
Persons with Disabilities

Services for Adults with a Disability

Community Living disABILITY Services
Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) supports eligible adults with intellectual disabilities in Manitoba to live good and satisfying lives in their communities. CLDS offers an array of services and supports to individuals and their families, such as residential services, day services, supports to people living at home with family, clinical services and crisis intervention.

Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities
The Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities (MPSD) program is an income support program for persons with severe and prolonged disabilities. MPSD provides enhanced financial and other benefits tailored to the unique needs of persons with disabilities.

Please visit the Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities website for more information on the new program, including how to apply.

Employment and Income Assistance – Medical Barriers to Full Employment
The Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. This page provides general information about the program including eligibility criteria for persons with medical barriers to full employment (formerly known as the EIA Disability category).

Manitoba Developmental Centre
Located in Portage la Prairie, the Manitoba Developmental Centre is an accredited residential care facility for adults with an intellectual disability.

Services for Children with a Disability

Children's disABILITY Services
This program supports families who are raising children with developmental and physical disabilities, to meet some of the additional needs they may have. Children’s disABILITY Services offers a range of services and supports like case management, early intervention child development and autism services, as well as family supports like respite, after-school care for adolescents, and disability and health supports, based on eligibility, assessed need and available program resources

Children Therapy Network of Manitoba
The Children Therapy Network of Manitoba can help parents who have a concern about their child in areas such as speech, hearing, movement, learning and social development. Therapy services include: speech-language pathology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and audiology services.


Abuse Registries
Online form portal for both the Child Abuse Registry check and the Adult Abuse Registry check, including essential information and directions for each submission process.

Disability and Health Supports
The Disability and Health Supports Unit offers a streamlined, one-stop-shop to help eligible clients access disability and health-related supports such as supplies, equipment, and nutritional or diet supplements based on a diagnosed medical need.

Information for Manitobans with Disabilities
This web-based tool will help you find information on the services available for people with disabilities in Manitoba. The information is organized into user-friendly fact sheets that answer the most commonly asked service questions raised by individuals with disabilities, their families, care givers and service providers.

Residential Care Licensing
Residential Care Licensing is responsible for licensing all Home Shares and Shift-Staffed Homes for Community Living disABILITY Services. They also have responsibility for licensing residences for adults with a mental disorder or with frailty or cognitive impairment related to aging.

Rights, Appeals and Compliance

Accessibility Compliance Secretariat
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act is provincial law, with accessibility standards acting as regulations under law. Manitoba’s Accessibility Compliance Secretariat monitors compliance of accessibility legislation in the private, non profit and public sectors.

Fair Practices Office
The Fair Practices Office provides confidential and impartial assistance to Manitobans applying for, or receiving services under:

  • Employment and Income Assistance programs
  • Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities
  • Children’s disABILITY Services
  • Community Living disABILITY Services
  • Early Learning and Child Care Program (subsidy)

The Fair Practices Office investigates complaints, mediates disputes and makes recommendations on individual cases to program staff based on investigation outcomes.

Manitoba Accessibility Office
The Manitoba Accessibility Office promotes public awareness about accessibility and creates tools and training to help organizations comply with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and related accessibility standards. It also manages the Manitoba Accessibility Fund.

The Office of the Commissioner for Adults Living With an Intellectual Disability
The Office of the Commissioner for Adults Living With an Intellectual Disability (previously Vulnerable Persons’ Commissioner Office) is the body that receives applications to appoint a substitute decision maker for adults living with an intellectual disability who require someone who is legally empowered to make decisions on their behalf, known as a substitute decision maker.

Social Services Appeal Board
The purpose of the Social Services Appeal Board is to give Manitobans a fair, impartial, and informal appeal process of decisions relating to various social services and programs:

  • Employment and Income Assistance Program (Income Assistance, General Assistance and Shelter Assistance)
  • Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities
  • Adoption Agency Licensing
  • Child Care Licensing and Subsidies
  • Child Care Qualifications Certification
  • 55-Plus: A Manitoba Income Supplement, Junior Component
  • Rent Assist
  • Manitoba Prenatal Benefit
  • Residential Care Licensing
  • Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program (eligibility)
  • Community Living disABILITY Services Program (eligibility)

Strategic Initiatives

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term used to describe impacts of the brain and body to individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. FASD is a lifelong disability. The FASD resource pages include information on prevention and supports.

Integrated Adult Services Pilot Project
This project is a 30-month project piloting a new service delivery model for adults with both a medical diagnosis and complex disability-related needs. It was designed to address gaps and barriers in services for adults with complex disability-related needs.

Intellectual Disability Issues Advisory Council
The Intellectual Disability Issues Advisory Council serves as an advisory council to the Minister of Families on matters relating to programs and services for adults living with an intellectual disability in Manitoba as well as overseeing the implementation of the Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Task Force recommendations.

Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Task Force
The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Task Force, created in September 2020, was mandated to review policies and practices around services for adults with intellectual disabilities, and provide a report and recommendations to the Minister of Families. In 2021, the report was released, titled “Pathways to Dignity: Rights, Safeguards, Planning and Decision Making”, along with an implementation plan.