Hansard: Index

SUBJECT INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Bai, Baljot

Members' statements

Schmidt, 836-837

Bail monitoring unit

Timeline for launch

Ewasko, 662-663

Kinew, 662-663

Bail reform

Budget 2024

Goertzen, 1034

Government intention

Balcaen, 566-567

Ewasko, 564-565

Kinew, 564-567

Government position

Balcaen, 286

Wiebe, 286

Implementation timeline

Balcaen, 1984-1985

Wiebe, 1984-1985

NDP election platform

Khan, 1239

Public safety

Balcaen, 1596

Goertzen, 1171

Wiebe, 1596

Release of dangerous offender

Balcaen, 1114-1115

Kinew, 1114-1115

Request for plan to address

Balcaen, 197

Kinew, 197-198

Timeline for

Ewasko, 982

Violent/repeat offenders, five-point plan

Oxenham, 710

Wiebe, 710

Bannack Babes Collective

Members' statements

Blashko, 2180-2181

Bardelli, Marcos

Members' statements

Kostyshyn, 661-662

Barkman, Troy

Members' statements

Lagassé, 838-839

Bear Clan Patrol

Byram, 1240

Beardy, Billy

Members' statements

Redhead, 1112-1113

Beausejour Lions Club

Wharton, 101

Beauvais, Richard. See Government Statement

Bebbington, David

Members' statements

Balcaen, 2114-2115

Bethesda Regional Health Centre


Goertzen, 1034

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Members' statements

Bereza, 1208

Bilal Community and Family Centre

Members' statements

Brar, 1504


Adult Literacy Act (Bill 5)

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 10)

An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office

Asian Heritage Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 212)

Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 37)

Captured Carbon Storage Act (Bill 31)

Celebration of Nigerian Independence Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 22)

Celebration of Philippine Independence Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 218)

Change of Name Amendment Act (2) (Bill 23)

Change of Name Amendment Act (3) (Bill 33)

Child and Family Services (Indigenous Jurisdiction and Other Amendments) (Bill 38)

Community Child Care Standards Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Community Foundation Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 202)

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Drivers and Vehicles Amendment Act (Manitoba Parks Licence Plates) (Bill 211)

Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 13)

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 9)

Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Orange Shirt Day) (Bill 4)

Firefighters Recognition Day Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 200)

Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Fuel Tax Holiday) (Bill 3)

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 20)

Interim Appropriation Act, 2024 (Bill 25)

Islamic Heritage Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 207)

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 34)

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Expanding Liquor Retail) (Bill 213)

Louis Riel Act (Bill 2)

Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Manitoba Emblems Amendment Act (Provincial Stone) (Bill 201)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Net-Metering Agreements) (Bill 214)

Manitoba Small Business Month Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 216)

Men's Mental Health Awareness Week Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 217)

Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2024 (Bill 14)

Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act (Bill 203)

Provincial Court Amendment Act (Expanded Training for Judges and Judicial Justices of the Peace) (Bill 209)

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 21)

Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Repeal Act (Bill 7)

Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (Bill 36)

Regulatory Accountability Reporting Act and Amendments to The Statutes and Regulations Act (Bill 16)

Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (Bill 8)

Statutes and Regulations Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Bill 11)

Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility Act (Commemoration of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended) (Bill 208)

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended) (Bill 30)

Winnipeg Foundation Amendment Act (Bill 300)

Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Bill 17)

Bills Intimate Image Protection Amendment Act (Distribution of Fake Intimate Images) (Bill 24)

Birchwood Terrace

Members' statements

Oxenham, 2325-2326

Bird flu

Outbreak prevention plan

Bereza, 1046

Kostyshyn, 1046

Birth control

Universal access

Asagwara, 285

Cross, 1026

Kennedy, 284-285

Bison Regional Science Fair


Blashko, 1930-1931

Zebra mussel research project

Schmidt, 836-837

Black Bear Rescue Manitoba

Government support inquiry

Moses, 2122-2123

Wowchuk, 2122-2123

Black History Month


Moses, 548

Blue Thunderbird Family Care

Members' statements

Fontaine, 1871

Board-Aire Community Centre

Sala, 193-194

Body Armour and Fortified Vehicle Control Amendment Act (Bill 29)

1 R

Wiebe, 1039

2 R


Balcaen, 2002-2004

Opening statement

Wiebe, 1999


Balcaen, 1999-2001

Johnson, 2001-2002

Narth, 2000-2002

Wiebe, 1999-2002

Wowchuk, 2000-2001

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Wiebe, 2396


Neville, 2414

Boissevain, Manitoba

Drug seizure

Stone, 1321

Booth University College

Funding concerns

Cable, 2126

Perchotte, 2125-2126

Borovich, Vanessa

Members' statements

Khan, 63-64

Boundary Trails Health Centre

Number of beds available

Asagwara, 1250

Hiebert, 1250

Brandon Health Checks

Members' statements

Balcaen, 1739

Brandon Manitoba. See also City of Brandon

Agriculture investments, Budget 2024

Simard, 1066

Downtown community safety patrol

Balcaen, 663-664

Kinew, 663-664

Health care investments

Simard, 1066

MMF housing unit

Stefanson, 145

Road conditions

Balcaen, 1024

Road repair concerns

Balcaen, 1049

Naylor, 1049-1050

School construction

Jackson, 1391

School divisions and universities, funding

Balcaen, 1211-1212

Kinew, 1211-1212

School expansion

Altomare, 1049

Jackson, 1049

Brandon Police Service

Electric bicycles

Balcaen, 1165

Brandon Sobering Centre

Hiebert, 1100

Brandon University

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Cable, 17

Medical seat expansion

Cable, 1019

Brandon, Terry

Members' statements

Johnson, 278

Breast cancer screening

Request to lower age 40

Asagwara, 2385-2386

Cook, 2385

Request to lower age to 40

Asagwara, 2243-2244

Cook, 2243-2244, 2327-2328

Kinew, 2328-2329

Bridge of Hope Ukraine

Cook, 279

Bridges. See also Specific bridges

Arlington Bridge closure

Repair or replacement inquiry

Bushie, 287

Guenter, 287

Bridge replacement--Selkirk

Timeline for reconstruction

Naylor, 281

Perchotte, 281

Brooklands Active Living Centre

Members' statements

Marcelino, 661

Budget 2024


Sala, 959-962

Affordability measures

Byram, 1125

Loiselle, 1301

Simard, 1065

Stone, 1053

Agriculture industry

Brar, 1098

Agriculture investments--Brandon Manitoba

Simard, 1066

Agriculture programs

Oxenham, 1038

Amateur sport

Simard, 1065


Ewasko, 986

Amendment vote, 1140

Arts/culture sector

Cross, 1079

Simard, 1064, 1079

Bail reform

Goertzen, 2034

Building Sustainable Communities

Byram, 1127

Jackson, 1028

Johnson, 1067

King, 1106-1107

Nesbitt, 1132

CFS agencies

Fontaine, 1078-1079

Lamoureux, 1078-1079

CFS child protection funding

Fontaine, 1079

Lamoureux, 1079

Chief Medical Examiner's office

Funding for staffing

Hiebert, 1078, 1218, 1313-1314

Smith, 1078, 1218

Wiebe, 1313-1314

Child care

Blashko, 1000

Brar, 1099

Chen, 1105

Cook, 990

Cross, 1026

Pankratz, 994

Stone, 1054

Children in care, supports for

Fontaine, 921-922

Lamoureux, 921

Class sizes

Khan, 970-971

Sala, 970-971

Community organizations

Lagassé, 1155-1156

Simard, 1156

Community safety

Ewasko, 985

Kinew, 1139

King, 1122

Lamoureux, 998

Perchotte, 1089

Community supportive living (seniors)

Asagwara, 1249-1250

Johnson, 1249

Correctional services

Balcaen, 1023

Criminal Intelligence Centre funding

Goertzen, 1172

Criminal Property Forfeiture Unit

Khan, 1238

Lagassé, 1328


Balcaen, 1022-1025

Bereza, 1060-1063

Blashko, 999-1000, 1013-1015

Brar, 1097-1099

Byram, 1125-1127

Cable, 1019-1022

Chen, 1103-1105

Cook, 989-993

Cross, 1025-1027

Dela Cruz, 1127-1129

Devgan, 1123-1125

Ewasko, 977-985

Goertzen, 1033-1036

Hiebert, 1099-1103

Jackson, 1027-1031

Johnson, 1066-1068, 1082-1083

Khan, 1015-1019

Kinew, 1136-1140

King, 1105-1107, 1122-1123

Lamoureux, 995-999

Loiselle, 1083-1087

Maloway, 1091-1093

Moroz, 986-989

Moyes, 1031-1033

Narth, 1093-1097

Nesbitt, 1130-1133

Oxenham, 1036-1038, 1052

Pankratz, 993-995

Perchotte, 1087-1091

Schmidt, 1055-1060

Schuler, 1129-1130

Simard, 1063-1066

Stone, 1053-1055

Wowchuk, 1133-1136

Disability support worker wages

Fontaine, 2018

Stone, 2018

Early childhood educators, salary increase

Moyes, 1033

Early learning and child care

Altomare, 1011

Kennedy, 1010-1011

Economic growth concerns

Goertzen, 1035-1036

Khan, 1017

Stone, 1053

Education funding

Byram, 1127

Chen, 1396-1397

Ewasko, 983

Jackson, 1029

Simard, 1064

Wowchuk, 1134

Education property tax, increase concerns

Khan, 970-971

Sala, 970-971

Electric vehicle rebate

Chen, 1104

Cross, 1026

Moyes, 1033

Schmidt, 1057

Environmental initiatives

Schmidt, 1058

Fertility treatment tax credit

Blashko, 1014

Cross, 1026

Oxenham, 1037

French language education

Jackson, 1029

Loiselle, 1086

Simard, 1065

Health care

Cable, 1019

Cross, 1027

Kinew, 1137

Loiselle, 1086-1087

Moroz, 988

Oxenham, 1037, 1052

Health-care education and training

Loiselle, 1087

Moroz, 988

Health-care staffing

Byram, 1125

Chen, 1103

Cook, 991-992

Devgan, 1124

Kinew, 1137

Loiselle, 1086

Moroz, 988

Moyes, 1031-1032

Heat pump program

Schmidt, 1058

Highway and road repairs

Guenter, 1008, 1050

Naylor, 1008, 1050

Nesbitt, 1131

Home repairs, maintenance for seniors

Asagwara, 1352

Lamoureux, 1352

Homeowner affordability tax credit

Chen, 1104

Cross, 1026

Devgan, 1124

Khan, 1016

Kinew, 1139

Pankratz, 994

Schmidt, 1059

Income and property taxes

Ewasko, 949-950

Kinew, 950


Bereza, 1062

Devgan, 1124

Ewasko, 984

Jackson, 1030-1031

King, 1122

Narth, 971-972, 1094

Naylor, 971-972

Schmidt, 1057

Stone, 1054

Wowchuk, 1133-1134

International Peace Garden

Piwniuk, 1152-1153

Simard, 1152-1153

Justice services

Wharton, 1333

Legal aid

Balcaen, 1023

Legal services

Balcaen, 1023

Mental health and addiction treatment services

Fontaine, 1047

Hiebert, 1100-1101, 1878-1879

Lamoureux, 1047

Smith, 1878-1879

Minor injury clinic

Loiselle, 1087

Oxenham, 1052

MMIWG2S+ protection strategies

Cross, 1026-1027


Bushie, 1574

Khan, 1018

King, 1106

Moroz, 1574

Narth, 1096

Natural disaster funding

King, 1123

NDP election platform

Ewasko, 968-969

Kinew, 968-969

Northern Manitoba

Oxenham, 1038, 1052

Parks, capital budget

Bereza, 1061

Jackson, 1186, 2030

Nesbitt, 1133, 1186-1187

Personal-care homes

Blashko, 1014

Devgan, 1124

Johnson, 1083

PNP staffing

Blashko, 1000

Pankratz, 995

Police funding

Balcaen, 1844-1845

Wiebe, 1844-1845

Post-secondary education

Cable, 1021

Prenatal benefit

Blashko, 1014

Moyes, 1032

Property tax increase

Cook, 991

Ewasko, 977

Narth, 1096

Prosecution services

Balcaen, 1023

Provincial finances

Schuler, 1129-1130

Provincial Parks Infrastructure Renewal Strategy

Nesbitt, 1132-1133

Public safety

Byram, 1258

Public safety--rural Manitoba

Balcaen, 1023-1024

RAAM clinics

Hiebert, 1101

Recreational facilities

Simard, 1066

Renters tax credit

Chen, 1104

Cross, 1026

Pankratz, 994

Safe consumption site

Cross, 1026

School construction

Altomare, 972-973

Byram, 1127

Cross, 1025

Jackson, 972-973, 1390, 2030

School nutrition program

Chen, 1105

Oxenham, 1037

Security system rebate

Bereza, 1061

Chen, 1104

Cook, 990

Cross, 1026, 1253

Goertzen, 1034-1035

Maloway, 1091

Oxenham, 1037

Perchotte, 1089

Wiebe, 1253

Senior citizens

Cook, 992

Moroz, 989

Senior citizens, day programs

Lamoureux, 996

Small business

Chen, 1105

Cook, 990

Khan, 1016

Stone, 1053

Social and affordable housing

Brar, 1099

Cross, 1026

Hiebert, 1101-1102

Kinew, 1139

Oxenham, 1037

Tax bracket increase

Sala, 413-414

Stone, 413-414

Transitional housing for seniors

Moroz, 987

Victim Services funding

Stone, 1319

Vote, 1141

Water infrastructure

Jackson, 1028-1029

Schmidt, 1057

Wildfire fighting

Ewasko, 1778-1780

Kinew, 1778-1780

Youth mental health strategy

Fontaine, 1047-1048, 1412

Lamoureux, 1047, 1412

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act

Fuel tax, authority to raise

Khan, 2244-2245

Sala, 2244-2245

Labour legislation, request to call Bill 37 to committee

Byram, 1650-1651, 1685

Marcelino, 1650-1651, 1685

Request to call Bill 37 to committee

Ewasko, 1644-1645

Khan, 1683-1684, 2119-2120, 2185-2186

Kinew, 1644-1645

Sala, 1684, 2119-2120, 2185-2186

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 37)

1 R

Sala, 1586

2 R


Devgan, 2151-2152

Goertzen, 2136-2143

Johnson, 2135-2136

Khan, 2145-2151

Wasyliw, 2143-2145

Opening statement

Sala, 2128-2131


Byram, 2132-2134

Johnson, 2132

Khan, 2132-2135

Nesbitt, 2132

Sala, 2132-2135

Building Sustainable Communities

Application delays

Bushie, 569-570

King, 569-570

Budget 2024

Byram, 1127

Jackson, 1028

Johnson, 1067

Nesbitt, 1132

Fund, request to restore funding

Bushie, 1743-1744

King, 1743-1744

Funding levels

Bushie, 1601-1602

King, 1601-1602

Future of grant

Bushie, 607-608

Cook, 182

Guenter, 734

King, 607

General comments

Cook, 992

Municipal projects

Piwniuk, 797

Organizations funded

Byram, 1127

Johnson, 1067-1068, 1082-1083

King, 1106

Nesbitt, 1132

Bureau l'éducation française

Assistant Deputy Minister, re-establishment of

Altomare, 183

General comments

Loiselle, 40

Reinstatement of

Loiselle, 1399

Burrows constituency

Brar, 271

Recognizing youth leaders

Brar, 2089

Bushel Plus

Oxenham, 555

Bushie, Burma

Members' statements

Bushie, 701-702

Business investment

Throne speech

Stone, 79

Buy America initiative

Maloway, 1093


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