Mines (Regulatory)
Conservation FAQs Regarding Quarrying
1. Are maps available for gravel pit locations and aggregate information?
Maps of known aggregate locations (gravel pits /quarries) are available from the Aggregate Section of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation. Please contact Craig Drimes, Manager of the Aggregate Section, Materials Engineering Branch at 204-226-7846 or email AggregateSection@gov.mb.ca
2. Do I require a Work Permit in addition to a CQP or QL?
Yes, all aggregate extraction activity authorized under a Casual Quarry Permit (CQP) or Quarry Lease (QL), will require valid CQP or QL, in addition to the issuance of a Crown Lands Work Permit. The CQP / QL is the authority to remove aggregate from a Crown source, while the Work Permit is the authority that authorizes the activity to occur on the surface of the Crown parcel.
3. Who do I contact for information regarding a Work Permit?
Contact the Crown Land Specialist or the Regional /District Conservation Office is for information pertaining to the issuance and information required for a Work Permit application.
All enquiries pertaining to Work Permits (including information enquiries related to the work permit application status/update or any other referral or amendment information) should be directed to Manitoba Conservation staff only, and not to Mineral Resources staff.
Where new pits or quarries are being planned, contact with the Crown Land Specialist is recommended.
For questions regarding a particular region, contact the local Crown Land Specialist.
4. How and where do I apply for a work permit for a CQP or QL?
You can download a Work Permit here.
5. What are some common conditions of a Work Permit for an existing aggregate source?
Each location will have its own unique set of working conditions that will be identified on the Crown Lands Work Permit. There is a standard set of conditions that are applied to each Work Permit dependent upon the nature of the work being proposed. Additional comments may be applied to the Work Permit at the discretion of the Crown Land Specialist, due to specific site characteristics, identified ecological values, or other ongoing Government program initiatives that need to be respected and protected.
Common examples of Work Permit conditions:
- A restriction/limitation to where in the quarter section a contractor is authorized to extract aggregate from (i.e., legal subdivision restrictions), extraction of aggregate limited to the LSD 1 of the SE quarter only).
- Aggregate extraction activity is limited to the pre-existing or pre-cleared areas of the developed pit or quarry area only.
- All/any pit expansion activity will require additional authorization from the Regional Forester where timber resource values will be impacted by the site preparation activity.
- The area has been identified to contain and support endangered species and will require contact with the Regional Wildlife Manager, prior to aggregate extraction activity to address species mitigation requirements.
- The area has been identified as being near an existing proposed protected area. Discretion of work activity and assessed level of impact may be limited or restricted (e.g., no further expansion westerly from existing pit face).
6. What are some common conditions of a Work Permit for development /establishment of a new aggregate source?
In addition to the standard set of conditions that will be applied to each Work Permit the following information is also required and should be forwarded to the Crown Land Specialist as part of the Work Permit application:
- An orthomap (photomap) is recommended but a sketch or drawing of the pit location with respect to the quarter section outline will also suffice. The information; as part of the sketch will need to include the physical location or siting of the proposed pit/quarry, all access routes in and out of the working area, material stockpiling areas (where/if applicable), equipment storage areas (where/if applicable), location of all surface water features (creeks, rivers, lakes, marsh/wetland areas etc.) within close proximity to the proposed working areas or access roads, and the location of stockpiled overburden piles is required and labelled on the sketch or map for future pit rehabilitation purposes.
- A timber management plan or an agreed-too timber resource accommodation may be required to address how impacted timber resources will be managed and accounted for. Contact with the Regional Forester prior to any onsite preparation activity; including trail or access development, is required and should be part of the information package forwarded to the Crown Land Specialist.
- Where surface water issues are known to occur in regards to the pit/quarry development or access road establishment, a surface water management plan/strategy may be requested by the Regional Water Resource Manager.
- Specific conditions pertaining to Wildlife may also be applied or become part of the Work Permit. Some conditions may require the contractor to adhere to applicable wildlife mitigation requirements that have been identified by the Regional Wildlife Manager (e.g., time of year operation, site preparation limitations, site remediation requirements post extraction). Various species of wildlife (flora and fauna) have been provided protection under legislation such as The Wildlife Act and Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act. The reach of protection under these Acts may include the protection of habitat in which the listed species live and occupy. There are severe consequences and /or penalties for violations under theses applicable Government Acts.
- Site remediation or progressive rehabilitation planning may also be requested as a requirement of the Work Permit. All proposed or directed rehabilitation plans require authorization from the Mines Inspectors.
Pit Plan/Sketch Example
7. How long does it take to issue a Work Permit?
A work permit for new pits may take up to two weeks to be reviewed by Manitoba Conservation staff. This period may be extended depending on the level of impact on other resource values such as timber or wildlife. Additional information from the proponent may be required in order to accurately and appropriately evaluate any potential impacts leading to additional wait times.
For existing pits, the Work Permit can be issued in a few days subject to the contractor having all the required information available (Work Permit application filled incorrectly, valid CQP or Quarry Lease, applicable timber permits etc.). It is also recommended to call the District Office ahead of time to arrange for a time to pick up the approved Work Permit.
8. Can I apply for a Work Permit at the same time as applying for a CQP or QL?
Yes, a work permit can be applied for at the same time as applying for a CQP or Quarry Lease. Please note that the final work permit will not be approved until such time as the contractor has been provided and can present his valid CQP or Quarry Lease. A copy of the valid CQP is required to be presented to the Conservation Officer at the time the Work Permit is issued.
9. Can I resolve the conditions of my Work Permit prior to my CQP or QL being issued?
Yes, you can resolve all conditions of your Work Permit prior to the issuing of your CQP or QL, however your Work Permit will not be issued until you have a valid CQP or QL number.
10. Do I require a Work Permit while working in a Provincial Forest?
Yes, you are required to obtain a valid Work Permit when working in a Provincial Forest. Any impacts to timber resources within a Provincial Forest or Forest Licence Area will be subject to a timber damage appraisal being assessed by the Regional Forester.
The Regional Forester may also request the contractor to obtain or apply for a Timber Permit (available from Regional or District CWS Office) in addition to the Work Permit, at his discretion, in order to place specific timber accommodations relevant to the working area.
Any large scale timber removal as a result of site preparation activity (clearing/stripping) requires pre-authorization from the Regional Forester. These pre-authorizations will generally be notified to the contractor in advance or as a condition on the Work Permit. The Regional Forester may provide alternative options for managing or salvaging any impacted timber resource.
11. Do I require a Crown Lands Work Permit while working in a Provincial Park?
No, a Crown Lands Work Permit is not required when working/extracting aggregate in a Provincial Park, however a Park Permit issued by the appropriate Park District Office is required and will be issued by the District Park Supervisor – or designate, at their discretion. The Park Permit can be applied for at any Regional or District Conservation Office.
12. Do I require a Work Permit while working in a Wildlife Management Area?
Yes, you are required to obtain a valid Work Permit when working in a Wildlife Management Area where aggregate extraction activity has been approved by the Wildlife Branch.
All new pit/quarry development or establishment in a Wildlife Management Area will require a Wildlife Management Area Use Permit, in addition to the Crown Lands Work Permit. Please note that the Wildlife Management Area Use Permit is issued by and at the discretion of the Director of Wildlife Branch. No Crown Lands Work Permit will be issued without a valid Wildlife Management Area Use Permit being issued first.
All large scale aggregate excavations (e.g., >20,000 tonnes) from an existing gravel pit /quarry within a Wildlife Management Area, may be subject to additional review and restrictive conditions at the discretion of the Regional Wildlife Manager.
13. How do I know if I am working in a Provincial Park, Wildlife Management Area or Provincial Park?
It is up to the contractor to know if the planned work activity will impact designated (Provincial Park, Wildlife Management Area or Provincial Forest) Crown lands. To help ensure that the appropriate / applicable permits are obtained and authorizations are received the following resources are available to the contractor:
- Government of Manitoba – Data Manitoba
- Government of Manitoba – Map Gallery
- Google Earth
- Government of Manitoba – Parks
- Government of Manitoba – Wildlife
The above sources contain data sets that can also be used to compile Pit Plans for new aggregate source establishment. Many of the websites above have air photo review capability that can be printed off, edited or exported to digital or hardcopy formats to develop pit plans that are required for work permit information.
Manitoba Conservation Regional and District Offices can also provide information and boundary delineation on designated Crown lands.
14. Do I require a Work Permit for a borrow pit as borrow pits do not require CQP’s?
Yes, a Crown Lands Work Permit is required when working/extracting aggregate from a borrow pit that is located off of the MIT Right-of-Way and on adjacent Crown land. Contractors should be aware that a list of proposed borrow pit areas to be used or developed in conjunction with an MIT tender/project should be forwarded to the Crown Land Specialist at least 2-weeks prior to commencement of any site preparation work for review. Corresponding Work Permit applications should be forwarded to the Crown Land Specialist or Conservation District Office with respect to all/any of the approved borrow site locations.
15. Do I require a Work Permit to remove material from a stock pile site?
Yes and No. Generally you will not be required to apply for a Work Permit for removal of material from an existing stockpile site. However, depending on the location of the stockpile and other site specific conditions a work permit may be required. You will be notified by Manitoba Conservation (email) when a work permit is required in those circumstances. The work permit requirements may be a result of haul road conditions, site clean-up requirements or time-of-year restrictions due to wildlife concerns etc.
16. Do I require a Work Permit when I am working on an MIT project?
Yes, a Crown Lands Work Permit is required if your activity will involve or impact Crown lands that are not part of, or are located off or outside the MIT Right-of-Way.
If you are working within the MIT R-O-W, typically no Crown Lands Work Permit will be required, unless directed by MIT or Manitoba Conservation. If you are unsure if the area of work is located off or on the MIT R-O-W please contact the MIT Project Supervisor or the Crown Land Specialist to verify.
For new quarry / pit establishments that are located within the MIT R-O-W, with the intention of being part of the new road bed once completed, a Work Permit may be required. Manitoba Conservation, at its discretion may require conditions to address site specific conditions to address and mitigate for cumulative impacts to provincial resources. You will be notified by the Crown Land Specialist of Manitoba Conservation (via email) where and when these situations will occur.
17. When and how will I be notified of my conditions of my Work Permit?
Once your Work Permit application has been received, Manitoba Conservation will review the information and provide conditions that are applicable. You will be notified by Manitoba Conservation staff by phone, fax or email when your Permit is ready to be picked up at the Conservation District Office. It is recommended to phone ahead to ensure a Conservation Officer will be available to issue the Work Permit and witness your signature. It is recommended that you review the attached working conditions that will be applied.
You are welcome to check on the status of your Work Permit application; or provide amendments to your plan at any time by contacting the District Office or the Crown Land Specialist. Please refrain from contacting Mines and Mineral Resource staff as they will not be able to provide any information or status update on the Work Permit application.
You may also receive a notification (email/phone message) from Lands Branch of Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship of specific Work Permit conditions that will be placed on the work permit by department staff. This notification is a result of a departmental review of the Casual Quarry Permit application that has been circulated by Mines and Mineral Resources. This advance notice is designed to ensure you are aware of all the required information you will need to apply for the work permit. The intent of this notification process is to speed up and enhance the application review period.
18. Who are the contacts for Work Permits in each region?
The Crown Land Specialist should be your primary contact for Work Permit application status or any additional query (see point #3). Contacting the District Conservation office is also recommended (see listed website in point #3).
19. When should I contact the Crown Land Specialist and when should I contact Mines Branch?
You should contact the Crown Land Specialist immediately where and when you have concerns or questions regarding the conditions that have been applied to your Work Permit. Mineral Resources Staff should only be contacted for information related to the aggregate source (pit condition, pit face access issues) or conditions of the Casual Quarry Permit.
When site or location characteristics change, if proposed activities are altered from the original application, or additional work activity is required that may cause or have an impact on resource values (e.g., timber, native grasslands, watercourse etc.) not initially expected or planned for, please contact the Crown Land Specialist or the District Conservation Officer immediately.