

Loiselle, 646

Request to call estimates

Jackson, 1881-1882

Kinew, 1882

School tours

Devgan, 542

Staff acknowledgements

Byram, 87

Tyndall stone used in construction

Ewasko, 442, 443

Narth, 443, 447

Pankratz, 443

Legislative Internship Program

Foxton, Robyn, 22

Martin, Emily Diane, 22

Nyakiir, Ella-Shadi, 22

Pauls Harder, Nicholas, 22

Plant, Donald, 2222

Willms, Kayla, 22

Legislative session

Child care, education and health care

Government management record

Goertzen, 288

Kinew, 288-289

Les Suites Marion

Mixed-use affordable housing

Loiselle, 102

LGBTQI2S+ community. See also Change of Name Amendment Act (2); Transgender Day of Remembrance

Pride month

Asagwara, 2321-2322

Lagassé, 2322-2323

Lamoureux, 2323

Li Pchi Pwayson

Early childhood education centre

Altomare, 656

Licence plates. See also Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Manitoba Parks Licence Plates)

Provincial park plates, support for

Jackson, 1380-1381

Provincial park promotion

Jackson, 1380

Licence Suspension Appeal Board. See Highway Traffic Amendment Act

Lido Theatre Fire

Members' statements

Lathlin, 1111-1112

Limestone quarries

Narth, 540

Limited liability. See Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act

Linden Woods constituency

Holiday celebrations

Khan, 467-468

Liquor sales

Private vendor profits

Narth, 1096

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Wiebe, 97

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 34)

1 R

Wiebe, 1521

2 R


Balcaen, 2106-2107

Opening statement

Wiebe, 2103-2104


Balcaen, 2104-2106

Wharton, 2104-2106

Wiebe, 2104-2106

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Balcaen, 2399-2400

Wiebe, 2399


Neville, 2414

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Expanding Liquor Retail) (Bill 213)

1 R

Wharton, 1641

2 R


Brar, 1720-1721

Cable, 1722

Ewasko, 1721-1722

Narth, 1718-1720

Simard, 1717-1718

Opening statement

Wharton, 1713-1715


Balcaen, 1716

Kennedy, 1715-1717

King, 1716

Narth, 1715, 1717

Wharton, 1715-1717


Crime reduction

Bereza, 524

Demographics that need

Bereza, 524

Labour productivity

Bereza, 523

Khan, 532-533

Social benefits

Bereza, 524

Types of

Bereza, 524-525

Khan, 533


Cost to heat barns and carbon tax

Bereza, 901

Llanillos, Mateo

Members' statements

Oxenham, 2376

Lockport Community Development Group

Members' statements

Perchotte, 967-968

Lockport Ice Fishing Village

Perchotte, 967

Long-term care

Budget increase inquiry

Asagwara, 307

Johnson, 306-307

Operating funding

Asagwara, 1785

Lamoureux, 1785

Lopez Gomez, Alba

Members' statements

Oxenham, 2376

Lott, Kadriana and Colton

Members' statements

Johnson, 2115-2116

Louis Riel Act (Bill 2)

1 R

Kinew, 59

2 R


Blashko, 149-151

Cross, 151

Johnson, 147-149

Lamoureux, 146-147

Moses, 151-152

Stefanson, 144-146

Opening statement

Kinew, 141-142


Ewasko, 143

Johnson, 142-143

Kinew, 142-144

Lamoureux, 142

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Kinew, 430-431

Loiselle, 431-434


Neville, 494

Louis Riel Day

Blashko, 150-151

Louis Riel School Division

Indigenous Education Team

Cross, 2178-2179

Louise Bridge. See also Petitions

Maloway, 1092

Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.

Licence extension

Kinew, 1513-1514

Moses, 1513

Wowchuk, 1513

Low Carbon Economy Fund

Bilateral agreement with federal government

Schmidt, 1058

Lylyk, Hudson

Members' statements

Altomare, 303

Lymphedema Awareness Day

Members' statements

Ewasko, 506

Lyric, Ethan

Members' statements

Moyes, 1209-1210


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