Community Living Options for Individuals Residing at Manitoba Developmental Centre
The Manitoba government in partnership with Community Living Manitoba (CLM) and People First of Canada (PFC) developed this guide to help residents who live at the Manitoba Developmental Centre (MDC), their families and substitute decision makers learn about community living options.

Download Community Living Options for Individuals Residing at Manitoba Developmental Centre (PDF)
1.56 MB, 12 pages
October 2021
Video Resources
The following links to videos may also help you understand what living in the community is like:
Videos from Manitoba
- Living in the Community
Manitoba Families
This 12-minute video shares examples of community living. - A Video about the Law for Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability
Manitoba Families
This 12-minute video outlines important aspects of the legislation and was made to help adults living with an intellectual disability understand the Act and how it may be applied.
Additional Videos about Community Living (Outside Manitoba)
Below are three additional videos, two of which show the stories of two people who transitioned from a developmental centre to community living in Ontario. While programs and services outside of Manitoba may differ, these videos provide more insight into living in the community.
- Unforgettable Lorraine
Video and description: Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Lorianne, who is deafblind, has been able to build on the experiences she had at the Rideau Regional Centre and is now thriving with the new opportunities and supports she is receiving in the community.
- Craig’s Story
Video and description: Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Craig, a former resident of the Southwestern Regional Centre for people with a developmental disability, now lives independently in an apartment that is attached to a 24-hour support home operated by Community Living Essex.
- Creating Home: The Story of Bert and Albert Part 1 and Part 2
Video and description: Brampton Caledon Community Living, hosted on YouTube
Albert and Bert show that community living has no age limits.
For more information about community living options for residents who live at the MDC, contact staff at one of these locations:
25 Tupper Street North
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
R1N 3K1
Phone: 204-239-3092
Toll free: 1-866-513-2185
Fax: 204-239-3198
For other service locations in Manitoba, go to: and click on Rural and Northern or Winnipeg.
840 – 3rd Street N.E.
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
R1N 3C6
Phone: 204-856-4200
6 – 120 Maryland Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 1L1
Phone: 204-786-1607
Fax: 204-789-9850