Servants’ Contracts (1780-ca.1926)

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Name Index – Hudson’s Bay Company records – Servants’ Contracts (1780-ca.1926)
Name Date Age Origin Work Location Occupation Miscellaneous Location Code
Aanensen, Peder Hangedal1858Norway Lister BjellandLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/32 fo.42-43
Adams, Edward1874Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB]Clerk General Service£100 pa. (3) sig. order for payment £5 per month to Mr. AdamsA.32/20 fo.3
Adams, Edward1869Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB]Post Master General Services£60-75 pa. (4) sig. copy wages to commence 24 April & continue to end oof contract £100 from end of contract to date of embarkation 19 Oct.A.32/20 fo.1-2
Adams, Edward1885Eng DEV DartmouthClerk£120 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.7
Adams, Edward1878Eng DEV Dartmouth 2 Mansion Ho. Lower St.Clerk£100 pa. (1.5) sig.A.32/20 fo.4
Adams, Edward1880Eng DEV Dartmouth New Rd.Clerk£50 (1 season) sig.A.32/20 fo.5-5a
Adams, Edward1881Eng DEV Dartmouth New Rd.HB [PQ] UngavaClerk£100 (season) sig. allotment £5 per monthA.32/20 fo.6
Adams, Edward1871Eng MDX Hoxton 8 Buckland St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0 monthly advance from July £2A.32/20 fo.8-9
Adams, Elizabeth1906HB [LB] Davis InletMess Cook£4 pm. sig. store pricesA.32/20 fo.10
Adams, Harry Chauner188617Eng LNDApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.440
Adams, Harry Chauner1886Eng LNDApprentice ClerkA.32/20 fo.440-441
Adams, James1840Eng LNDHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.11
Adams, James192619Scot ABD Aberdeen 331 Clifton RdApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 16 Oct. 1906 Stoneywood single photograph letter medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/20 fo.12-24
Adams, W.H.1884Eng LND 49 Uxbridge Rd.HB [MB] Red RiverManager Winnipeg Store & R.R. District£600 pa. (5) sig. consider increase in salary after 2 yearsA.32/20 fo.25-26
Adamson, Caesar 181619Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £13 advanceA.32/19 fo.13
Adamson, Samuel1793Eng LND St. MaryleboneHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter Joiner£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.24
Adamson, Samuel 1799Scot OKI StromnessHouse Carpenter£35 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.22
Adan, Charles192221Scot ABD Aberdeen 35 Thompson St.Clerk£250-504 pa. (5) sig. b. 24 July 1901 Old Machar single photograph letter medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/20 fo.27-38
Aderson, Robert178424Eng Stockton*HB [MB] Churchill RiverShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.127
Adin, Jean Baptiste1823Can [NT] Resolution, FortInterpreter1000 livres pa. (2) his mark equipment of clothingA.32/20 fo.39
Adin, Joseph1853HB [ON] Lac La PluieBowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.40-41
Affleck, David1868Scot FIF PittenweenLabourer£22 pa. (5) advance £11A.32/20 fo.42
Agace, James178926Eng LND StepneySawyer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.227
Agnew, John177619Ire GAL WightonHB [MB] Churchill RiverSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.2
Agonagha, Ignace1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceSteersmanusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Agons, Thomas 179523Eng NBL Newcastle-upon-TyneSailor£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/7 fo.30
Ah can ge let1853£20 pa. (2) his mark if he acts as bowsman to receive bowsman's wagesA.32/20 fo.43-44
Ahdemar, Patrick1848Can [ON] AlbanyGuide£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.45-46
Ahdemar, Patrick1850Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyGuide Steersman£25 pa. (3) his mark entitled to flour grease tea sugar same as guide in Northern Dept. on his arrival at any depotA.32/20 fo.47-48
Aideeson, Joseph B.1853HB [MB] Norway HouseHouse Carpenter Miller£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.57-58
Aideeson, Joseph B.1835HB [PQ] TemiskamayInterpreter Steersman£30 pa. (3) sig. for the last year of contract to be paid as steersmanA.32/20 fo.53-54
Aideeson, Joseph B.1832Can [ON] AlbanyHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£22.10.0 pa. (3) sig. if employed at Martin to receive an addition of £7.10.0A.32/20 fo.51-52
Aideeson, Joseph B.1838Can [ON] AlbanyHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig. discharged to Moose Fall 1838A.32/20 fo.55-56
Aideeson, Joseph B.1827Can [PQ] Eastmain£12 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.49
Aideeson, Joseph B.1830Can Rupert's LandMiddleman£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.50
Aillard, Daniel1839Apprentice£8-15 (6) sig. his father Henry Aillard cancelled 16 May 1844 sig. Danial & Mary Ann AaillardA.32/20 fo.59
Aird, Gustavus1823£17 pa. (1) no sig/mark previous contractA.32/20 fo.61
Aird, Gustavus1818Scot ROC Ardross RosskeenLabourer Soldier£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £12 received £20A.32/20 fo.60
Aitken, James192119Scot ABD Aberdeen 9 Jamaica StJunior Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. advance £25 DOB 20 Nov 1901 Aberdeen single photograph medical/dental certs. Academic record testimonials copiesA.32/20 fo.62-82
Aitken, William1871Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig. £11 advanceA.32/20 fo.91
Aitken, William1880Scot SHI TingwallHB [MB] York Factory£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.90
Aitken, William1869Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. £11 advanceA.32/20 fo.89
Aitkin, Alexander1864Scot OKI BirsayBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 re-engagedA.32/20 fo.84
Aitkin, Alexander1859Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 land grant of 25 acres if he settles at termination of contractA.32/20 fo.83
Aitkin, George1841Scot OKIHB Columbia RiverBlacksmith£35 pa. (3) sig. exempt from labour on voyage to ColumbiaA.32/20 fo.87-88
Aitkin, George1836Scot OKI BirsayBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/20 fo.85-86
Aitkin, James180226Eng LND LondonHB [ON] AlbanyArmourer £20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.103
Aitkinson, Joseph1855HB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman Labourer£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.92
Akanass, George1863Can Rupert’s LandLabourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.94
Alder, Brian1830Seaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.95
Alder, Thomas1800Eng OXF WitneyHB [PQ] Eastmain£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.20
Alder, Thomas1795Eng OXF WitneyHB [PQ] EastmainWriter £15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.55
Alderdice, Robert1909Ire ANT BelfastHB [ON] William, FortAssistant Carpenter$40 pm. (monthly) sig. DOB 15 Aug 1878 married no family 3 copiesA.32/20 fo.96-98
Alderson, Henry 180224Eng WESHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.111
Aldridge, Irwin190523Can [ON] PrestonHB [ON] Long LakeClerk Assistant$25 pm. (monthly) sig. DOB 5 Sept 1881useful & energetic young manA.32/20 fo.99-103
Aldridge, Irwin190523Can [ON] PrestonHB [ON] Long LakeClerk Assistant£75 pa. (3) sig. A useful energetic young manA.32/20 fo.102-3
Alexander, Arthur1862Scot MLN EdinburghLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa. (5) sig. board lodgingA.32/20 fo.104
Alexander, James1861Scot MLN Edinburgh 17 Brown Sq.Apprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.105-106
Alexander, John1868HB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£24 pa. + £2 gratuity (1) his markA.32/20 fo.107
Alexander, Peter1862Scot MLN EdinburghHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. board lodgingA.32/20 fo.108
Allan, David 180636Scot OKI Swannay£17 pa. (3) his mark 6 guineas bounty 6 guineasA.32/13 fo.163
Allan, George1830Scot PER CrieffClerk£40-50 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.109
Allan, George1884Scot SHI LerwickLabourer Fisherman£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £6 certs. character health attached to original contractA.32/20 fo.110
Allan, James1851Scot OKI EdayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 also £3 pa support of natural child with Ann Linklater born last JanuaryA.32/20 fo.113
Allan, James1832Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay St. Margaret’s HopeMate Sloopmaster£40-50 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/20 fo.111-112
Allan, James1863Scot OKI St. OlaLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £12 re-engaged copyA.32/20 fo.114-115
Allan, James "B"1869Scot OKI KirkwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/20 fo.116-117
Allan, James Gilbert192618Scot ABD Aberdeen 284 HardgateApprentice Clerk$250-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 8 Mar 1908 284 Hardgate photograph medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/20 fo.118-128
Allan, John179026Scot OKI SandwickTailor Bowsman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.44
Allan, John178521Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.133
Allan, John179218Scot OKI St. Andrew's£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.188
Allan, John179629Scot OKI StromnessCanoeman£12 pa.+25% bonus if he accompanies Mr. Ross north (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.41
Allan, John1799Scot OKI StromnessCanoeman£14 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.25
Allan, John179120Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) sig. small honest good worker has a brother in the service advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.119
Allan, John179431Scot Sandwick*Tailor£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/6 fo.60
Allan, John snr.179330Scot Sandwick*Bowsman Tailor£14 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.23
Allan, Magnus180643Scot OKI Stromness£12 pa. (3) his mark recd. 5 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.32
Allan, Peter1864Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.129
Allan, Peter Laughton188121Scot OKI EdayHB [LB]Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 board lodgingA.32/20 fo.130
Allan, Robert1835Eng MDX St. George in the EastCarpenter£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.131
Allan, Thomas1852Scot OKI EdayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/20 fo.132
Allan, William188121Scot OKI OrphirHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.135
Allan, William178525Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.134
Allan, William179030Scot OKI SandwickSteersman£15 pa. (3) his mark advance on wages thuswill travel North on journey of discovery previous contractA.32/4 fo.39
Allan, William1876Scot OKI St. OlaLabourer£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 wages from 1 July 1876 copyA.32/20 fo.133-134
Allard, Antoine1824HB Columbia RiverGouvernail£26 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.136
Allard, Joseph1864HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£22 pa.+£2t/s (2) his markA.32/20 fo.141-142
Allard, Joseph1850Can [PQ] Montréal St. OvideMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.137-138
Allard, Joseph1853Can [PQ] Montréal St. OvideMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.139-140
Allard, Pierre186230Can [PQ]HB [NT] Good Hope, FortPêcheur£25 pa.+£2t/s (2) his markA.32/20 fo.145
Allard, Pierre186430Can [PQ]HB [NT] Anderson, FortPêcheur Fisherman£25 pa.+£2t/s (2) his markA.32/20 fo.146
Allard, Pierre1824Can [PQ] St. FrançoisMilieu Labourer£17 pa. (2) his mark Retired Red RiverA.32/20 fo.143-144
Allay, William1838Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. £8 advance contract cancelled incapable of performing duty returned to England from York copyA.32/20 fo.147-148
Allen, Andrew177834Eng LND St. George in the EastHB [ON] AlbanyMariner£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.24
Allen, Henry1820Eng DUR Gateshead St. JohnsClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/20 fo.149
Allen, Lewis1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. his mark £4.10.0 advance 300 cans/seasonA.32/20 fo.150
Allen, Magnus1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (4) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.74
Allen, Nich[o]l[as]179737Scot OKI BirsaySteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.54
Allen, Nichol179131Scot OKI BurrayHB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman Steersman£16-20 pa. (5) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.153
Allen, Nicholas1783Scot OKI BurrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.17
Allen, Nicholas179022Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.20
Allen, Robert1834Eng KEN GreenwichHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/20 fo.152
Allen, Robert1829Eng KEN GreenwichHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.151
Allison, Andrew McClymont192121Scot ABD Glamis Cottage 30 SpitalJunior Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) his mark advance £20 DOB 19 Apr 1898 Stevenson SAL photograph medical/dental cert testimonials copies services satisfactory in every wayA.32/20 fo.153-169
Alves, William1859Scot CAI Moray ForresHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) his mark Settled in Red River 25 acres land copy + incomplete contractA.32/20 fo.170-173
Aman, J. Antonin1859NorwayHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFisherman£23 pa. (1) sig.A.32/20 fo.174-175
Aman, J. Antonin1860NorwayHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFisherman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/20 fo.176-177
Ambrose, Harry192320Scot ABD Banchory Mount St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB.9 Sept 1902 Aberdeen photograph medical/dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/20 fo.178-199
Amiotte, Louis182822Can [PQ] St. Paul L’AssomptionBlacksmithprix du poste (3) his mark advance 15 piastres d'EspagneA.32/20 fo.200-201
Amos, Seraphim185539Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, FortMiddleman Winterer£17 pa.(3) his mark allowed to take his wife & familyA.32/20 fo.202-203
Amundsen, Anders1855NorwayHB [MB] Garry, FortLabourer£17 pa.(5) free board lodging advance £4.14.3 cancelledA.32/20 fo.204-205
Anahueraz, Simon185637Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisMilieu Hivernant100 piastres (3) his mark 12 piastrasA.32/20 fo.206-207
Anares see Taiaroniagarire J-Bn.d.A.32/20 fo.207b
Anawak, John1873Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverLabourer£18-22 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.210-211
Anawak, John1868Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverApprentice Labourer£8-10 pa. (5) his markA.32/20 fo.208-209
Anawarion, Louis1824Can [PQ] Lac des Deux MontagnesHB [MB] York FactoryBoute£26 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.212
Anawarion, Louis1848Can [PQ] Lac des Deux MontagnesHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoute£30.6.2 pa. his markA.32/20 fo.213-214
Andersen, Engebret1857NorwayCarpenter Labourer£17 pa. (5) free board sig.A.32/20 fo.215-216
Andersen, Erik1864SwedenHB Fort Simpson*Boat Builder£35 pa.+£2 (1) sig.A.32/20 fo.249-250
Andersen, Erik1858Sweden Carlstad£17 pa. sig. free boardA.32/20 fo.217-218
Andersen, Hans1854NorwayLabourer£17 pa. (5) free board no sig.A.32/20 fo.219-220
Andersen, Johan1857NorwayCarpenter£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.221-222
Andersen, Johan1858NorwayHB [MB] Alexamder, FortLabourer Carpenter£23 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.225-226
Andersen, Johanes1857NorwayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Carpenter£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.223-224
Anderson, Alexander1859Scot CAI Moray ForresHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Hired Servant£17 pa. (5) free board sig. 25 acres if settles Red RiverA.32/20 fo.227
Anderson, Alexander Caulfield1831Eng ESS West HamClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/20 fo.228
Anderson, Antonia William1914Scot ABD Peterhead 57 Kirk St.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 medical cert. testimonialsA.32/20 fo.229-237
Anderson, Baptiste187619Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer Middleman£18-22 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.238
Anderson, Calib185421Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Garry, FortMiddleman Labourer£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.239-240
Anderson, Daniel1859Scot CAI WattenHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) free board his mark 25 acres if settles Red River copyA.32/20 fo.241-242
Anderson, David1839Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/20 fo.243-244
Anderson, Edward1853Scot SHIHB [NT] Slave LakeMiddleman£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.246-247
Anderson, Edward1848Scot SHI LunnastingHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.245
Anderson, Edward1864Scot SHI LunnastingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.248
Anderson, Gilbert John1863Scot SHI UnstHB [MB/SK] CarltonSawyer Labourer£23 pa.+£2t/s (1) sig.A.32/20 fo.252-253
Anderson, Gilbert John1852Scot SHI UnstLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.251
Anderson, Isaac181530Scot OKI Birsay SwannayHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) his mark not to go [advance] £10 5ft 10 ins high dark hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.121
Anderson, Isaac 180320Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (5) his mark 2 + 1 guineas on accountA.32/13 fo.12
Anderson, James1850Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] Norway HouseJoiner House Carpenter£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/20 fo.258-259
Anderson, James1831Eng ESS West HamApprentice Clerk£25-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.255
Anderson, James1832Scot ANS Brechin BridgendHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£25-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/20 fo.256
Anderson, James1910Scot ANS Dundee 31 Crescent St.HB [MB] York FactoryMaster of Yacht "Cheshire"£12 pm. (1) sig. £11 advance copyA.32/20 fo.268-271
Anderson, James1860Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 grant 25 acres at Red River end of contract copyA.32/20 fo.263-264
Anderson, James1854Scot OKI BressayHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter Steersman£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.261-262
Anderson, James1837Scot OKI EvieLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/20 fo.257
Anderson, James1818Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £7 advanceA.32/19 fo.166
Anderson, James1871Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark £11 advance copyA.32/20 fo.266-267
Anderson, James1866Scot OKI StennessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.265
Anderson, James1828Scot OKI StromnessShip Builder£50-60 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.254
Anderson, James "B"1850Scot OKI HolmHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.12.0A.32/20 fo.260
Anderson, James S.1870Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/20 fo.272
Anderson, James W.1882Eng LND 21 Old Broad St.Clerk£300 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.273
Anderson, James Watt191017Scot ABD HazelheadClerk£25-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 DOB 12 Mar 1893 Fairley Farm New Hills f. John Anderson m. Maggie Watt illeg. Letter medical cert. testimonialsA.32/20 fo.274-280
Anderson, John1801HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.59
Anderson, John179121Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.97
Anderson, John1835Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/20 fo.281
Anderson, John A.1875SwedenSlooper£24-30 pa. (3) sig. advance £4 cancelled Moose Factory 1877 copyA.32/20 fo.282-283
Anderson, Magnus1879Scot SHI LerwickHouse Carpenter£38 pa. (5) sig. advance £19A.32/20 fo.286
Anderson, Magnus1875Scot SHI LerwickHB [MB] York FactoryHouse Carpenter£38 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.285-286
Anderson, Magnus1862Scot SHI UistLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.284
Anderson, Peter1854Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Shoal RiverInterpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.+ 2 bags permican while he winters at Shoal RiverA.32/20 fo.287-288
Anderson, Richard178820Eng LND Algate Saint Ann'sLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.180
Anderson, Robert1897Can [ON] MattawaHB [ON] MattawaLabourer$180 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.438-439
Anderson, Robert1838EuropeHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.290-291
Anderson, Robert1833Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/20 fo.289
Anderson, Thomas1806HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.12
Anderson, Thomas1836Can [MB] Norway HouseFisherman£20-40 pa. (3) sig. North Discovery Expedition Deserted 1837A.32/20 fo.293
Anderson, Thomas1829Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£17-18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.292
Anderson, Thomas1865Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.297
Anderson, Thomas1838Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/20 fo.294
Anderson, Thomas1861Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Postmaster£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/20 fo.295-296
Anderson, Thomas1872Scot OKI StennessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.298
Anderson, Thomas1799Scot OKI StennessBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.45
Anderson, Thomas 181540Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance] 5ft 5 ins dark hair dark complexion old servantA.32/18 fo.135
Anderson, Thomas 180330Scot OKI Stenness£14 pa. (5) sig. £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.32
Anderson, William183823HB [MB] York FactoryStore Porter£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.301-302
Anderson, William1857Can Hudson' s BayMilieu£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.305-306
Anderson, William1831Eng DOR DorchesterSurgeon Clerk£20-50 clerk £100 surgeon pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.299
Anderson, William1818Scot OKI Evie CostaHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.172
Anderson, William184125Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryStore Porter£27 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.303-304
Anderson, William183324Scot OKI Harray LangskaillHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/20 fo.300
Anderson, William1867Scot OKI StennessApprentice Labourer£10-22 pa. (6) sig. advance £5A.32/20 fo.307
Andres, Jean Baptiste Taiaroniagarire dit1826Can [MB] York FactoryHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£19 pa (1) sig.A.32/56 fo.1-2
Andresen, Jens1858Norway Lister Mandall OvreboHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. sig.cancelled 3 Sept 1859A.32/20 fo.308-309
Andrews, Baptiste1863HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (5) his markA.32/20 fo.310-311
Andrews, Peter1863HB [AB] EdmontonMidman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/20 fo.312-313
Andrews, Thomas1867Eng DEV BrixhamHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/20 fo.314
Andrews, Thomas1868Eng DEV BrixhamHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £5.10.0A.32/20 fo.315
Andrews, William1833Can [PQ] Montréal Notre DameMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.315-317
Angus, Peter1781Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverChief’s Cook£8 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.78
Annal, James1869Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.318
Annal, Magnus1785HB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman£10 pa. + £2 (2) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.155
Annal, Magnus1785HB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman£18 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.164
Annal, Peter1820Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 brother John Annal copyA.32/20 fo.319-320
Annal, William1831Scot OKIBoat Carpenter£30 pa. (1) sig. may winter at Swan River Dist.A.32/20 fo.323
Annal, William1829Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoat Carpenter£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.322
Annal, William1824Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay MossalerHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/20 fo.321
Annald, James179234Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.208
Annance, Baptiste1859HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.324-325
Annance, Simon1828Can [PQ] Yamaska St. FrançoisGuide Chasseur150 livres pm.A.32/20 fo.328-3297
Annance, Simon1827Can [PQ] Yamaska St. FrançoisGuide Chasseur800 livres pa.advance 36 livresA.32/20 fo.326-327
Annand, Lillie190321Can [ON] MichipicotenCook General Servant$15 pm.+ board (2) DOB 11 Jan 1882 ON. Single retired 1904A.32/20 fo.330-332
Annel, Robert17[99]Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.17
Annell, Magnus179030Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/4 fo.37
Anthony, James178531Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanHarpooner£20 pa.+bonus (3) his mark did not goA.32/3 fo.136
Appleby, William1780HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Mariner(1) sig.A.32/1 fo.26
Appleby, William1781HB [ON] SevernMariner£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.107
Appleby, William1783Eng Stockton*HB [MB] York FactorySeaman Mate of Sloop£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.15
Appleby, William 1788Shallop Master£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.176
Arcan, Baptiste1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/20 fo.334
Arcan, François1864Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/20 fo.335-336
Arcan, Joseph1826HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/20 fo.337-338
Arcan, Joseph1855HB [MB] Red RiverMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.339-340
Archable, John1872Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.342
Archable, William1868Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/20 fo.341
Archambault, Charles1824Can [PQ]HB Columbia RiverMilieu900 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.343
Archbold, John1786Scot PER Barwick£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.150
Archer, Henryn.d.original contract for Henry Archer crossed out and replaced with John CamdenA.32/23 fo.65
Arcus, Jeremiah180731Scot OKI Westray£16 pa. (3) his mark recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.12
Arel, Narcisse184324Can [PQ] LachineMilieu Hivernant(3) advance paymentA.32/20 fo.354-355
Arionaise, Jacques1838HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.344-345
Arionaise, Jacques1842CanHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.346-347
Arionga, Baptiste1823Can [PQ]HB [BC] Kilmaurs; [Babine, Fort]Milieu800 livres pa. (2) his mark + une couverte de trois point une couverte deux point et demi deux verge de drap commun deux chemise de coton six livres de tabac par anA.32/20 fo.348
Arionga, Baptiste1829Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Labourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.349
Armit, David1867Scot OKI St. OlaApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.350
Arnesen, J.C.1855NorwayHB [ON] Lake HuronLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £5.8.4 cancelled 13 June 1859 La ClocheA.32/20 fo.351-352
Arpin, Joseph182734HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark killed 1827A.32/20 fo.353
Arquoitte, Amable1825Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.356
Arrowsmith, Thomas1782HB [ON] AlbanySloops Mate£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.67
Arthur, Peter1835Scot FIF MarkinchEngineer£168 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.357-358
Arthur, Peter181620Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £0.9.9A.32/19 fo.53a
Arthurson, Arthur1866Scot SHI GulberwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.359
Arthurson, Arthur1873Scot SHI LerwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer$117 pa. (2) sig.A.32/20 fo.360-361
Aruihanta, Louis1858Can [PQ] MontréalHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.364
Aruihanta, Louis1852Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.362-363
Ash, Charles1881Can [NF] Harbour GraceServant£22 pa. no signatureA.32/20 fo.365
Ashburn, John1825(1) his mark to remain unmarried for the contractA.32/20 fo.366
Ashburn, John1807Scot PER Perth£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.85
Assinnary, John188637Can [ON] AlgomaCarpenter Interpreter$145 pa. (1) his mark + supplies to enjoy all the great holidays of the RC ChurchA.32/20 fo.367-368
Atches, John1882HB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£25/22 pa. +£2 (3) his markA.32/20 fo.369-370
Atchley, John1795Eng LND St. George BloomsburyHB [MB] Churchill RiverWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.53
Atearonquash, Louis184026Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB Northern Dept.Milieu Hivernant£17 pa.+£2 (3) his mark advance six piastres d'Espagne desertedA.32/20 fo.371-372
Atkinson, George1799HB [PQ] Eastmain£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/11 fo.54
Atkinson, George1875Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig. NativeA.32/20 fo.377-378
Atkinson, George1860Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.375-376
Atkinson, George1853Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice£8-16 pa. (7) sig.A.32/20 fo.373-374
Atkinson, Henry1841Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Middlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/20 fo.379-380
Atkinson, Jacob1807HB [PQ] Eastmain£30 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.91
Atkinson, Jacob1799HB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£8 pa. (3) his markA.32/11 fo.53
Atkinson, Jacob1798Can [PQ] EastmainLabourer£8 pa. (1) his markA.32/10 fo.36
Atkinson, Joseph1852CanHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman Bowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.382-383
Atkinson, Joseph1849CanMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/20 fo.381
Atkinson, Joseph1858Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] CumberlandMiddleman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.384-385
Atkinson, Richard1832Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] Garry, FortFarm Servant Labourer£12 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.386-387
Atkinson, Samuel1853Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert House.Steersman Guide£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.396-397
Atkinson, Samuel1844Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert House.Steersman£22 pa. (3) sig. when acting as guide to have guide's wagesA.32/20 fo.390-391
Atkinson, Samuel1847Can Hudson' s BaySteersman Guide£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.392-393
Atkinson, Samuel1849Can Hudson' s BayGuide Boute£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/20 fo.394-395
Atkinson, Samuel1841Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman Guide£22 pa. (3) sig. when acting as guide to have guide's wagesA.32/20 fo.388-389
Atkinson, Thomas1780Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanySurgeon£40 pa. sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.14
Atkinson, William1852Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Garry, FortLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.398-399
Atkinson, William1860Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Alexamder, FortInterpreter£23 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.400-401
Atochganka, Ignace1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieuusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Atrehunist, Thomas1854Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant100 priastres pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.402-403
Aubichon, Jean Bpte.1854HB [PQ] TémiscamingueLabourer£22.10.0 pa. (2) his markE.252/2 fo.8-9
Aubichon, Pierre1852HB [MB] Garry, FortMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.404-405
Audet, Henri1927Can [PQ] Ste. RosaireHB [PQ] La Sarre$35 pm+ Board (3 months notice) sig. DOB 14 Jun 1911 marr.E.210/1 fo.1
Auger, Antoine1829HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.406-407
Auger, Antoine1848£20 pa. (2) his mark contract incompleteA.32/20 fo.412-413
Auger, Antoine1843Bowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.410-411
Auger, Antoine1837HB [MB] York FactorySteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.408-409
Auger, Antoine snr.185355Can Indian CountrySteersman£25 pa.(1) his mark NativeA.32/20 fo.416-417
Auger, Antoine snr.1852Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonBowsman£23 pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.414-415
Auger, Antoine snr.1854Can Pays SauvageHB [AB] EdmontonGouvernail Hivernant£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/20 fo.418-419
Auger, Augustin1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.420-421
Auger, Jean Baptiste1842CanCanoe Builder£30 pa. (3) his mark food allowanceA.32/20 fo.422-423
Auinas, François1828Can [PQ] Trois RivièresInterprète800 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.424-425
Auld, John182016CanApprentice£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/20 fo.426
Auld, William179020Scot MLN EdinburghSurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.237
Awainance, François1827Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant600 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/20 fo.427-428
Awasijse, Neapin1830Can [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.429
Ayling, John1869Eng LND Lambeth Waterloo Rd.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4 pm. (seasonal) signedA.32/20 fo.430-431
Ayot, Jean Baptiste184336Can Lorette*Milieu Hivernantle prix de poste (3) no sig. advance piastresA.32/20 fo.432-433
Ayotte, Gonzaque1833Bowsman Carpenter£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.435
Ayotte, Gonzaque1829Can [AB] Slave LakeFisherman£17 pa. (1&2on contract) his markA.32/20 fo.434b
Ayotte, Gonzaque1827Can [AB] Slave Lake£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/20 fo.434
Azure, Joseph1835Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/20 fo.437
Babue, Baptiste1850Labourer Fisherman£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.3-4
Babue, Baptiste1829Can English River*HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseMiddleman£15 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.2
Babue, Baptiste1827Can English River*Labourer Middleman£8 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.1
Backie, Andrew1784HB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£8-10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.91
Badagac dit Laplante, Joseph1830Can [PQ] MaskaHB [PQ] WeymontachingueMilieu900 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.5-6
Badeaux, Louis Benjamin1829Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur£20 pa. (2) no sig.A.32/21 fo.7-8
Badger, Jean Baptiste1833Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Red RiverLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (5) his mark £5 pa. to be paid at RR to G. SandisonA.32/21 fo.9
Badger, William185719Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) sig. to accompany the brigade of district to YF last year of contractA.32/21 fo.10-11
Baggott, Joseph1854Eng WOR HartshillHB [BC] Vancouver IslandWorking Collier£78 pa. his mark wife & family 3 copies collier's contractA.32/21 fo.12-17
Baggott, Zachariah1854Eng WOR HartshillWorking Collier£78 pa. his mark wife & family 3 copies collier's contractA.32/21 fo.18-23
Baikie, George1800Scot OKIHB [ON] Albany£12-15 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.9
Baikie, George180732Scot OKI Stromness£10 pa. (3) sig. recd. 5 guineasA.32/16 fo.14
Baikie, James Anderson1866Scot OKI St. Andrew'sLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.27
Baikie, John1838Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/21 fo.25
Baikie, John1828Scot OKI Evie GrugerLabourer£15-16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.24
Baikie, John1850Scot OKI WallsHB Northern Dept.Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/21 fo.26
Baikie, Magnus181328Scot OKI Walls£20 pa. (3) sig. £6.6.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.11
Baikie, Peter1825Scot OKI StromnessLabourer Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £10 salary increased if qualified as steersman boatman or mechanicA.32/21 fo.28
Baikie, Thomas1858Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/21 fo.29
Bailey, William1790Eng LND St. Mary WhitechapelHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.74
Baillie, Alexander179125Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose Factory£8-10 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.116
Baillie, David1799Scot OKI Stromness£36 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.57
Baillie, William1837Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Tinsmith£8-15 pa. (7) sig.A.32/21 fo.30-31
Bain, Alexander1870Scot OKI LonghopeLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/21 fo.32
Bain, John1870Scot OKI WallsHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/21 fo.33
Bain, John181521Scot OKI Westray RapnessHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £12A.32/18 fo.77
Bain, Laurence1868Scot SHI ConingsburghLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.34
Bain, Ronald1926Scot ABD Aberdeen 6 Stafford St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 31 Mar 1905 New Deer single photograph letter medical cert. 3 teeth extracted academic record testimonials copiesA.32/21 fo.35-47
Bain, William1824Labourer£17 pa. (3) sig. deceased 12 April 1826A.32/21 fo.48-49
Bain, William181826Scot CAI Dunnet Ratter£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/19 fo.118
Bain, William1878Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper Sloop Master£27 +£2 +£5 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.53-54
Bain, William1870Scot OKI WallsHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/21 fo.50
Bain, William1875Scot OKI WallsSlooper Sloop Master£25 +£2 +£5 pa. (2) sig.A.32/21 fo.51-52
Bainset alias Jollibois, Baptiste182624Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganDevant1000-1200 livres his markA.32/21 fo.55
Baken, Andrew1782HB [ON] AlbanySailor£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.66
Baker, Charles1833Eng DEV Plymouth New DevonportSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.56
Baker, Henry187120 New York St. Commercial Rd. EastTinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm (seasonal) sig. advance £1A.32/21 fo.57-58
Baker, James1824Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/21 fo.59
Baker, John177621Eng ESS DedhamMariner£15 pa. (3) not signed "Run"A.32/3 fo.1
Bakie, Andrew180421Scot OKI Costa£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.91
Bakie, George180732Scot OKI Evie£30 pa. (3) his mark 12 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.39
Bakie, Peter1806Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York Factory£14 pa. (3) sig. 5 guineas to account 5 guineasA.32/13 fo.164
Bakie, Peter181319Scot OKI Sandwick£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.174
Bakie, Peter181319Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory £20 pa. (3) sig. £12.17.6 [advance]A.32/18 fo.27
Bakke, Christian Olsen1858Norway Akershus HoelerLabourer£17 pa. sig. copyA.32/21 fo.60-63
Balandine, John179219Scot OKI Rendall£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.164
Balfour, Thomas1834Scot OKI Westray RackquoyLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/21 fo.64-65
Ballandine, Alexander1864Can [MB] Moose LakeFisherman£27 +£2 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.66-67
Ballandine, Alexander1868Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/21 fo.75
Ballandine, George1820HB [SK] Cumberland HouseApprentice Labourer£8 pa. (5) his mark under age witnessed by John BallendenA.32/21 fo.68-69
Ballandine, George1856CanHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.71
Ballandine, George1864Can [MB] Red RiverInterpreter Labourer£35 +£2 pa. (2) sig.A.32/21 fo.73-74
Ballandine, George1828Can [SK] Cumberland HouseHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.70
Ballandine, James1824Can [MB] Moose LakeMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.85
Ballandine, James1829Can [SK] Cumberland HouseBowsman£20-22 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.84
Ballandine, James1827Can [SK] Cumberland HouseBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.86
Ballandine, John1824Scot OKI Orphir SwanbuterHB [MB] York FactoryHouse Carpenter£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/21 fo.87
Ballandine, Robert1841Scot MLN EdinburghHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.77
Ballantine, John178520Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.143
Ballantyne, John1830Scot OKI Evie BreckanLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/21 fo.76
Ballenden, Christopher 180724Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.13
Ballenden, Jacob1842Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/21 fo.78-79
Ballenden, James1838Scot OKI EvieLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/21 fo.80
Ballenden, James 179728Scot OKI EvieCanoeman Labourer£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.53
Ballenden, John178329HB [MB] York FactoryAssistant£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.111
Ballenden, John1780Scot OKIHB [MB] Prince of Wales, Fort£25 pa.(3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.37
Ballenden, John1835Scot OKIBowsman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.82-83
Ballenden, John180724Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.15
Ballenden, John179328Scot OKI OrphirCanoe Builder Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.48
Ballenden, John179025Scot OKI OrphirSteersman Canoe Builder£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.30
Ballenden, John1829Scot OKI StromnessApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.81
Ballenden, John 181331Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig.£8 [advance]A.32/18 fo.19
Ballenden, John 181638Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£25 pa. (3) his mark £12.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.48
Ballenden, John 179631Scot OKI OrphirCanoe Builder Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.31
Ballenden, John 1st 1816Scot OKI OrphirincompleteA.32/19 fo.62
Ballenden, John 3rd 1806Scot OKI£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.22
Ballenden, John 3rd 1800Scot OKI Evie£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.41
Ballenden, John jnr.179728Scot OKI EvieBowsman Labourer£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.52
Ballenden, John snr.1800Scot OKI Orphir£30 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.26
Ballendin, John180732Scot OKI Evie£20 pa. (3) his mark. recd. 12 guineas bounty +£3A.32/16 fo.26
Ballendn, John1799Scot OKI OrphirCarpenter Steersman£25 pa.(1) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.48
Ballentin, James179223Scot OKI Rendall£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.135
Ballentine, Peter1783HB [ON] Albany£8-£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.57
Ballentine, William1801HB [ON] Albany£18 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.69
Ballentine, William1807HB [ON] Albany£35 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.66
Balsillie, John1858Scot FIF St AndrewsApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/21 fo.88-89
Bamborough, William1781Eng Stockton*HB [MB] Churchill RiverShipwright£36 pa.+£4 (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.59
Banks, George 180538Scot OKI StromnessSailor£20 pa. (5) sig. £6 to accountA.32/13 fo.153
Banks, James1784HB [MB] York Factory£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.94
Banks, James1782HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.157
Banks, James1796Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£18 pa. (2) his markA.32/8 fo.17
Banks, James 180621Scot OKI EvieSailor£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.33
Banks, James 179043Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.50
Banks, William1796£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.2
Banks, William179122Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0sA.32/4 fo.102
Barclay, Forbes1839Scot SHI LerwickSurgeon Clerk£100 pa. (5) sig. advance £50A.32/21 fo.90
Barclay, John1833Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 Settled RR June 1836A.32/21 fo.91-92
Barclay, John Achnach Stephen192319Scot ABD Aberdeen 268 Holburn St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 3 March 1904 photograph letter dental/medical certs. Testimonials copies academic recordsA.32/21 fo.93-113
Bargear, Frank1840Germany WesburgHB Columbia RiverOrdinary Seaman£18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.114
Barker, Alice190928Can [ON] OttawaHB [ON] NipigonBookkeeper$35 pm. sig. DOB 24 May 1881single school teacherA.32/21 fo.115-116
Barker, J.J.1899Can [ON] BrechinHB [ON] NipigonPost Manager1000 pa. DOB 4 July 1872 married family 7A.32/21 fo.117
Barnsley, Henry1872Eng LND 25 Cannon St Rd EastHB [LB]Tinsmithsig.A.32/21 fo.118-119
Barr, Alexander1910Ire LDY Londonderry 4 Mountjoy St.HB [MB] York FactoryEngine Driver Stoker£8 pm. (1) sig. copyA.32/21 fo.120-123
Barrett, Edouard1863Can [PQ] ChamblyMilieu Hivernant1000 piastres (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.124-125
Barrett, Henry1835Eng NFK YarmouthCarpenter£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.126
Barrett, Sydney Blenkarne190346Eng LIN Wise DeepingHB [PQ] MontizambertClerk$25.00 pm. DOB 12 Aug 1857 single given work at Missanabie Sales shopA.32/21 fo.127-129
Barrette, Wilfred1863Can [PQ] ChamblyMilieu Hivernant (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.130-131
Barrow, Matthew178539Eng LND Shadwell St. PaulHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.132
Barry, James1838Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/21 fo.132-133
Barston, Peter1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.69
Bartlett, John1839Eng DOR WeymouthSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.134
Bartley, William1910Can [ON] Frances, FortHB [MB] WinnipegCaptain of "Lac Seul" Steamer$75.00 pm.+ board (5) sig. DOB 28 May 1885 copy married no family last employed Winnipeg Navigation Co.A.32/21 fo.135-137
Barton, George W.18[37]Second Mate£50.8.0 pm (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.138
Barton, George W.1839Eng MDX BlackwallSecond Mate£50.8.0 pm (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.139
Bastien, Auguste1863Can [PQ] ChamblyMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.140-141
Baston, Peter178321Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.94
Batchan, John188320Scot ABD PeterheadHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£50 pa. (3) sig. certifcates attached to original to be employed at York Factory in company of David DeansA.32/21 fo.142
Bates, Thomas1854Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.143-144
Batt, Isaac178964Eng HRT StanstedLabourer£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.220
Batt, James1785HB [MB] York FactoryHunter Labourer£16 pa. (2) sig.A.32/2 fo.190
Batt, James1784HB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (2) sig.A.32/2 fo.101
Batt, James1780HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Labourer£12 pa. sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.30
Batt, James1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£14 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.98
Batteau1855HB [SK] Cumberland HouseFisherman Voyageur£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.145-146
Batten, William1833Eng MDX MaryleboneSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.147
Baumier alias Laneuville, Joseph1841Can [PQ] BécancourMilieu Hivernant650 francs pa. (2) his mark to winter 2 years in St. MauriceA.32/21 fo.148-149
Baumier dit Launaville, Joseph1843Can [PQ] BécancourHB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieu£27.1.8 Halifax currency pa. (1)A.32/22 fo.26
Baunin, John1833Eng LAN LiverpoolSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.150
Baxter, David1888ScotHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.152-153
Baxter, David1882Scot ROC Stromeferry LochalshApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.151
Beach, John1881Can [NF]Servant£10 his markA.32/21 fo.154
Beadnell, Thomas Fawcett1883Eng ESS LeytonstoneApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £10A.32/21 fo.155
Beads, Charles1807Can Hudson' s BayHB£10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.78
Beads, Jacob1864Can [MB] Red RiverCarpenter£35 pa.+ allowance (2) sig.+ 1 bag flour, 4 lbs tea, 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs grease 10 lbs butter, 3 lbs tea, 8 lbs sugar in lieu of 1 gallon rum desertedA.32/21 fo.380
Beads, Thomas J. 1830Can [PQ] EastmainMiddleman£15 pa. (3) his mark Father Meegis to receive £4 goods pa. from wagesA.32/21 fo.159
Beads, Thomas J. 1836Can [PQ] EastmainSteersman£22 .10.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.161
Beads, Thomas J. 182718Can [PQ] Eastmain£12 pa. (3) his mark Father Meegis to receive £4 goods pa. from wagesA.32/21 fo.158
Beads, Thomas J. 1845Can [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.166-167
Beads, Thomas J. 1838Can [PQ] Rupert RiverGuide Hunter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.162
Beads, Thomas J. 1833Can [PQ] Rupert RiverSteersman Bowman£22 .10.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.160
Beads, Thomas J. 1849Can Hudson' s BayInterpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.168-169
Beads, Thomas J. 1842Can Hudson' s BayInterpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.164-165
Beads, Thomas J. 1863Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] WaswanipiPostmaster£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.172-173
Beads, Thomas J. 1858Can Hudson' s BayPostmaster£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.170-171
Beads, William, s/o Charles "A"1844Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (7) his mark. Consent of fatherA.32/21 fo.156-157
Bear, Henry1864Can [MB] Red RiverMiddleman Labourer£20 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.177
Bear, James185620Can [MB] Red RiverMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.178-179
Bear, James1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7A.32/34 fo.63-64
Bear, Thomas1865Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman Winterer£27 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.175-176
Bear, William1859Can [MB] Red RiverCarpenter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.180-181
Beardy, Peter1889HB [MB] Moose LakeTrader Runner$15 pm. his mark + allowances 10 lbs flour ½ tea 1 sugar 1 plug tob[acco] 1 pps matches contract written over John Knight's bonus 1[$?] for 1000 ratsA.32/21 fo.182
Beaton, Archibald1782Scot OKI EgilsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.142
Beaton, Donald1821Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £7A.32/21 fo.183
Beaton, William1868Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway BensideLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/21 fo.184
Beattie, James1858Scot ANS MontroseClerk£100 pa. (3) his markE.50/3 fo.547
Beattie, James1858Scot ANS MontroseApprentice Clerk£100 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.185
Beatton, Archibald179231Scot OKI Kirkwall£12 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.186
Beatton, Francis W.188318Scot OKI KirkwallHB English River Dist.*Labourer Fisherman£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11certificates health & character attached to originalA.32/21 fo.186
Beatton, James1821Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Boat Builder£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 Wages for last four years £30 Boatbuilder 19 French Canadian names on the reverse side of the contractA.32/21 fo.187-188
Beauchaine, Joseph1864Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£22 pa.+£2 (2) his markA.32/21 fo.191-192
Beauchaine, Joseph185336Can [PQ] BerthierHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant1000 piastres (3) his markA.32/21 fo.189-192
Beauchamp, Charles1823HB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.193
Beauchamp, Charles182832Can [SK]HB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his mark to pass summer in land 2nd year contract extended 1 yearA.32/21 fo.194-195
Beauchamp, Joseph185831Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman Labourer£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.200-201
Beauchamp, Joseph185327Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseDevant£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/21 fo.196-197
Beauchamp, Joseph185718Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.198-199
Beauchemin, Michel1824Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB Columbia RiverBoute1200 louis agent de Montréal (1) his markA.32/21 fo.203
Beauchemin, Michel1823Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Hivernant$100 (2) his markA.32/21 fo.202
Beaudin, Hubert1863Can [PQ] St. RemiHB [NT] Slave LakeMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (3) sig. must have been unfit to discharge his duty family sent out to Slave Lake accounting on contractA.32/21 fo.206-207
Beaudoin, Joseph1824CanMiddlemandischarged his markA.32/22 fo.93
Beaudoin, Joseph1834CanMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.94
Beaudoin, Joseph182041Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. Antoine Baie de FèvreHB [MB] York FactoryForgeron40 piastres no sig. must have been found unfitA.32/21 fo.208-209
Beaudoin, Louis1825Can [PQ] Bas CanadaMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.210
Beaudrie, Jean Baptiste snr.1866Can [ON] La ClocheInterpreter Guide$150 pa. (1) his mark to receive 35 lbs sugar pa.A.32/21 fo.204-205
Beaudrie, Joseph1855Can Indian CountryInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his mark to receive sterling for animals given to company + ½ 8-gall keg crash sugar 1 bag flour 4 lbs teaA.32/21 fo.211-212
Beaugrand, Simon1792CanHB [ON] AlbanyAssistant£18 pa. (2) sig.A.32/5 fo.118
Beaulieu, Alexis1883Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter$194.67 (2) his markA.32/21 fo.213-214
Beaulieu, Alphonse187325Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer Middleman£22 pa.+ £2t/s (3) his mark cancelled 1 June 1875A.32/21 fo.215
Beaulieu, Alphonse1879Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman Interpreter£31pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.218
Beaulieu, Alphonse187525Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman$136.52 pa.+$9.73 t/s (1) his markA.32/21 fo.216
Beaulieu, Alphonse1877Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman$136.29 pa.+ $9.73 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.217
Beaulieu, Edouard184032Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.219-220
Beaulieu, François1879Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Resolution, FortBowsman General Service£20 pa. + £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.224-225
Beaulieu, François "A" snr.1867Can Rupert's LandInterpreter in charge£35 pa.+ allowances (3) his mark copy + clerk 2-3 Servants Indians or freemen 15-20 lbs Congo tea 5 lbs hyson tea 2 keg sugar or 1 keg sugar & rice 2 bags flour 1 tin mustard 2 tins pepper additional clause relating to Made Beaver contract not the sameA.32/21 fo.221-223
Beaulieu, François "B" jnr.186332Can Pays SauvageHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (20 months) his markA.32/21 fo.228
Beaulieu, Jerome1882Can [NT] Great Slave LakeHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman General Service£26 pa.+ £2 t/s (1) his markA.32/21 fo.226
Beaulieu, Jerome1876Can [NT] Resolution, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman General Service£24 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) his markA.32/21 fo.227
Beaulieu, Joseph1868HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/56 fo.306
Beaulieu, Joseph1885Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Smith, FortInterpreterno contract signedA.32/21 fo.233-234
Beaulieu, Joseph1871Can [NT] Salt RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter£35 pa.£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.230-232
Beaulieu, Joseph1867Can Pays SauvageHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter£30 (10 months/1year) his markA.32/21 fo.229
Beaulieu, Joseph See Tourangeau, Antoine1868A.32/21 fo.229b
Beaulieu, King1864HB [NT] Resolution, FortInterpreter£32 + £2 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.235-236
Beaulieu, King1879Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Resolution, FortInterpreter£32 + £2 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.237-238
Beaulieu, King1882Can [NT] Salt RiverHB [NT] Resolution, FortInterpreter£35 incl. £2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.239
Beaulieu, Paul1879Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Resolution, FortFisherman General Service£23.+ £2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.240-241
Beaulieu, Paul1883Can [NT] Salt RiverHB [NT] Resolution, FortFisherman General Service£24 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.242
Beaulieu, Pierre1885Tripman Steamer Grahame40-50 (4 mos.) his markA.32/21 fo.243-244
Beauparlant, François182126Can [PQ] Montréal St. CuthbertVoyageur600 [livres] + advance 50 piastres d'Espagne + equipmentA.32/21 fo.245-246
Beauparlant, Joseph182122Can [PQ] Montréal St. CuthbertVoyageur Milieu600 livres + advance 20 piastres d'Espagne + equipmentA.32/21 fo.247-249
Beauparlant, Joseph182426Can [PQ] Montréal St. CuthbertHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Voyageur Milieu800 livres (1) his markA.32/21 fo.249
Beauvais, Jacques1822Can [NT] Liard RiverVoyageur Hivernant800 livres (1) his mark + equipmentA.32/21 fo.250
Beauvais, Rene1827Can [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.251-252
Becancour, Gregoire Laneiville1821original name on the contractA.32/24 fo.221-222
Becher, William Samuel1873Ire WAT Ferry BankApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.253
Beckwith, George178519Eng LND Spitalfields ChristchurchHB [ON] Moose FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.131
Bedard, Jean185728CanHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his mark to remain inland copyA.32/21 fo.254-257
Beddome, Henry Septimus1859Can [MB] Red River SettlementSurgeon Clerk£120-£150 pa. (5) sig. permission to remain until Fall sail copyA.32/21 fo.259-262
Beddome, Henry Septimus1852Eng MDX Cornhill St PeterHB [MB] York FactorySurgeon Clerk£100 pa. (5) sig. advance £50A.32/21 fo.258
Bee, Henry1830Cook£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.263
Beecham, Edwin1874Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman Runner£25 pa.+ £2 t/s (1) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.264-265
Beecham, James1874Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman Runner£25 pa.+ £2 t/s (1) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.266-267
Beeston, Matthew S.1880Eng NFK Wymondham Friars Croft HouseSalesman Clerk£50-100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.268
Begg, Charles1831Scot OKI Sandwick FavelLabourer£15-17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/21 fo.269-270
Begg, John1836Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £8A.32/21 fo.271-272
Beith, Robert1839Scot LKS AndersonHB [MB] York FactoryTinsmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/21 fo.273
Belgard, Alexis1822Can [SK]HB [MB] Norway HouseVoyageur Middleman600 livres pa. (3) his mark equip: 1 blanket 3 point,1 blanket 2½ point, 2 shirts 2 yds com[mon]. cloth 6 lbs tobaccoA.32/21 fo.274
Belisle, Cassimire1844Can [PQ] Riviere de L’Isle St. PolycarpeMilieu Hivernantle prix du poste chaque annèe (3) his mark desertedA.32/21 fo.275-276
Bell, George1862Scot MLN EdinburghLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa.+ board (5) sig. advance £14A.32/21 fo.277
Bell, James192519Scot MOR Cromdale Cliff CottageApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 17 Dec 1905 Cromdale single medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/21 fo.278-290
Bell, John1833Clerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.291
Bell, William1850Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/21 fo.292
Belleau, Jean Baptiste1824/34HB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.296-297
Belleau, Jean Baptiste 183638Can [PQ] La PrairieHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.295
Belleau[x], Jean Baptiste182830Can [PQ] La PrairieHB [NT] Good Hope, FortBowsman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.293-294
Bellecour, Alexis1852Can [SK] St. AnneMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.298-299
Bellehumeur, Louis Bla[i]sse dit1824Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.477
Bellemard, Pierre1831Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Trapper500 livres pa. his mark advance 3 livres 15 chelinsA.32/21 fo.301-302
Bellemare, Pierre1875Can [PQ] MackinacEmployee of Manawan$204 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.300
Bellerose, Olivier1841Middleman£17 pa. (3) his mark advance 3 livres 15 chelinsA.32/21 fo.303
Bellowen, James180121Eng LND LondonHB [PQ] EastmainArmourer£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.95
Belly, Alexander1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.116
Belly, Alexander1794Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£14-15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.20
Belly, Alexander1798Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose Factory£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.9
Beloin Alexandre, dit Fortier183421Can [PQ] Montréal EdouardMilieu1700 livres (3) his mark advance 72 livres & 12 piastres d'EspagneA.32/21 fo.305-306
Belouin, Nicolas183728Can [PQ] Ste. AnneMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) no sig. advance 8 piastres d'Espagne desertedA.32/21 fo.307-308
Belsey, John1836Eng KEN DealSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.309
Bence, William1828Eng MDX St. KatherinesHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.310
Bennett, Alfred Ormond Theophilus1876Eng YKS Brough Eastrington VicarageApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.311
Bennett, James1837?Carpenter£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.312
Bennett, William178340Eng Ratcliff*Carpenter£36 pa. (3) sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.70
Benoit1864HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFisherman£25 pa. (8 mos) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.324
Benoit1865Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFisherman Steersman£25 pa.(1) his mark copyA.32/21 fo.325-326
Benoit, Alexis1831CanTraite750 Livres (4 mos) his markA.32/21 fo.317
Benoit, Alexis1826Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [PQ] St. MauriceHyvernant [Hivernant]600 Livres (2) his mark advance 15 piastresA.32/21 fo.313-314
Benoit, Alexis182930Can [PQ] YamaskaHivernant Milieu650 Livres (2) his mark advance 60 piastresA.32/21 fo.315-316
Benoit, André1827HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Baker£18.15.0 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.320
Benoit, André1824Can [PQ] LongueilHB [MB] York FactoryHyvernant [Hivernant]500 livres (3) his mark advance 15 piastresA.32/21 fo.318-319
Benoit, André1833Can [PQ] LongueilHB [MB] York FactoryBaker£28 pa. (3) his mark returned to Montréal due to illness 20 July 1836A.32/21 fo.321-322
Bens, William1834Scot OKI Shapinsay North BiggingLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £6.4.9A.32/21 fo.323
Bentley, William178733Eng YKS Kingston-Upon-HullSurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.173
Berard, Pierre182434Can [PQ] St. OursCarpenter Blacksmith£22 pa (3) his markA.32/21 fo.328
Berard, Pierre1823Can [PQ] St. OursMilieu Hivernant500 pa + supplies (1) his markA.32/21 fo.327-328
Berens, Samuel1872Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa +£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/21 fo.333-334
Berens, Samuel1856Can [MB] Berens RiverHB [MB] Berens RiverLabourer£17 pa (2) his mark allowed to go to another post if he wishesA.32/21 fo.329-330
Berens, Samuel1858Can [MB] Berens RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£20 pa (2) his markA.32/21 fo.331-332
Bernard, Baptiste1832Can [ON] Ottawa Grand RiverGuide900 Livres his mark advance 50 piastres d'EspagneA.32/21 fo.335-336
Bernard, François1824HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.337
Bernard, Jean Baptiste1824Can [PQ] BerthierGuide for Athabasca£29 pa. (1) his mark + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs grease extra man in craft if he retires at end of contract to take his family on Co[mpany']s craftA.32/21 fo.338
Berrard, Louis182427Can [PQ] St. OursSteersman800 livres (2) his mark + equipmentA.32/21 fo.339
Berrard, Pierre jnr184125Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMiddlemansalary at post (3) his markA.32/21 fo.340-341
Berry, James178825Sawyer House Carpenter£20 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/3 fo.206
Berry, John 181436Eng GLS£25 pa. (5) sig. £19.1.11 [advance] 5ft 7 ins high brown hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.53
Berston, Alexander1801Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman Netmaker£20 pa.(3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.98
Berston, Magnus179828Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.42
Berston, Magnus179022Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/4 fo.14
Berth, Robert1839Scot LKS GlasgowHB [MB] York FactoryA.32/21 fo.273
Bertrand, Charles185823CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.346-347
Bertrand, Charles1853Can [PQ] Coulonge, FortHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.344-345
Bertrand, Charles1850Can [PQ] Ottawa Co. AllumettesHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Labourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.342-343
Best, John1781HB [ON] Henley HouseCarpenter£36 pa. (5) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.44
Best, John1795ScotHB£70 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.1
Bethune, James1878Scot SUT CruchLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/21 fo.348
Betourné, Pierre183447Middleman£17 pa.(2) his markA.32/21 fo.351-352
Betourné, Pierre183648Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.353a,b
Betourné, Pierre1829Can [PQ]Labourer£15 pa. (3) his mark wife would be supportedA.32/21 fo.350
Betourné, Pierre1822Can [PQ] La Prairie de la MadelaineBoute700 livres ancien cours de PQ (2) his mark + suppliesA.32/21 fo.349
Beveridge, John Bruce192021Scot ABD Aberdeen 238 Union GroveJunior Clerk£240-480 pa. (3) sig. DOB 3 Nov 1898 Aberdeen single photo taken 2 Ap 1920 medical cert. War record Bombadier RFA #631380 Aug 1914- Feb.1919 Sgt. Testimonials copies advance £25A.32/21 fo.354-355
Bewes, Alexander1784Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySeaman£15 pa.+ £2 (3) sig.advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.79
Bews, Hary1828Scot OKI StennessLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.365
Bews, Hugh 181619Scot OKI Sandwick TenstonHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa.(5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.72
Bews, Nichol 180440Scot OKI Kirkwall£10 pa. (5) his mark 2+ 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.66
Bews, Peter1859Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 could settle in RR with grant of 25 acresA.32/21 fo.366
Bews, Robert G.1849Can [PQ] Trois RivièresJournalier£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.354
Bews, William1796HB [ON] AlbanyArmourer£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.12
Bews, William1782HB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.164
Bews, William178342Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.102
Bews, William1792Scot OKI BurrayHB [ON] AlbanyBlacksmith£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.79
Bews, William1804Scot OKI KirkwallSailor£20 pa. (5) sig. £6 to accountA.32/13 fo.120
Bews, William 180426Scot OKI Kirkwall£10 pa. (5) his mark 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.113
Bias, James 179731Scot OKI BirsayNetmaker Fisherman Bowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.47
Bias, John1838Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/21 fo.371
Bias, John184930Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25-30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.372-373
Bias, John1830Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9 copyA.32/21 fo.369-370
Bibault, François183132Can [PQ] St. François d’YamaskaVoyageur Trapper800 livres his mark advance 120 livresA.32/21 fo.374-375
Bibeau, Louis182023Can [PQ] Montréal SorelMilieu20 piastres d'Espagne (4) no sig.+equipmentA.32/21 fo.376-377
Bickford, Roland Hall1900Eng DEV Bideford GiffordHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/21 fo.378-379
Biggar, Walter177828Eng SRY ChristchurchHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.25
Binington, Joseph1830Eng YKS HullSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.381
Binnot, Joseph1880Can [SK] Ile-à-la-CrosseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman General Service£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/21 fo.367
Bird, David184749Scot OKI St OlaHB [MB] York FactorySailor£25 pa. (1) sig.A.32/21 fo.390-391
Bird, David1841Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Sailor£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.388-389
Bird, David1826Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallLabourer Sailor£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.383
Bird, David1832Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallLabourer Sailor£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.385
Bird, David1829Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallLabourer Sailor£25 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.384
Bird, David1838Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallHB [MB] York FactorySailor£25 pa.(3) sig.kA.32/21 fo.386-387
Bird, David1821Scot OKI St. Ola KirkwallLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) his mark advance £9A.32/21 fo.382
Bird, Iron [Ironbird]1864CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortHunter Labourer£25 +£1 t/s (2) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.393-394
Bird, James178815Eng MDX Acton£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.193
Bird, James1795Eng SRY MitchamTrader£40-50 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.28
Bird, James 179824Eng SRY MitchamInland Trader£60 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.28
Bird, James jnr1833Can Hudson' s BayClerk Interpreter£100 (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.395-396
Bird, Lizzie1908Can [LB] CartwrightMess Cook Housekeeper$5 pm. Sig.A.32/21 fo.392
Bird, Walter1901HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$50 per season his markA.32/21 fo.398
Bird, Walter1902HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$50 per season sig.A.32/21 fo.399
Bird, Walter1900Can [LB] CartwrightHB [LB] RigoletLabourer$50 per season + board his markA.32/21 fo.397
Biron, Toussaint1850Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.412-413
Birsay, Magnusn.d.HB [ON] AlbanyTailor£15 pa. (1) sig. previous contract believed to be 1791A.32/4 fo.92
Birsay, Magnus1785Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.103
Birsay, Magnus1792Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£15-18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.96
Birston, Alexander179319Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance part of wagesA.32/5 fo.32
Birston, Alexander1798Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman Netmaker£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.41
Birston, James1820Scot OKI BurrayLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/21 fo.400
Birston, Magnus1800Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.33
Birston, Magnus 179627Scot OKI SandwickBowsman Steersman£16+25% bonus pa. if he acts as bowman on expedition to Athabasca country £20 basic salary if he acts as steersman (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.46
Birston, Miles183219Can [MB] Red RiverLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.401-402
Birston, Peter180342Scot OKI Burray£10 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.36
Birston, Peter 179236Scot OKI Burray£10 pa. (3) his mark advance £4.4.0A.32/5 fo.195
Birston, William1822Can£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.403
Birston, William1857Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Ellice, FortWheelwright Nailmaker£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.404-405
Bishop, Samuel1869Eng ESS 15 Arkwright St.Assistant Salmon Preserver£3.15.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. copy 300 tins/season copyA.32/21 fo.406-409
Bisson, Jean Baptiste1867HB [AB] DunveganSteersman£27 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.368
Bissonnette, Solomon182232Can [PQ] MontréalSteersman800 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.414
Bissonnette, Solomon1823Can [PQ] MontréalSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.415
Bla[I]sse Louis, dit Bellehumeur1824Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.477
Black, Edward Alexander192618Scot ABD Aberdeen 1 Gladstone Pl.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 7 Oct 1907 Turiff photograph letter medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/21 fo.420-430
Black, J. Stuart1882Scot ROC TainApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.433
Black, John1839Scot FIF St AndrewsClerk£100 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £40A.32/21 fo.431-432
Blackhall, John Shiell191120Scot ABD Aberdeen 12 Esslemont Ave.HB [LB]Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. DOB 7 Jan 1891 medical cert. letter testimonials copiesA.32/21 fo.434-443
Blackie, David1862Scot MLN EdinburghHired Servant Labourer£22 pa.+ board (5) sig. advance £11A.32/21 fo.444
Blacksley, John183720HB [MB] York FactoryButler York Factory£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/21 fo.445-446
Blake, William1833Eng MDX St. George in the EastHB Columbia RiverCook£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.447
Blakey, James1830HB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/21 fo.448
Blance, Robert C.1864Scot SHI YellHB [MB] Norway HouseSawyer£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig. copyA.32/21 fo.450-451
Blance, Robert C.1859Scot SHI YellLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.449
Blanchard, John1836Eng WAR BirminghamHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.452
Blankn.d.A.32/19 fo.150
Blankn.d.A.32/12 fo.37
Blankn.d.A.32/12 fo.21
Blank1786A.32/3 fo.159
Blankn.d.A.32/3 fo.247
Blankn.d.A.32/3 fo.246
Blank1807A.32/14 fo.49
Blankn.d.A.32/14 fo.80
Blankn.d.A.32/14 fo.93
Blank1807A.32/14 fo.72
Blank1807A.32/14 fo.71
Blank1807A.32/14 fo.48
Blank1807A.32/14 fo.47
Blank1784A.32/3 fo.129
Blank1799A.32/11 fo.5
Blazes, James C1858HB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/21 fo.453-454
Blenkinsop, George1840Eng CON PenrynHB Columbia RiverSteward£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.455
Blenkinsop, James George1868Eng CON PenrynHB Columbia RiverApprentice Seaman£6-12 pa. (5) sig. App. Ind. Alfred Blenkinsop 70 Queen St LondonA.32/21 fo.456
Bligh, Andrew1834Scot MLN EdinburghHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/21 fo.457
Bloin, Joseph1856Can [PQ]Interpreter Fisherman£28 pa. (5) his markA.32/21 fo.458-459
Blondin, Baptiste1852Interpreter£22 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/21 fo.460-461
Blondin, Paullet1857Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Garry, FortMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his mark no horse tradingA.32/21 fo.462-463
Blondin, Pierre1834CanHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Fisherman£19-22 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.470
Blondin, Pierre1843CanHB [NT] AthabascaCanoe Foreman Guide£25 pa.(1) his mark duplicate sent to AthabascaA.32/21 fo.468-469
Blondin, Pierre1828CanHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£19 pa. (2) his mark passage for his family to Norway House and back to PQA.32/21 fo.464-465
Blondin, Pierre183942Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant Gouvernail£24 pa. (2) his mark NatifA.32/21 fo.471-472
Blondin, Pierre183034Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [NT] AthabascaDevant£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.466-467
Blondin, Pierre père1843CanHB [MB] Norway HouseCanoe Foreman Guide Bowsman£25 pa.(1) his mark duplicate sent to AthabascaA.32/21 fo.416-419
Blondin, Simon1853Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/21 fo.473-474
Bloomfield, Harry1855HB [SK] Cumberland HouseFisherman Voyageur£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/21 fo.475-476
Boar, Thomas1807HB [ON] Albany£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.52
Bodard, Raymondn.d.France Moulin sur RocheDOB 7 May 1904 singleA.32/22 fo.1
Bodoin, Louis1824HB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu800 Lires (1) his markA.32/22 fo.2
Boisvert dit Forcier, François184118Can [PQ] MaskinongéMilieu Hivernant600 francs (3) no sig. advance 8 piastresA.32/22 fo.5a
Boisvert, Jean Baptiste1828Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.3
Boisvert, Jean Baptiste183030Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.4
Boldero, John1836Eng NFK Walpole St. PeterFarm Servantno wages mentioned (5) his mark to be allowed 1 oz of tea weeklyA.32/22 fo.6a
Bolland, John1806HB [PQ] Eastmain£8 pa. (3) his markA.32/14 fo.38
Bolland, William179130Eng YKS Leeds£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.240
Bolland, William1785Eng YKS LeedsHB [ON] Moose Factory£20-30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.186
Bolland, William177922Eng YKS LeedsHB [ON] Moose FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.39
Bolton, Edward1834Eng DEV ChudleighSecond Mate£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.6b
Bonamis, dit L'Esperence Alexis1825HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£22 pa. (2) his mark cancelled mutual consent 5 Sept 1825A.32/22 fo.9-10
Bonamis, dit L'Esperence Alexis1824HB Columbia RiverBowsman£20 pa. his markA.32/22 fo.8
Bonamis, dit L'Esperence Alexis1823Can [PQ] Montréal St. JosephBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.7
Bonamis, dit L'Esperence Alexis182629Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide Lower Red River£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.11
Bonna, Alexander1850Can [PQ]HB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.13
Bonna, Harier185028Can [PQ] BerthierHB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.15-16
Bonnelly, James1833Scot MLN South LeithSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.17
Bonno, Antoine1829Labourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.18-19
Booth, John 181830Scot OKI Stenness IrelandHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark. £12.12.0A.32/19 fo.129
Borbant, Auguste1828HB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.BowsmanPrix du Poste (2) his markA.32/22 fo.258
Borlind, Alexander1839Eng MDXHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.20
Bormann, Carl Federick1856NorwayLabourer£17 pa. + board (5) no sig.A.32/22 fo.20-24
Bormann, Carl Federick1865Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.25
Bormann, Carl Frederick1865NorwayLabourer£24 pa. (5) no sig. copyA.32/22 fo.25
Bormann, Carl Frederick1857NorwayLabourer£24 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/22 fo.22
Bormann, Carl Frederick1856NorwayLabourer£17 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/22 fo.21-22
Bormann, Carl Frederick1857NorwayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.23
Börresen, Carl1856NorwayLabourer£17 pa.+ board (5) no sig.A.32/22 fo.27-28
Borwick, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.63
Borwick, John1835Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.advance £6A.32/22 fo.30
Borwick, John1821Scot OKI RendallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig.advance £7.10.0A.32/22 fo.29
Borwick, John 180628Scot OKI Harray£14 pa. (3) sig. recd. 5 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.26
Borwick, William1860HB [AB] Rocky Mountain HouseBlacksmith£35 pa.+£2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.34
Borwick, William1852Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/22 fo.33-34
Borwick, William180418Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.76
Borwick, William1820Scot OKI Rendall NewhouseHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£14 pa. (5) sig.advance £7.10.0 Old hand copy £20 in pencil on back suggestion of his annaul wage for part of contractA.32/22 fo.31-32
Boss, Engelhard1778Eng LND Limehouse St. AnnCooper£20 pa. (5) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.20
Bouchard, Elie1824Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.36
Bouchard, François dit Grandbois1833Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.37-38
Bouchard, Louis1861Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman£20-22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.41-42
Bouchard, Louis1865Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Bowman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.43
Bouchard, Louis185214Can Pays SauvageHB [ON] MichipicotenHivernant£8-16 pa. (7) his markA.32/22 fo.39-40
Bouchard, Olivier1824Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.45
Bouché, Jean Baptiste182328Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMilieu£30-35 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.54
Bouché, Jean Baptiste dit La Malice1825HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant(2) his mark 800 livres deducted annually from his old debtA.32/22 fo.55
Bouche, Joseph1867Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [MB] Norway HouseFisherman Carpenter£25 pa.(2) his markE.289/1 fo.1
Boucher Baptiste dit Lamalice see Bouché Baptiste dit Lamalicen.d.HB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£25 (3) his markA.32/22 fo.92
Boucher, Baptiste1822HB [BC] St. James, FortInterpreter1400 livres pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.63
Boucher, Charles1905HB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseClerk$35 pm. (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.69
Boucher, Charles1904HB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseClerk$420 pa. (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.68
Boucher, Charles1910Can [PQ] Gatineau RiverHB [ON] William, FortPost Manager General Service$45 pm.+ board (3) sig. DOB 2 Feb 1850 Mar. famiiy 2A.32/22 fo.70
Boucher, Charles1903Can [PQ] La ChuteHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseClerk$35 pm.+ board (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.64
Boucher, Charles190350Can [PQ] La ChuteClerk$20-35 pm. DOB 2 Feb 1853 single cancelledA.32/22 fo.65-66
Boucher, Charles190451Can [PQ] La ChuteHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseClerk$35 pm. (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.67
Boucher, dit La Malice, Baptiste1852Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Pêcheur£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/22 fo.46-47
Boucher, dit La Malice, Baptiste1871Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Boat Builder£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.53a-b
Boucher, dit La Malice, Baptiste1864Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Carpenter£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.52a
Boucher, dit La Malice, Baptiste186234Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB [NT] Rae, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.50-51
Boucher, dit La Malice, Baptiste185830Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB [NT] Liard, FortSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.48-49
Boucher, François1852Can [AB] La Rivière du PaixPêcheur£25 pa. (2) his mark former engaement as steersman £27 cancelledA.32/22 fo.72-73
Boucher, François1843Can [MB] Red RiverBowsman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.71
Boucher, J.B. dit La Malice,1842HB [MB] York FactoryMiddlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/22 fo.56
Boucher, Jean Baptiste1825Middleman Carpenter£20 pa. (3) his mark cancelled 9 May 1825A.32/22 fo.59
Boucher, Jean Baptiste182822Can [PQ] LachineHB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]600 livres ancient cours de PQ (3) his mark advance 6 piastresA.32/22 fo.74-75
Boucher, Jean Baptiste "B"1824Milieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.58
Boucher, Jean Marie1822HB [NT] Great Slave Lake [Fort Resolution]Middleman800 livres pa. (1) no sig.A.32/22 fo.60
Boucher, Jean Marie1863Boute General Servant£45 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.61
Boucher, Jean Marie1824Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [AB] DunveganMilieu800 livres ancient cours de PQ (2) his markA.32/22 fo.76
Boucher, Jean Marie1828Can [PQ] BerthierCarpenter Labourer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.77
Boucher, Joseph1858HB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£25 (3) his markA.32/22 fo.91a
Boucher, Joseph1852HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 (1) his markA.32/22 fo.89-90
Boucher, Joseph1824Can [PQ] MontréalHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.62
Boucher, Narcisse1858CanHB [MB] Norway HouseFisherman Middleman£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.78-79
Boucher, Narcisse1860Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Winterer£22 pa. (2) his mark, to fish if reqd. extra wagesA.32/22 fo.80-81
Boucher, Paul184119Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMiddlemanPrix du Post (3) his markA.32/22 fo.82-83
Boucher, Pierre1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonGouvernail£25 (2) his markA.32/22 fo.87-88
Boucher, Pierre1822Can [PQ] BerthierBoute Hyvernant800 livres de vingt sols (3) his mark if he is shifted to another dept. to be allowed passage for his familyA.32/22 fo.84
Boucher, Pierre1823Can [PQ] BerthierHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£23 (3) his markA.32/22 fo.85
Boucher, Pierre182434Can [PQ] BerthierGuide for English River£27 (2) his markA.32/22 fo.86
Boue, Joseph183933Can [PQ]Milieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.95
Boulton, Henry1819Eng SRY LeatherheadClerk£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.97
Bourassa, John1876Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.102
Bourassa, John1879Can [AB] Vermilion, FortHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter£33 pa.+£2 + allowances (1) his mark permission to retire to Green Lake & to receive his full pay at Green Lake exempted from carrying HBC pieces on all portages wages cease upon arrival at Green LakeA.32/22 fo.103-104
Bourassa, John1873Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.98-99
Bourassa, John1873Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter$160 (2) his markA.32/22 fo.100-101
Bourassa, Joseph1863Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Ellice, FortLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.105
Bourassa, Louis1842Milieu£19 pa. (2) sig. copyA.32/22 fo.109-112
Bourassa, Louis1837HB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.108
Bourassa, Louis185640CanHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.117-118
Bourassa, Louis1844CanHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.113-114
Bourassa, Louis185759Can [PQ] NicoletHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig to remain inlandA.32/22 fo.122-123
Bourassa, Louis183620Can [PQ] NicoletHB [NT] Resolution, Fort£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.106-107
Bourassa, Louis1850Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSummerman£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.115-116
Bourassa, Louis "B"1875HB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 gratuity (1) his mark + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs greaseA.32/57 fo.98
Bourassa, Louis "B"1873HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/22 fo.126
Bourassa, Louis "B"1871Can [AB] DunveganHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/22 fo.125
Bourassa, Louis "B"1875Can [AB] DunveganHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter General Service$165 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.128
Bourassa, Louis "B"1864Can [AB] DunveganHB [AB] Peace RiverApprentice Intrepreter£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.119
Bourassa, Louis "B"1867Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/22 fo.121
Bourassa, Louis "B"1865Can [AB] Rivière de la PaixApprentice Intrepreter£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.120
Bourassa, Louis "B"1876Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]£32 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/22 fo.129-130
Bourassa, Louis "B"1868Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.124
Bourassa, Louis "B"187428Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter$165 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/22 fo.127
Bourassa, Pierre1868Middleman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.133-134
Bourassa, Pierre1838HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.131-132
Bourdeau, Joseph183429Can [PQ] La Prairie de la MadelaineMilieu500 livres (3) his mark 200 livres to be deducted from debt deserted 1834 advance 48 livres + 8 piastres d'EspagneA.32/22 fo.135-136
Bourgard, Charles1860HB [SK] Pelly, FortGouvernail£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark to winter in Fort PittA.32/22 fo.147-148
Bourgard, Charles1859HB [AB] EdmontonSteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/22 fo.145-146
Bourgard, Charles1841HB [MB] York FactorySteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.143-144
Bourgard, Charles1839HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.141-142
Bourgard, Charles1833HB [MB] York FactoryBoute£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.139-140
Bourgard, Charles1827Devant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.138
Bourgard, Charles182421CanHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) no markA.32/22 fo.137
Boursi dit Lavigne, Jean Baptiste 184222Can [PQ] Ste. Martine CultivateurHB [MB] York FactoryMilieule prix du poste (3) his mark deserted [?] at the Pas Saskatchewan River Summer 1842A.32/22 fo.149
Bousquet, Guillame185720Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu Hivernant£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.151-152
Bousquet, Michelle1833HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.153-154
Boutelie, Alexis1823Milieu600 livres ancien coursd de MontréalA.32/22 fo.155
Bouvais, Jacques182963Can [PQ] Ste. MadeleineHB [NT] Liard, FortMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his mark in consideration of his advanced age not required to carrying at Portage La LocheA.32/22 fo.157-158
Bouvais, Jacques "A"1824Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.156
Bouvet, François1823Can [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.159
Bouvie, Joseph1841HB Fort Simpson*Boute£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.160
Bouvier, Antoine184118Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.161-162
Bouvier, Baptiste1829Can English River*Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.163
Bouvier, Jean Baptiste1824Can [PQ] St. OursMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.164
Bouvier, Joseph1851Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide Steersman£32 pa. (2) his mark to winter at Fort SimpsonA.32/22 fo.167-168
Bouvier, Joseph1859Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide Steersman£32 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.169-170
Bouvier, Joseph1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide£35pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.171-172
Bouvier, Joseph1843Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Boute Gouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.165-166
Bouvier, Michel184229Can [SK] Ile-à-la-CrosseGouvernail Hivernant£22 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/22 fo.173-174
Bouvier, Michel185745Can [SK] Ile-à-la-CrosseGuide£30 + supplies pa. (1) his mark + allowances of food supplies for his valuable services during the winter as carpenter and coureurA.32/22 fo.175-176
Bovill, Arthur John1873Eng LND 22 James St. Buckingham GateApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.177
Bovill, Edward M. 1874Eng MDX 25 Eccleston Sq.HB [BC] Victoria, FortClerk£250 Victoria or £100 pa with rations if sent inland (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.178
Bowers, John1829Eng MDX Wapping St. JohnSteward Seaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.179
Bowman, Robert1786Mariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.151
Boyer, Charles1866Can [ON] Sault Ste. MarieInterpreter Guide$145 pa. (1) sig.A.32/22 fo.180-181
Boyer, Jean Baptiste1834CanHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.182-183
Boyer, Jean Baptiste183930Can [PQ] St. PierreMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.184-185
Boyer, Jean Baptiste1842St. Pierre*Boute Steersman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.186-186
Boyer, Michel186631Can [ON] Sault Ste. MarieLabourer Runner$130 pa (1) his mark + suppliesA.32/22 fo.188-189
Boyer, Pierre1866Can [ON] AlgomaCarpenter Labourer Guide$130 pa (1) sig. + 50 lbs maple sugar 8 lbs Twanky tea & 2 rations of such provisions as the Co. may have at the time of employmentA.32/22 fo.190-191
Brade, John William1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] Alexamder, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.192
Brailsford, John Thomas187016Eng LNDApprentice£6-12 pa. (4) sig. ship Prince of Wales +£5 gratuity if satisfactoryA.32/22 fo.193
Branconnier, Amable182620CanMilieu Pêcheur£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.195
Branconnier, Amable183536Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Governaille prix du poste d'un governail. (3) his mark £2 pd annually to dau. at Red River allowed to return to RR sickA.32/22 fo.198-199
Branconnier, Amable1822Can [PQ] BerthierHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu800 livres vingt sols (2) his markA.32/22 fo.194
Branconnier, Amable183030Can [PQ] BerthierHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Pêcheur£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.196-197
Brand, Alexander178333Scot MOR Elgin SpeymouthHB [ON] Moose FactoryMaster of Moose Sloop£36 pa.+£10 for serv. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.107
Brass, David1861Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. adv. £11 copyA.32/22 fo.200-201
Brass, George1844Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] Shoal RiverTrader Runner£25 +£2 t/s (2) his mark, NativeA.32/22 fo.202
Brass, John1852CanMiddleman Winterer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.203-204
Brass, John1864CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortSteersman£25 pa. + £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.206
Brass, John1859Can [MB] Swan RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortSteersman£25 pa.(2) his mark HBC ageed to allow him to purchase a mare during his contract winter at Shoal River or ManitobahA.32/22 fo.205
Brass, John1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (4) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.71
Brass, John1875Scot OKI SandwickCarpenter£35-40 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.207
Brass, John 179237Scot OKI Stromness£10 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.160
Brass, Peter1827HB [MB] Swan RiverBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.209
Brass, Peter1864Can [MB] Red RiverInterpreter Steersman£32 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.211
Brass, Peter1829Can [MB] Swan RiverHB [MB] Swan RiverBowsman£20 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/22 fo.210
Brass, Peter1820Can Rupert’s LandLabourer£24 pa. (3) his mark gone to the south branch sum. 1822A.32/22 fo.208
Brass, Peter1795Scot OKI StromnessLabourer Cook£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.32
Brass, Peter179234Scot OKI Stromness£8-10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.55
Brass, William1837Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.212
Brass, William1863Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.213
Brault Michel, dit Pomminville185229Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Hivernant100 piastres pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.220
Brazeau, Antoine1858Can [PQ] Lower CanadaHB [AB] EdmontonBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.216-217
Brazeau, Antoine185227Can [PQ] VercheresHB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his mark cancelled 1853A.32/22 fo.214-215
Brazeau, François1857HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.218
Break, Thomas179128Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Churchill River£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.91
Bremner, Albert192019Scot ABD Aberdeen 18 Wallfield Cres.Junior Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) sig. DOB 2Aug 1901 Aberdeen single photograph medical/dental certs testimonials copies advance £15A.32/22 fo.226-235
Bremner, Alexander1820Scot CAILabourer£28 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/22 fo.222
Bremner, Alexander1828Scot CAISteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.225
Bremner, Alexander1823Scot CAI StromaSteersman£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.223-224
Bremner, Charles188321Scot OKI Hoy Stedding FarmHB [AB] Peace RiverLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 certs. Attached to original cert.A.32/22 fo.236
Bremner, George1831Scot CAI ThursoLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/22 fo.237-238
Brereton, William Robert1873Ire DUB Dublin Sandymount 143 Tritonville Rd.Apprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.239
Bress, James181719Scot OKI Flotta Upper BroughHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.88
Brewer, George1873Eng DEV Plymouth 28 Stillman St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/22 fo.240-241
Brewer, Thomas1876Tinsmith£4.5.0 (season) sig. advance £4.5.0 copyA.32/22 fo.242-244
Briant Antoine dit Derocher1823Can [PQ] L’AssomptionBowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.246
Briant, Antoine dit Derocher1826Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMiddleman Hivernant£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.247
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre1841Can [ON] Upper CanadaSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.255
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre183052Can [PQ]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.251-252
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre1837Can [PQ]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.253-254
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre182950Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.250
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre182638Can [PQ] EbouléeHB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.248-249
Briant, Louis dit LaPierre1843Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.256-257
Bridges, David1868Scot FIF PittenweenBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.259
Brien Philippe Derocher dit1840Middleman Bowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.225-226
Brien, Noel dit Brouillet183720Can [PQ] St. Jacques Chatelain aubergiste, Pointe aux TremblesHB [PQ] Coulonge, FortMilieu Hivernantprix du Poste (3) no sig. advance 48 livres ancien coursA.32/22 fo.261-262
Brien, Philip dit Derocher1850Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.263
Briere, Guillaume1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] Alexamder, FortMiddleman£20 pa.+ large dressed moose skin (2) his markA.32/22 fo.412
Briere, Pemis dit Candien1844HB [SK] CarltonDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.4-5
Briere, Pimes183220Can [AB] Fort des PrairiesMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark Native of SaskatchewanA.32/22 fo.277-278
Bright, Henry Pearl1866Eng MDX St. Georges in the East 13 New Rd.HB [LB]Postmaster£50 pa. (3.5) sig.A.32/22 fo.260
Bright, John 180814Eng LND WestminsterHB [ON] AlbanyAssistant Writer£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.138
Brill, Andreas1858Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/22 fo.264-267
Brillant, Antoine dit LaPiere1835Can [PQ] DebouléSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.268
Brisbois, Augustin1823HB [SK] Cumberland HouseMilieu500 livres + supplies (2) his markA.32/22 fo.269
Brisbois, Charles1834Can Rupert's LandClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.270
Brison, Charles1834Steward£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.271
Brissard, Joseph dit St. Germain1830HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.273
Brissard, Joseph dit St. Germain182323Can [PQ] MaskinongéDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.272
Brissette, Hypolite1828Can [PQ] Lower CanadaMiddleman Fisherman£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.275-276
Brissette, Hypolite1830Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.276
Brodie, George 181521Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £14 5ft 7½ ins high fair complexion dark hair is serving his apprenticeship to a joinerA.32/18 fo.84
Brodie, James1833Scot OKI SandwickLabourer Middleman£15-17 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/22 fo.281-282
Brodie, James1836Scot OKI SandwickMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark drowned May 1838A.32/22 fo.283
Brodie, James1828Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/22 fo.279-280
Brodie, John 181621Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.11
Brodie, William1831Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay MillhouseLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.284
Brooking, John1875Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman Bowsman$140 + supplies (1) his markA.32/22 fo.285
Brooks, Richard1832Eng CON CombemartinSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.286
Broomfield, Albert1926HB [NT] Baker Lake$360 (1) Staff RecordA.32/22 fo.287
Broomfield, Charles Jr.1893HB [LB] RigoletLabourer$8 pm. (summer) his markA.32/22 fo.288-289
Brosseau Basil dit Lafleur1841HB [BC] Langley, FortMilieu£17 pa. his markA.32/22 fo.298-299
Brotchie, Stewart 181522Scot CAI Thurso£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high dark hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.66
Brotchie, William1834Scot MLN Edinburgh LeithFirst Mate Command of "Cadboro"£75 12.0 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/22 fo.290
Brough, Hugh 179219Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.169
Brough, James 180720Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.29
Brough, John179729Scot OKI EvieCanoeman£12-14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.43
Brough, John1800Scot OKI HoyHB [MB] York Factory£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.23
Brough, John 179224Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.168
Brough, John G.185730Scot OKIHB Simpson, Fort*Boat Builder£32 pa. (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.293-294
Brough, John G.187125Scot OKI KirkwallBoat Builder General Service£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.297
Brough, John G.186336Scot OKI PomonaHB Simpson, Fort*Boat Builder£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/22 fo.295-296
Brough, John G.185125Scot OKI ScapaHB [SK] Pelly, FortFisherman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/22 fo.291-292
Brouillet, Noel Brien dit183720Can [PQ] St. Jacques Chatelain aubergiste, Pointe aux TremblesMilieu Hivernantprix du Poste (3) no sig.A.32/22 fo.261-262
Brown, Alexander1875Scot MLN Edinburgh LeithCooper£35 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.300
Brown, David 179218Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.190
Brown, E.1887Eng LND Clapham Junction 36 Alliwall Rd. St. John's Rd. Clapham JunctionHB [MB] WinnipegTailor Cutter£250-350 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.301-302
Brown, Edward178522Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.130
Brown, Georgen.d.Apprentice Labourer Fisherman (5) his mark incompleteA.32/22 fo.304-305
Brown, George1878Eng LND Limehouse 44 Dixon St.Second Engineer£10 pm. (3) sig. advance £10A.32/22 fo.307
Brown, George1884Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Blacksmith Engineer£60 pa. (3) sig. advance £30A.32/22 fo.308
Brown, George1870Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.306
Brown, George1858Scot SHIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (1) sig. remain in CanadaA.32/22 fo.303
Brown, Henry1870Scot OKI BirsayBlacksmith£35 (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.310
Brown, Henry1821Scot OKI Birsay Breck-be-SouthHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/22 fo.309
Brown, Hugh H.190921Can [ON] William, FortHB [ON] Long LakeAssistant$25-35 pm. (3) sig. DOB 30 Apr 1887 London Eng. SingleA.32/22 fo.311-313
Brown, James1806HB [ON] Albany£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contract 1805A.32/14 fo.28
Brown, James1911HB [LB] RigoletLabourer$16 pm. (season) his markA.32/22 fo.316
Brown, James1792Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.115
Brown, James1794Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] Albany£15-18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.4
Brown, James1867Scot SHI LerwickBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.315
Brown, James1860Scot SHI North UluvineLabourer£22 (5) his markA.32/22 fo.314
Brown, James 181623Scot OKI Sandwick WasbisterHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.77
Brown, James 180535Scot OKI Stromness£25 pa. (5) sig. 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.148
Brown, James 181825Scot OKI Stromness Whome£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/19 fo.122
Brown, John1874Tinsmith£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0 copyA.32/22 fo.320-321
Brown, John178820Eng LND Bishopsgate St.Labourer£10 pa. (5) initialsA.32/3 fo.183
Brown, John1799Eng LND St. Mary WhitechapelSeaman£21 pa. (1) sig.A.32/11 fo.4
Brown, John187622Scot KKDHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£27 pa. (5) sig. dismissed 12 Jul 1877 refused orders used insulting & foul language to Captain of "Mink"A.32/22 fo.318
Brown, John1834Scot MLN Edinburgh Borrowstounness LinlithgowSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.317
Brown, John178320Scot MLN Edinburgh LeithMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.74
Brown, John1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (4) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.72
Brown, John178718Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.174
Brown, John179548Scot OKI StromnessCarpenter£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.37
Brown, John1791Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.181
Brown, John 180729Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.19
Brown, John Mowat1858Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoat Builder£32 pa. (5) sig. advance £16.5.0A.32/22 fo.322
Brown, Joseph1794HB [ON] Moose Factory Sloop Mate Mariner£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/6 fo.19
Brown, Joseph178917Eng SFK AldboroughMariner£18 pa. (2) his markA.32/3 fo.221
Brown, Joseph1797Eng SFK IkenHB [ON] Moose Factory Sailor£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.22
Brown, Joseph1793Eng SFK SudbourneHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/17 fo.21
Brown, Joseph1793Eng SFK SudbourneHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.17
Brown, Magnus1886Scot OKIHB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman Carpenter£40 pa. (2) sig. advance £11.3.0A.32/22 fo.326
Brown, Magnus1838Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.324
Brown, Magnus1862Scot OKI WallsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.3.0A.32/22 fo.325
Brown, Magnus 181528Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay BroughHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high fair complexion r[e]d hair has been 3 yrs at MRA.32/18 fo.93
Brown, Magnus 180732Scot OKI Sandwick£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/16 fo.36
Brown, Peter1800Scot OKIHB [ON] Albany£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.8
Brown, Peter1824Scot OKI Sandwick WasbisterHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark. advance £7.10.0A.32/22 fo.328
Brown, Peter178525Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.131
Brown, Peter179027Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£15 pa. (3) sig. advance on wages thuswill travel North on journey of discovery previous contractA.32/4 fo.40
Brown, Peter179330Scot OKI StromnessCanoeman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.13
Brown, Peter179633Scot OKI StromnessBowsman Netmaker Fisherman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.50
Brown, Peter 179221Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.121
Brown, Peter 180442Scot OKI Stromness£20 pa. (5) his mark £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.110
Brown, Samuel179125Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder£25 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.78
Brown, Samuel1794Scot OKI Stromness£25-32 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.6
Brown, Thomas1841Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman Baker£23 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.335-336
Brown, Thomas1829Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£17 pa. (1) his mark gave notice going home next yearA.32/22 fo.330
Brown, Thomas1830Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.331-332
Brown, Thomas1836Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £6 copyA.32/22 fo.333-334
Brown, Thomas1819Scot OKI Sandwick HestwallLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/22 fo.329
Brown, Thomas 179426Scot OKI Birsay£16-20 pa. (3) his mark note previous contractA.32/6 fo.40
Brown, William1876Eng BKMHB Fort George*Slooper£30 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) his markA.32/22 fo.350-351
Brown, William1871Eng BKM LavendonSlooper£23 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 in London revised wages £28 + gratuity while Master or in charge of any craft copyA.32/22 fo.348-349
Brown, William1838Eng LNDHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/22 fo.341-342
Brown, William1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.120
Brown, William1846Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/22 fo.346
Brown, William1863Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/22 fo.347
Brown, William1840Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.345
Brown, William1830Scot OKI Sandwick HacklandHB [MB] York FactorySailor£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.338
Brown, William181719Scot OKI Sandwick SkeabraeHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.109
Brown, William 180622Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa.(3) his mark 4 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.179
Brown, William "1st"1830Scot OKI Sandwick Upper HouseHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/22 fo.339
Brown, William "2nd"1830Scot OKI Sandwick NessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.340
Brown, William "B"181719Scot OKI Sandwick£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/22 fo.337
Brown, William "B"1839Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa.+£3 (2) sig. may settle in Red River or return to EuropeA.32/22 fo.343-334
Brown, William Robert192221Scot ABD Fraserburgh 36 School St.Clerk$250-500 pa.(5) sig .DOB 25 July 1901 Aberdeen single photograph letter testimonials medical/dental cert. academic recordA.32/22 fo.352-368
Browne, Leslie Owen191021Can [ON] William, FortHB [ON] NipigonAssistant£25-35 pa. (3) sig. DOB 5 Oct 1888 London Eng. Single retired of own request 5 Sept 1912A.32/22 fo.323
Brownie, William Cruickshank192620Scot ABD Aberdeen 12 Portland Pl.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 7 Dec 1905 Udny single photograph letter medical cert testimonials copiesA.32/22 fo.369-381
Brownlee, James1836Scot OKI St. OlaBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £7A.32/22 fo.382
Bruce, Andrew1859Scot SHI UistLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.383
Bruce, Antoine186442Carpenter Boat Builder£35 pa.+ supplies (2) his mark son may workA.32/22 fo.384-385
Bruce, Baptiste1836CanHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseMiddleman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.387
Bruce, Baptiste1828Can English River*Middleman£8.10.0-17 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.386
Bruce, Benjamin1799Scot OKI WallsSteersman£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.16
Bruce, Benjamin 179424Scot OKI Walls£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.26
Bruce, Frederick1870HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseCharpentier£25 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/22 fo.388-389
Bruce, James1861Scot CAI WickBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15.10.0 copyA.32/22 fo.390-391
Bruce, James1871Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.393
Bruce, James1862Scot SHI UistLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.392
Bruce, Pierre1824Can [PQ] QuinchienInterpreter Canoe Builder£35 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.395
Bruce, Pierre182339Can [PQ] QuinchienInterpreter£40 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.394
Bruce, Thomas178824Eng SFK St. Edmundsbury BardellLabourer£10 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.198
Bruce, William1820Can Rupert’s LandInterpreter£45 pa.+ supplies (2) his markA.32/22 fo.396
Bruce, William1845Scot ABD Aberdour SaughentreeHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/22 fo.399
Bruce, William1863Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.400
Bruce, William1838Scot SUT DornockLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.398
Bruce, William1825Scot SUT DornockLabourer£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £6A.32/22 fo.397
Brun, Louison1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£20 pa.(2) his markA.32/22 fo.408-409
Brun, Pierre185858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonGouvernail£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/21 fo.410-411
Brunais, Jean Baptiste182427Can [PQ] QuinchienMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.401
Bruneau, Jeremie1823Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieu600 livres pa. (3) his mark advance 12 livres & 60 livresA.32/22 fo.402
Bruneau, Joseph1825Can [PQ] St. CuthbertHyvernant [Hivernant]550 livres pa. (1) his mark advance 12 piastres copyA.32/22 fo.404-405
Brunet, Jean Baptiste1825Can [PQ] Ste. Anne*HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.407
Brunet, Jean Baptiste1823Can [PQ] Ste. Anne*Milieu Forgeron800 livres de vingt sols Halifax pa. (2) his mark to receive 100 livres extra if employed as a blacksmithA.32/22 fo.406
Brunton, James1849HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa.(3) his markA.32/22 fo.410-411
Brunwin, Stephen1795Eng LND Westminster St. Martin'sHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.50
Bryne, Joseph184222CanMiddleman£17 pa.(2) his markA.32/22 fo.413-414
Buchanan, A.W.183925Scot MLN EdinburghClerk£30-50 (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.418
Buchanan, Angus1864Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [SK] Touchwood HillsMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark advance £14.10.0A.32/22 fo.416-417
Buchanan, Angus1859Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway MelbostLabourer Middleman£22 pa.(5) his mark advance £14.10.0A.32/22 fo.415
Buchanan, Donald1832Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway SandwickLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.5.2 copyA.32/22 fo.419-420
Buchanan, Donald1859Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/22 fo.421
Buche, François1849Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.422-423
Budd, Henry183220Can [MB] Red River SettlementLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.424-425
Budden, William1877Eng LND Poplar Isle of DogsAssistant Steam Boat Constructor & Engineer£25 pm. + board (season) sig. advance £25 copyA.32/22 fo.426-428
Budge, Archer1882Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.430
Budge, Benjamin 180620Scot OKI Walls£8 pa. (3) his mark 4 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.172
Budge, Daniel1870Scot SHI ConingsburghLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.431
Budge, Donald1806HB [ON] Albany£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.13
Budge, Henry1799Scot OKI RonaldsayBoatman£10-12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.38
Budge, Henry1821Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£18 pa. (4) his mark advance £9 copyA.32/22 fo.432-433
Budge, Henry180632Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£15 pa. (3) his mark recd. 10 guineas bounty previous folio removedA.32/15 fo.52
Budge, James1799Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySeaman£21 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.23
Budge, James1830Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay Win[d]wickLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £7 returned to Europe same year found unfit for serviceA.32/22 fo.434-435
Budge, John1807Scot OKI Ronaldsay£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.83
Budge, John178327Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£10 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.87
Budge, John1794Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] Churchill River£24 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.67
Budge, John1801Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York Factory£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.93
Budge, John1793Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] Churchill River£24 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.6
Budge, John1791Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverSawyer Patroon£20 pa. (5) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.193
Budge, John1806Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.8
Budge, John179824Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.40
Budge, John 179319Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) sig. £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.71
Budge, Oman1800Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.27
Budge, Thomas1790Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.5
Budge, Thomas1807Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£20-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.100
Budge, William179023Scot OKI FlottaLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.19
Budge, William1869Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.436
Budge, William1878Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySlooper£24-25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/22 fo.437
Budge, William 179530Scot OKI FlottaSteersman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.31
Bues, Peter181521Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £12.18.6 5ft 4½ ins high fair hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.97b
Bullock-Webster, Harry1873Eng LND Wax-Chandler's HallApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.438
Bulmoor, John178022Eng Stockton*HB [PQ] EastmainShipwright£36 pa.+£4 (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.43
Bunn, Thomas1797Eng MDX HendonWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.61
Buren, Jacob1857Can [MB] Berens RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.439a
Burgar, George1830Scot OKI WestrayHB [MB] York FactorySailor£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £9A.32/22 fo.440
Burgess, Arthur1869Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/22 fo.441
Burgess, James1870Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/22 fo.442
Burn, Joshua1868Eng DEV Plymouth 12 Neswick St.HB [LB]Assistant Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/22 fo.443
Burney, Henry1781Scot OKI StanhouseHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£8 pa. (3) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.51
Burr, John1832Eng KEN MaidstoneHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.444
Burris, William1835Eng GLS Cheltenham St. PhillipsCook£27 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.445
Butcher, Francis183221Eng MDX LondonHB [PQ] LachineApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.446-447
Butcher, William1828Eng SSX RyeSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.448
Butle, James1829Eng ESS AbridgeHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/22 fo.449
Buxton, Henry1821Eng DBY StavelyLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.9A.32/22 fo.450-451
Byas, James179226Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.216
Byth, James1890Scot ABD Aberdeen 49 Clarence St.Cooper£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/22 fo.452
Cabaonsay see Kabaonsay1866A.32/23 fo.1
Cadien Pemis Briere dit1844HB [SK] CarltonDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.4-5
Cadien Pemis dit Lagace1863Milieu£23 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/23 fo.8-9
Cadien Pemis dit Lagace1860Can [AB] Fort des PrairiesHB [SK] CarltonMilieu£22 pa.+£2 (2) his markA.32/23 fo.6-7
Cadien, Louis1856North West AmericaHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£25 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/23 fo.2-3
Cadien, Louis Doiron dit183625Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Middlemanprix du poste (3)A.32/26 fo.45
Cadien, Louis Doiron dit1839Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.46-47
Cadien, Louis Doiron dit183018Can [PQ] Berthier Ste GenevièveMilieu Middleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.43-44
Cadien, Permis Godreau dit1846HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.35-36
Cadien, Permis Godreau dit1846Can [SK]HB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman£20 pa. (3) his mark will not go to York Post but will do all else requiredA.32/31 fo.37-38
Cadien, Permis Godreau dit1837Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/31 fo.33-34
Cadieu, Alexander Cadieu dit1848Can [NT] AthabascaApprentice Interpreter£10 pa. (7) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.245-246-248
Cadieu, Alexander Cadieu dit1853Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Bowsman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.247-248
Cadieu, Baptiste182721Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [NT] Good Hope, FortInterpreter£17 pa.+ supplies (2) his markA.32/23 fo.12-13
Cadieu, Baptiste185418Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*£16 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.10-11
Cadieu, Jean Baptiste1832Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverInterpreter Middleman£22 pa. + supplies his markA.32/23 fo.15-16
Cadieu, Jean Baptiste1833Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverInterpreter£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.17-18
Cadieu, Jean Baptiste182924Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [NT] Norman, FortHivernant Interpreter£22 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/23 fo.14
Cadieu, Jean Baptiste1823Can [PQ] Ste. GenevieveHivernant500 livres ancien cours.. pa. (3) his mark advance 10 piastresA.32/23 fo.21-22
Cadieu, Louison185148Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.19-20
Cadieux, Jean Baptiste182833Can [PQ] Ste. GenevieveHB [PQ] St. MauriceHivernant700 livres ancien cours de PQ pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.25-26
Cadieux, Jean Baptiste1827Can [PQ] Ste. GenevieveHB [PQ] St. MauriceHyvernant [Hivernant]700 livres de vingt copperes ancien cours de cette Province pa. his markA.32/23 fo.23-24
Cadorette, François1828Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Ferblankier30 livres (1), prix due poste (2) his mark advance 20 piastres desertedA.32/23 fo.27-28
Cadotte, Joseph183928CanHB [MB] Norway HouseBowsman£22 pa. (1) his mark Native not registeredA.32/23 fo.31-32
Cadotte, Joseph183623Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaLabourer Middleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.29-30
Cadotte, Laurent182638Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide Steersman£35 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.34-35
Cadotte, Laurent1824Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB Columbia RiverGuide1200 livres ancien cours de Montréal pa (1) his mark £5 extra as guideA.32/23 fo.33
Cadotte, Laurente1834Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.36
Cadrant, Michel1823HB [BC] Kilmaurs; [Babine, Fort]Milieu800 livres [£22] pa. (2) his mark winter in Babine countryA.32/23 fo.39
Cadrant, Michel1844HB [AB] DunveganMilieu Hivernant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.44-45
Cadrant, Michel182834Can [PQ]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.40
Cadrant, Michel184040Can [PQ] St. Michel d’YamaskaMilieu£17 pa. (3) première expeditionA.32/23 fo.37-38
Cadrant, Michel183541Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [NT] Good Hope, FortMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.43
Cadrant, Michel183035Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Hivernant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.41-42
Caille, Ambroise1825Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.47
Caille, Ambroise1823Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu800 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.46
Cain, William1829Eng MDX WhitechapelHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.48
Caithness, John1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryTailor£8 pa.+£2 gratuity (4) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.59
Caithness, John1785Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryTailor£8 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1A.32/2 fo.126
Calder, James1885Scot CAI ThursoLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark cert. health over 21 advance £11A.32/23 fo.51
Calder, James1807Scot OKI BurraySailor£26 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.69
Calder, John181621Scot CAI Dinnet£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/19 fo.19
Calder, John1875Scot LKS Glasgow 46 West Shawrock St.Apprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.52
Calder, John180328Scot OKI KirkwallSurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.114
Calder, Peter1844Steersman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.57
Calder, Peter1841Steersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.55-56
Calder, Peter1836HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/23 fo.49-50
Calder, Peter1838CanBowsman£20 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/23 fo.53-54
Calehois, Michel1864HB [AB] Lac Ste. AnneGuide Fisherman£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark £3 fisherman must feed himself and large family from end of fishing season to 1 MayA.32/23 fo.60-61
Calehois, Michel1855Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonSteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.58-59
Calehois, Thomas1864HB [AB] Lac Ste. AnneMilieu£22 pa. +£2 t/s (2) his mark £3 fishermanA.32/23 fo.62-63
Calume, Pierre1886HB [AB] Smith LandingTripman30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Calume, Pierre see Lieucheux A.1886A.32/23 fo.64
Camden, John1837Cook£27 pa. (2) his mark no dateA.32/23 fo.65
Cameron, Allan183826Can [PQ] Ottawa New LongeuilClerk£100 currency pa. (3) sig. not registeredA.32/23 fo.66-67
Cameron, Ewen1832Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£27-29 pa. (5) his mark advance £13.10.0 copyA.32/23 fo.68-69
Cameron, Joseph1856Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.70-71
Cameron, Thomas1864Scot SHI BressayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/23 fo.72-73
Cameron, William1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/23 fo.76
Cameron, William1861Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£20 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/23 fo.74-75
Campbell, Alexander1842CanSteersman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.80-81
Campbell, Alexander1835Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/23 fo.78-79
Campbell, Alexander1830Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £18.10.0A.32/23 fo.77
Campbell, Alexander1868Scot ROC Lewis Barvas ArnolLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/23 fo.83-84
Campbell, Alexander1877Scot ROC Lewis LochsLabourer Fisherman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.85
Campbell, Alexander1863Scot ROC Ness North DellLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.1.6A.32/23 fo.82
Campbell, Allan1841Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway TolstaLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.6.10A.32/23 fo.86
Campbell, Angus1858HB [MB] York FactoryAssistant Boat Builder£23-25 pa. (2) sig.A.32/23 fo.87-88
Campbell, Angus1863Scot ROC Lewis Tolsta BacLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advanceA.32/23 fo.89
Campbell, Archable1870Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.9.0A.32/23 fo.90
Campbell, Archibald1829Scot RFW GourockSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.91
Campbell, Donald1837Scot ROC Lewis Ness GalsonLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.3.0A.32/23 fo.94
Campbell, Donald1870Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway LaxdaleLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark cancelled found useless & sick 25 July 1871 no wages from time he embarked for Europe copyA.32/23 fo.95-96
Campbell, Edward1870Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/23 fo.98
Campbell, Edward1863Scot Sandwick*Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £11A.32/23 fo.97
Campbell, George Ewen192616Scot ABD Aberdeen 36 Mount St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 6 Dec 1909 Aberdeen single photograph lettercopies medical/dental certs & testimonials originals returnedA.32/23 fo.99-104
Campbell, Hugh1840Scot ARL CampbeltownHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/23 fo.106-107
Campbell, Hugh1818Scot LKS BarrouryLabourer Baker£15 pa. (5) his marknreceived on account wages £10.1.6 goods £4A.32/23 fo.105
Campbell, James1860Scot INV InvernessHB [MB] York FactoryHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. + Board/Lodging (5) his mark land grant 25 acres at end of contract cancelled YF 6 Sept 1861A.32/23 fo.108a/b
Campbell, John178825Eng LND St. Giles CripplegateSmith£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.191
Campbell, John1872Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.109a/b
Campbell, John1877Scot ROC LochsLabourer Fisherman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.110
Campbell, Joseph dit Gobeiler1835Can [MB] Alexander, FortHB [ON] Lac La PluieGouvernail£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.118
Campbell, Joseph dit Gobeille183322Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.111a/b
Campbell, Kenneth1840Scot ROC Lewis StornowayBlacksmith£28-30 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.112
Campbell, Louis1863Hunter Interpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/23 fo.113a
Campbell, Murdo1871Scot ROC Lewis BarvasLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.114
Campbell, Norman1877Scot ROC LochsLabourer£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.115
Campbell, Robert1842CanClerk£75 pa. (3) sig. £17 written on the back of the folioA.32/23 fo.117
Campbell, Robert1834CanPostmaster£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.116b
Campbell, Robert1830Scot PER Glen LyonShepherd£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.116a
Campbell, Roderick1859Scot ROC DellHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy this man has not been sent to the Southern Dept.A.32/23 fo.118a/b
Campbell, William1885Scot INV Skye Kyle AtkinHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.120
Campbell, William1781Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] AlbanyMariner£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.49
Campbell, William1834Scot OKI Westray NoltlandLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/23 fo.119
Canada, Antoine Eno dit183122Can [PQ] Berthier Ste GenevièveMilieu500 livres ancien cours (1) prix due poste (2)A.32/27 fo.83-84
Cantara, Michel184321Can [PQ] MaskaMilieu Hivernantle prix du poste (3) his mark advance 8 piastrasA.32/23 fo.121a
Cantara, Modeste1842Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.124a
Cantara, Modeste182839HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (2) his mark remained in this engagement 3 more years from the expiration of last contractA.32/23 fo.123a
Cantara, Modeste1824£17 pa. (2) his mark remained in this engagement 3 yearsA.32/23 fo.122
Cantin, Jean Baptiste183923Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesHB [PQ] LachineMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his mark advance 10 piastres d'EspagneA.32/23 fo.125a
Cantley, James1913Scot ABD Aberdeen 639 King St.Junior Clerk£40-60 pa. (3) sig. advance £20 photograph medical cert. copies testimonialsA.32/23 fo.126a-132
Capendal, William1835Eng LIN CowhitHB [USA/WA] Vancouver, FortBailiff£40 pa.+£10 for service of Ann wife (5) sig. cancelled 24 Nov 1837 received £42.6.7 in full satisfaction of all claimsA.32/23 fo.133
Cardin, Baptiste1823HB [BC] Kilmaurs; [Babine, Fort]Milieu800 livres pa.+ equipment (2) his markA.32/23 fo.134
Cardin, Souverain1843HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.136a
Cardin, Souverain1840HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.92-93
Cardin, Souverain184219Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£19 pa. (2) his mark if he takes a wife the engagement is extended to 3 yearsA.32/23 fo.135a-b
Cardin, Thomas1822HB [NT] AthabascaGouvernail Devant700 livres pa. (3) his mark old debt to be paid offA.32/23 fo.136b
Cardin, Thomas182940Can [PQ] YamaskaHB Simpson, Fort*Devant Bowsman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.137-138
Cardinalle, Jacques1856Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.139-140
Cardinalle, Jeremiah1860Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.141-142
Cardinalle, Massan1861Can [SK]HB [MB/SK] CarltonDevant£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.145-146
Cardinalle, Massan1855Can [SK]HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Devant£21 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.143-144
Cardinalle, Narcisse1864CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortHorsekeeper£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark broken arm no hard labour left serviceA.32/23 fo.147-148
Cardinalle, Rennis1826CanHB [MB] Red RiverMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.149-150
Carey, George187318Eng SSX EghamHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Apprentice Slooper£18-22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.151-152
Carey, George1884Eng SSX Rye UdimoreHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 "Prince of Wales to Moose"A.32/23 fo.153
Carless, Joseph1839EngEngineer£200 pa. (5) sig. passage & home for wife MariaA.32/23 fo.156a/b
Carless, Joseph1841EngEngineer£175 pa. (5) sig. allowance of 52 lbs soapA.32/23 fo.156b
Carless, Joseph1839Eng STS HandsworthEngineer£150 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.154-155
Carlow, John1861Scot MLN EdinburghHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa.+ Board/Lodging (5) sig. cancelledA.32/23 fo.157a/b
Carmichael, Archibald1824Scot ARL Island of IslayMiddleman£45 pa. (3) his mark under order of Cpt. Franklin RNA.32/23 fo.158
Carmichael, James1781Scot MOR Elgin GarmouthHB [MB] York FactorySmith£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.66
Carpenter, Charles1823Can [PQ] St. CuthbertHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.159
Carpenter, Jean Baptiste1867CanHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.162-163
Carpenter, Jean Baptiste1862Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£15-20 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.160-161
Carpenter, John1880Can [NT]HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/23 fo.164-165
Carpenter, Joseph1880Can [NT]HB [ON] AlbanyApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa.+£3 t/s (5) his markA.32/23 fo.166-167
Carpenter, Joseph190344Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] Cat Lake$200 pa. (3) wife + 2 child DOB unknown Albany 1880A.32/23 fo.172
Carpenter, Joseph1888Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.170-171
Carpenter, Joseph1885Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£20 pa.+£2 t/s (3)sig.A.32/23 fo.168-169
Carpenter, Joseph1903Can La PrairieHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseLabourer General Service$200 pa. (3) sig. Dismissed for misconduct giving furs to Free traderA.32/23 fo.173-175
Carr, Thomas1795Eng LND LondonHB [PQ] EastmainTailor£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.41
Carr, William1780Can [MB] York FactoryHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Shipwright£36pa.+£4 pa.(2) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.43
Carr, William1783Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryShipwright£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £3A.32/2 fo.1
Carrier, Augustin1823Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman500 livres PQ currency (3) his markA.32/23 fo.176
Carrier, Louis "B"184938Can [PQ]Labourer£25 pa. (3) sig. promised he would not go to ColumbiaA.32/23 fo.181-182
Carriere, Elie1865Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.(1) his mark debt to HBC to be paid out of property at RR if required cancelled sick RR copyA.32/23 fo.177-178
Carriere, Louis184024Can Rupert's LandHB [NT] AthabascaSteersmandistrict standard wages (3) his markA.32/23 fo.179-180
Carsitan, William181519Scot OKI Rendall GorsenessHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £12.17.1 two guineas on accountA.32/18 fo.63
Cartier, François1864Steersman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.183-184
Cartier, Ignace182451Can [PQ]HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£17-19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.185
Cassette, Narcise1865Can [PQ] MontréalHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his mark last outfit £22 pa.A.32/23 fo.186
Cassy, Douglas Warrender1905Eng MDX Chiswick Grove Park Ter. 1 Sutton Court MansionsHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/23 fo.187-188
Castequoette, Xavier182927Can [PQ] Trois RivièresChasseur de Pelleteries700 livres ancien coins de PQ (2) his mark advance 5 livres cours actuelA.32/23 fo.189-190
Catafou, Antoine183036Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganMilieu£19 pa. (1) his mark summer manA.32/23 fo.193
Catafou, Antoine1832Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.194
Catafou, Antoine182936Can [PQ] Rivière du ChêneHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.192
Catafou, Antoine1834Can [PQ] Rivière du ChêneHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.195
Catafou, Antoine1839Can [PQ] St. EustacheHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu£19 pa. (1) his mark gratuity £3A.32/23 fo.196-197
Catafou, Antoine1828Can [PQ] St. EustacheHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu£19 pa. (1) his mark wished to leave service Spring 1829A.32/23 fo.191
Cathers, Joseph1812Ire ANT ArmoyLabourer£15-20 pa. (4) sig. received from HBC as part of wages £5 no dateA.32/23 fo.198
Catley, Thomas1781HB [ON] SevernMariner£15 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.101
Catley, Thomas1784Eng NBL North ShieldsHB [ON] SevernMariner£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.167
Cayanton, Pierre1863HB [AB] EdmontonHunter£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/23 fo.199-200
Cedras, Jacob184221Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.201-202
Chaisse, Charles185622CanHB Simpson, Fort*Labourer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.203-204
Chalifoux, Joseph183322Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.206-207
Chalifoux, Maurice1843HB Columbia RiverBowsman Steersman£22 pa. (3) his mark not be required to do duty on days he suffers fever and ague on route to ColumbiaA.32/23 fo.208-209
Chalifoux, Pierre1835Can [PQ] Quebec CityHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman Summerman£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.210-211
Chalifoux, Pierre Joseph1864Milieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.212-213
Chaliofux, Michel1818Can Hudson' s BayHB [MB] Swan RiverLabourer£12-17 pa. (3) his mark date of 1828 also givenA.32/23 fo.205
Challince, Frank1875Eng KEN ChathamSlooper£24-30 pa. (3) sig. advance £4 London & StromnessA.32/23 fo.214
Chalmers, Alexander Mackie191220Scot ABD Aberdeen 27 Cotton St.Junior Clerk£40-60 pa. (3) sig. advance £20 DOB 21 March 1892 Application letter Med cert. father Thos. Chalmers mother Isabella MackieA.32/23 fo.215-225
Chamberland, Thomas183720Can [PQ] MontréalHB Simpson, Fort*Milieuprix du poste (3) his mark advance 8 piastres d'EspagneA.32/23 fo.226-227
Chambers, David1868Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway BaybleLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.228
Chambers, Edward181619Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) his mark £13.4.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.21
Chambers, Edward 180720Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bounty + £3 to accountA.32/16 fo.27
Chambers, George1883Eng LND Poplar E. 21 Cording St.Engineer£8 pm. (1) sig. copyA.32/23 fo.229-230
Chambers, John 181621Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £15 advanceA.32/19 fo.20
Chambers, John 181620Scot OKI Stenness Ireland£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.29
Chambers, Magnus179727Scot OKI S. RonaldsayCanoeman Bowsman£12-14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.44
Chambers, Magnus 179119Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.120
Chandler, James178824Eng LND St. Giles CripplegateLabourer Jobbing Armourer£12 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/3 fo.192
Chapman, Peter1865Can [MB] York FactorySteersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.231-232
Chappell, Robert1783Eng NBL Newcastle-upon-TyneHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£15 pa.(3) sig.A.32/2 fo.59
Charbonneau, David1867Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrossePêcheur£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/23 fo.235
Charbonneau, David1864Can [MB] Red RiverFisherman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.233-234
Charbonneau, J.B.1827Bowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.291
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste1822HB [NT] Athabasca600 livres pa.+ equipment (4) his mark debtA.32/23 fo.236
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] Alexamder, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.238
Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste1829Can [PQ] BouchervilleHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseSteersman£22 pa. (2) his mark known to be disobedient/drunkA.32/23 fo.237
Charbonneau, Joseph184023Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.241-242
Charbonneau, Joseph183519Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.239-240
Charbonneau, Louis1835Can [PQ] BouchervilleGouvernail Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.290
Charbonneau, Louis1823Can [PQ] Montréal St. OursHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter(2) his markA.32/23 fo.289
Charbonneau, Louis "B"183637Can [PQ] BouchervilleHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGouvernail Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.245-246
Charbonneau, Louis "B"182931Can [PQ] BouchervilleHB [AB] DunveganGouvernail Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.244
Charbonneau, Louis "B"182728Can [PQ] BouchervilleGouvernail Steersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.243-246, 290
Charette, Jacques183234Can [PQ] MontréalHB Northern Dept.600 livres-prix du poste (3) his mark advance 10 piastres d'Espagne desertedA.32/23 fo.247-248
Charles, Benjamin 180328Scot OKI Stromness£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.23
Charles, George1797Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sHB [MB] Churchill River£50 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.65
Charles, George1796Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sHB [MB] Churchill River£40 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.64
Charles, George1792Eng LND Westminster St. MaryHB [MB] Churchill RiverWriter£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.88
Charles, Hugh180745Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.92
Charles, Hugh180418Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.103
Charles, Joseph1828Can [MB] York FactoryPostmaster Interpreter£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.249
Charles, Joseph1833Can Hudson' s BayHB [MB] Norway HouseClerk£75 pa. (3) sig. copy for Columbia Dist.A.32/23 fo.250
Charles, William1874Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaSteersman$150 pa. + t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.258
Charles, William1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman Steersman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark to act as steersman when necessaryA.32/23 fo.255-257
Charles, William1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.253-254
Charles, William185322Can Rupert's LandApprentice Clerk£40-50 pa. (2) sig.A.32/23 fo.251-252
Charleson, Jeremiah1851Scot OKI/SHIHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his mark if in charge of any fishing to get 2 large mooseskins & 2 large deerskinsA.32/23 fo.259
Charlton, Michael n.d.Mariner£18 pa. no sig.A.32/3 fo.161
Charpentier, Joseph183919Can [PQ] MontréalHB Columbia RiverMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.260-261
Charter, Joseph184123Can [PQ] St. JacquesBowsman£22 pa. (3) his mark his engagement for last two years cancelledA.32/23 fo.262-263
Chartier, Antoine186425Can [MB] Red RiverMiddleman Labourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/23 fo.264-265
Chartier, Joseph184123Can [PQ] St. JacquesHB [NT] AthabascaBowsman£22 pa. (3) his mark last two years cancelledA.32/23 fo.266-267
Chartier, Pierre1824HB Columbia RiverHyvernant [Hivernant]£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.268
Chastellain, Benjamin184419Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesMilieuprix du poste (3) deserted advance 8 piastresA.32/23 fo.283-384
Chastellain, Joseph1861Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [ON] Frances, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.269-270
Chastellain, Louis1843Interpreter £25 pa. (3) sig. allowed to cut wood for his houseA.32/23 fo.271-272
Chastellain, Narcisse1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7A.32/34 fo.63-64
Chastellain, Narcisse184018Can [PQ] Montréal LachineMilieu£17 pa. (3) fils à Jaques Chatelain 2livres + 2livres 10 chelinsA.32/23 fo.279-280
Chastellain, Narcisse184318Can Rupert's LandMiddleman Bowsman£17-20 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.275-278
Chastellain, Narcisse183818Can Rupert's LandApprentice Middleman£10-14 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.273-274
Chastellain, Nicholas183437Can [ON] Grand PortageHB [ON] Frances, FortInterpreter Hivernant£30 pa.+£5 (1) his markA.32/23 fo.281-282
Chastellain, Nicholas1840Can Hudson' s BayInterpreter£30 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.277-278
Cheneaka, Louis185529Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisMilieu Hivernant100 piastres pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.287-288
Chevalier, Lapense1838Steersman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/23 fo.292
Chevalier, Simon1828HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/23 fo.294-295
Chevalier, Simon1823Middleman£17 pa. (4) his mark cancelledA.32/23 fo.293-295
Cheyne, Arthur1858Scot SHI North MavineHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/23 fo.296-297
Chilton, Alexander Thomas184615Can [PQ] NitchequonApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (7) sig.A.32/23 fo.298-299
Chilton, Richard1855Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.302-303
Chilton, Richard1860Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBlacksmith£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/23 fo.304-305
Chilton, Richard1865Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.306-307
Chilton, Richard1871Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBlacksmith£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.308-309
Chilton, Richard1849 1855 1860 1865 1871Can Hudson' s BayApprentice Blacksmith£8-16 pa. (6) sig.A.32/23 fo.300-301
Chilton, Robert1800Master Eastmain Schooner(3) sig.A.32/17 fo.85/1
Chilton, Robert1794HB [ON] Moose Factory Shallop Master£25 pa.(1) sig.A.32/6 fo.21
Chilton, Robert1796Eng DUR HartlepoolHB [ON] Moose Factory Shallop Master£25 pa.+£5 (4) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.21
Chilton, Robert1791Eng DUR HartlepoolHB [ON] Moose FactorySloop Mate£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.179
Chilton, Robert "A"185256CanHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.325-326
Chilton, Robert "A"185660CanHB [PQ] NichiquonPostmaster£40 pa. (3) sig. R.Chilton snr.A.32/23 fo.327-328
Chilton, Robert "A"1850CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.323-324
Chilton, Robert "A"184953CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.321-322
Chilton, Robert "A"183741Can [PQ] EastmainHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig. possible age 41A.32/23 fo.315-316
Chilton, Robert "A"183337Can [PQ] EastmainCarpenter£30 pa. (3) sig. possible age 37A.32/23 fo.313-314
Chilton, Robert "A"182731Can [PQ] EastmainSteersman Mechanic£22.10.0 + £2.10.0 pa. (3) sig. possible age 31A.32/23 fo.311
Chilton, Robert "A"182428Can [PQ] EastmainSteersman£25 pa. (3) sig. possible age 28A.32/23 fo.310
Chilton, Robert "A"184650Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.319-320
Chilton, Robert "A"184347Can Rupert's LandHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig. R.Chilton snr.A.32/23 fo.317-318
Chilton, Robert "A"183034Can Rupert's LandCarpenter£30 pa. (3) sig. possible age 34A.32/23 fo.312
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"187450CanHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£40 pa.(3) sig. possible age 50A.32/23 fo.337-338
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"187753CanHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£50 pa.(3) sig. possible age 53A.32/23 fo.339-344
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"186036CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Guide£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/23 fo.335-336
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"185531CanHBSteersman Guide£25 pa.(3) sig. possible age 31A.32/23 fo.333-334
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"184622CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£17 pa.(5) sig.A.32/23 fo.331-332
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"183916CanHB [PQ] NichiquonApprentice£8-16 pa. (7) his markA.32/23 fo.329-330
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"188359Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£50 pa.(3) sig.A.32/23 fo.343-344
Chilton, Robert Jr "B"188056Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£50 pa.(3) sig. possible age 56A.32/23 fo.341-342
Chilton, Thomas1853CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.345-346
Chilton, William C.186317CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Labourer£10-16 pa. (4) sig.A.32/23 fo.347-348
Chilton, William Charles1867Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Steersman£18 pa.+£2 gratuity when acting as steersman (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.349-350
Chisholm, Donald1840Scot ROC Lewis Lochs GravirSlooper£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.351
Chisholm, Donald1863Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway SandwickSlooper£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.10.0A.32/23 fo.352
Chisholm, John1882Scot SUT BroraApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.353
Chitty, Charles1836Eng KEN DealFirst Mate£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.354
Christian, John1837Scot CAI ThursoHB [ON] Moose FortCooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/23 fo.361b
Christian, John180739Scot OKI Ronaldsay£17 pa. (3) sig. 12 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.44
Christiansen, Anton1858Norway Smaalene AskimLabourer£17 pa. sig. copyA.32/23 fo.355-358
Christiansen, Johan Henrik1858Norway Lister & Mandel ChristiansandLabourer£17 pa. his mark copyA.32/23 fo.362b-365
Christiansen, Johan Petter1858Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Labourer£20 pa. (1) sig. to winter at CarltonA.32/23 fo.366-367
Christie, Alexander jnr1867Apprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.369
Christie, Alexander jnr1834Can [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.368
Christie, James1839Ire COR CastletownsendHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/23 fo.370
Christie, James Grant1905Can [AB] EdmontonHB [NB]Clerk£150 pa. (3) sig. Good Indian trader of 24 years experienceA.32/23 fo.372
Christie, James Grant1910Can [AB] EdmontonHB [ON] White DogPost Manager£170 pa.+ mess sig. DOB 1863 married family 2A.32/23 fo.375
Christie, James Grant190541Can [AB] EdmontonHB [NB]Post Manager£150 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.373
Christie, James Grant1909Can [AB] EdmontonHB [ON] Hope, FortPost Manager£170 pa. (3) sig. DOB 12 Sept 1863 Fort Hope Albany R. married family 2A.32/23 fo.374
Christie, James Grant190339Can [AB] EdmontonHB [NB]Clerk$584 pa. (3) sig. DOB 12 Sept 1863 married 2 child entered service 20 May 1881A.32/23 fo.371
Christie, John G.M.1900HB [MB] WinnipegClerk$75 pm. 3 month's noticeA.32/23 fo.376
Christie, William1877Eng LAN ManchesterLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12 copy cancelled 3 Sept 1878A.32/23 fo.377-378
Christie, William Joseph jnr1886Can [ON] BrockvilleSurgeon Clerk£120 pa. (3) sig.A.32/23 fo.379
Christoffersen, Eduard Bernholdt1850NorwayLabourerIncompleteA.32/23 fo.380-381
Christophersen, Carl1858Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]Labourer£17 pa. sig. copyA.32/23 fo.359-361a
Chuassé, Joseph184221Can [PQ] BerthierMilieuprix du poste (3) deserted at Fort Coulonge PQA.32/23 fo.285-386
Church, Stephen F.1874Eng DEV Dawlish 5 Barton VillasApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/23 fo.382
Cire, Louis1825Can [PQ]Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.2
Cire, Louis1823Can [PQ]Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.1
Clark, Alexander1839Scot OKI S. RonaldsayFisherman£20 pa. (5) his mark advance £10A.32/24 fo.3
Clark, Alexander Cooper 1914Scot ABD Aberdeen 16 Union TerraceClerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 correspondence re: Harrods agreements last 25 years medical cert. testimonials copiesA.32/24 fo.4-12
Clark, Augustus188116Can [SK] Prince AlbertApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.78-79
Clark, Douglas Gordon192619Scot ABD Aberdeen 2 Crimon Pl.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig DOB 22 June 1906 Aberdeen photograph application medical/dental certs testimonials copiesA.32/24 fo.13-28
Clark, Edwin George192319Scot ABD Aberdeen 7 Claremont Pl.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 6 Mar 1904 Aberdeen single photograph medical/dental certs testimonials copiesA.32/24 fo.29-41
Clark, John178620Eng WIL CharringtonWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.149
Clark, John1791Eng WIL ChirtonHB [PQ] EastmainAssistant£30 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.192
Clark, John1864ScotHB [ON] Moose FactoryPostmaster£40 pa. (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.43-44
Clark, John1866ScotHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.45-46
Clark, John1875ScotClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.47-48
Clark, John1859Scot ROC Urquhart Conon VillageHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. land if he settles in RR 25 acresA.32/24 fo.42
Clark, Richard1866Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortMiddleman£20 pa.+ gratuity (2) his markA.32/24 fo.49-50
Clark, William1800Eng LND St. MaryleboneHB [MB] Churchill River£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.82
Clark, William1826Eng SRY Blackfriars ChristchurchSeaman£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £2.10.0A.32/24 fo.51
Clark, William192519Scot ABD Aberdeen 26 HartingtonApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 20 Dec 1905 Aberdeen application testimonials copiesA.32/24 fo.66-77
Clark, William192321Scot BAN Fordyce Portsoy DytachApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 2 Nov 1901 Dytach, Fordyce single photograph application medical/dental certs. Testimonials copiesA.32/24 fo.54-65
Clark, William1861Scot MLN Edinburgh Newhaven Trinity Laverock Bank HouseHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£25-50 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.52-53
Clarke, John1795Eng WIL Chirton£40 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.18
Clarke, John1792Eng WIL ChirtonHB [PQ] EastmainInland Trader£30 pa.+ bounties (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.82
Clarke, John see Kipling, Thomas P.1820A.32/24 fo.80
Clarke, William1792Eng WIL ChirtonHB [PQ] EastmainWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.16
Claxton, John177834Eng Stockton*HB [MB] Churchill RiverShipwright£36 pa. +£4 (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.23
Cleat, Magnus179121Scot OKI HolmHB [ON] AlbanyTailor£8 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.114
Clement, Pierre183036Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu200 livres ancien cours above prix du poste (3) sig. advance 12 piastres & 12 piastres on departuret as carpenter 200 livres above prix du postA.32/24 fo.81a, 81b
Clifford, R.A.M.1906India KashmirClerk40 pm. Married 2 childA.32/23 fo.375a
Clifford, Robert A.M.1909India KashmirAccountant$40 pm. Advance in salary for faithful serviceA.32/24 fo.84,86
Clifford, Robert A.M.1906India KashmirHB [ON] Long LakeClerk Assistant$25 pm. DOB 11 Apr 1862 mar. 2 childA.32/24 fo.82-83
Clifford, Robert A.M.1908India KashmirHB [ON] Long LakeAccountant$35 pm. passage to WinnipegA.32/24 fo.85
Clifton, Victor192018Eng LND Highbury 118 Highbury HillJunior Clerk$240-480 pa.(3) sig. DOB 28 Aug 1901 London single photograph application letter from father W.G. Clifton testimonials advance £15 copies of documentsA.32/24 fo.87-98
Clipson, Joseph1840Eng LIN BostonSeaman£24 pa.(5) sig.A.32/24 fo.99
Cloney, Patrick178222Ire WEXHB [ON] Moose FactorySurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig. for EastmainA.32/3 fo.65
Clouston, Allan1806Scot OKI StennessBricklayer£28 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.31
Clouston, Allen1800Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.14
Clouston, David1864Scot OKI RousayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/24 fo.100
Clouston, Edward1783HB [ON] Moose FortWriter£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.62
Clouston, Edward1790Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyWriter£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.66
Clouston, Edward1790Scot OKI ClestranLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.1
Clouston, Edward1795Scot OKI StenhouseHB [ON] Moose Factory£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.7
Clouston, Edward1796Scot OKI Stromness£50 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.7
Clouston, Henry1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£15 pa. (2) sig.A.32/1 fo.119
Clouston, Henry 181330Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] York FactoryCooper Carpenter£35 pa. (3) sig. Run awayA.32/18 fo.44
Clouston, James1782Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] AlbanyCooper£20 pa. (5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.136
Clouston, James 181625Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] AlbanyCarpenter Sawyer£20 pa.+£5 (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.53b
Clouston, John184141HB [PQ] Rupert RiverInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.110-111
Clouston, John1848Scot OKIInterpreter£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.112-113
Clouston, John1830Scot OKI Birsay BiggingLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advanceA.32/24 fo.104
Clouston, John183740Scot OKI StennessHB [PQ] Rupert HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.108-109
Clouston, John1836Scot OKI StennessBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/24 fo.105
Clouston, John17[99]Scot OKI StennessBowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.18
Clouston, John183437Scot OKI StennessInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.106-107
Clouston, John1823Scot OKI Stenness IrelandHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman£22.10.0 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.102
Clouston, John1825Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder Ships' Carpenter£40 pa. (3) sig. £10 Drowned 18 July 1826A.32/24 fo.103
Clouston, John1882Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.114
Clouston, John1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/24 fo.101
Clouston, John 181318IreHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £11.9.0A.32/18 fo.7
Clouston, John 180318Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.15
Clouston, John 180325Scot OKI Stenness£10 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.27
Clouston, Joseph1860Scot OKI StromnessBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/24 fo.115
Clouston, Joseph 181318Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. 8 guineas [advance]A.32/18 fo.8
Clouston, Magnus 181519Scot OKI RousayHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 6 ins high fair hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.64
Clouston, Magnus 180318Scot OKI Stenness£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas on accountA.32/13 fo.13
Clouston, Robert1838Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.116
Clouston, Samuel 180627Scot OKI StromnessWriter£15 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineasA.32/15 fo.43
Clouston, Thomas1783HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.54
Clouston, Thomas1882Scot MLN North Leith EdinburghClerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.117
Clouston, Thomas179130Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£10 pa. (3) sig. was out last 3 yrs £10-12 pa. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.131
Clouston, Thomas 179430Scot OKI StennessSailor Patroon of Boats£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.57
Clouston, Thomas 180640Scot OKI Stromness£18 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.38
Clouston, William1833Can Northern DepartmentPostmaster£60 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.119
Clouston, William178350Scot OKIMariner£15 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.119
Clouston, William1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Prince of Wales, Fort£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.122
Clouston, William1838Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/24 fo.118
Cloutiez, François182223Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] Red RiverGouvernail900 livres Agent du Montréal pa. (1) his mark gone to settle in ColonyA.32/24 fo.120
Cluett, Charles1832Eng DOR PooleSteward£34.4.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.121
Coarse, James1797Eng LND WappingHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£24 pa. (1) sig.A.32/9 fo.25
Coaster, William1890Can [ON] Albany Fort Marten's FallsHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer General Service$120 + $9.73 t/s pa. (2) his mark copyA.32/24 fo.122-123
Cobb John1784HB [ON] AlbanyTailor£10-12 pa.+ £2 (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.87
Cobb, Johnn.d.Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanySteward Tailor£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contract believed to be 1790A.32/4 fo.65
Cobb, John1791Scot OKI TankernessHB [ON] AlbanySteward Tailor£20 pa. (1) sig.A.32/4 fo.183
Cochrane, Patrick1821Can [NT] AthabascaCarpenter£55 pa. (1) sig. exempt from running after Indians Culling the Wood[d] and other laborious dutiesA.32/24 fo.124
Cock, Robert1818Scot OKI Sanday SouthendHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer £15 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.175
Codey, Matthew183722Ire WEX WinningtonHB [PQ] Coulonge, FortMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]£17 pa. (3) his mark French Contract DesertedA.32/24 fo.125-126
Codling, John1835Eng LIN GranthamFlax Dresser Agricultural Servant£40 pa. (3) sig. board for him & wife copyA.32/24 fo.127-128
Coghill, David1894Scot CAI WickHB [LB]Cooper£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20 certs. embarked PeterheadA.32/24 fo.129-132
Coghill, Donald1861Scot CAI WickHB [MB] York FactoryCooper£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 copy receiptsA.32/24 fo.133-136
Colbath, Nathaniel1833Eng HAM Portsmouth WestonSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.137
Colbert, James1833Eng LND CripplegateBoatswain£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.138
Cole, Thomas1889HB [LB] CartwrightSalmon Catcher£48 (season) sig. at Eagle RiverA.32/24 fo.140
Cole, Thomas1885HB [LB] CartwrightSalmon Catcher£48 (season) sig.A.32/24 fo.139-140
Cole, William1833Eng LND StepneySeaman£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.141
Coleman, William1831Eng DEV St. NicholasSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/24 fo.142
Colen, Joseph178532Eng St. Dunstans in the West*HB [MB] York FactoryWriter£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.133
Colen, Thomas[1795] Eng GLS CirencesterHBWriter£10 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.51
Colen, Thomas1801Eng GLS Cirencester£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.83
Colin, Richard183636Can [AB] Jasper HouseLabourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.143-144
Collie, Alexander1827Clerk Outpost Master£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.147
Collin, Adam1855Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [SK] Pelly, FortCowherd Farm Servant£14 pa. (2) sig.E.207/1 fo.3-4
Collin, Adam1855Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [MB] Norway HouseCowherd Farm Servant£14 pa. (2) sig. goes to Swan RiverA.32/24 fo.148
Colling, Matthew1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Ship's Carpenter Boat Builder£36 pa.+ gratuities (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.111
Colling, Matthew1780HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Shipwright£36.4 pa. (1) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.21
Colling, Matthew177742Eng Stockton*HB [MB] York FactoryShipwright£36 pa. +£4 (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.7
Collins, Clement1856CanHB [AB] EdmontonLabourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.150-151
Collins, Clement1853Can PEIHB [ON] William, FortMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]100 piastras pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.145-146
Collins, John1874Eng DEV Exeter 4 Olave Sq.Clerk Storekeeper£40 (season) sig. advance £7 copyA.32/24 fo.152-153
Collit, John 180427Eng YKS FellbridgeHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer £25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.119d
Colly, William178620Mariner£18 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/3 fo.155
Collyer, Charles1830Steward£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.154
Colombe, François1868Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£24+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.156-157
Colombe, François1824Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMiddleman£17pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.155
Colpman, Arthur White 1880Eng SRY London Bridge 5 Duke St.Salesman Clerk£50-100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.158
Comptois, Louison1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortLabourer Sawyer£22+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.160
Compton, Pym Nevins1858Eng MDX TottenhamClerk£100 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.159
Conolly, Daniel1859Scot FIF Anstruther WesterHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. cancelled annexed contract 1860 copyA.32/24 fo.163-164
Constant, Louis1864Can [MB] The PasInterpreter£25+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.165-166
Constantin, Joseph1823HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu800 livres de vingt sols Halifax (2) his mark to winter at Fort VermilionA.32/24 fo.167
Contouille, James1870HB [AB] DunveganSteersman£30 pa.+£2 gratuity (2) his mark + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs greaseA.32/57 fo.98
Contouille, Louison1870HB [AB] DunveganLabourer£24 pa.+£2 gratuity (1) his markA.32/57 fo.98
Contret, Jean Baptiste1835Can Rupert's LandInterpreter Middleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.168
Contret, Jean Baptiste183725Can Rupert's LandHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.169-170
Contret, Jean Baptiste1833Can Rupert's LandInterpreter Middleman£15 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.171-172
Cook, Baptiste1864CanLabourer£22+ £2 t/s (2) sig. NativeE.132/1 fo.1
Cook, Baptiste1864CanHB [SK] Touchwood HillsLabourer£22+£2 t/s pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/24 fo.173; E.132/1 fo. 1
Cook, George1867Scot ABD AberdeenApprentice Seaman£6-12 pa. (5) his mark Apprentice IndentureA.32/24 fo.174
Cook, Samuel1865Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£22 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/24 fo.175-178
Cook, William1861Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£20 +£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.179-180
Cook, William178618Eng LND Holborn St. AndrewsWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.148
Cook, William1795Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryInland Master £60 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.39
Cook, William178821Eng LND Southwark St. Saviour'sLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.205
Cook, William 179326Eng LND Holborn St. AndrewsMaster of "Chatham" & Nelson River£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.17
Cook, William "A"1868Can English River*HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortCarpenter£23 +£2 t/s pa.(1) his markA.32/24 fo.183
Cook, William "B"1866Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/24 fo.182
Cook, William "B"1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/24 fo.181
Cook, William Hemmings1800Eng LND Holborn St. AndrewsHB [MB] York Factory£80 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.32
Coon, John1837Eng MDX LimehouseBoatswain£30 pa. (5) his markA.32/24 fo.186
Coon, John1835Eng MDX LimehouseSeaman£27 pa. (5) his markA.32/24 fo.185
Coon, John1832Eng MDX LimehouseSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.184
Cooper, Charles1835HB [PQ] Rupert HouseSailor£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.188-188a
Cooper, Charles1829Scot ABD FraserburghSailor£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.187
Cooper, George1794Eng YKS YarmHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8 pa.+£2 bounty inland (5) his markA.32/17 fo.31
Cooper, George1858Scot ANS BrechinBlacksmith£32 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.189
Cooper, George Boyes 1902Scot ABD Aberdeen 95 Westburn Rd.Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/24 fo.190
Cooper, Hugh 180322Scot OKI Egilsay£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas on accountA.32/13 fo.49
Cooper, Ja[me]s180323Scot CAIBoat Builder Cooper£25 pa. (5) sig. 3 + 1 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.24
Cooper, James1801Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£10-12 pa.(3) no sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.99
Cooper, John1841HB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.193
Cooper, John1836Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (2) his mark advance £8.5.0A.32/24 fo.192
Cooper, Magnus 179425Sandwick*£12-14 pa. (5) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.27
Cooper, Thomas1826Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.195
Cooper, Thomas1823Steersman£22 pa. (3) sig. advance £8.5.0A.32/24 fo.194
Cooper, Thomas178536Eng SFK AulboroughHB [ON] AlbanyHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.135
Cooper, Thomas1836Scot OKI WestrayHB [PQ] MistassiniSteersman Guide£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.196
Cooper, Thomas1868Scot SHI DeltingSlooper£23 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.10.0 copyA.32/24 fo.197-198
Cooper, Thomas 181818Scot OKI WestrayHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.127
Cooper, William178331Saint Catherines*HB [ON] AlbanyArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.98
Copland, Alfred192321Scot ABD Peterhead 14 Constitution St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 21 Oct 1901 Peterhead single photograph medical/dental certs application testimonials copies blacksmith by tradeA.32/24 fo.199-212
Copland, William1824Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£20+ pa.(5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.213
Copper, Henry1884Eng SSX Rye UdimoreHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) advance £11A.32/24 fo.214
Corcoran, Thomas1839HB [PQ]Clerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.215-216
Corcoran, Thomas1836HB [PQ] Rupert HouseClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.217-218
Corigill, James181320Scot OKI EvieHB [PQ] Eastmain£20 pa. (3) sig. £10.10.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.3
Cork, Peter1806Scot OKI SandayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.37
Cormack, Alexander1877Scot CAI WickBoat Builder£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20A.32/24 fo.219
Cormack, Hugh1835Scot OKI EdayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6.5.0A.32/24 fo.220
Cormier, Louis182122Devant1200 cents livres de vingt sols (4) advance 30 piastres don’t quittance; il recevra en partant cette de vingt piastresA.32/24 fo.221-222
Corney, Peter1835Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanFirst Mate£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.226
Corney, Peter1833Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanFirst Mate£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.225
Corney, Peter1831Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanFirst Mate£75.12.0 pa. (3) sig.advance £22.12.0A.32/24 fo.224
Corney, Peter1829Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanHB Columbia RiverFirst Mate£75.12.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.223
Corrigal, Alexander1791Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12 pa. (2) his markA.32/4 fo.143
Corrigal, Jacob1807Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Albany£28 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.50
Corrigal, William1805HB [ON] Albany£30-35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.41
Corrigal, William179026Scot OKI FirthCanoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.35
Corrigal, William1793Scot OKI FirthSteersman Boatman£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.7
Corrigal, William1792Scot OKI Holm£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.200
Corrigal, William see William Craigie1794Scot OKI FirthLabourer£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.32
Corrigall, Adam1821Scot OKI Walls FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/24 fo.227
Corrigall, Andrew1785HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12-15 pa. (4) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.158
Corrigall, Andrew 1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer & to assist the craft£8 pa. (3) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.67
Corrigall, Christopher 1818Scot OKI Evie CostaHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer £15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.178
Corrigall, Edward 1871Can [MB] Lisgar St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Postmaster£50-60 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.235-236
Corrigall, Edward 1866Can [MB] Lisgar St. Andrew'sHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£22+£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark French contract copyA.32/24 fo.228-231
Corrigall, Edward 1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaSteersman£28+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.232
Corrigall, Edward 1873Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter£32 pa. (1) sig.A.32/24 fo.233-234
Corrigall, George 181723Scot OKI BurrayHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £10.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.94
Corrigall, Jacob1855Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] MigiskanInterpreter Postmaster£30 +£3 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.252-253
Corrigall, Jacob1852Can Hudson' s BayInterpreter£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.250-251
Corrigall, Jacob1849Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] MigiskanInterpreter£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.248-249
Corrigall, Jacob179018Scot OKI KirkwallLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.234
Corrigall, Jacob 1830Steersman£22.10.0 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.240
Corrigall, Jacob 1827Can [ON] AlbanyMechanic Steersman£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.239
Corrigall, Jacob 1824Can [ON] AlbanyMiddleman£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.237-238
Corrigall, Jacob "B"1836HB [PQ] Mistassini Rupert’s HouseSteersman Guide£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.241
Corrigall, Jacob "B"1839Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Guide Interpreter£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.242-243
Corrigall, Jacob "B"1846Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [PQ] Rupert RiverInterpreter£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.246-247
Corrigall, Jacob "B"1843Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [PQ] Rupert RiverInterpreter£25 pa.(3) sig.A.32/24 fo.244-245
Corrigall, James1830Labourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/24 fo.269-270
Corrigall, James181319Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York FactoryMiddlepost£20 pa. (3) sig. £8.2.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.6
Corrigall, James181319Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York Factory A.32/18 fo.6
Corrigall, James 1884Can [MB] St. Andrew'sHB [NT] AthabascaTripper Labourer£30 pa.+£2 (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.257-258
Corrigall, James 1841Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/24 fo.254-256
Corrigall, James 180620Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas on accountA.32/15 fo.2
Corrigall, James 181731Scot OKI Harray CorrigallHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.114
Corrigall, Jasper 180638Scot OKI Stromness£35 pa. (3) sig. recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.19
Corrigall, John1837Scot OKI FirthLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.263-264
Corrigall, John1828Scot OKI Firth SeatterHB [MB] Red RiverLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.259-260, 263-264
Corrigall, John1800Scot OKI Harray£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.28
Corrigall, John179223Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.179
Corrigall, John1837Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/24 fo.262
Corrigall, John1828Scot OKI PomonaHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.261
Corrigall, John 180621Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas bounty 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.173
Corrigall, John 181522Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10.12.6 5ft 5 ins high dark hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.59
Corrigall, John 179728Scot OKI HarrayBowsman Fisherman Netmaker£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.49
Corrigall, John 181636Scot OKI Kirkwall St. Ola£20 pa. (3) his mark £13.12.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.51
Corrigall, John 181532Scot OKI Kirkwall St. Ola£20 pa. (3) his mark not to go [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high fair hair fair complexion has been 8 yrs at YFA.32/18 fo.120
Corrigall, Magnus180622Scot OKI Harray£12 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.184
Corrigall, Magnus1807Scot OKI Harray£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.98
Corrigall, Magnus181536Scot OKI Harray Corston£20 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance] 5ft 7 ins dark hair fair complexion has 12 years at YFA.32/18 fo.131
Corrigall, Magnus1828Scot OKI Harray HowLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.265-266
Corrigall, Magnus 181827Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £5.4.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.132
Corrigall, Magnus 181522Scot OKI Harray CorrigallHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10A.32/18 fo.69
Corrigall, Magnus 181739Scot OKI Harray CorstonHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.110
Corrigall, Magnus 181632Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £11 advanceA.32/19 fo.46
Corrigall, Robert 181620Scot OKI Evie Middle partHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £2 advanceA.32/19 fo.36
Corrigall, Thomas180736Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. 8 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.35
Corrigall, William1835Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/24 fo.267
Corrigall, William1830Scot OKI Harray MidhouseHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/24 fo.268
Corrigall, William1785Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1A.32/2 fo.144
Corrigall, William n.d.£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.19
Corrigall, William 1799Scot OKI FirthSteersman£25 pa.(2) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.15
Corrigall, William 1804Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] AlbanyGentleman Trader£20-30 pa. (1-3) sig.A.32/17 fo.117
Corrigall, William snr.1801Scot OKI Firth£30 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.88
Corrigall,, John179320Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) sig. £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.74
Corrigle, Peter1807Scot OKI Orphir£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.51
Corsi, William180333Scot OKI Rousay£12 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.43
Corsi, William179122Scot OKI RousayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.96
Corston, James1887Can [NT]HB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer General Service£22 pa. +£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.273-274
Corston, James1880Can [NT]HB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. +£2 t/s (7) sig.A.32/24 fo.271-272
Corston, James179320Scot OKI Burray£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.68
Corston, James180434Scot OKI Stromness£25 pa. (5) his mark £4 to accountA.32/13 fo.124
Corston, John1781HB [ON] SevernMariner£20 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.108
Corston, John1875CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£22 pa. +£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.278-279
Corston, John1885Can [PQ] EastmainHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£26 pa. +£2 t/s (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.280-281
Corston, John1869Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Blacksmith£8-16 pa. (6) sig.A.32/24 fo.276-277
Corston, John178333Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.75
Corston, John1839Scot OKI RendallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. +£2 t/s (5) his mark advance £8A.32/24 fo.275
Corston, John 179221Scot OKI Stromness£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.197
Corston, Simon 181520Scot OKI Rendall GorsenessHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10.15.0 5ft 5 ins high fair hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.97a
Corston, William1849Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£21 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.288-289
Corston, William1863Scot OKIPostmaster£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.290
Corston, William1844Scot OKI RendallHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSlooper£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.286-287
Corston, William1844Scot OKI RendallHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer Cattleherd£17 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.284-285
Corston, William1836Scot OKI RendallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/24 fo.282-283
Corston, William 180322Scot OKI StromnessSailor£21 pa. (5) his mark £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.6
Corston, William "A"1875Scot OKIHB [PQ] Rupert HousePostmaster£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.292-293
Corstone, James1801HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.53
Cory, Thomas1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (season) 300 tins of salmon advance £4.5.0A.32/24 fo.294
Costi, Alexander180426Scot OKI Stenness£20 pa. (5) sig. recd. £5A.32/13 fo.108
Cotter, George S.1887CanHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.295-296
Cottier, Joseph1913Eng LND Upton Manor 10 Cres. Rd.Master Schooner S.S."Prince Rupert"£180-200 pa. (3) sig. advance £20 testimonials health cert. copiesA.32/24 fo.297-300
Couch, Frederick1911Eng LND Stockwell 57 Ediithna St.Navigator S.S. "Mooswa"£8-10 pm. (3) sig. advance £24 copyA.32/24 fo.301-304
Coude, François1875Can [PQ] ChicoutimiLabourer General Service$120-144 pa. (season) sig.A.32/24 fo.161-162
Coupland, Harry 180436Scot OKI St. Ola£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.75
Coupland, William1785HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.172
Courchaine, François1838Can [PQ]Labourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.305
Courchene, François182226Can [PQ] La Baie du FebvreMilieu600 llivres agent de Montréal (2) his markA.32/24 fo.309
Courchene, François A1823 1827Can [PQ] Berthier St. CuthbertHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.310
Courchene, François A1827Can English River*HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.311
Courchene, Jean Baptiste1843HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.308
Courchene, Joseph1836Labourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.307
Courchene, Joseph1836HB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer Middleman£17 pa. his mark 50 acres land RR father FrançoisA.32/24 fo.306-307
Courchon, François1829Can [PQ] Montréal BaskaHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.312
Cournoyer, Emanuel183027HB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.318
Cournoyer, Emanuel1829Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.316-317
Cournoyer, Emanuel1833Can [PQ]HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.319-320
Cournoyer, Emanuel1827 1829 1830 1833 1835 [1839]Can [PQ] MontréalHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his mark debt reduced to £18.7.0A.32/24 fo.314-324
Cournoyer, Emanuel182322Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£22 pa. 1000 livres courant de bas Canada (2) his markA.32/24 fo.313
Cournoyer, Emanuel183935Can [PQ] SorelHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his mark not registeredA.32/24 fo.323-324
Cournoyer, Emanuel183535Can [PQ] SorelHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.321-322
Cournoyer, Felix dit Akinum1866Can [AB] Rivière de la PaixHB [AB] DunveganMilieu£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.325
Cournoyer, Joseph182420HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu800 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.327
Cournoyer, Joseph182220Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu800 livres pa.+ equipment (2) his markA.32/24 fo.326
Courtapalle, Baptiste1864HB [AB] EdmontonGouvernail Fisherman£25 pa.+ £3 (2) his markA.32/24 fo.328-329
Courteau, David183030Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu400 livres ancien cours pa. (3) his mark expéditionA.32/24 fo.330-331
Courtoreille, James1865CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/24 fo.338
Courtoreille, James1863CanHB [AB] DunveganDevant Bowsman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/24 fo.336-337
Courtoreille, James1874Can [AB] Grand PrairieHB [AB] Grand PrairieGuide Gouvernail Interpreter$185 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.342
Courtoreille, James1861Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] York FactoryDevant Bowsman£25 pa.(2) his mark expéditionA.32/24 fo.334-335
Courtoreille, James1873Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Grand PrairieGuide£35 pa.+ £2 (1) his markA.32/24 fo.340-341
Courtoreille, James1866Can Rupert’s LandHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman Interpreter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.339
Courtoreille, James1876Can Saskatchewan Dist.HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide Hunter General Service£35 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his mark copyA.32/24 fo.344
Courtoreille, Louison1862Middleman Labourer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.345-346
Courtoreille, Louison1867CanHB [AB] DunveganNo capacity£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/24 fo.348
Courtoreille, Louison1876CanHB [BC] St. John, FortMiddleman$131.40 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.353-354
Courtoreille, Louison1864Can [AB] DunveganHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.347
Courtoreille, Louison1875Can [AB] Peace RiverMiddlemanhis markA.32/24 fo.352
Courtoreille, Louison1865Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.349
Courtoreille, Louison1871Can [SK]Middleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/24 fo.350-351
Courtoreille, Olivier1866CanHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter£32 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.355
Courtoreille, Olivier1869North AmericaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/24 fo.356-357
Coutts, Alexander1859Scot SHI DeltingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.358
Coutts, George1866Scot SHI Walls Sandness & Papa [Stour]HB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£23 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.10.0 copyA.32/24 fo.359-360
Coutts, John1861Scot SHI Walls Papa StourLabourer£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/24 fo.361-362
Coutts, Peter1866Scot SHI Tingwall ScallowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.363
Coutu, Joseph184023Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark expéditionA.32/24 fo.332-333
Couturier, Hyacinthe1852Can [PQ] St. Michel d’YamaskaHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]100 piastras pa. (2) his markA.32/24 fo.364-365
Cowie, Archibald Greig186615Scot SHI LerwickApprentice Seaman£6-12 pa. (5) sig. apprentice's indenture £5 on expiration of contractA.32/24 fo.366-367
Cowie, Isaac1867Scot SHI LerwickApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.368
Cowie, John1839Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactorySurgeon Clerk£75-100 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/24 fo.369
Cox, John1830Can [MB] York FactorySailor Labourer£24 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/24 fo.371
Cox, John1833Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactorySailor Labourer£26 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.372-373
Cox, John1826Scot OKI KirkwallBowsman Labourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.370
Cox, John 181519Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £20.1.0 5ft 8 ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.73
Cox, Philip1869Eng LND 12 Westmorland Pl.Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig.A.32/24 fo.376 a,b
Cox, Philip1870Eng LND 12 Westmorland Pl.Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£7 pm. (2 seasons) advance £7A.32/24 fo.374-375
Craig, James1859Scot CAI WickTinsmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/24 fo.376 c
Craigie, Alexander179128Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] Churchill River£8 pa. (3) his mark, wages last 5 yr @ £8 pa. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.139
Craigie, Alexander 181337Scot OKI Egilsay£20 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance]A.32/18 fo.29
Craigie, Alexander 180329Scot OKI Egilsay£12 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.19
Craigie, Alexander 1783Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.47
Craigie, Alexander 180642Scot OKI Evie£10 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.17
Craigie, Drummond 181620Scot OKI RousayHB [ON] Albany£20 pa.(5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.7
Craigie, Hugh1830Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9 copyA.32/24 fo.377-378
Craigie, Hugh180418Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.84
Craigie, Hugh 181535Scot OKI RousayHB [ON] AlbanySteersman £25 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 7½ ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.68
Craigie, Hugh 180621Scot OKI RousayTai[lo]r£12 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account + 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.198
Craigie, Hugh 180439Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.104
Craigie, Hugh 181630Scot OKI Rousay WasbisterHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£26 pa.(3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.63
Craigie, Hugh jnr.1806HB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.11
Craigie, James180426Scot OKI Rousay£10 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.94
Craigie, James1835Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6.12.6A.32/24 fo.380
Craigie, James 179822Eng SFK SouthwoldHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£18 pa. his markA.32/17 fo.65
Craigie, James 180440Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.65
Craigie, James 1818Scot OKI Rousay SourinHB [ON] AlbanyBowsman£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.155
Craigie, John1829Scot OKI Rousay Niegar[th]Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.379
Craigie, John 181332Scot OKI EgilsayHB [MB] York FactorySlooper Boat Steersman£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance]A.32/18 fo.41
Craigie, John 180623Scot OKI Kirkwall£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.22
Craigie, Magnus1871Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] York Factory£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.382-383
Craigie, Magnus1862Scot OKI StennessLabourer Middleman£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.381
Craigie, Magnus 180326Scot OKI Deerness£21 pa. (5) his mark £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.41
Craigie, Peter 181520Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £14.13.2A.32/18 fo.62
Craigie, Robert 181620Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £14 advanceA.32/19 fo.14
Craigie, Thomas1807HB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.55
Craigie, Thomas1830Scot OKI Egilsay GatesideHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.15.0A.32/24 fo.384
Craigie, William1794Scot OKI FirthLabourer£8 pa. (5) sig. he singed his name CraigieA.32/17 fo.32
Craigie, William1835Scot OKI Rousay SetterhallHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.387-388
Craigie, William1830Scot OKI Rousay SetterhallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Bowsman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9 copyA.32/24 fo.385-386
Craigie, William1836Scot OKI St. OlaBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/24 fo.389
Craigie, William 1807HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.64
Craigie, William 1869Scot OKI KirkwallLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.390
Craigie, William 180723Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bounty + £2 a[d]v[an]c[ed] wagesA.32/16 fo.22
Craigie, William 1818Scot OKI Rousay FrotoftHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.157
Craigie, William 180540Scot OKI Sandwick£14 pa. (5) his mark 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.152
Craigie, William 181346Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) his mark £5.5.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.26
Cramer, Charles1797HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/9 fo.14
Cramer, Charles Augustus178031Eng LND St. MaryleboneHB [ON] Moose FactorySurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.41
Cran, James Murray191019Scot ABD Aberdeen 259 Union GroveClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 letter application DOB 3 Feb 1891 Kemps Lane Aberdeen medical Cert. testimonials academic recordA.32/24 fo.391-398
Crate, William Frederick183422Eng LNDHB [MB] York FactoryMillwright£105 pa. Halifax currency (3) sig. cancelled YF 7 July 1834A.32/24 fo.399-400
Crawford, Charles H.1866Eng YKS Leeds BrockvilleClerk£75 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.401-402
Crawford, Robert1862Scot LKS GlasgowHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa.+board (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 copyA.32/24 fo.403-404
Crean, Michael1812Ire SLILabourer£20 pa.(3) his mark pay his father James Crean £5 for 3 yearsA.32/24 fo.405
Crear, John 181339Scot OKI StromnessBowsmanrate allowed bowsmen of equal skill (3) sig. £10 [advance]A.32/18 fo.40
Crear, John 180329Scot OKI Stromness£25 pa. (5) sig. 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.20
Crear, John 179217Scot OKI Stromness£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.144
Creelman, John1868Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) advance £11A.32/24 fo.406
Creelman, Valentine1874Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.408
Creelman, Valentine1868Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.407
Creole dit La Graise Louis183521CanHB [NT] Norman, FortDevant£19 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/24 fo.409
Crimp, Samuel1838Eng DEV SalcombeSeaman General Servant£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/24 fo.410
Crisp, Isaac1832Eng ESS Walton-on-the-NazeSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.411
Crocker, Matthew1875Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£4.5.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.5.0A.32/24 fo.412-413
Cromartie, Alexander180624Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£21 pa.(3) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.180
Cromartie, James1780Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.5
Cromartie, John1836Slooper£26 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.418-419
Cromartie, John1785HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa. (1) sig.A.32/2 fo.179
Cromartie, John1797Scot OKIHB£25-30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.6
Cromartie, John1794Scot OKI Burray£18-20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.5
Cromartie, John1834Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman Carpenter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.416-417
Cromartie, John1843Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£31 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.420-421
Cromartie, John1822Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySailor Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.414
Cromartie, John1780Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.1
Cromartie, Magnus1796Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryShalloper£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.19
Cromartie, William1858CanHB [ON] SevernLabourer£17 pa.+ £3 if he gives satisfactory servvice (3) sig. NativeA.32/24 fo.422-423
Cromarty, John1862CanHB [ON] AlbanySteersman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/24 fo.428-429
Cromarty, John1863Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.430-431
Cromarty, John1854Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Lac SeulMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. £20 pa. bowsman £22 pa.steersman if steersman (5) his markA.32/24 fo.424-425
Cromarty, John1858Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.426-427
Cromarty, Magnus1858Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactorySlooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £15.10.0A.32/24 fo.433
Cromarty, Magnus1865Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactorySlooper Sawyer£27 pa. (3) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.434-435
Cromarty, Magnus180021Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoatman Labourer£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.106
Cromarty, Magnus1851Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.432
Cromarty, Peter1847Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £12A.32/24 fo.437-438
Cromarty, Peter1842Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/24 fo.436
Cromarty, Robert1780Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8 pa (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.6
Cromarty, William180442Scot OKI Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) sig. £6 to accountA.32/13 fo.123
Cromarty, William1863Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.439
Cromarty, William188120Scot OKI SandwickHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Labourer£22 pa.+ board (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.440
Cronhelm, Richard Edward1905Ire DUB Sutton AuburnHB [MB] York FactoryClerkLetter from RC to HBC Letters from his motherA.32/24 fo.455-457
Cronhelm, Richard Edward1905Ire DUB Sutton AuburnHB [MB] York FactoryClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 Letter to his mother from Lord Strathcona application correspondence to/from mother returned to England 1910A.32/24 fo.441-454
Crookshank, James 181523Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay BurwickHB [ON] Moose FactorySawyer£20 pa.+£5 (3) his mark [advance] £10.19.0 5ft 5 ins high fair hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.91
Crookshank, Robert181819Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay SouthsideHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £10.16.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.141
Crosbie, John1843Scot MLN DuddingstonHB [MB] York FactoryButler Servant£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.459-460
Crosbie, John1838Scot MLN DuddingstonHB [MB] York FactorySteward Waiter Cook£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/24 fo.458
Croston, Richard1833Ire COR BallymoreHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.461
Crouch, Joseph1832Eng SRY BermondseyCarpenter£54 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.462
Croucher, Alfred1871Eng LND Southwark 67 Guildford St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/24 fo.463-464
Crowden, Samuel1836Eng LIN Gedney Church EndFarm Servantwage plus 1oz tea per week (5) his markA.32/24 fo.465
Crowe, Charles S.1864HB [ON] Lac SeulClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.466-467
Croy, Charles1847Scot OKI EdayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig. £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.469
Croy, Peter1835Scot OKI EdayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. £7.4.6A.32/24 fo.468
Cruickshank, Edward Alexander192219Scot ABD Aberdeen 77 RosemountClerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 22 July 1902 Aberdeen single photographs application testimonials dental/medical cert testimonials copies.A.32/24 fo.470-489
Crumerty, William178323Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.116
Cryer, George178330Eng LND Wapping St. John'sHB [MB] Churchill RiverShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.118
Culley, Valentine1872Eng LND St. George In East 2 St. George's CourtHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig.A.32/24 fo.490-491
Cumming [Cummings], Robert1824Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaInterpreter£27 pa. (2) sig. Cancelled 1826A.32/24 fo.511
Cumming [Cummins], James1837Eng LNDSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.512
Cumming, Alexander Butler1912Scot ABD Aberdeen 83 Cairnfield Pl.Junior ClerkLetter of application Testimonials Medical Cert.A.32/24 fo.493
Cumming, Alexander Butler1912Scot ABD Aberdeen 83 Cairnfield Pl.Junior Clerk£40-60 pa. (3) clerkA.32/24 fo.494-499
Cumming, John 180719Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bounty + £2 to acc[oun]t wagesA.32/16 fo.31
Cumming, Robert1828Scot OKI St. OlaBoatmanwages discretionary (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.500
Cumming, Stanley190818Scot ABD Aberdeen 294 HardgateHB [PQ] Ungava Fort ChimoClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.501-504
Cumming, Stanley James Calder1912Scot ABD Aberdeen 6 Hosefield Rd.HB [PQ] UngavaClerk£70-100 pa. (3) sig. £8.10.0A.32/24 fo.505-506
Cumming, Thomas188419Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Boat Builder£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20A.32/24 fo.507
Cumming, William Ballenden1862Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/24 fo.492
Cumming, William Middleton1919Scot ABD AberdeenApprentice Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.508-510
Cunashish, Richard1870Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Slooper Labourer£8-16 pa. (7) sig.A.32/24 fo.513-514
Cunningham, Edward1834Can Rupert's LandApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (7) sig.A.32/24 fo.515
Cunningham, Hugh178023Eng KEN GreenwichSailor£20 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/3 fo.45
Cunningham, John1843Middleman£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.516-517
Cunningham, Michael1859Eng YKS BradfordHB [PQ] LachineWinterer Labourer$100 pa. (3) his mark cancelled YF 1860A.32/24 fo.518
Cunningham, Patrick1824Ire SLI CalryHB [MB] York FactoryGuide Trader£40 pa. + 20 lb sugar 25 lb grease flour (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.521-522
Cunningham, Patrick1822North AmericaGuide Trader£40 pa. + equipment clothing blankets tobacco (2) sig.A.32/24 fo.520
Curphy, William L.185222Can [PQ] MontréalHB [PQ] LachineCharpentier100 piastras (3) his markA.32/24 fo.523-524
Currie, Alexander1824Scot ARL Argyle IslayMiddleman£45 pa. (5) sig. six months advance on wages Cpt. Franklin ExpeditionA.32/24 fo.525
Cursiter, George1878Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySlooper£24-25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/24 fo.528
Cursiter, James1868Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) advance £11A.32/24 fo.529
Cursiter, Thomas1830Scot OKI Firth HomeHB [MB] York FactorySailor£25 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £12A.32/24 fo.526-527
Cursiter, William 181519Scot OKI Rendall IsbisterHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 2 ins high r[e]d hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.89
Curtis, James1830Boatswain£34 pa. (3) his markA.32/24 fo.530
Curtis, William1830Seaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/24 fo.531
Cutt, John 180330Scot OKI StromnessSailor£21 pa. (5) sig.2 + 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.21
D’Arche, Joseph1849Can [PQ] Ste. HilaireHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.59-60
Dabbs, Charles John 1883Eng LND The Hospital Whitechapel Rd.Surgeon Clerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/25 fo.1
Dace, William186115Eng MDX ClerkenwellS.S. "Princess Royal"Apprentice Seaman£8-12 pa. (4) sig. Diana Maria Dace suretyA.32/25 fo.2
Dagenais, Antoine1829Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman Bowsman Carpenter£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/25 fo.5
Dagenais, Antoine1823Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman Bowsman Carpenter£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.3-4
Daigneau, Isaac184120Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman Hivernant£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.7-8
Daigneau, Isaac1838Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.6
Daigneau, Joseph1844HB [MB] Red RiverMiddlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/25 fo.12-13
Daigneau, Joseph1828Can [PQ] Montréal St. JosephHB [MB] York FactoryDevant£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/25 fo.10-11
Daigneau, Joseph1823Can [PQ] Montréal St. JosephLabourer Middleman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.9-13
Daigneau, Vincent1864Can English River*HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseLabourer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.14-15
Daivie, William181719Scot OKI Stromness Clouston£15 pa. (5) sig. £10A.32/19 fo.113
Dalton, James1840Eng KENA.32/26 fo.52
Damours, Theophile1877Carpenter£33 +£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/25 fo.28
Damours, Theophile1876HB [MB] Red RiverCarpenter$170 +$9.73 + 50 lbs flour 72 keg sugar (1) his markA.32/25 fo.26-27
Damours, Theophile1875HB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter$155.72 +$9.73 (1) his markA.32/25 fo.24-25
Damours, Theophile1871Can [PQ] Trois PistolesHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£24 pa. + t/s(1) his markA.32/25 fo.20
Damours, Theophile1866Can [PQ] Trois PistolesHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.16-18
Damours, Theophile1872Can [PQ] Trois PistolesHB [AB] DunveganCarpenter£28 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/25 fo.21-23
Damours, Theophile1868Can [PQ] Trois PistolesHB [AB] DunveganMilieu£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.19
Damours, Theophile1863Can [PQ] Trois PistolesHB [MB] York FactoryMidman Carpenter£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/25 fo.19-29
Daniel, James1851Can [ON] AlbanyBowsman Steersman£20-22 (3) his markA.32/25 fo.30-31
Daniel, James1848Can [ON] AlbanyBowsman£20 (3) his markA.32/25 fo.32
Daniel, James "A"187830Can [MB] LisgarCattle Keeper General Service£28 pa.+£2 (1) his markA.32/25 fo.37
Daniel, James "A"1874Can [MB] St. ClementLabourer Middleman£24 pa.+£2 (3) his mark son of James Daniel advance £3A.32/25 fo.33-34
Daniel, James "A"1876Can [MB] St. ClementLabourer Middleman£30 pa.incl. gratuities (3) can take wifeA.32/25 fo.35-36
Daniel, James "A"1874Can [MB] St. ClementLabourer MiddlemanA.32/25 fo.33-37
Daniel, Jenkin178131Eng LND Stepney St. DunstanHB [ON] AlbanyHunter Sawyer£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.51
Daniel, Robert1852Can [MB] Red River SettlementLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.38-39
Daniel, William1852Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, FortBowsman Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.44-44
Daniel, William1855Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/25 fo.46-47
Daniel, William1857Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Ellice, FortInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his mark to find own houseA.32/25 fo.48-49
Daniel, William1841Can [MB] Red River SettlementLabourerprix du poste (3) his markA.32/25 fo.40-41
Daniel, William1849Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.42-49
Danis, Michel1825HB [NT] Resolution, FortBowsman Devant£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.51
Danis, Michel1823HB [NT] Resolution, FortBowsman Devant£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.50
Dann, Eli1876Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£4.5.0 pm. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.56-57
Dann, Eli1875Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£4.5.0 pm. (1) his mark advance £4.5.0 copyA.32/25 fo.52-55
Danneau, Atoinne1855Milieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.58
Dass, William1872Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer Slooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/25 fo.61
Daunais, Jean Baptiste184232Can [PQ] L’AssomptionCarpenter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.62-63
Davey, Andrew179633Scot OKI FirthSteersman Netmaker Fisherman£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.51
Davey, Andrew179330Scot OKI FirthSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.9
Davey, Andrew1783Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) his mark advance £1.1.0 and £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.6
Davey, Andrew178220Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.153
Davey, James179433Scot OKI FirthSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.37
Davey, James1783Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) his mark advance £1.1.0 and 10/6A.32/2 fo.5
Davey, John179523Scot OKI FirthMiddleman£14 pa. (blank) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.42
Davey, Robert1782HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.166
Davey, Robert1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.91
Davey, Robert180523Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill RiverArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.125
Davey, Robert1783Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer Canoeman£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.3
Davey, William178120Eng LND Aldgate St. BotolphHB [MB] York FactorySmith Armourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.58
David, Samuel1909HB [ON] Lac SeulCaptain of Steam Tug$75 pm. (monthly) sig. DOB 1877 Heron Bay SingleA.32/25 fo.64
Davidson, Andrew192418Scot ABD Aberdeen Dunbar Street Haddo HouseApprentice ClerkPhotograph Letter Application Medical & Dental Cert.A.32/25 fo.67-70
Davidson, Andrew192418Scot ABD Aberdeen Dunbar Street Haddo HouseApprentice ClerkTestimonials Academic Cert. CopiesA.32/25 fo.71-78
Davidson, Andrew192418Scot ABD Aberdeen Dunbar Street Haddo HouseApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 17 Dec. 1905 Aberdeen SingleA.32/25 fo.65-66
Davidson, Donald1873Scot OKI HoyHB [LB] RigoletLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 Cancelled Rigolet 1876A.32/25 fo.79-80
Davidson, George1836Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Carpenter£16 pa.+£4 (5) sig. copyA.32/25 fo.81-82
Davidson, George184323Scot OKI WestrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/25 fo.83-85
Davidson, James1873Scot ABD Old DeerLabourer£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/25 fo.88
Davidson, James1828Scot OKI Hoy SlackLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/25 fo.86
Davidson, James1879Scot OKI StromnessHB [LB]Labourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.16.0A.32/25 fo.89
Davidson, James1858Scot SHI WeisdaleLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/25 fo.87
Davidson, John188330Scot CAI WickHB [ON] English River Dist.Blacksmith£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20 Cert. attachedA.32/25 fo.91
Davidson, John1843Scot OKI WestrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/25 fo.90
Davidson, Robert192019Scot ABD Aberdeen 21 Church St.Junior ClerkPhotograph Medical & Dental Cert. Testimonials copiesA.32/25 fo.94a-100
Davidson, Robert1920Scot ABD Aberdeen 21 Church St.Junior Clerk$240-480 (3) sig. DOB 11 Dec 1900 Aberdeen SingleA.32/25 fo.92-93
Davidson, William181519Scot CAI Thurso£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 7 ins high r[e]d hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.67
Davidson, William1821Scot OKI Ronaldsay HoxaCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/25 fo.101
Davidson, William1859Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/25 fo.102
Davidson, William1866Scot SHI Lerwick & GulberwickHB [MB] York FactorySlooper£23 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/25 fo.103-104
Davie, James1820Scot OKI Firth OraquoyLabourer£20 pa. Old Hand (5) his mark Advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/25 fo.105-106
Davie, John180330Scot OKI Firth£20 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.26
Davie, Malcolm1833Scot OKI Firth HeddleLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/25 fo.107
Davie, Robert1872Scot OKI FirthHB [LB]Blacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 Cancelled Oct 1873 copyA.32/25 fo.108-110
Davie, William1874Scot OKI FirthPostmaster General Service$125-250 pa. (5) sig. advance £4A.32/25 fo.113
Davie, William1867Scot OKI FirthHB [LB]Apprentice Labourer£10-25 pa. (6) sig. advance £5A.32/25 fo.112
Davie, William1833Scot OKI Firth HeddleHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/25 fo.111
Davies, James1864Scot LKS GlasgowHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. Advance £11 Cancelled YF 23 Sept 1865A.32/25 fo.114-115
Davies, William1870Eng LND London 26 Stanton Terr. Old StreetTinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £1 pm. From JulyA.32/25 fo.116-117
Davis, Baptiste1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/25 fo.119-120
Davis, Baptiste1862Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/25 fo.118
Davis, John1806Eng LND LondonWriter£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.40
Davis, John180121Eng LND LondonWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.98
Davis, John1840Wales CGN CardiganHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/25 fo.122
Davis, Thomas1833Eng KEN DeptfordHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/25 fo.121
Davis, William1825Can [ON] AlbanyApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/25 fo.123
Davis, William1871Eng LND Bethnal Green Rd 56 Seabright St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig.A.32/25 fo.125-126
Davis, William1833Wales PEM Milford WhitechurchSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/25 fo.124
Davison, John1830Eng DUR BishopwearmouthSecond Mate£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/25 fo.127
Davison, John178521Eng DUR SunderlandHB [ON] Moose FactorySloopmate£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.137
Davison, William1821Scot OKI Ronaldsay HoxaHB [MB] York FactoryCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/25 fo.128
Davy, Andrew179027Scot OKI FirthSteersman£16 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.53
Davy, James1797blank contractA.32/9 fo.33
Davy, James180436Scot OKI Firth£20 pa. (5) his mark 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.112
Davy, James1791Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/4 fo.144
Davy, John179020Scot OKI Firth£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.25
Davy, John1799Scot OKI FirthBowsman£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.12
Davy, Thomas1783Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactorySeaman£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.12
Dawe, Sampson1874EngHB [LB] Sandwich BayAgent Sandwich Bay£150 pa. (1) sig.+ travelling expenses to St. John NewfoundlandA.32/25 fo.129-130
Dawson, Edward1790Eng NBL North ShieldsSeaman£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.11
Day, Matthew1872Eng LND Blackfriars Rd. 16 Martin St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/25 fo.131-132
Dazay, Izadore see Lieucheux, Alphonse1886A.32/25 fo.133
Dazé, Izidore1886HB [AB] Smith LandingTripman30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Dazé, Paul1828HB [NT] AthabascaGouvernail£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.135-136
Dazé, Paul "B"1824HB [NT] Athabasca LakeMilieu£19 pa. (2) his mark Old agreement cancelledA.32/25 fo.134
Dazé, Paulet1834Can English River*HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£22 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/25 fo.137
De Blois, Thomas1795Can [PQ] Montréal St. BarthelemiHB [PQ] EastmainWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.49
de Jordon, Baptist1797HB [MB] Churchill River£16 pa. (1) his markA.32/9 fo.69
Dean, George1872Eng ESS West Ham 18 Anisty Rd.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/25 fo.138-139
Deans, David188325Scot ABD PeterheadHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£50 pa. (3) sig. advance £25 Certs.A.32/25 fo.140
Dearness, Thomas1863Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/25 fo.141
Dearness, William1838Scot OKI Sanday CrossHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/25 fo.142-143
Dearon, John1806£24 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.20
Death, James178629Eng ESS HarwichMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.144
Deboos, George1857Eng MDX Bethnal Green Waterloo TownHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. grant of 25 acres of land at Red River SettlementA.32/25 fo.144
Decerre, Louis183729Can [PQ] Montréal BecancourtHivernant Voyageur Traiteur Pecheur750 livres ancien cours did not signA.32/25 fo.147-150
Decerre, Louis183425Can [PQ] Montréal St. CuthbertHB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieu Hivernant700 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.145-146
Decerre, Louis1844Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] St. MauriceHivernant Voyageur Traiteur Pecheur12 piastras par chaque mois sig.A.32/25 fo.149-150
Dechamp, Antoine1826HB [MB] Red RiverMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark DesertedA.32/25 fo.151-152
Dechesne, Germain1823Can [PQ] St. CuthbertHB [PQ] St. MauriceHyvernant [Hivernant]500 livres ancien de cette province pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.153-154
Deeley, Joseph1872Eng LND Wapping 31 Hermitage St.HB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig.A.32/25 fo.155-156
Deer, Elizabeth1882HB [LB] CartwrightCook£10 + balance of wages (seasonal) sig.A.32/25 fo.158
Deer, Elizabeth1881HB [LB] CartwrightCook£10 + balance of wages (seasonal) sig.A.32/25 fo.157
Deeran, James1800Scot OKI Birsay£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.35
Deering, John1800Scot OKI BurraySteersman£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.34
Deerness, William1829Scot OKI Sanday CrossSailor£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/25 fo.159
Degan, Joseph183033Can [PQ]HB [MB] Swan RiverMilieu£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.161-162
Degan, Joseph1829Can [PQ]Labourer£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.160
Dejardin, Gédéon183635Can [PQ] TerrebonneHB Indian CountryMilieu Hivernant Masonprix du poste (3) his mark d'avance 20 piastres d'EspagneA.32/25 fo.167-168
Delaronde, Paul1886HB [MB/SK] Shell RiverClerk£100 pa.+$1 p.diem sig.A.32/37 fo.386
Delday, James1836Scot OKI DeernessBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £7A.32/25 fo.172
Delday, John1836Scot OKI St. Andrew'sHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/25 fo.173
Delorié, Joseph1821HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu Hivernant800 livres ou chelins ancien cour his markA.32/25 fo.174
Delorme Junior, Pierre Lemai dit183519Can [SK]HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.104-105
Delorme père, Pierre Lemai dit1835Can [PQ]HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.102-103
Delorme see Rielle, Ambroisen.d.A.32/25 fo.177b
Delorme, A. Fafard1827Steersman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.175
Delorme, Ambroise dit Rielle1829Can [PQ] LanoraieMilieuprix due poste (3) his mark chez son frère Joseph desertedA.32/50 fo.236-237
Delorme, Baptiste184141Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Bowsman£17 pa. (3) his mark salary increase if he acts as bowsmanA.32/25 fo.176-177
Delorme, Jean Baptiste Eno dit182620CanHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.85-88
Delorme, Jean Baptiste Eno dit1828Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his mark contract extended 2 years same wagesA.32/27 fo.87-88
Delorme, Lemai, Pierre dit183155Can [PQ] Bas CanadaMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.98-99
Delorme, Pierre dit Lemai183355Can [PQ] Rivière aux ChiensMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.101
Den, James Alexander 192221Scot ABD Aberdeen 25 Cairnfield Pl.Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 15 Mar 1901 Aberdeen single photograph letter medical/dental certs. Academic record testimonials copiesA.32/25 fo.184-206
Denison, Edward1829Eng DEV MakerHB Columbia RiverCarpenter£54 pa. (3) sig.A.32/25 fo.207
Denman, Emanuel1799Leman St. Goodman's FieldHB [PQ] EastmainArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.78
Denommé, Joseph 183128Can [PQ] Montréal St. BarthelemiVoyageur1,500 livres (trading season) his markA.32/25 fo.208
Denommé, Pierre1827Middleman Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.210
Denommé, Pierre183022Can [SK]HB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman£17 pa. (1) his mark nsative SKA.32/25 fo.211-212
Denoyer, Pecoose1842HB [AB] Fort des PrairiesMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.213-214
Denoyer, Ponyack1841HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.217-218
Denoyer, Ponyack1838HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.215-216
Deon, Charles185919Can [PQ] St. RochHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Hivernant$110 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.220-221
Derie, Martin183136Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB Simpson, Fort*Gouvernail Pecheur£26 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.223-224
Derie, Martin see Desire Martin1827A.32/25 fo.222
Derie, Martin see Desris Martin1828A.32/25 fo.222
Derocher, Antoine Briant dit1826Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMiddleman Hivernant£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.247
Derocher, Antoine Briant dit1823Can [PQ] L’AssomptionBowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.246
Derocher, Jean Baptiste182023Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupVoyageur800 livres pa. (4) his mark d'avance 20 piastres d'Espagne, don’t quittance il recevra en partant 6 piastresA.32/25 fo.227-228
Derocher, Philip Brien dit1850Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.263
Derocher, Philippe dit Brien1840Middleman Bowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.225-226
Derosier, Jean Baptiste1825Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.229
Deschamps, Alexander186323Can [PQ] LachineMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.230-231
Deschamps, Pierre185528Can Pays SauvageHB [PQ] MichipicotenGouvernail£25 pa.(2) his markE.388/2 fo.5-6
Desert, Louis184136Can [PQ] BécancourVoyageur Hivernant750 livres ancien cours pa. (1) d'avance 5 livres ou 120 livres ancien coursA.32/25 fo.232-233
Desert, Louis184436Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [PQ] MichipicotenMilieu Hivernant£30 pa. (1) his markE.252/2 fo.1-3
Deshautel, Platant dit Lapointe182120Can [PQ] Grand-Esprit, St. RochMiddleman600 livres pa. (4) plus équipmentA.32/25 fo.234-235
Desire, Martin182732Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB Simpson, Fort*Devant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.270
Desire, Martin see Derie, Martin1831A.32/25 fo.272
Desire, Martin see Desris, Martin1828A.32/25 fo.272
Desjaralais, Jean Marie1868HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Steersman Hunter£25-27 pa. (2) his mark Cancelled returned to Lac La Biche spring 1869A.32/25 fo.256
Desjardin, Antoine1820HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.237-238
Desjardin, Antoine1824HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.236-237
Desjardin, Antoine1821Can [PQ] BerthierHB Fort Simpson*Steersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.239
Desjardin, Antoine183028Can [PQ] BerthierHB Fort Simpson*Devant Hivernant£22 pa. (1) his mark natifA.32/25 fo.164-165
Desjardin, Antoine182824Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (2) his mark natifA.32/25 fo.163
Desjardin, Baptiste1864Milieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.166
Desjardin, Baptiste1838Can [MB] Red River SettlementSteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.240
Desjardin, Jean Baptiste1826HB [NT] Liard, FortMilieu£17 pa. (1) his mark note wages for current year £19A.32/25 fo.241-242
Desjardin, Jean Baptiste183030Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman Hivernant£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.169-170
Desjardin, Pierre1822Can [PQ] MontréalHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Blacksmith800 livres pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.243
Desjardins, Antoine182928Can [PQ] BerthierMiddleman Hivernant£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.244-245
Desjardins, Baptiste1858HB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/25 fo.248-249
Desjardins, Baptiste1858Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.246-247
Desjardins, Jean Baptiste182929Can [PQ] BerthierSteersman£24 pa. (2) his mark exprressed a wish not to winter at any post north of Fort SimpsonA.32/25 fo.250-251
Desjardins, Jean Baptiste 183533Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Red RiverGouvernailprix du poste (3) his markA.32/25 fo.252-253
Desjarlais, Antoine1828Interpreter£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/25 fo.254
Desjarlais, Antoine1856Can [MB] Red River SettlementInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his mark the rule prohibiting the trading of horses explained to himA.32/25 fo.258-259
Desjarlais, Guillaume1874Can [AB] Lac La BicheHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman$130 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.255
Desjarlais, Jean Marie1868HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Steersman & HunterA.32/25 fo.256-257
Desjarlaise, Antoine1830Post Master Interpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/25 fo.171
Desmarais, Baptiste184426Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Fort Simpson*Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.178-179
Desmarais, Baptiste 184124Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman prix du poste (3) his markA.32/25 fo.262-263
Desmarais, Baptiste 184019Can Indian CountryHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.260-261
Desmarais, François1843Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.180-181
Desmarais, François 184435Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/25 fo.264-265
Desmarais, Joseph1844Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Blacksmith£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.266-267
Desmarais, Michael184233Can Hudson' s BayBlacksmith Labourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.182-183
Desnoyer [Denoyer], Ponyack1863HB [SK] Carlton, FortMiddleman£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/25 fo.218-219
Desnoyer, Edward 183420Can [PQ] Montréal La PrairieMilieu700 livres (3) his markA.32/25 fo.268-269
Desris, Martin1828HB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.273
Desriviene, Louis1841Can [PQ] MontréalHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.276
Desriviens, Louis185943HB [MB] York FactoryHomme de terre £22 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.274-275
Desrivier, Louis1854Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/25 fo.279
Desrivierrs, Louis1842Can [PQ] MontréalBoute Gouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/25 fo.277-278
Desrochers, Antoine1828HB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£19 pa. (2) his mark one year in landA.32/25 fo.280
Desrosiers, Jean Baptiste183033Can [PQ] Montréal Riviere du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/25 fo.281-282
Desrosiers, Jean Baptiste183033Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMilieuA.32/26 fo.281-282
Deux Rivieres, Ignace1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieuusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Devanney, Lawrence1831Ire ROS KilbrideCattle Keeper£25 pa.(1) sig.passage of wife to be charged to account at the usual rate from LondonA.32/25 fo.283
Dewdney, Charles1867Eng DEV Plymouth 27 Frankfors St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/25 fo.284
Dewdney, James1867Eng DEV Plymouth 27 Frankfors St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/25 fo.285
Dewdney, Thos. James1874Eng DEV PlymouthTinsmith Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £6.10.0 allotment £3.5.0A.32/25 fo.286
Dibble, James1795Eng LNDHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.54
Dibble, James180231Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.106
Dick, James1835Scot LKS Glasgow St. John'sSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.1
Dickenson, Thomas1833Eng SSX LittlehamptonHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.2
Dicker, George1908Can [LB] Davis InletHB [LB] RigoletApprentice Cooper£10-20 pa. (3) his mark DOB 25 Jan 1889 Davis Inlet copy Acct.A.32/26 fo.3-5
Dicker, John1882Eng DEV Teigngrace Twelveoaks FarmHB [LB]Labourer£22 pa. (1.5) sig.A.32/26 fo.6
Dickers, Henry1904HB [LB] Davis InletLabourer$8 pm. (monthly) sig.A.32/26 fo.9
Dickers, Livina1911HB [LB] Davis InletMess Cook$3 pm. (monthly) her markA.32/26 fo.11
Dickers, Livina1910HB [LB] RigoletMess Cook$3 pm. (monthly) her markA.32/26 fo.10
Dickers, Sarah1901HB [LB] Davis InletMess Cook Housekeeper$4 pm. (monthly) her markA.32/26 fo.12
Dickers, William1887Eng DEV HighweekHB [LB]Boat Builder£45 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.7
Dickers, William jnr.1887Eng DEV HighweekCooper£15-18 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.8
Dickison, Broad William190428HB [ON] NipigonClerk$40 pm. CancelledA.32/26 fo.15
Dickison, Broad William190428HB [ON] MissanabiePost Manager$75 pm. (monthly) sig.A.32/26 fo.17
Dickison, Broad William1904CanHB [ON] MissanabieActing Manager Missanabie$60 pm.A.32/26 fo.13
Dickison, Broad William190428Can [ON]HB [ON] MissanabiePost Manager$60 pm. (monthly)A.32/26 fo.16
Dickison, Broad William190428Can [ON]HB [ON] NipigonClerk$1 per diem. DOB 4 April 1877 Arkanka ON married 1 child copyA.32/26 fo.14
Dickson, James1886Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer Runner£28 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/26 fo.21-22
Dickson, James1887Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer Runner£28pa. +£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/26 fo.23-24
Dickson, James1875Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer Fisherman$115 pa.+ $10 t/s (1) his markA.32/26 fo.19-20
Dickson, James1835Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/26 fo.18
Dickson, James1825Scot OKI Harray FeolquoyHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copy entered in books as DixonA.32/26 fo.29-30
Dickson, Joseph1835Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/26 fo.25
Dickson, William181324Scot MLN Edinburgh£25 pa. (3) sig. £30 [advance]A.32/18 fo.13
Dignum, Peter178824Eng LND Holborn St. Giles-in-the-FieldsWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.177
Dishan, William1861Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 end of contract grant of 25 acres land copy contract cancelled refused to obey ordersA.32/26 fo.26-27
Dixon, George1838Eng LAN LiverpoolHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/26 fo.28
Dixon, George178321Eng St. Mary Magdalene*Mariner£15 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.73
Dixon, Louis1901Can [BC] GlenoraClerk General Service$600 pa. (6 months) sig.A.32/26 fo.31-32
Dodd, Charles1840HB Columbia River1st Officer£75.12.0 (5) sig. copyA.32/26 fo.36
Dodd, Charles1835Eng NFK New Buckenham2nd Mate£50.8.0 (5) sig. copyA.32/26 fo.34-35
Dodd, Charles1833Eng NFK New Buckenham2nd Mate£50.8.0 (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.33
Dodd, Thomas (Tom)1877Eng DEV PlymouthTinsmith£4.10.0 (season) sig. copy 300 tins soldered per diem advance £4.10.0A.32/26 fo.39-42
Dodd, Thomas (Tom)1873Eng DEV Plymouth 1 Eborington Pl.Tinsmith£4.10.0 (season) sig. 300 tins soldered per diem advance £4.10.0A.32/26 fo.37-38
Dodds, Joseph177929Eng WES BroughHB [ON] Moose FactoryShipwright£36 pa.+£4 (3) his markA.32/3 fo.40
Doiron, Louis dit Cadien1839Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.46-47
Doiron, Louis dit Cadien183625Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Middlemanprix du poste (3)A.32/26 fo.45
Doiron, Louis dit Cadien183018Can [PQ] Berthier Ste GenevièveMilieu Middleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.43-44
Donald, Charles1857Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman£33 pa. (1) sig.A.32/26 fo.48-49
Donald, George1852HB [MB] Swan RiverBlacksmith Carpenter£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/26 fo.52-53
Donald, George1856Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Pelly, FortCarpenter Blacksmith£30 pa. (1) his mark to be allowed to retire to Red River from Fort Pelly & ElliceA.32/26 fo.54-55
Donald, George1851Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverBlacksmith£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.50-51
Donald, George1782EngHB [ON] Moose Fort£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.175
Donald, George1785Eng LND St. Margaret's WestminsterHB [ON] Moose Factory£25-30 pa. (4) sig.A.32/2 fo.185
Donald, George1797Eng LND WestminsterHB [MB] Churchill River£45 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.68
Donald, George1792Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sHB [MB] York Factory£35 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.3
Donald, Henry 186716Scot BANApprentice£6-12 pa. (4) sig. Apprenticeship Indenture gratuity of £5 at the end of apprenticeship if satisfactoryA.32/26 fo.56
Donald, John1835Scot LKS Glasgow GorbalsHB Columbia RiverAssistant Engineer£134.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.57-58
Donald, William1807HB [PQ] Eastmain£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.90
Donald, William 183220Can [MB] Red River SettlementLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark agreed to give father Wm Donald of RR annual allowance of £7 from wagesA.32/26 fo.59-60
Donaldson, Alexander1830Scot CAI Latheron CampsterHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9A.32/26 fo.61
Donaldson, David192419Scot ABD Aberdeen 252 King St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 22 Mar 1905 Aberdeen single Photograph Application medical/dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/26 fo.62-74
Donaldson, John1871Scot SHI LerwickHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.75
Dorion, John1848HB [MB] Garry, FortBoute Winterer£22 pa. (3) his mark d'avance £6A.32/26 fo.90-91
Dorion, John1837HB [NT] AthabascaSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.81
Dorion, John1843HB [NT] AthabascaSteersamn£24 pa. (1) his mark copiesA.32/26 fo.84-89
Dorion, John1853HB [SK] Cumberland HouseMilieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.92-93
Dorion, John183325Can Columbia RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£22 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/26 fo.78
Dorion, John1835Can Columbia RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseDevant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.79-80
Dorion, John1839Can Natif du PaysHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.82-83
Dorion, John1858Can Natif du PaysHB [ON] Flying PostMilieu£20 pa. (2) his mark to go free at Ile-à-la -Crosse by permission of Sir George SimpsonA.32/26 fo.94-95
Dorion, John1861Can Natif du PaysMilieu£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.96-97
Dorion, John183020Can Natif du PaysHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.76-77
Dorion, John1863Can Rupert's LandLabourer Middleman Fisherman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/26 fo.98-99
Dorion, Pierre186420Can [SK] Cumberland HouseBowsman Labourer£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/26 fo.100-101
Douglas, William1864Scot SHI SandstingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copiesA.32/26 fo.102-103
Doull, William1869Scot CAI WickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.104
Douthwait, Ralph1792Eng DUR GreethamHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£10 pa. (5) his markA.32/17 fo.7
Dow, W.R.1880Eng LND London 10 PicadillyClerk Salesman£120-160 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.105
Dowie, William1888Scot OKI FirthClerk General Service£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.106-107
Dowling, William179524Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer [Black]smith£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.47
Down[s], William1866Eng DEV PlymouthTinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.15.0 pm. (seasonal) sig.A.32/26 fo.110-111
Downey, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.70
Downie, George1828Scot OKI Rousay NewhouseSailor£18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.108
Downie, James1828Scot OKI Rousay NewhouseBoat Fisherman£18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.109
Dreaver, George181326Scot OKI Sanday£20 pa. (3) sig. £7.7.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.17
Drever, George1870Scot CAI ThursoLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.125
Drever, George1831Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.124
Drever, George1831Scot OKI KirkwallLabourerA.32/26 fo124
Drever, James181530Scot OKI Shapinsay north side£20 pa. (3) sig. £12.1.0 [advance] 5ft 9 ins brown hair dark complexion has been 6 yrs EM home 1812A.32/18 fo.133
Drever, James1850Scot OKI WestrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/26 fo.113
Drever, John1824Scot OKI Kirkwall St. Ola ScapaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/26 fo.112
Drever, William1829Carpenter Labourer£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/26 fo.116
Drever, William1842Scot OKI ShapinsayCarpenter£40 pa. (2) sig.A.32/26 fo.119-120
Drever, William181330Scot OKI ShapinsayHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £19 [advance] been 5 years at EastmainA.32/18 fo.39
Drever, William180722Scot OKI Shapinsay£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineas bounty +£2A.32/15 fo.85
Drever, William1821Scot OKI Shapinsay GornHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.126
Drever, William1827Scot OKI Shapinsay GornCarpenter Joiner£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.115
Drever, William1821Scot OKI Shapinsay GornLabourer£15-18 pa. (3) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.114
Drever, William "A"1832HB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£35-40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.117
Drever, William "A"1835Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£40 pa. (2) sig.A.32/26 fo.118
Drewer, James180620Scot OKI Shapinsay£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineas on accountA.32/15 fo.5
Drinville, Louis1828Can [PQ] Saint JeanHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer CowherdDiscretionary (3) his mark to collect wife and both attend cattle at factory £20 advance at MontréalA.32/26 fo.121
Driver, Edward1826Scot OKI KirkwallHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his mark copy advance £5 killed by Indians 12 Oct 1827 within shores of Vancouver Island Strait of GeorgiaA.32/26 fo.122-123
Driver, John1783Labourer£8 pa. (5) no sig. very bad manA.32/3 fo.86
Driver, John1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8 pa. (3) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.77
Driver, William1839Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15 copyA.32/26 fo.128-129
Driver, William1829 1839 (2)Scot OKI StromnessCooper£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.127
Drollette, Joseph1825HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (2) his mark copyA.32/26 fo.130-131
Drollette, Joseph1830Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [AB] DunveganGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/26 fo.133
Drollette, Joseph182944Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [AB] DunveganGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/26 fo.132
Drummond, John1829Scot OKI St. Andrew's NewbiggingLabourer£17-18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.134
Drummond, William179140Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.101
Dryden, Peter1865Scot MLN Edinburgh South LeithMeat & Fish Preserver£40 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/26 fo.135-136
Duaine, Baptiste 183028Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMilieuPrix du poste (3) d'avance 5 piastres d'Espagne desertedA.32/26 fo.137-138
Dubé, Joseph183032Can [PQ] ChamplainBoute Maçon400 livres ancien cours (3) d'avance 100 livres ancien coursA.32/26 fo.139-140
Dubeau, Charles183920Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance 2 livres cours actuel de cette province et recevra a son depart la somme dee 2 livres 10 chelins 10 cours desertedA.32/26 fo.141-142
Dubois, Joseph1842HB Columbia RiverMiddlemanprix du poste (5) his markA.32/26 fo.143-144
Dubois, Louis184322Can [PQ] LaprairieMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his markA.32/26 fo.145-146
Dubreuil, Louis1843HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Hivernant£19 pa. (1) his mark copyA.32/26 fo.147-148
Duchaine, Moise1850Middleman£20 pa. (2) his mark present contract expiresA.32/26 fo.150
Ducharme, Baptiste dit McKay1860HB [SK] Fort à la CorneFisherman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark NativeA.32/26 fo.151-152
Ducharme, Charles1841Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.154
Ducharme, Charles1833HB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman£15-17 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/26 fo.153
Ducharme, Joseph 1841Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/26 fo.156-157
Ducharme, Joseph dit Maron1829Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.155
Ducharme, Joseph dit McKay1862Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.158
Dudoire, Louis 183930Can [PQ] St. DenisHB Northern Dept.Middleman£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avane 10 piastres d'Espagne et recervra à son depart 10 piastres desertedA.32/26 fo.159-160
Duffall, William1795Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£10-14 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.42
Duffill, William178827Eng DEV Plymouth St. Andrew'sLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.212
Duffle, William1793Eng DEV PlymouthHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£10 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.24
Dufrêne, Edward1851HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.163-164
Dufrêne, Edward1859Can [PQ] LaprairieHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/26 fo.165-166
Dufrêne, Edward183620Can [PQ] LaprairieHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.161-162
Dugdale, James180128Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.87
Duhamel, Jean Baptiste183625Can [PQ] ContrecoeursMiddlemanprix du poste (3) his mark d'avance 10 piastres d'Espagne et recervra à son depart 10 piastres deserted at Hull 10th MayA.32/26 fo.167
Duhorné, Pierre dit Laneville184233Can [PQ] Trois Rivières BécancourMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his markA.32/26 fo.169-170
Dulton, James1840Eng KENCook£30 pa. (5) his markA.32/26 fo.171
Dumais, Charles1862CanHB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.174-175
Dumais, Charles1855Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.172-173
Dumas [also Dumais], Charles1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaGuide£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his mark allowance of 20 lbs sugar 25 lbs flour 10 lbs greaseA.32/26 fo.180
Dumas [also Dumais], Charles1874Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [BC] St. John, FortInterpreter$185 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.181
Dumas, Charles1875HB [AB] DunveganGuide£30 pa.+£2 gratuity (1) his mark + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs greaseA.32/57 fo.98
Dumas, Charles186836Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] DunveganGuide£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/26 fo.179
Dumas, Charles1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] DunveganSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.176-177
Dumas, Charles1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] DunveganGouvernail£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.178
Dumas, Michel1825HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.182-183
Dumas, Pierre1825HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.185-186
Dumas, Pierre1823Gouvernail1000 livres de vingt sols Halifax (2) his markA.32/26 fo.184
Dumond, Eteabo1830Can [SK]Middleman Bowsman£17-20 pa.+£3 (3) his mark +£3 when hunterA.32/26 fo.187-188
Dunard, Antoine182336Can [PQ] BerthierGouvernail Voyageur800 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.286
Duncan, Alexander1830First Mate£25.12.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.190
Duncan, Alexander1838Master of Ship£126 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.192
Duncan, Alexander1836Scot STIMaster of Ship£126 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.191
Duncan, Alexander1826Scot STI Larbert CarronshoreMate Clerk£52.10.0 pa. (3) sig. advance £13.2.6A.32/26 fo.189
Duncan, Edward177843Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverMariner£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.12
Duncan, Edward179340Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance part of wagesA.32/5 fo.38
Duncan, George Edwin 192619Scot ABD Aboyne FinzeanApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) DOB 4 Jan 1907 Wishaw single photograph application medical/dental certs. testimonials academic record copiesA.32/26 fo.193-206
Duncan, Gilbert1785Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8-10 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1A.32/2 fo.137
Duncan, John1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£12 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.125
Duncan, John1780Scot OKIHB [MB] Prince of Wales, Fort£12 pa. (1) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.38
Duncan, John1877Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/26 fo.208
Duncan, John1855Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15A.32/26 fo.207
Duncan, Peter1834Scot STI Stirling CarronshoreHB Columbia RiverCarpenter£54 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/26 fo.210-211
Duncan, Peter1834Scot STI Stirling CarronshoreCarpenter Seaman£54 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.209
Duncan, Ronald McLennan192223Scot ABD Peterculter CraigleaClerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 1 Jan 1899 Aberdeen single photographs War record, German French academic record letter medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/26 fo.212-258
Duncan, Thomas1830Eng MDX WhitechapelSloop Master£50-60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.259
Duncan, William181523Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay BurwickHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high dark hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.96
Duncan, William1826Scot OKI Walls PharayLabourer£20 pa. (3) his mark advance £9A.32/26 fo.260
Dunch, Thomas177947Eng LND Shadwell St. PaulHB [MB] York FactoryHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.36
Dunn, John1830Eng ESS Gt. ParndonApprentice£10-12 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.261
Dunn, Peter1812Labourer£20 (3) his mark pay father £7 per yearA.32/26 fo.262
Dunnet, Alexander1828Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay St. Margaret’s HopeCooper Labourer£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/26 fo.265-266
Dunnet, Alexander1821Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay St. Margaret’s HopeCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £18 copyA.32/26 fo.263-264
Dunnet, John1830Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryTailor£40 pa. (5) sig. copy Governor Simpson's figures insertedA.32/26 fo.268-270
Dunnet, John1824Scot OKI StromnessTailor£35+ pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/26 fo.267
Dunnet, William1849Can [MB] Red River SettlementInterpreter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.271-272
Dunnet, William1871Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/26 fo.273
Dunnett, William1798Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryCarpenter£23-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.6
Dunning, Andrew1865Can [MB] Churchill RiverHB [MB] York FactoryTinsmith£25-30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.274-275
Dunning, James1849HB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.284
Dunning, James1855CanHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/26 fo.285
Dunning, James1826CanInterpreter£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/26 fo.276
Dunning, James1835Can [MB] Churchill RiverHarpooner Labourer£30 pa. (3) his mark family to have allowance 2 rations same as himself no liquorA.32/26 fo.280-281
Dunning, James1832Can [MB] Churchill RiverHarpooner Labourer£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.279
Dunning, James1840Can [MB] Churchill RiverHarpooner Labourer£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.282-283
Dunning, James1828Can [MB] Churchill RiverHarpooner Labourer£30 pa. (2) his mark ship to have allowance for provisions to have children taughtA.32/26 fo.277
Dunning, James1830Can [MB] Churchill RiverHarpooner Labourer£30 pa. (2) his mark wife & himself to have allowance no liquorA.32/26 fo.278
Dunning, James1793Eng DUR Stockton-on-TeesHB [MB] Churchill RiverCraft Master£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.23
Dunning, James178421Eng Stockton*HB [MB] Churchill RiverMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.126
Dunwoodie, William192220Scot ROC RosehaughClerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 15 Oct 1901 Netherburn single photograph application medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/26 fo.287-298
Dupéré, Joseph 184040Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Journalier£17 pa. (3)A.32/26 fo.299-300
Dupont, Nicholas1828Can [PQ] LachineMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his mark returned to Montréal 1928A.32/26 fo.302-303
Dupont, Nicholas1824Can [PQ] LachineMilieu900 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/26 fo.301
Dupré, François1821Can [PQ]Steersman900-1200 livres pa. (4) his mark advance 723 livres owes £20A.32/26 fo.304
Duprès, Pierre1865HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark copyA.32/26 fo.305-308
Dupret, Jean Baptiste dit St George1833Devant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.309-310
Dupuis, David183919Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance 15 piastres d'EspagneA.32/26 fo.311-312
Dupuis, Leon1833Can [PQ] St. PierreHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.315
Dupuis, Leon1830 1833Can [PQ] St. PierreHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (2) his mark gave notice of leavingA.32/26 fo.313-314
Duquette, Joseph1864HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/26 fo.320-321
Duquette, Joseph1852HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.318-319
Duquette, Joseph1843HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.316-317
Duquette, Joseph1841HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.316
Durocher, Michel1829Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] La Riviere St. MauriceVoyageur 800 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/26 fo.322-323
Dutempe, Michel1827Can [PQ] Fort des PrairiesForgeron Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.324
Duval, François 183818Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/26 fo.325-326
Duvall, William1839Eng LAN LiverpoolBoatswain£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/26 fo.327
Dyer, John1866Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.328
Dyer, Thomas Birch1869Eng LND Guy's HospitalSurgeon Clerk£150 pa. (3) sig.A.32/26 fo.329
Dyer, William1830Scot OKI Stromness HowHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/26 fo.330-331
Dyers, James1868Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/26 fo.332
Eales, William1829Eng DEV PlymouthFirst Mate£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/27 fo.1
Easter, John1829Labourer£15 pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.3
Easter, John1800HB [ON] Albany£8 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.2
Easter, John1822HB [MB] Brandon House£20 pa. (2) his mark previous contract taken ill released to settle in ColonyA.32/27 fo.2
Easter, John1834Can Hudson' s BayLabourer£15 pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.4
Easter, Thomas177822Eng SFK AldborowMariner£20 pa. (3) No sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.15
Eaton, Charles Frederick192120Scot ABD Aberdeen 73 Murray Ter.Junior Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 5 Dec 1900 Aberdeen single photograph medical/dental certs. Application testimonials copies advance £20A.32/27 fo.5-18
Eaton, John jnr.1914Scot MLN Edinburgh 4 Roseburn Pl.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 medical cert. testimonialsA.32/27 fo.19-25
Eddison, Robert1881Can [NF] Harbour GraceHB [LB]Servant£7 pa. his markA.32/27 fo.26
Edgar, John1840Eng ESS West HamStockkeeper Shepherd£35 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.27
Edie, Alexander1863Scot FIF St AndrewsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/27 fo.28
Edward, James Murray192120Scot ABD Aberdeen 21 Mile End Av.Junior Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 20 Nov 1900 single photograph application medical/dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/27 fo.29-43
Edwards, William1862Scot FIF PittenweenCooper£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/27 fo.44
Edwardson, Edward1873Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.45
Edwardson, Gilbert1870Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.46
Ellard, William1911Eng SOM LimingtonCache Keeper Tripper$30 pm. (monthly) sig. DOB 1 Nov 1891 singleA.32/27 fo.49
Elliott, William A. 1858Eng MDX MaryleboneSecond Engineer£192 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.50-51
Ellis, William1875Eng LAN Liverpool 100 Rose Pl.HB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (monthly) sig. monthly advance retired from the Service Dec. 1875A.32/27 fo.52-53
Ellis, William1874Eng LAN Liverpool 100 Rose Pl.HB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (monthly) sig. monthly advanceA.32/27 fo.52-53
Ellis, William1873Eng LAN Liverpool 100 Rose Pl.HB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (monthly) sig. monthly advanceA.32/27 fo.52-53
Ellis, William1777Eng LND Southwark St. OlaveHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.11
Ellison, Thomas188329Scot OKI HoyHB [AB] Peace RiverLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 cancelled Oct 1885 certs. Health vaccinated tho' scars faint testimonial copyA.32/27 fo.54-56
Elphingston, James177917Eng MDX St. MaryleboneHB [MB] York FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.30
Elsion, John180929Eng LND LondonHB [PQ] EastmainSurgeon£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.142
Elson, David188515Can Indian CountryApprentice Cooper£8-16 pa.+£2 gratuity pa. (7) sig.A.32/27 fo.57-58
Elson, George1874Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCooper Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/27 fo.63-64
Elson, George1888Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCooper Carpenter£40 pa.+£2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/27 fo.69-70
Elson, George1877Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCooper Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/27 fo.65-66
Elson, George1872Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCooper£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.£2.10.0 gratuity for having worked in carpenter's shop winter 1870A.32/27 fo.61-62
Elson, George188538Can Indian CountryCooper Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/27 fo.67-68
Elson, George1869Can Indian CountryCooper£30 pa. (1) sig.A.32/27 fo.59-60
Elson, Richard1795Eng LND Southwark St. George'sHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.52
Emlen, Baptiste1854Can Hudson' s BayHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.71-72
Emlyn, Baptiste 185822Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.73-74
Emlyn, Joseph1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Norway HouseBowsman£23+£2t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.75-76
Emond, Louis 185119Can [PQ] Montréal St. AntoineMilieu Hivernant£25 pa. (3) his mark defaulterA.32/27 fo.77-78
Enevoldesen, Thomas1903Eng LND Peckham Rye 32 Philip Rd.Engineer£150+ pa. (3) his mark contract terminated if steamer damaged.A.32/27 fo.79-80
Eno, Alexis183822Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance 8 piastres et recevra à son depart 10 autres piastres desertedA.32/27 fo.81-82
Eno, Antoine dit Canada183122Can [PQ] Berthier Ste GenevièveMilieu500 livres ancien cours (1) prix due poste (2) d'avance 10 piastres d'Espagne did not appearA.32/27 fo.83-84
Eno, Jean Baptiste dit Delorme182620Can [PQ] BerthierMilieuA.32/27 fo.85-88
Eno, Jean Baptiste dit Delorme1828Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his mark contract extended 2 years same wagesA.32/27 fo.87-88
Erasmus, Peter alias Swedson, Frederick1823NorwayBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/55 fo.273
Erasmus, Peter see Swedson, Frederickn.d.A.32/27 fo.89a
Eriksen, Ole Petter 1858Norway Akershus AkerLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/27 fo.89-92
Erlandson, Erland1826Clerk£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/27 fo.93
Ermatinger, Edward1818Eng MDX St. Pancras Camden TownClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.94
Ermatinger, Francis1818Eng MDX St. Pancras Camden TownClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/27 fo.95
Errand, Jean Baptiste182838Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.97
Errand, Jean Baptiste182438Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu£19 pa. (2) his mark cancelled at servant's request as European prices substitutedA.32/27 fo.96
Eshkakapo [Ekenecappo], Harry1852Can [MB] Norway HouseDevant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.47-48
Eshkakapo, Mark1873CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide£30+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.106-107
Eshkakapo, Mark1870Can [PQ] EastmainHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.105b-106a
Eshkakapo, Mark1883Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide£30+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.110-111
Eshkakapo, Mark1859Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.102
Eshkakapo, Mark1862Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.103a
Eshkakapo, Mark1857Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.100-101
Eshkakapo, Mark1850Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£17 pa. (5) his mark should complete the last year of his contractA.32/27 fo.98-99
Eshkakapo, Mark1865Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Guide£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.104a
Eshkakapo, Mark1880Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide£30+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.108-109
Esquinamow, Matthew1872Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSlooper£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.114-115
Esquinamow, Matthew1874Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.116-117
Esquinamow, Matthew1877Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£27+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (3) his markA.32/27 fo.118-119
Esquinamow, Matthew1880Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£27+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (2) his markA.32/27 fo.120-121
Esquinamow, Matthew1882Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£27+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (2) his markA.32/27 fo.122-123
Esquinamow, Matthew1884Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper£30+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (2) his markA.32/27 fo.124-125
Esquinamow, Matthew1887Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper£30+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (2) his markA.32/27 fo.126-127
Esquinamow, Matthew1889Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£32+ £2 t/s pa.+£3 gratuity as carpenter (2) his mark 3 days/wk provisions for wife when absentA.32/27 fo.128-129
Esquinamow, Matthew1868Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverLabourer£15 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.112-113
Esson James180424Scot OKI FirthTai[lor]£12 pa. (5) sig. £4 to accountA.32/13 fo.50
Esson, David1825Boat Builder£30 pa. (3) sig. cancelledA.32/27 fo.132
Esson, David1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/27 fo.130-132
Esson, John180527Scot OKI Flotta£15 pa. (5) sig. £4 to accountA.32/13 fo.136
Esson, John1863Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/27 fo.133
Etherington, William1875Eng LNDHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£24+ £2 t/s pa (2) sig.A.32/27 fo.134-135
Ettue, Baptiste1824HB Columbia RiverBoute1200 livres agent de Montréal pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.136
Etue, Jean Baptiste 183435Can [PQ] St. SulpiceHB Northern Dept.Milieu700 livres ancien cours de Québec (1) prix du poste (2) his markA.32/27 fo.137-138
Etue, Solomon1829Can [PQ] MontréalMiddlemanprix due poste (3) his mark chez son pere Joseph desertedA.32/27 fo.139-140
Eunson, John1794Scot OKI St. OlaHB [ON] Albany£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.9
Eunson, John1792Scot OKI St. OlaHB [ON] AlbanyPatron of the Craft£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.77
Eunson, Thomas1861Scot SHI Dunrossness & Fair IsleLabourer£20/22 pa. (5) sig. first copy cancelledA.32/27 fo.141-142
Euson, John1780Scot OKI ScapaHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.9
Evans, Alexander188028Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFisherman Bowsman£30+£3 gratuity (2) his markA.32/27 fo.143
Evans, David1886Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortTripper General Service£36 pa.+100 lbs flour (1) his markA.32/27 fo.148
Evans, David1885Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSawyer£34+ £2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.146-147
Evans, David188024Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Fisherman£26+ £2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.145
Evans, David1877Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£22+ £2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/27 fo.144
Evans, Enoch1886Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortTrapper General Service£36+ 100 lbs flour 4 lbs tea 25 lbs sugar pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.150
Evans, Enoch 188527Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] McMurray, FortGeneral Servant£36+ £2 t/s pa. (1) his mark to get part wages in goods exempted from cattle keeping 100 lbs flour 25 lbs sugar 4 lbs tea 2/3 wages as goods @ 50%A.32/27 fo.149
Evans, Jacob1877Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman Fisherman£28+ £2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.154
Evans, Jacob1876Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Sawyer£30+ £2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.153-154
Evans, John1874Can [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman Runner£25+ £2 t/s pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/27 fo.155-156
Evans, William177934Eng HAM PortsmouthHB [MB] Churchill RiverCooper£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.29
Evenson, Jörgen1853Norway Smaalene FredrikshaldHB [SK] Pelly, FortMaster Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £4.10.3 & £3E.388/2 fo.1-2
Everand, Francis1828Milieu Domestique£25 pa. (2) his mark to winter in Montréal Dist.A.32/27 fo.151-152
Everette, Joseph1854HB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.159-160
Everette, Joseph1857HB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£23 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/27 fo.161-162
Everette, Joseph1851HB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.157-158
Everette, Joseph1867Can Trout Lake*HB [MB] York FactoryFisherman Interpreter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/27 fo.163-164
Everette, William1865Can Trout Lake*HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/27 fo.165-166
Ewen, Innes1910Scot ABD Aberdeen 13 Claremont St.HB Keewatin Dist.House Carpenter£48 pa. (3) sig. £12 advance medical cert. testimonialsA.32/27 fo.167-172
Ewen, William Paterson 1907Scot ABD Aberdeen 13 Claremont St.HB [MB] York FactoryClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. £10 gratuity application testimonials medical cert. DOB 21 May1889 Father George Ewing Baker 142 Shipley St. Newcastle Mother Mary Ann Ewing formerly PattersonA.32/27 fo.173-182
Ewing, John1848Scot OKI St. OlaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10A.32/27 fo.183
Eyounay, Jose1886HB [AB] Smith LandingTripman30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Eyounay, José see L'Eucheux, Alphone1886A.32/27 fo.184
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit1838CanMilieu£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.187
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit1829Can [PQ]HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.181-182
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit1824Can [PQ] Pays SauvagesHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.178
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit183642Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [NT] Resolution, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.185-186
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit183038Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.183-184
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit182733Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.179
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit1841Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (3)A.32/32 fo.224-225
Fabien, Henri Hebert dit1821Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu1100 livres un shillin ancien cours de la provence du Bas CanadaA.32/32 fo.177
Fabien, John Hebert dit1850Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Confidence, FortInterpreter£40 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.193
Fabien, John Hebert dit184518Can [NT] AthabascaHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Middleman£8-12 (3) his markA.32/32 fo.191-192
Faille, J.186620Can [ON] Cape CrokerRunner Labourer$100 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.1-2
Faille, Toussant1827Can [PQ]HB [MB] Norway HouseMilieuprix du poste (3) his mark to Mackenie R. with wife/childA.32/28 fo.3-4
Faille, Toussant182932Can [PQ] La PrairieHB [NT] Liard, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his mark passage for familyA.32/28 fo.5-6
Fairley, Thomas1908Eng LND Poplar 99 Grosvenor BldShipwright£9 pm. (1) sig. advance £18 application correspondence copies of contractA.32/28 fo.7-15
Falcolin, M. 1878Scot MLN Edinburgh St. CuthbertLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/28 fo.16
Falconer, Alexander1781Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose Factory£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.47
Falconer, William178340HB [MB] York FactoryMaster at Severn 2nd YF£80 pa.+£10 for serv.(3) sig.A.32/3 fo.109
Falconer, William178140Scot MOR Elgin SpeymouthHB [MB] York FactoryMaster Severn 2nd YF£60 pa.+£10 for serv. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.55
Fallardeau, Jean Baptiste 183222Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu Forgeron800 cents livres ancien cours de Québec (1) prix du poste (2) his markA.32/28 fo.17a-b
Fallardeau, Narcisse1850HB [BC] Langley, FortMilieu£20 pa. his markA.32/28 fo.18a-b
Faries, Angus1868Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper Labourer£25-30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.23-24
Faries, Angus1865Can Indian CountryCooper Carpenter Labourer£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.21-22
Faries, Angus1871Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCooper Labourer£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.25-26
Faries, Angus186221Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper Carpenter Labourer£25 pa. (3) his mark re-engaged 1865A.32/28 fo.19-20
Faries, George1886Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Henley HouseApprentice Cooper£8-16 pa.+£2t/s (5) sig. consent of father Patrick Faries (x)A.32/28 fo.27-28
Faries, John1881HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer Guide£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.31-32
Faries, John187515Can [NT]HB [ON] Henley HouseApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa.+£2 (6) his mark consent of father Patrick Faries (x)A.32/28 fo.29-30
Faries, John1887Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.35-36
Faries, John1884Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/28 fo.33-34
Faries, Patrick1878Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark Goodwin crossed out and Faries replace see note on contractA.32/28 fo.43-44
Faries, Patrick1864Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.41-42
Faries, Patrick1862Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer Slooper£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.39-40
Faries, Patrick1860Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/28 fo.37-38
Faries, Walter "B"1880Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper General Service£18 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark with consent of fatherA.32/28 fo.45-46
Faries, William1884Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyBoat Builder Carpenter£36 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark flour & meat rations for familyA.32/28 fo.47-48
Farquhar, James1821Scot OKI Orphir Mill HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copy released 1825A.32/28 fo.49-50
Farquharson, John181527Scot MLN EdinburghHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig.[advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high r[e]d hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.114
Farron, Dominique1822HB [AB] Lesser Slave Lake[Milieu]500 livres (2) his mark 1000 livres off debtA.32/28 fo.51
Favel, James1873HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/28 fo.59
Favel, Thomas1821HB [MB] Beaver Creek [Fort Ellice]£20 pa. (1)A.32/28 fo.66b
Favel, Thomas1863Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverBowsman£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/28 fo.69-70
Favel, Thomas185618Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) his mark must travel to YFA.32/28 fo.67-68
Favel, William185523Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.71-72
Favell, Charles1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, FortMiddleman Labourer£20 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark Must go to York Factory & back to Norway House the Summer contract expiresA.32/28 fo.56
Favell, Charles185819Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.54-55
Favell, James187525Can [MB] Lisgar Little BritainHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman$140 pa.+$10 t/s (1) his markA.32/28 fo.60
Favell, James1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/28 fo.57-58
Favell, John1823Can [MB] York FactorySteersman£24 pa. (1) his mark 25% deducted from his debtA.32/28 fo.53
Favell, John jnr.1820HB [MB] Beaver Creek [Fort Ellice]£8 pa. (3) his mark time extended to pay off debt free at Brandon HouseA.32/28 fo.52
Favell, John, jnr.1780Can [ON] Albany£50 pa. (3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.17
Favell, Richard1834Middleman£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.61
Favell, Richard 1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.62
Favell, Samuel185734Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark not to be involved with horse traffic & must travel to YF during last summer of contractA.32/28 fo.65
Favell, Samuel185234Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Fort Simpson*Bowsman Fisherman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/28 fo.63-64
Favell, Thomas1793HB£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/8 fo.1
Fea, John1871Scot OKI EvieBlacksmith General Service£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10A.32/28 fo.73
Fear, William179226Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.215
Fearn, Thomas177826Eng LND St. Mary WhitechapelHB [ON] Moose FactorySawyer£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.27
Feckney, Robert1836Scot MLN EdinburghCarpenter£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.99
Fecteau, Pierre1821Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu400 livres ancien cours de cette province (1)A.32/28 fo.74-75
Felix, Antoine1824HB Columbia RiverBoute£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.76
Felix, Antoine183027Can [PQ] SorelHB Fort Simpson*Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.77-78
Felix, François1828CanHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Devant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.81
Felix, François1833CanHB Fort Simpson*Gouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.82-83
Felix, François1840Can [PQ] SorelSteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.86-87
Felix, François183733Can [PQ] SorelMiddleman£40 pa. (2) his mark contract extended one yearA.32/28 fo.84-85
Felix, François182723Can [PQ] SorelHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.79-80
Felix, Thomas1824Can [PQ]HB Columbia RiverBoute1200 livres agent de Montréal (1) his markA.32/28 fo.88
Fennings, John1781Eng LND WappingHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.63
Ferenmeyer, Jacob1807Eng LND LondonWriter£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.32
Ferguson, Daniel1859HB [AB] Rocky Mountain HouseMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.89
Ferguson, John1829Can Indian CountryHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.91
Ferguson, John1870Scot ROC Lewis UigLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/28 fo.92
Ferguson, Malcolm1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig KirkibostLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/28 fo.93
Ferguson, Murdo1832Scot ROC Lewis Lochs LaxayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8 copyA.32/28 fo.94-95
Ferrow, George1836Eng NBL BerwickHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/28 fo.96
Ferty, Baptiste 185837Can [PQ] St. IsabelleHB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.97-98
Fesenmeyer, Jacob180120Eng LND LondonHB [ON] Moose FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.91
Fiddler, James1889Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 had health character certs.A.32/28 fo.100
Fiddler, Samuel1860Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy grant of 25 acres of land RRS at expiration of contractA.32/28 fo.101-102
Fiddler, William1888Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] Grand-LacLabourer£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 had health character certs.A.32/28 fo.103
Fidler, Charles1868Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Oxford HouseCarpenter Labourer£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/28 fo.108
Fidler, Charles1863Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Moose LakeCarpenter£25 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/28 fo.106-107
Fidler, Charles1855Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Cumberland HouseCarpenter Labourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.104-105
Fidler, James179117Scot OKI FlottaHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.154
Fidler, John179121Scot OKI FlottaHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.155
Fidler, John179234Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose Factory£6 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.131
Fidler, Peter1806Eng DBY£90 pa. (3) sig. previous contract 1806A.32/14 fo.18
Fidler, Peter1806Eng DBY£80 pa. (3) sig. previous contract 1802A.32/14 fo.17
Fidler, Peter 179424Eng DBY Sutton-on-the-Hill£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.58
Fidler, Peter 179[7]28Eng DBY Sutton-on-the-HillTrader Surveyor£50 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.50
Fidler, Peter 178819Eng LND Cheapside Addle St.Labourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.186
Field, Wiliam1793Eng HRT Hemel HempsteadHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.19
Fielding, Mark Stephen179822Eng LND BermondseyHB [PQ] EastmainSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.73
Fife, George180123Eng LND LondonSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.99
Fife, James1877Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 (season) sig. advance £4.10.0 copy 300 tins per dayA.32/28 fo.114-117
Fife, James1876Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 (season) sig. advance £4.10.0 copy 300 tins per dayA.32/28 fo.110-113
Fife, James1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (monthly) his mark advance £4.5.0 300 tins per dayA.32/28 fo.109
Fildse, Percy M.1904Scot ABD Aberdeen 28 Beaconsfield Pl.HB [NT] AthabascaClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/28 fo.118-119
Filteau, Joseph1827Can [PQ] BécancourBoute400-500 livres la livre de 20 sols (3) his mark l'expéditionA.32/28 fo.120-121
Fily, François182340Can [PQ] Ste. Anne de VarennesMilieu700 livres ancien cours (1) prix du poste (2) d'avance 8 piastres d'EspagneA.32/28 fo.122-123
Findlay, George192018Scot INV Inverness 4 Queen St.Junior Clerk$240-$480 pa. (3) sig. DOB 3 Nov 1901 Cullen Banff f. James m. Elizabeth Hay Findlay single photograph testimonials medicaldental certs. copies advance £10A.32/28 fo.124-133
Findlay, Henry George192617Scot ABD Aberdeen 13 Elmbank RdApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 29 Nov 1908 Aberdeen photograph Application testimonials medical/dental certs.copiesA.32/28 fo.134-146
Findlay, William190845Scot ABD Old Machar 302 HardgateCooper£6 pm. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 strong & robust wife to get £3 from date of leaving testimonials medical cert.A.32/28 fo.147-154
Finlay, George177721Scot MLN LeithHouse Carpenter£20 pa. (3) no sig.declined signingA.32/3 fo.6
Finlay, James181521Scot OKI RendallHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10.18.0 5ft 8½ ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.76
Finlay, James181618Scot OKI Rendall ScarthHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.42
Finlayson, Alexander1876Scot ROC Lewis Lochs MaravigHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/28 fo.158
Finlayson, Alexander1863Scot SHI DeltingLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.156
Finlayson, Alexander 186315Can [BC] Vancouver IslandApprentice Seaman£8-12 pa. (4) sig.A.32/28 fo.157
Finlayson, Ben1910Can [ON] KenoraHB [ON] Cat LakeAssistant$35 (monthly). married family 3A.32/28 fo.159
Finlayson, John1837Scot MOR Elgin ForresApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.160
Finlayson, John1871Scot ROC Lewis LochsLabourer£22 pa. (5) his jmarkA.32/28 fo.161
Finlayson, Joseph1852Can [MB] AssiniboiaHB Green Lake *Boat Builder Carpenter£30 pa. (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.164-165
Finlayson, Joseph184717Can Hudson' s BayApprentice Millwright Carpenter£8-16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.162-163
Finlayson, Peter1908Can [MB] Alexander, FortHB [ON] DinorwicClerk$40 (monthly) married family 5A.32/28 fo.166
Finlayson, Stephen190224Can [ON] PicHB [ON] MontizambertAssistant$20 pm.+ rations (verbal) DOB 1 Oct 1879 died of consumption 1903A.32/28 fo.167-168
Finnigan, James1839Seaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.155
Firth, George180722Scot OKI Kirkwall£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas bounty to accountA.32/15 fo.84
Firth, George188122Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Swan RiverLabourer£22 pa.+ board/lodging (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.169
Firth, John1871Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.170
Firth, Thomas1785HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8-10 pa. (3) his markA.32/2 fo.180
Firth, Thomas1831Scot OKISteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.171
Firth, Thomas1866Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.172
Firth, Thomas1780Scot OKI ScapaHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark received 19 June 1780 as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.3
Firth, Thomas179128Scot OKI St. OlaHB [ON] Albany£10 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0 been about 8 years last 3 @ £10A.32/4 fo.112
Firth, Thomas181519Scot OKI Stromness WhomeHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 9 ins high fair hair dark complexion black hairA.32/18 fo.88
Firth, William1818Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £9 advanceA.32/19 fo.179
Fisher, Henry1832HB [AB] Rocky Mountain HouseClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.173
Fisher, John1851Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Red RiverInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.174-175
Fisher, William177925Eng LND St. MaryleboneHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£25 pa.+£5 (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.33
Fisher, William178630Eng MDX St. GeorgeArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.143
Flamand, Charles1828HB [PQ] WeymontachingueInterpretermoney or goods 2 bags flour peas/ sweet corn (2) his markA.32/28 fo.178
Flamand, Charles1825HB [PQ] WeymontachingueInterpreter£25 (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.176-177
Flammand, Joseph182229HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseInterprète Milieu900 livres pa.+ allowances (2) his mark natifA.32/28 fo.179
Flammand, Joseph1827Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB English River Dist.*Milieu500 livres de vingt sols pa. his markA.32/28 fo.180
Flammand, Joseph1830Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB English River Dist.*Milieu Hivernant800 livres de ancien cour (1) pa. his markA.32/28 fo.181
Flammant, Oliver1864CanHunter Labourer£25 pa. +£2 t/s (2) his mark Native horse if requiredA.32/28 fo.183-184
Flatt, David1783Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose FactoryTailor£8 pa. (5) his mark £1.1.0 advanceA.32/2 fo.2
Flatt, Robert1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Labourer£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.112
Flatt, Robert178326Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6-£8 pa. (5) his mark did not goA.32/3 fo.101
Flatt, Thomas178331Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8 pa. (4) sig.A.32/3 fo.103
Flatt, William1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.114
Flaws, George1807HB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.67
Flaws, James1841HB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (2) sig. copy free passage to York Factory exempt from labourA.32/28 fo.189
Flaws, James1836Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £13A.32/28 fo.187-188
Flaws, James1830Scot OKI Rousay HamarfioldHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/28 fo.185-186
Flaws, John179234Scot OKI Rousay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.209
Flaws, John1869Scot SHI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/28 fo.190
Flaws, Robert1807HB [ON] Albany£28 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.68
Flaws, Robert1801HB [ON] Albany£12-15 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.66
Flaws, Samuel181527Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay BurwickHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high dark hair fair complexion has been 3 yrs at MRA.32/18 fo.94
Fleming, William1887Can [PQ] Little Whale RiverHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverLabourer£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/28 fo.191-192
Flemming, Joseph1827HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.193-194
Flet, Magnus1783Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£25 pa. (4) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.20
Flett, Adam1871Scot OKI EvieCarpenter£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/28 fo.196
Flett, Adam1865Scot OKI EvieLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.195
Flett, Alexander179631Scot OKI FirthTailor Steersman£18-20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.40
Flett, Alexander179226Scot OKI FirthSteersman Tailor£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.110
Flett, Alexander179832Scot OKI FirthSteersman Tailor Trader£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.39
Flett, Andrew179433£14 pa. (1) did not sig. but agreed to abide by contract note previous contractA.32/6 fo.45
Flett, Andrew1796Scot OKILabourer£10-12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.8
Flett, Andrew179130Scot OKI OphirHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Canoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.142
Flett, Andrew1852Scot OKI OrphirHB [SK] Pelly, FortBowsman£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/28 fo.200-201
Flett, Andrew1854Scot OKI OrphirHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/28 fo.202
Flett, Andrew179120Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.80
Flett, Andrew1851Scot OKI OrphirHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.198-199
Flett, Andrew180531Scot OKI Orphir£18 pa. (5) his markA.32/13 fo.143
Flett, Andrew1818Scot OKI Orphir GroundwaterHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£28 pa. (5) his markA.32/19 fo.164
Flett, Andrew181531Scot OKI Orphir Hobbister£25 pa. (3) his mark not to go 5ft 7 ins high dark hair dark complexion has been 18 years in the service came home last yearA.32/18 fo.117
Flett, Andrew1821Scot OKI Orphir SorpoolLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/28 fo.197
Flett, Charles1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3.) his mark copyA.32/28 fo.206
Flett, Charles1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (8 mos.) his mark copyA.32/28 fo.204-205
Flett, Charles181343Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] Churchill River£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance]A.32/18 fo.32
Flett, Charles1790Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.2
Flett, Charles1795Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£10-12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.6
Flett, David180626Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.30
Flett, David1835Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/28 fo.210
Flett, David180723Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£20 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.18
Flett, David1833Scot OKI Stromness OutertownHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£23 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copy Europe 1838A.32/28 fo.208-209
Flett, George1801HB [ON] Albany£25 pa.(2) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.63
Flett, George1867Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteward Foreman£40 pa.+ bag of flour keg sugar 4 lbs Congo tea (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.225
Flett, George1860Can Rupert's LandHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.223-224
Flett, George1859Can Rupert's LandHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder(1) sig.A.32/28 fo.221-222
Flett, George1833Scot OKI Birsay HowanSailor£23 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/28 fo.213-214
Flett, George180420Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.70
Flett, George1830Scot OKI Harray LinnethHB [MB] York FactorySailor£24 pa. (3) sig. advance £9 copyA.32/28 fo.211-212
Flett, George 183923Middleman Boat Builder£30 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/28 fo.216-217
Flett, George “D”1837HB [MB] Norway HouseBoat Builder£30 pa. (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.215
Flett, George “D”1865Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder£35 pa. (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.226
Flett, George “D”185136Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/28 fo.220
Flett, George “D”1866North AmericaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder Carpenter£35 pa.half keg of flour & sugar (1) sig. copy Native exempt from working at hayA.32/28 fo.227-228
Flett, George “F”1849HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/28 fo.218-219
Flett, Harry Crookshank1839Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/28 fo.229
Flett, Hugh1790Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£12 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.57
Flett, Hugh1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.73
Flett, Hugh179234Scot OKI Inhallow£12 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.142
Flett, James1783HB [ON] Moose FortCooper£21 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.61
Flett, James1828HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.230-231
Flett, James1858HB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£32 pa. (3) sig. exempt from voyaging and hard labourA.32/28 fo.253
Flett, James184429Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [PQ] Rupert RiverBlacksmith£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/28 fo.238-239
Flett, James1846Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [PQ] Rupert RiverBlacksmith£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/28 fo.240-241
Flett, James1840Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBlacksmith£30 pa. (3) sig. salary reducedA.32/28 fo.236-237
Flett, James183723Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.234-235
Flett, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.(5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.64
Flett, James1856Scot OKIHB [NT] Peel RiverGuide Fisherman£27 pa. (2) sig.A.32/28 fo.243-244
Flett, James1846Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/28 fo.242
Flett, James1871Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.254
Flett, James1806Scot OKI Birsay£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.7
Flett, James181519Scot OKI Birsay BeaquoyHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 7 ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.78
Flett, James1797Scot OKI EvieHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£12 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.31
Flett, James1806Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York Factory£23 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.2
Flett, James179738Scot OKI HarrayTailor Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.58
Flett, James179535Scot OKI HarrayTailor Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.23
Flett, James180418Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.71
Flett, James181721Scot OKI Harray CorrigallHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.111
Flett, James179223Scot OKI Inhallow£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.155
Flett, James1830Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.6.6A.32/28 fo.233
Flett, James180526Scot OKI Orphir£18 pa. (5) sig. £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.131
Flett, James1824Scot OKI Sandwick HestwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/28 fo.232
Flett, James181620Scot OKI Stenness IrelandHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.34
Flett, James “A”185227Scot OKIHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman Fisherman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/28 fo.245-246
Flett, James “B”1857Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.251-252
Flett, James “B”185423Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.249-250
Flett, James “B”185222Scot OKI BirsayHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/28 fo.247-248
Flett, James 2nd1801Scot OKI KirkwallBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.100
Flett, James 3rd1801Scot OKI Birsay£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.86
Flett, James jnr.179131Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Steersman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.145
Flett, James jnr.178221Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.145
Flett, James jnr.178321Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.78
Flett, James snr.[1791]32Scot OKI HarrayTailor Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.93
Flett, John186617Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortSlooper Fisher[man]£22 pa. (1) (sig.)A.32/28 fo.264
Flett, John1867Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.266
Flett, John1862Scot OKI Braes of StennesHB [LB]Slooper Fisher[man]£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.263
Flett, John1850Scot OKI BirsayHB Northern Dept.Boat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/28 fo.262
Flett, John1841Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactorySlooper£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/28 fo.260
Flett, John1791Scot OKI BurrayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£8 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.180
Flett, John180421Scot OKI Firth£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.67
Flett, John179230Scot OKI FirthCanoe Builder Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.109
Flett, John1783Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/2 fo.35
Flett, John178321Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.79
Flett, John178221Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.152
Flett, John180420Scot OKI FirthB[lack]smith£20 pa. (5) sig. £3 + £2 + £1 to accountA.32/13 fo.51
Flett, John179633Scot OKI FirthCanoe Builder Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.55
Flett, John1791Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] Churchill RiverMen’s Cook£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.184
Flett, John1838Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/28 fo.259
Flett, John1794Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£10-12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.18
Flett, John1846Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/28 fo.261
Flett, John181524Scot OKI Harray BraebisterHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high brown hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.116
Flett, John1824Scot OKI Harray SchoolhouseHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£20+ pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/28 fo.255-256
Flett, John181520Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £15A.32/18 fo.83
Flett, John1875Scot OKI SandwickJoiner House Carpenter£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/28 fo.274
Flett, John180622Scot OKI St. Andrew's£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.63
Flett, John1868Scot OKI StennessSlooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0 copyA.32/28 fo.272-273
Flett, John1798Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverCooper£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.49
Flett, John1829Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.257
Flett, John181542Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactorySlooper House Carpenter£30 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high brown hair dark complexion has been 8 yrs down the BayA.32/18 fo.101
Flett, John "B"1878Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder$170.33 pa.+$9.73 t/s (2) his markA.32/28 fo.270
Flett, John "B"1886Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortCarpenter General Service£40 pa. ($194.67) (1) his markA.32/28 fo.275-276
Flett, John "B"1871Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.267
Flett, John "B"1873Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortAssistant Carpenter£28 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/28 fo.268-269
Flett, John “B”1866Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.265
Flett, John “B”1829Scot OKICooper£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/28 fo.258
Flett, Magnus1784Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySeaman£15 pa.+ £2 (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.80
Flett, Magnus1821Scot OKI Birsay BirkdaleHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/28 fo.277
Flett, Magnus180637Scot OKI Evie£16 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.24
Flett, Magnus180628Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.11
Flett, Magnus1790Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.7
Flett, Magnus1798Scot OKI InhallowHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£12 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.7
Flett, Magnus179223Scot OKI Inhallow£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.154
Flett, Magnus1797Scot OKI InhallowHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£12 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.18
Flett, Magnus1818Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£20-25 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.185
Flett, Magnus181622Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.50
Flett, Magnus1826Scot OKI Sandwick HyvalLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig. advance £9 copyA.32/28 fo.278-279
Flett, Nicholas181326Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £12 [advance] been 3 years at Churchill RiverA.32/18 fo.37
Flett, Nicol180619Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.20
Flett, Peter1832Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£25-28 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/28 fo.280-281
Flett, Richard1862Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy refused orders contract cancelledA.32/28 fo.282-283
Flett, Robert1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa.+ £2 (3) his mark advance £1.4.6A.32/2 fo.70
Flett, Robert180450Scot OKI£15 pa. (5) his mark 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.109
Flett, Robert179139Scot OKI OphirHB [ON] Albany£12 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.98
Flett, Robert1805Scot OKI Orphir£15 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.134
Flett, Robert1781Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.83
Flett, Sutherland Robert192618Scot OKI Kirkwall School PlaceApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. DOB 19 Sept 1907 Flotta OKI single photograph application testimonials Academic record medical/dental certs. CopiesA.32/28 fo.293-305
Flett, Thomas1847Can Hudson' s BayCooper£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £3A.32/28 fo.285
Flett, Thomas1784Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySeaman£15 pa.+ £2 (3) his mark his markA.32/2 fo.78
Flett, Thomas180425Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.69
Flett, Thomas1783Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.36
Flett, Thomas1833Scot OKI Harray FursoHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/28 fo.284
Flett, Thomas1863Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.286-287
Flett, Thomas1863Scot OKI StennessHB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/28 fo.288
Flett, Thomas1873Scot OKI StennessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 contract cancelled MF 21 Sept. 1875A.32/28 fo.291-292
Flett, Thomas1866Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £21 (large adv.) copyA.32/28 fo.289-290
Flett, Thomas179138Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12 pa. (1) sig. previous contract obliged to hire this peraon as no tailor at Severn refused to stay under £12 had to comply wwith his demandsA.32/4 fo.172
Flett, William1826For contract dated 15 July 1826 see F.5/2A.32/28 fo.313
Flett, William1843Carpenter Assistant Trader£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.319-320
Flett, William1822HB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.308-309
Flett, William1826HB [NT] AthabascaGouvernail£24 pa. (2) his markF.5/2 fo.27
Flett, William1826Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu800 livres pa. (3) his mark first contract cancelled equipment 1 blanket 3 pt 1 blanket 2 pt 2 yds common cloth 2shirts 6 lbs tobaccoA.32/28 fo.312
Flett, William1824Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.312
Flett, William1822Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu800 livres pa. equip. (3) his mark payment errorA.32/28 fo.311
Flett, William1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12 pa.(3) sig.A.32/1 fo.55
Flett, William180719Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.97
Flett, William181827Scot OKI Birsay BeaquoyHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder£20-25 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.130
Flett, William180718Scot OKI Firth£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.5
Flett, William180640Scot OKI Firth£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.69
Flett, William179530Scot OKI FirthCanoe Builder£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.24
Flett, William1792Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.117
Flett, William1799Scot OKI FirthPilot Steersman£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.34
Flett, William1818Scot OKI FirthLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.305b
Flett, William178320Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.81
Flett, William1785Scot OKI Firth GrimbisterHB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman Labourer£20 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.174
Flett, William1824Scot OKI Firth StonyhallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/28 fo.313
Flett, William1821Scot OKI Harray TuftaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/28 fo.307
Flett, William181521Scot OKI Hoy BraebisterHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high brown hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.98
Flett, William181821Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay SouthsideHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £5.12.9 advanceA.32/19 fo.133
Flett, William1835Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6 copyA.32/28 fo.315-316
Flett, William180638Scot OKI Stromness£15 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.16
Flett, William “A”1842Labourer£20 pa. (1) sig.A.32/28 fo.317-318
Flett, William “B”182328Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] Moose LakeMiddleman Fisherman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.310
Flett, William “B”1828Scot OKI FirthLabourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/28 fo.314
Flett, William “C”188630Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSawyer General Service£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/28 fo.326-327
Flett, William “C”1876Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer£28 pa. + t/s (1) his markA.32/28 fo.322-323
Flett, William “C”188529Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSawyer General Service£40 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.324-325
Flett, William “C”1850Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/28 fo.321
Flett, William “F”1820HB [MB] Norway HouseGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/28 fo.306
Flett, William jnr.178220Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£5 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.146
Flett, William snr.179142Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Steersman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.151
Fleurie, Louis1824Can [PQ] Montréal MasquinongéLabourer£17 pa. (2) his mark remained at RRS 20 July 1826A.32/28 fo.328
Flew, William1794Wales GLA Cowbridge£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.37
Flinn, John1829Ire WATHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.329
Flynn, Patt1818Ire SLIClerk Steersman£30-35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/28 fo.330
Fobister, John1812Scot OKI Tankerness£20 pa. (3) his mark former contractA.32/29 fo.136
Fobister, Thomas1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.52
Fobister, William1783Scot OKI WallsHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/2 fo.40
Foggert, James1792Eng DUR Stockton-on-TeesHB [PQ] EastmainHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.14
Foggett, James1798Eng Stockton*HB [PQ] EastmainJoiner£30 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.12
Foggett, James1799Eng YKS StocktonJoiner£30-35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.56
Foggett, James178622Eng YKS YarmCarpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.145
Foggit, James179531Eng YKS Stockton£30 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.21
Foggitt, James179632Eng DUR StocktonJoiner£50 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.23
Folds, John1821Eng NTT MansfieldLabourer£15+ pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.3 at GravesendA.32/29 fo.1-2
Folds, Samuel1821Eng NTT MansfieldLabourer£15+ pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.9 copyA.32/29 fo.3-6
Folett, Thos.1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£8 pa. (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.65
Foley, John1859HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.9-10
Foley, John1861HB [AB] EdmontonLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/29 fo.11-12
Foley, John1864Can [ON] CornwallHB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark This man is transferred from "E" to "I"A.32/29 fo.13-14
Foley, John1850, 1859, 1861, 1864Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.7-8
Follet, John1885Cook£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.15
Follet, John1886HB [LB] CartwrightCook£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.16
Follet, John188960Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightCook$80 pa. (1) his mark gratuities for tea & molassesA.32/29 fo.17-18
Follet, John1890Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightCook$80 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.19
Follett, John1885, 1886, 1889, 1890HB [LB] CartwrightCookA.32/29 fo.15-20
Folster, Albert185316Can [PQ] EastmainApprentice£8-16 pa. (7) his markA.32/29 fo.21-22
Folster, Albert1860Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Steersman£17 pa.+£3 when acting as steersman (5) his markA.32/29 fo.23-24
Folster, Albert1865Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£20 pa.+£3 (3) his markA.32/29 fo.25
Folster, George1829Scot OKI BirsayHB Columbia RiverBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/29 fo.30
Folster, George1862Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy cancelled 15 Sept 1863 at YFA.32/29 fo.33-34
Folster, George1828Scot OKI Birsay GaitnipLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/29 fo.28-29
Folster, George1861Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.32
Folster, George1838Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/29 fo.31
Folster, George1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) his mark advance £10A.32/29 fo.27
Folster, George William188121Scot OKI BirsayHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/29 fo.35
Folster, Gilbert Loutitt1849Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Martin FallLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.37-38
Folster, Gilbert Loutitt184520Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/29 fo.36
Folster, Hugh1795Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverSteersman£14 pa. (3) his markA.32/7 fo.60
Folster, Hugh180436Scot OKI Birsay£14 pa. (5) his mark 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.72
Folster, Hugh1850Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.39-40
Folster, James1800Scot OKI Birsay£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.43
Folster, James179222Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.174
Folster, James179827Scot OKI BirsayCanoeman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.25
Folster, James1833Scot OKI Birsay QuoyhorryHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/29 fo.41-42
Folster, James180642Scot OKI Sandwick£10 pa.+12 guineas (3) his mark 4 guineas to account & £1 to account wagesA.32/13 fo.189
Folster, John180522Scot OKI Birsay£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/13 fo.145
Folster, John180430Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.117
Folster, John1838Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/29 fo.43-44
Folster, Nicol1801HB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.54
Folster, Nicol179118Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.100
Folster, Peter1781HB [ON] SevernMariner£20 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.103
Folster, Peter179221Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.184
Folster, Robert1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.106
Folster, Robert1790Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£8-10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.70
Folster, Robert1795Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose Fort£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.15
Folster, Robert1796Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryInland Trader£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.8
Folster, Robert1799Scot OKI Birsay£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.2
Folster, Thomas181822Scot OKI Birsay£15 pa. (5) his mark £8.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.139
Folster, William1784HB [MB] York Factory£12 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.92
Folster, William1819Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/29 fo.45
Fontaigne, Moyse1859Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.50
Fontaigne, Moyse1854Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [ON] Lac La PluieDevant Bowsman£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.48-49
Fontaigne, Moyse1850Can [MB] Red River SettlementMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.46-47
Fontain(e), Paul1869HB [MB] York FactoryMidman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark at Keg PortageA.32/37 fo.5-6
Fontain, Paul see Lilabert, Antoine1869A.32/29 fo.51
Fontaine, Jeremie1864CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortMilieu£20 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark natifA.32/29 fo.52
Fontaine, Paul1875Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Cattlekeeper$126.53 pa. +$9.73 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.56
Fontaine, Paul1873Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/29 fo.54-55
Fontaine, Paul1871Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.53
Forbes, Donald1882Scot ROC Lochcarron BalmacaraApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.57
Forbes, John1798Scot CAIHB [MB] Churchill RiverPatroon£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.51
Forbes, John188520Scot CAI ThursoLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. certs. Health character attached to original adv. £11A.32/29 fo.58
Forbes, Keith1904Scot ABD PeterheadHB Ungava Dist.Cooper£54 pa. (3) sig. advance £9 testimonial med. Cert.A.32/29 fo.59-61
Forbes, Lachlan188421Scot ROC LochcarronHB [LB]Labourer Fisherman£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 certs with orig.A.32/29 fo.62
Forbes, Peter1861Scot MLN EdinburghHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig. copyA.32/29 fo.63-64
Forbest, John1798£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.29
Forbest, John179529Scot OKI FirthBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.46
Forbest, John179020Scot OKI FirthLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.24
Forbist, John1798£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.30
Forcier, François182624Can [PQ] Yamaska St. FrançoisHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.65-66
Forcier, François1836Can [PQ] Yamaska St. MichelHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman Trapper Voyageur650 livres ancien cours pa.A.32/29 fo.67
Forcier, François Boi(s)vert see Boi(s)vert, François dit Forcier1841A.32/29 fo.69
Forcier, François Boisvert dit1841Can [PQ] MaskinongéMilieu et HivernantA.32/22 fo.5a
Forcier, Jean Baptiste1842HB [MB] Red RiverMiddleman£14-17 pa. (5) his markA.32/29 fo.73-74
Forcier, Jean Baptiste185252Can [MB] Red RiverSteersman£27 pa. (2) his mark to cross mountains if illA.32/29 fo.77a-78
Forcier, Jean Baptiste184842Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 for acting as Interpreter (2) his markA.32/29 fo.77
Forcier, Jean Baptiste185640Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Norman, FortSteersman Interpreter£27 pa. (2) his mark + usual allowance for flour & sugarA.32/29 fo.79-80
Forcier, Jean Baptiste186440Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide£32 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/29 fo.81
Forcier, Jean Baptiste1844Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] St. MauriceHivernant Voyageur Middleman650 livres ancien cours (1) his markA.32/29 fo.75-76
Forcier, Jean Baptiste1830Can [PQ] YamaskaHivernant Voyageur Middleman600 livres la livre de vingt sols pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.72
Forcier, Jean Baptiste1824Can [PQ] YamaskaHB Rupert's LandHivernant Voyageur Middleman500 livres (2) his markA.32/29 fo.70-71
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "A"1874HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Guide$185 pa. (2) his mark died May 1875A.32/29 fo.83-84
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "A"187045Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide Middleman£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/29 fo.85-86
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "B"1874HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Steersman General Service$136.27 pa.+$9.73 t/s (2) his markA.32/29 fo.89-90
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "B"1873Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer General Service$116.80 pa.+$9.73 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.88
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "B"188532Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteamer Pilot General Service£45 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.91-92
Forcier, Jean Baptiste "B"187120Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.87
Forcier, Pierre Lafleur dit1825Can [PQ] YamaskaMilieu400 livres ancien cours (1) 500 livres (2) his markA.32/37 fo.117-118
Ford, John1869Can [LB]Fishing Pauls IslandFishing contractA.32/29 fo.93-94
Ford, John1893Eng DEV ToddbrookHB [LB]Post Master£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.95
Fordyce, Andrew James jnr.1913Scot ABD Aberdeen 2 Alford Pl.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 medical cert. testimonialsA.32/29 fo.96-102
Fordyce, William1860Scot SHI YellLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.103
Foreman, George179024Eng NBL Berwick-upon-TweedSloop's Mate£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.56
Forget, Pierre 183929Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance 2 livvres du cours Actuel de cette province recevra à son depart 2 livres 10 chelins 10 cours actuel DesertedA.32/29 fo.104-105
Forrest, Charles1828HB Simpson, Fort*Clerk Middleman£25 pa. (3) sig. exempted from duties as middleman on summer voyage from Mackenzie River to YFA.32/29 fo.106-107
Forrest, William1905Scot ABD Aberdeen 1 Queen St.HB [LB] UngavaShip’s Carpenter£6 pm. (1) his mark £3 pm. to wife testimonials sent to repair the "Fox"A.32/29 fo.108-114
Forsythe, James1860Scot MOR Elgin BurgieApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.115
Fortescue, Joseph 1852Eng MDX St. PancrasApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.116
Fortescue, Matthew1874Eng DEV TotnesClerk£130 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.117
Fortier, Alexandre Beloin dit183421Can [PQ] Montréal EdouardMilieu1700 livres (3) his mark advance 72 livres & 12 piastres d'EspagneA.32/21 fo.305-306
Fortier, Jean Baptiste1835Can [MB] Alexander, FortHB [ON] Lac La Pluie£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.118
Fortier, Pierre183225Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [PQ] Coulonge, FortLabourer Winterer600 livres old Quèbec currency pa. (1) prix du poste (2) his markA.32/29 fo.119-120
Fosseneuve, Louis1868HB [MB] Norway HouseBowsman£25 pa. + £2 gratuity (1) his markA.32/20 fo.107
Fosseneuve, Baptiste1841Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/29 fo.121
Fosseneuve, Louis1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.125-126
Fosseneuve, Louis186420Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.124
Fosseneuve, Louis1867Can [MB] Red River Settlement Norway HouseDevant£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/29 fo.122
Fosseneuve, Louis1872Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/29 fo.127
Fosseneuve, Louis see Alexander, John1868A.32/29 fo.123
Foster, John1872Eng LND Goswell Rd 52 Wynyatt St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (season) sig. to preserve 300 tins salmon dailyA.32/29 fo.128-129
Fotheringham, James191917Scot INV InvernessApprentice Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) sig. photograph medical cert. testimonials copies receipt for advance £10A.32/29 fo.130-135
Foubister, John178721Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySmith Armourer£20 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/3 fo.172
Foubister, John1821Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay Green O’CleevieHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £10.10.0A.32/29 fo.137
Foubister, John1867Scot OKI St. OlaLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/29 fo.140
Foubister, John1825Scot OKI TankernessLabourer£25 pa. (3) his mark advance £13 copy cancelled 15 July 1826 unwellA.32/29 fo.138-139
Fouls, William179219Scot OKI Papa Westray£6 pa. (5) sig. 1 guinea sent to father advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.145
Fountam, Henry180730Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (3) his mark recd. 6+4 guineas to account word crossed out & rewrittenA.32/15 fo.88
Fournier, François1820Can [PQ]HB [MB] Red RiverBoute£350 pa. argent du Grand Portage (1) sig.half breed in debtA.32/29 fo.141
Fowden, E. R. 1839Eng LAN LiverpoolSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.142
Fowler, Isaac1823Middleman£17 pa. (4) his markA.32/29 fo.143
Fowler, Isaac1829USA VassalboroughHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.145-146
Fowler, Isaac1827USA VassalboroughHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.144
Fowles, John1826Scot OKI Westray BroughLabourer£20 pa. (4) sig. advance £8A.32/29 fo.147
Fowlie, George Alexander192320Scot ABD Aberdeen Ferryhill Rd.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 25 May 1902 Alford ABD single photograph application medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/29 fo.148-162
Fowlie, George Smith192621Scot ABD New Deer Mains of AuchreddieApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 25 Aug. 1904 New Deer single application testimonial medical cert. photograph testimonials copiesA.32/29 fo.163-175
Fowlis, John180719Scot OKI Westray£8 pa. (3) his mark 8 guineas bounty + £1 to ac[coun]t wagesA.32/16 fo.48
Fox, John1840Eng SFKHB Columbia RiverOrdinary Seaman£18 pa. (5) his markA.32/29 fo.176
Fox, Otto Réné John1895Eng SSX Burgess Hill Silverdale Rd.Labourer£28 pa. (3) sig. advance £14A.32/29 fo.177
France, James178932Eng HaymoutShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.222
Francis, Thomas1833Eng LND PoplarCook£28.4.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.180
Francis, Thomas1831Eng MDX Isle of FyalCook£34.4.0 pa. (3) sig. advance £5.14.0A.32/29 fo.179
Francklyn, Walter1876Eng LND Bishopsgate St. 6 St. Helein's PlaceApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.184
Francoeur, Jean Baptiste1822HB [NT] Athabasca[Middleman]600 livres ancien pa. (3) his mark debt.given up for engaging at the above price Equipment 1 blanket 3 point 1 blanket 2½ point 2 yds common cloth 2 shirts 6 lbs tobaccoA.32/29 fo.181
Francour, Jean Baptiste 182830Can [PQ] YamaskaHB Fort Simpson*Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.182-183
Franklin, William1828Eng YKS WhitbyHB Columbia RiverCook Seaman£34.10.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.185
Fraser, William181523Scot OKI Rendall£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 10 ins high fair complexion not to goA.32/18 fo.81
Fraser, Alex S.1902HB [SK] Prince AlbertClerk$50 pm. (monthly) sig.E.50/3 fos.505
Fraser, Alexander S.1899HB [SK] Prince AlbertClerk$35 pm. (monthly) sig.E.50/3 fos.503
Fraser, Alexander S.1900HB [SK] Prince AlbertClerk$40 pm. (monthly) sig.E.50/3 fos.504
Fraser, Alexander S.1898HB [SK] Prince AlbertClerk$25 pm. (monthly) sig.E.50/3 fos.502
Fraser, Angus1861Scot INV Alvie LynchatServant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copy + BoardA.32/29 fo.186-187
Fraser, Christopher1891Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.192
Fraser, Christopher1885Scot SHI TingwallHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.190-191
Fraser, Christopher1880Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.5.0 copyA.32/29 fo.188-189
Fraser, Colin1827Scot SUT AssyntPiper£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.193
Fraser, Gideon1859Scot SHI Papa StourLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/29 fo.194
Fraser, Henry1866Scot SHI TingwallHB [LB]Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/29 fo.195
Fraser, Henry1880Scot SHI TingwallSlooper£25 pa. (5) sig.advance £12.15.0 + BoardA.32/29 fo.196
Fraser, Hugh1844Labourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.201-202
Fraser, Hugh1834Bowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/29 fo.199-200
Fraser, Hugh1819Scot INV Boleskine£26 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.197
Fraser, Hugh1828Scot INV Fort Augustus BoleskineBowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.198
Fraser, Hugh191917Scot INV InvernessApprentice Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) sig. photograph medical cert. testimonials copies advance £10A.32/29 fo.203-209
Fraser, James1882Scot INV Inverness National Bank of ScotlandApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.210
Fraser, James1893Scot ROC Strathpeffer Studdingsail HallClerk£100 pa. (2) sig.A.32/29 fo.211
Fraser, Paul1827Can [ON] GlengarryClerk£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.212
Fraser, Thomas1818Scot INV InvernessLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £5 pa. to mother Susan Fraser goods for £3A.32/29 fo.213
Fraser, Thomas1884Scot INV InvernessHB [LB]Labourer£22-24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 certs. with original contractA.32/29 fo.215
Fraser, Thomas1861Scot ROC LochalshHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.214
Frazer, William1831Scot INV DallwellHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Joiner£17-25 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/29 fo.216-217
Frazer, William1835Scot INV InvernessHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCarpenter Joiner£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.218
Freakley, Norman Edward1909Eng STS Stafford 15 Gower Ave.Master "Inenew"£180 pa. (1) sig. formerly Master of the "Stork"A.32/29 fo.219-220
Frédérique, Baptiste1843HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman prix du poste (3) his markA.32/29 fo.221-222
Freeman, Peter1832Eng CON St. NeotSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.223
Freshwater, Matthew178824Eng SFK St. Edmundsbury BardellLabourer£10 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.197
Frichette, Etienne1823Can [PQ] LongeuilForgeron Milieu£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/29 fo.224
Friend, Francis1829Germany Saxony LeipsicHB Columbia RiverCook Seaman£34.4.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/29 fo.225
Friend, Thomas1835Germany Saxony LeipsicCook£28.4.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/29 fo.226
Frizer, Paul1885Tripman Steamer Grahame40-50 (4 mos.) his markA.32/21 fo.243-244
Frizer, Paul see Beaulieu Pierre1885A.32/29 fo.227
Fry, Samuel178824Tailor£15 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/3 fo.211
Fubbister, Andrew180729Scot OKI St. Ola£12 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/16 fo.1
Fubbister, John180732Scot OKI Kirkwall£25 pa. (3) sig. 12 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.49
Fubbister, John180622Scot OKI St. Andrew's£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.79
Fubbister, John180624Scot OKI St. Andrew's£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bounty £1advance wagesA.32/15 fo.64
Fubbister, William179236Scot OKI St. Andrew's£10 pa. (3) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.152
Fubbister, William179539Scot OKI St. Andrew'sLabourer£12-14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.24
Fubbister, William1799Scot OKI St. Andrew'sLabourer£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.55
Fubister, William1799Scot OKI St. Andrew'sHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.6
Fulcher, Robert190026Eng SFK IpswichHB [ON] MissanabieClerk$25 pm. (monthly) DOB 21 Apr 1878 singleA.32/29 fo.178
Fullarton, Laurence1870Scot SHI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/29 fo.228
Gaddy [Gaddie], James179432Scot OKI EvieLinguist Steersman Trader£25-30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.49
Gaddy, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.57
Gaddy, James179119Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.123
Gaddy, James179233Scot OKI EvieLinguist to Blackfoot tribe Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/5 fo.102
Gaddy, James179623Scot OKI KirkwallCanoeman Bowsman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contract wages increased if he acts as bowsmanA.32/8 fo.56
Gaddy, James180634Scot OKI St. Ola£30 pa. (3) sig. 12 guineas bountyA.32/13 fo.160
Gaddy, James180327Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (5) his mark 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.22
Gaddy, James snr.179735Scot OKI EvieLinguist Steersman£35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.59
Gadie, James181622Scot OKI Evie West End£20 pa.(3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.64
Gadoua, Jean Baptiste1835Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Devant£20 pa. (2) his mark request to retire to Red River Colony with his family given 20 years service without sicknessA.32/30 fo.7-8
Gadoua, Jean Baptiste183339Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Bowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.5-6
Gadoua, Jean Baptiste1839Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactoryDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.9-10
Gadoua, Jean Baptiste183040Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his mark free & at liberty to hunt 'til Christmas then return & work at fortA.32/30 fo.3-4
Gadoua, Jean Baptiste[1827]31Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.1-2
Gagant, Pierre dit Lafleur1829Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur600 livres la livre de vingt sol his markA.32/30 fo.13-14
Gagant, Pierre dit Lafleur1831Can [PQ] Yamaska St. MichelHB [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur600 livres la livre de vingt sol his mark d'avance 72 livresA.32/30 fo.11-12
Gage, George1782EngHB [MB] York FactorySailor£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.171
Gagnon, Augustin1838Can [PQ] St. CuthbertMilieule prix du poste (3) his markA.32/30 fo.15-16
Gagnon, Charles185819Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Hyvernant [Hivernant]£20 pa. cent piastras par année (3) his markA.32/30 fo.17-18
Gagnon, François1827HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.21-22
Gagnon, François182122Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [MB] York FactoryMilieusept cent livres agent de la province (2) his markA.32/30 fo.19
Gagnon, François182322Can [PQ] MontréalLabourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.20
Gagnon, Jean Baptiste182528Can [PQ] ContrecoeursHB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/30 fo.23
Gagnon, Jean Baptiste183125Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu500 livres ancien cours et prix du poste pa. (3) his mark d'avance 10 piastresA.32/30 fo.24-25
Gagnon, Joseph1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/30 fo.26-27
Gagnon, Louis1824CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 (2) his markA.32/30 fo.30a
Gagnon, Louis1820Can [PQ] St. RochMilieu20 piastras advance 240 (5) pay his mother 60 cancelledA.32/30 fo.28-29
Gains, Henry178920Eng Ratcliff*House Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.217
Gairdner, George Wishart1868Scot MLN EdinburghApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.30b
Gairdner, Meredith1832Eng MDX St. Martins Cannon St.Surgeon Clerk£20-50/£100 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.31
Galarneau, Louis183022Can [PQ] Montréal RepentignyMilieu300 livres above prix du poste pa. (3) d/avance 2 livresA.32/30 fo.125-126
Gale, Jacob1819Eng MDX HackneyClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. goods £14.2.0 cancelled 1822A.32/30 fo.32
Gale, Thomas1875Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 (seasonal) sig. advance £4.5.0 300 tins of salmon per dayA.32/30 fo.33-36
Gall, Ernest James192319Scot ABD Fraserburgh Station HouseApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 1 Dec. 1903 Mintlaw single photograph testimonials application medical & dental certs. CopiesA.32/30 fo.37-38
Gall, William192618Scot ABD Old Deer Mintlaw StationApprentice Clerktestimonials dental cert. copiesA.32/30 fo.57-64
Gall, William192618Scot ABD Old Deer Mintlaw StationApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 27 Oct 1907 Maud single photograph application medical/dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/30 fo.52-64
Gallarnaux, Jean Baptiste182824Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.67-68
Galleman, Antoine1850Can [PQ] MontréalGouvernail£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.65-66
Gallion, Thomas1841HB [NT] Norman, FortFisherman£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/31 fo.354
Gardepie, Louis1823HB [BC] St. John, FortBoute400 livres & same equipment as expressed in earlier contract Engaged with HBC for 1 year on NWC contract free 1824F.5/3 fo.12
Gardiner, Thomas1849Scot SHI YellLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.69
Gardner, Andrew1873Scot SHI YellStorekeeper Labourer£38 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.70
Garoch, Robert179430Scot OKI OrphirSteersman Canoe Builder£20 pa. (2) sig. note previous contractA.32/6 fo.51
Garret, Thomas178127Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£6 pa.(5) his markA.32/1 fo.79
Garrioch, George1863HB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 +£2 t/s pa. (3) sig. NativeA.32/30 fo.73
Garrioch, George1849CanHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (5) sig. NativeA.32/30 fo.71-72
Garrioch, George1871Can [MB]HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Labourer£25 +£2 t/s pa.+ £1 extra for acting as assistant farmer (1) sig.A.32/30 fo.74b
Garrioch, George1874Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortCattle Keeper Farmer$140 pa. (2) sig.A.32/30 fo.77
Garrioch, George1869Can [MB] Lisgar St. Peter'sHB [MB] York FactoryCattle Keeper£25 pa+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/56 fo.133-134
Garrioch, George1872Can [MB] St. Peter'sHB [MB] York FactoryCattle Keeper£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/30 fo.75-76
Garrioch, George see Thickfoot, George1869A.32/30 fo.74a
Garrioch, James1818Scot OKI Sanday SouthendHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £5 advanceA.32/19 fo.187
Garrioch, James S.188321Scot OKI StromnessHB English River Dist.*Fisherman£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12 certs with originalA.32/30 fo.78
Garrioch, John1863HB [SK] Pelly, FortLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.81
Garrioch, John183723Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] Red RiverLabourer Assistant Steward£17 pa. (3) sig. read/write promoted at end of contract as services meritA.32/30 fo.79-80
Garrioch, Magnus180340Scot OKI Stromness£12 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.31
Garrioch, Robert1846Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 drowned YFA.32/30 fo.84
Garrioch, Robert1835Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £13 copyA.32/30 fo.82-83
Garrioch, Robert1792Scot OKI OrphirSteersman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contract one of the youngmen who went on a journey of discovery to AthabascaA.32/5 fo.112
Garrioch, Robert178320Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.80
Garrioch, Robert178337Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] Churchill RiverMariner£15 pa. (3) sig. Min. 2 Apr 1783A.32/3 fo.120
Garrioch, Robert180318Scot OKI Stenness£10 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.16
Garrioch, Robert jnr.179625Scot OKI OrphirBowsman Canoeman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.32
Garrioch, Robert snr.1807Scot OKI OrphirTrader Steersman£28 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.46
Garrioch, Thomas181533Scot OKI Stenness IrelandHB [MB] York Factory£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 advance 5 yrs MR 5 ft 7 ins high brown hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.140
Garrioch, William180720Scot OKI Stromness£15 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/16 fo.23
Garroch, Henry1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Mariner£25 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.106
Garroch, Henry178334Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactorySailor£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.105
Garroch, Robert179632Scot OKI OrphirSteersman Canoe Builder£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.37
Garroch, Robert179120Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0 brother Peter Garrioch Swanbister OphirA.32/4 fo.89
Garroch, Robert178120Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.150
Garrock, Magnus1792Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] Moose FortTailor£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.81
Garrock, Robert jnr.1799Scot OKI OrphirBowsman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.35
Garrod, Joshua180522Eng LND LondonHB [ON] AlbanyArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.124
Garrod, Joshua180522Eng LND LondonArmourerno date no sig.A.32/17 fo.123
Garson, Charles1870Scot OKI StromnessBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/30 fo.85
Garson, David1865Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.90
Garson, David1859Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 allowed to settle at RR Colony grant of 25 acresA.32/30 fo.89
Garson, David181719Scot OKI Sandwick VetquoyHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £9 advanceA.32/19 fo.103
Garson, David1839Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryFisherman£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/30 fo.88
Garson, David "B"1822Scot OKI SandwickSteersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/30 fo.86
Garson, David "B"1830Scot OKI Sandwick VetquoyHB [MB] York FactorySailor£23 pa. (3) sig. advance £9A.32/30 fo.87
Garson, George1839Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/30 fo.93-94
Garson, George1830Scot OKI Sandwick UrigarHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £9A.32/30 fo.91
Garson, James1865Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.99
Garson, James1837Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/30 fo.92
Garson, James1838Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15A.32/30 fo.95
Garson, James1848Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/30 fo.96
Garson, James1859Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 allowed to settle at RR Colony grant of 25 acresA.32/30 fo.97
Garson, James1865Scot OKI Sandwick CursiterLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.98
Garson, John1828Scot OKI Sandwick UrigarHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) his markA.32/30 fo.101
Garson, John1825Scot OKI Sandwick UrigarHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/30 fo.100
Garson, John1838Scot OKI Sandwick UrigarHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £8A.32/30 fo.102
Garson, Magnus1863Scot OKI BirsayHB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.103
Garson, Magnus180647Scot OKI Sandwick£25 pa. (3) sig. crossed outA.32/15 fo.50
Garson, Magnus179537Scot Sandwick*Carpenter£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.36
Garson, Nicholas1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£25 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.124
Garson, Nicholas1791Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverHouse Carpenter£35 pa. (2) sig.A.32/4 fo.187
Garson, Nicholas1783Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverCooper£25 pa.(5) sig.A.32/2 fo.31
Garson, Nicholas1790Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverCarpenter£35 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.60
Garson, Nickolas1793Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill River£36 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.12
Garson, Peter Flett1872Scot OKIHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.105-106
Garson, Peter Flett1862Scot OKI BirsayLabourer Steersman£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 allowed to settle at RR Colony grant of 25 acresA.32/30 fo.104
Garson, Robert1798£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.32
Garson, Robert1798£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.31
Garson, Robert1845Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.111-112
Garson, Robert1836Scot OKI SandwickCook£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.108
Garson, Robert1824Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£17 pa.+£3 if he acts as mess cook (2) his markA.32/30 fo.107
Garson, Robert179628Scot OKI Sandwick£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.42
Garson, Robert181521Scot OKI Sandwick SkeabraeHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £10 5ft 4 ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.86
Garson, Robert184247Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Mess Cook£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.113-114
Garson, Robert1833Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.109-110
Garson, Samuel1866Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.115
Garson, Thomas1830Scot OKI Birsay GreenyHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£24 pa. (5) sig.advance £10.10.0A.32/30 fo.116
Garson, Thomas1872Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 copyA.32/30 fo.117-118
Garson, Thomas180632Scot OKI Stromness£12 pa. (3) his mark recd. 6 guineas on accountA.32/15 fo.14
Garson, William1854Scot OKIHB [PQ] TémiscamingueLabourer£35 pa. (1) sig.A.32/30 fo.120-121
Garson, William1836Scot OKI SandwickBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig.advance £6A.32/30 fo.119
Garston, John1807Eng SAL BurlingtonHB [PQ] EastmainMariner£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.132
Garston, Magnus179234Scot OKI BirsayCarpenter Assistant£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.114
Garston, Magnus179840Scot OKI SandwickCarpenter£25 pa.(1) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.44
Gastonquay, Joseph190327Can [PQ]HB [ON] MichipicotenLabourer$30 +board pm. sig. DOB approx. 1876 single retired 30 June 1904A.32/30 fo.122-124
Gaubin, Joseph1829HB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.127-128
Gaubin, Joseph183134Can [PQ] YamaskaMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.129-130
Gaudet, Charles185122Can [PQ]HB [MB] Norway HousePostmaster£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.131
Gaudie, Albert1899HB [LB] Davis InletLabourer$84 pa.(monyhly) sig.A.32/30 fo.134
Gaudie, Albert1898HB [LB] Davis InletLabourer$72 pa.+ allowance (monthly) sig.A.32/30 fo.132-133
Gaudie, James1821Scot OKI Birsay MorwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/30 fo.135
Gaudrie, Louis1857HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant£23 pa. (3) his mark Native to have first vacancy as steersmanA.32/30 fo.136-137
Gaupedal, Aanen Toshensen1858Norway Lister & Mandel WalleLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/30 fo.138-141
Gauthier, Charles1864Can [PQ]HB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£22 +£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.144-145
Gauthier, Charles182529Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB English River Dist.*Milieu Devant Gouvernailprix fixé a l'European pour en Rivière des Anglais (2) his markA.32/30 fo.143
Gauthier, Charles182329Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu Gouvernail600 livres (2) his markA.32/30 fo.142
Gay, Robert1839Eng LND LondonSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.146
Geach, Edward1875Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.5.0 300 tins of salmon per dayA.32/30 fo.147-148
Gear, Harry181534Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) his mark 12 yrs YF 5'6" high brown hairA.32/18 fo.139
Gear, John1862Scot SHI TingwallSlooper£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.149
Geaton, George1875Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £4.5.0 300 tins of salmon per dayA.32/30 fo.150-151
Gehreke, Johan1856NorwayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.152-153
Gendron, François1827Can [AB] Fort des PrairiesMilieu hivernant£17 pa. (2) his mark Half BreedA.32/30 fo.154
Gendron, François1862Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/30 fo.159-160
Gendron, François1859Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB Simpson, Fort*Devant£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/30 fo.157-158
Gendron, François1833Can [SK] Fond du LacSteersman£22 pa.prix du poste (2) his mark NativeA.32/30 fo.155-156
Gendron, Pierre1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/30 fo.163-164
Gendron, Pierre1862Can [MB] Red River SettlementSteersman General Labourer£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/30 fo.161-162
Generoux, Edouard1859CanHB [SK] Carlton, FortCarpenter£20 pa.+1 horse (2) his markA.32/30 fo.165-166
Generoux, Louis1825HB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Middleman Hivernant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.167
George, H.E.1907HB [ON] NipigonClerk Assistant$30 pm. sig. DOB 22 Oct 1888 Arkona ONA.32/30 fo.168
Gervais, François182027Can [PQ] SorelVoyageur Devantd'avance 30 piastres d'Espagne + equipment (4)A.32/30 fo.169-170
Gibbons, George1792Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.89
Gibbs, Henry1869Eng MDX 10 Royal Oak Pl. Hoxton St.Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£4.5.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. 300 tins of salmon per dayA.32/30 fo.171-172
Gibeault, Belonie1832Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] Red RiverMason Milieu£35 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.174-175
Gibeault, Belonie184240Can [PQ] MontréalMess Butler Mason£28 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.176-177
Gibeault, Belonie1823 1832 1842 Can [PQ] MontréalLabourer Mason£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/30 fo.173
Gibeault, William1858HB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter Middleman£20 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/30 fo.178-179
Giboche, Edward Gilbeau dit1833HB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/30 fo.190-191
Giboche, Louis1828Can Rupert’s LandClerk Interpreter£40 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.180
Gibotte, Benjamin1868HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortHunter Labourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark Native contract from 1 Aug.A.32/30 fo.181-182
Gibouleau, Pierre1820Can [PQ] MontréalGouvernail1200 livres pa.d'avance 40 piastres (3) his mark NativeA.32/30 fo.183-184
Gibson, Alexander1834Scot OKI Rousay EverbistLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8A.32/30 fo.186
Gibson, Alexander1828Scot OKI Rousay LangskaillBoat Fisherman£18 pa.first year+advancement according to His merit (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.185
Gibson, George181319Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £9.1.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.21
Gibson, Hugh180418Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.79
Gibson, Hugh "B"1822Scot OKI RousayHB [SK] Cumberland HouseSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/30 fo.187
Gibson, James178033Eng LND Aldgate St. BotolphHB [ON] Moose FactoryHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.47
Gibson, Robert1834Scot OKI Rousay BiglandsLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/30 fo.188
Gibson, William1821Can [MB] York FactoryHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£21 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/30 fo.189
Gibson, William180418Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.78
Gilbeau, Edward dit Gibboche1833HB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. prix du poste (2) his markA.32/30 fo.190-191
Gilbeau, Jose1821HB [AB] Wedderburn, Fort [Chipewyan]Gouvernail Hivernant1700 livres (1) his markA.32/30 fo.192
Gilbert, James1838Seaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/30 fo.193
Gill, Felix184235Can [PQ] NicoletVoyageur General activites650 livres (1)A.32/30 fo.195-196
Gill, Guillaume1824Can [PQ] St. FrançoisGuide Steersman£26 pa. (1) his markA.32/30 fo.194
Gill, Pierre1824Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisSteersman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/30 fo.197
Gill, Robert1797HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/9 fo.16
Gill, William1794HB [ON] Moose FactoryShipwright£40 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.17
Gill, William1781Eng DUR BishoptonHB [ON] Moose FactoryShipwright£36 pa. (1) sig.A.32/1 fo.130
Gill, William1791Eng DUR StocktonHB [ON] Moose FactoryShipwright£40 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.174
Gill, William1785Eng DUR StocktonHB [ON] Moose FortShipwright£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.120
Gill, William1782Eng Stockton*HB [ON] Moose FortShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.182
Gillanders, Donald1859Scot MOR Elgin ForresHB [MB] Prince of Wales, FortHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) his mark allowed to settle RR grant 25 acresA.32/30 fo.198
Gillespie, William David1840Scot MLN EdinburghHB [MB] York FactorySurgeon Clerk£100 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/30 fo.199-200a
Gilley, John1837Seaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.200b
Gillies, Alexander1865Scot ROC Lewis Barvas LivnalLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/30 fo.202
Gillies, Angus1869Scot ROC Lewis Lochs ShawbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/30 fo.203
Gillies, Angus1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig BalgloomLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.12.0A.32/30 fo.201
Gillies, Donald1881ScotHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/30 fo.205-206
Gillies, Donald1887Scot ROC LochalshClerk£100 pa. (2) sig.A.32/30 fo.209-210
Gillies, Donald1884Scot ROC LochalshHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/30 fo.207-208
Gillies, Donald1878Scot ROC Stromeferry Lochalsh RocktownApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/30 fo.204
Gillies, Finlay1907Scot ROC Plockton 5 Harbour St.HB Fort George*Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/30 fo.211-212
Gillies, John1875Scot Lochs*£22 pa. sig. advance £11.7.6. incomplete conractA.32/30 fo.213
Gillies, Torquhil R.1908Scot ROC Plockton 5 Harbour St.HB Fort George*Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 formerly of Fort George copies son donald Gillies fort George brother [Finlay] application medical cert. testimonialsA.32/30 fo.214-225
Gimmon, Joseph1850HB [ON] Frances, FortMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.226-227
Girard, Joseph186452Forgeron£35 pa. (2) his mark to have 1 keg of sugar 1 bag of flour yearly upon his accountA.32/30 fo.228-229
Girard, Luke1900Can [PQ] Pointe BleueLabourer$144 (1) his markA.32/30 fo.230-231
Girard, Pierre1858Can [PQ] Beauharnois St MartinHB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.234-235
Girard, Pierre184444Can [PQ] MontréalHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.232-233
Giroux François Guilbault dit1827HB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.328-329
Giroux, Alexandre183021Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieuprix du poste (3) d'avance 6 piastre d'EspagnesA.32/30 fo.236-237
Gittins, William1829Wales PEM HodgestonHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/30 fo.238
Gladman, George1794HB [ON] Moose Fort£40 pa. (1) sig.A.32/6 fo.16
Gladman, George179023Eng LND St. Andrew's HolbornWriter£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.235
Gladman, George178116Eng LND St. Andrew's HolbornHB [ON] AlbanyWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.56
Gladman, George Second1795HB [ON] Moose Fort£50 pa. (3) sig. after dep. of Mr. BollandA.32/7 fo.12
Gladman, Joseph1837HB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.1-2
Gladman, William1825Can [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.5.0A.32/31 fo.3
Gladrin, John Dorion1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman Bowsman£20-23 pa. (2) his mark to winter at Rocky Mountain HouseA.32/31 fo.4-5
Gladrin, Pannet1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneMilieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.6-7
Gladston, William1859CanHB [AB] EdmontonBoat Builder£35 pa.+ supplies (5) sig. This man is to get 1 keg crkush sugar on his acct. at YF & 1 bag of flour on his acct. at Norway Ho.A.32/31 fo.10-11
Gladston, William184815Can [PQ] Montréal LachineApprentice Boatbuilder£15-20 pa. (4) sig. with consent of Wm. Gladstone fatherA.32/31 fo.8-9
Glenesk, William D.1909Can [PQ] MontréalTem[por]ary Clerk$10 (8 mos) d'avance 400 livres de vingt sols to pay his wife in th fall 200 to be allowed 200 over & above wages for taking the canoe to Jack RiverA.32/31 fo.12
Gobeiler Joseph Campbell dit1835Can [MB] Alexander, FortHB [ON] Lac La PluieGouvernail£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/29 fo.118
Gobeille, dit Joseph Campbell183322Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.111a/b
Gobeille, dit Joseph Campbell see under Jean Baptiste Fortier183522Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/23 fo.111c?
Gobin, Jean Baptiste1820Can [PQ] Montréal Yamaska St. MichelDevant400 livres de vingt sols pa. (3)A.32/31 fo.13-14
Godaire, Joseph1820Can [PQ] Berthier Ste GenevièveGouvernail400 livres de vingt sol pa. d'avance 40 piastres + 10 piastres (3)A.32/31 fo.15-16
Godchere, Jeromen.d.E.252/2 fo.7
Godchere, Peter1903CanHB [ON] Long LakeClerk£160 pa. (3) sig. copy formerly of Témiscamingue PQA.32/31 fo.21-24
Godchere, Peter1909CanHB [ON] Long LakePost ManagerLetter declining wage increase bonus to be paid he is expected to make the post profitableA.32/31 fo.18
Godchere, Peter190548Can [PQ] Grand LacHB [ON] Long LakeClerk$778.56 (3) married one child pace of birth Grand LakeA.32/31 fo.19-20
Godchere, Peter1908Can [PQ] Grand LacHB [ON] William, FortPost Manager£160 pa. (3) sig. DOB 12 Jan 1856 Grand Lac mar. family 2 last employed Long Lake PostA.32/31 fo.17
Godda, Anthony179128Can [PQ]HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Steersman£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/4 fo.150
Godfrey, John see Gilley, John1837A.32/31 fo.30
Godicher, Jerome184836Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] MichipicotenMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markE.252/2 fo.4-6
Godin, Antoine1840Can Pays SauvageHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.25-26
Godin, Joseph Jr.1831Can [PQ] MontréalClerk£50 + £10 pa. (3)A.32/31 fo.28
Godin, Joseph Jr.1821Can [PQ] MontréalClerk£50 + £10 pa. (3)A.32/31 fo.27
Godin, Lawrence192420Can [PQ] Beauharnois$300 pa. DOB 17 Oct 1904 single dicharged ill healthA.32/31 fo.29
Godon, Amable182024Can [PQ] Montréal St. LaurentMilieu600 livres pa. d'avance 20 piastres d'Espagne (4)A.32/31 fo.31-32
Godreau, Permis dit Cadien1846HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.35-36
Godreau, Permis dit Cadien1846£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/31 fo.35-36
Godreau, Permis dit Cadien1851HB [SK]£20 pa. (3) his mark will not go to York PostA.32/31 fo.37-38
Godreau, Permis dit Cadien1846Can [SK]HB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman£20 pa. (3) his mark will not go to York Post but will do all else requiredA.32/31 fo.37-38
Godreau, Permis dit Cadien1837Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/31 fo.33-34
Godsell, Philip Henry1906Eng STS Wolverhampton 38 Bath Rd.Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. corres. letter from Philip Godsell father occupation chemist testimonials medical cert. letter application copies DOB 5 July 1889 Mother Elizabeth Whitta Godsell letter Sir Henry fowler from Strathcona no place for boy at presentA.32/31 fo.39-57
Goland, Robert178622Eng DUR Stockton-on-TeesShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.153
Goldsborough, William1783HB [MB] York FactoryShipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.97
Goldsborough, William178831Eng Stockton*Shipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.210
Goldsmith, James1783Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] AlbanySmith£10 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.48
Goldsworthy, George Harper1875Eng HEF Ailstone HillApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.58
Golledge, Richard1861Eng ESS West Ham StratfordClerk£100 pa. (3) sig. cancelled Sept. 1862A.32/31 fo.59-60
Goluck , James1812Labourer(3) his mark HBC to pay sister Peggy Gorluck £3 pa.A.32/31 fo.61
Gonville, Alexis1862Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Portage La LocheSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/31 fo.64-65
Gonville, Alexis1860Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/31 fo.62-63
Good, Philip1801Eng LND Marylebone£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.76
Good, Philip1795Eng LND St. MaryleboneHB [ON] Moose FortJunior Inland Trader£20-25 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.16
Good, Phillip180430Eng LND LondonHB [ON] Moose Factory£30-40 pa. (1-4) sig.A.32/17 fo.119
Good, Phillip jnr.179018Eng LND Edward Street Portland ChapelHB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.232
Good, Richardn.d.£40 pa. sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.79
Good, Richard179616Eng LND Marylebone£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.57
Goode, James1836Eng CAM Isle of Ely Tidd St. GilesFarm Servant(5) his mark to be allowed 1 oz of tea perweekA.32/31 fo.66
Goodfellow, George1861Scot INV InvernessLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig. copyA.32/31 fo.67-68
Goodlad, James1869Scot SHI SandstingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.69
Goodwin, Abel1862Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£15-20 pa. (4) his mark copyA.32/31 fo.70-71
Goodwin, Abel1866Can Rupert's LandHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/31 fo.72-73
Goodwin, Joseph1880Can [NT]HB [ON] Martin FallLabourer General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.84-85
Goodwin, Joseph1886Can [NT]HB [ON] AlbanySlooper General Service£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.88-89
Goodwin, Joseph1876Can [NT]HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/31 fo.80-81
Goodwin, Joseph1873Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanySlooper£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.78-79
Goodwin, Joseph1878Can Hudson' s BayLabourer£28 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.82-83
Goodwin, Joseph1883Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.86-87
Goodwin, Joseph1870Can Rupert's LandHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer Other Services£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.76-77
Goodwin, Joseph1866Can Rupert's LandLabourer£15-20 pa. (4) his mark copyA.32/31 fo.74-75
Goodwin, Patrick1879HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.96-97
Goodwin, Patrick1873Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.92-93
Goodwin, Patrick1876Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer General Service£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.94-95
Goodwin, Patrick1869Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£15-20 pa. (4) his markA.32/31 fo.90-91
Goodwin, Patrick1885Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyGuide General Service£35 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.100-101
Goodwin, Patrick1882Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyGuide General Service£35 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.98-99
Goodwin, Patrick see Patrick Faries1878Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark Goodwin crossed out and Faries replace see note on contractA.32/28 fo.43-44
Goodwin, Ralph1875Eng LND LondonSlooper£24-30 pa. (3) his mark advance £4 copy contract was cancelled 21 Sept 1873 & witnessed!A.32/31 fo.102-103
Goodwin, Robert1784HB [ON] AlbanySurgeon£40 pa.(2) sig.A.32/2 fo.89
Goodwin, Robert178120Eng LND Southwark St. Saviour'sHB [ON] AlbanySurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.52
Goodwin, Robert178726Eng SFK Yoxford Near SaxmundthamInland Trader£50 pa.+ bonus (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.162
Gordon, Alexander1863Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway HolmLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.2.6A.32/31 fo.104
Gordon, Charles1882Scot SUT HelmsdaleApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/31 fo.105
Gordon, Charles H.M.1910ScotHB Fort Hope*Post Manager£200 pa. (3) sig. DOB 13 Mar 1866 Scot. Marr. Fam.5A.32/31 fo.109
Gordon, Charles H.M.1887Scot SUT HelmsdaleHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Clerk£75 pa. (3) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/31 fo.107-108
Gordon, George1835Wales PEM Milford Haven StaintonSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/31 fo.110
Gordon, Robert192619Scot BAN Keith 19 Fife St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 10 Aug 1906 Keith single photograph testimonials medical/dental cert. application copiesA.32/31 fo.111-123
Gordon, Thomas1883Can [PQ] Ungava Fort ChimoInterpreter General Service£10 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.126-127
Gordon, Thomas1875Scot MLN Edinburgh South LeithCooper£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.125
Gordon, Thomas1865Scot MLN Edinburgh South LeithCooper General Work£35 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.124
Gorie, James1861Scot OKI StromnessBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/31 fo.128
Gorie, Peter1868Scot OKI BirsayHB [AB] DunveganBlacksmith£35 pa. (3) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/31 fo.129-130
Gorie, Peter188438Scot OKI BirsayHB [AB] DunveganBlacksmith£45 pa. (3) sig. advance £20 worked at York 5 years Severn & English Rivers certificate & health attached to originalA.32/31 fo.131
Gorn, George181520Scot OKI Park of HolmHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £12.17.6 5ft 4 ins high white hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.112
Gossellin, Louis1823HB [BC] Babine, FortMiddleman£22 pa.+ supplies (2) his markA.32/31 fo.132
Gotier, Louis184932Can [PQ] PantinierJournalier£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/31 fo.133
Goucher, George179722Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.37
Goudie, Baikie179025Scot OKI OrphirSailor£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.54
Goudie, Baikie179328Scot OKI OrphirSailor£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.19
Goudie, Baikie179631Scot OKI OrphirSmith Armoourer£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.60
Goudie, Baikie178520Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.138
Goudie, Bakie1800Scot OKI OrphirArmourer Blacksmith£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.105
Goudie, Gilbert1856HB [AB] EdmontonLabourer£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/31 fo.134-135
Goudie, Gilbert1864Scot SHI DungenessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.136
Goudie, James1829Scot OKI StromnessBlacksmith£26.10.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.137
Goudie, John181518Scot OKI Firth HollandHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £11.10.0 5ft 4 ins high brownk hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.108
Goudie, John1801Scot OKI Orphir£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.84
Goudie, Peter179325Scot OKI OrphirSmith£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.22
Goudie, Peter179628Scot OKI OrphirArmourer£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.67
Goudie, Peter1799Scot OKI OrphirArmourer£35 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.32
Goudie, Peter1828Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.144
Goudie, William179223Scot OKI Holm£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.172
Goudie, William1860Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/31 fo.145
Goudie, William1856Scot SHI TingwallHB [AB] EdmontonLabourer£20 pa. (2) his mark to remamin inland during the summer to have Gilbert Goudie as his companion at the saw and to be stationed at EdmontonA.32/31 fo.138-139
Goudrie, Joseph1864Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.140-141
Goudrie, Louis1857CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£23 pa. (3) his mark Native steersman when able to have the appointment as steersman the first vacancy that occursA.32/31 fo.142-143
Gouin, Antoine 1844Devant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.148-149
Gouin, Antoine 183930HB [MB] York FactoryDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.146-147
Goulais, Charles1829Can [ON] Sault Ste. MarieHB [MB] Swan RiverInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his mark + bag of flour ½ keg sugar 2 lbs teaA.32/31 fo.152
Goulait, Charles1840Can [ON] Sault Ste. MarieHB [ON] Lac La PluieFisherman Interpreter£19 pa. (3) his mark to be given wage & position of interpreter when availableA.32/31 fo.153-154
Goulait, Charles1824Can [ON] Sault Ste. MarieInterpreter£25 pa.+ 1 bag country flour & ½ keg sugar yearly (2) his mark previous contractA.32/31 fo.150-151
Goulait, Louison 182926Can [NT] Liard, FortHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.155-156
Goulding, William178931Eng YKS ScarboroughMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.223
Goulet, Joseph1839Can [PQ] Rivière du Loup St AntoineMiddleman700 livres ancien cours (1) prix du poste (2) pa. (3) desertedA.32/31 fo.157-158
Goulet, Solomon183028Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMiddleman£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.160-161
Goulet, Solomon1826Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMiddleman£17 pa. his markA.32/31 fo.159
Goulez, Louis183130Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman Hivernant£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.162-163
Govreault, André183931Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance deux livres à son depart deux livres etdix chelinsA.32/31 fo.164-165
Gowland, Robert179026Eng DUR Stockton-on-TeesShipwright£36 pa. (3) No sig.A.32/3 fo.248
Gowland, Robert179026Eng Stockton*Shipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.238
Gowland, Robert179332Scot Stockton*Shipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.18
Gowler, Oliver1836Eng CAM & Isle of Ely March Well-endFarm Servant(5) his mark to be allowed one ounce of tea per weekA.32/31 fo.166
Graham, Alexander1860Scot ROC Lewis Stornaway GairshaderLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.167
Graham, Archibald178924Scot STI Stirling£18 pa. (5) sig. last here Apr.1788A.32/3 fo.228
Graham, Donald1875Scot ROC Lewis Barvas ShaderHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.10.0 cancelled Moose 16 Sept 1876A.32/31 fo.169-170
Graham, Donald1867Scot ROC Lewis Stornaway CollLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £11A.32/31 fo.168
Graham, George180122Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25-30 pa. (5) sig. line through contractA.32/17 fo.88
Graham, James181822Scot MLN EdinburghHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£20-25 pa. (5) sig. £27.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.140
Graham, Murdo "B"1875Scot ROC Lewis Barvas BorveLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 copyA.32/31 fo.172-173
Graham, Murdo Jr.1863Scot ROC Lewis Barvas BorveLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.1.6A.32/31 fo.171
Graham, Norman1824Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway Nether CollMiddleman Labourer£18 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.5.0A.32/31 fo.175-176
Graham, Norman1821Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway Nether CollHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.5.0A.32/31 fo.174
Grahame, Alexander1853Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/31 fo.177
Grahame, Donald1871Scot ROCHB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/31 fo.178-179
Grahame, James Ogden1866Can [BC] Vancouver IslandApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.180
Grahame, John1853Scot ROC Lewis BarvasLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/31 fo.181
Grahame, John1863Scot ROC Lewis Barvas BragarLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.1.6A.32/31 fo.182
Grains, Thomas1867Scot SHI LunnastingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.183
Grandbois, François Bouchard dit1833Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.37-38
Grandbois, Michel182747Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.185
Grandbois, Michel1834Can [PQ] BerthierDevant£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.188
Grandbois, Michel1829Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant£19 pa.(2) his markA.32/31 fo.186-187
Grandbois, Michel182247Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant1000 livres (2) his mark at the expiration of this contract to be allowed to take out his familyA.32/31 fo.184
Grant, A.D.M.1890Scot SUT Lairg DeernessHB [ON] Moose FactorySurgeon Clerk£120 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.189
Grant, Colin1858Scot ROC Lewis StornawayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/31 fo.190
Grant, Donald 1850Scot BAN KirkmichaelHB [ON] Moose FactoryPostmaster£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.192-193
Grant, Donald 184023Scot BAN KirkmichaelLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £5 to pay passage to PQA.32/31 fo.191
Grant, John192319Scot ABD Aberdeen 13 Menzies Rd.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (3) sig. DOB 9 Nov 1903 Aberdeen single photograph application medical & dental certs. testimonials previous application 1922 medical/dental certs.copiesA.32/31 fo.194-210
Grant, Richard1832HB [MB] York FactoryClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.211
Grant, Richard1882Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£22 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) his markA.32/31 fo.212-213
Grant, Richard1885Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£24 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) sig. NativeA.32/31 fo.214-215
Grant, Robert1889General Workman$175 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.219
Grant, Robert1887Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB] CartwrightSalmon Catcher£3 pm. (2½) his markA.32/31 fo.218
Grant, Robert1883Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB] CartwrightSalmon Catcher£3 pm. (2½) his mark advance £4A.32/31 fo.216-217
Grant, William1861Scot MLN EdinburghHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/31 fo.220-221
Grant, William1866Scot MOR ElginLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £11A.32/31 fo.222
Granvil, James178623Eng LND SpitalfieldsMariner£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.152
Grave, Alexander L.1836Eng MDX StepneyHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. copy advance £4A.32/31 fo.223-224
Grave, Gustavus1833Eng MDX Stepney St. Dunstan'sHB Columbia River2nd Mate£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.225
Grave, Joseph180226Eng STSHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/17 fo.109
Gray, Harry180726Scot OKI OrphirBoat Builder£25 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/16 fo.2
Gray, Henry1798Scot OKI OrphirHB [PQ] EastmainBricklayer£24 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.13
Gray, Hugh1791IOMHB [MB] Churchill RiverWhaler£15 pa. (3) his mark. previous contractA.32/4 fo.188
Gray, Hugh178337Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£14 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.92
Gray, Hugh1794Scot OKI WallsHB [MB] Churchill River£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.63
Gray, Hugh1795Scot OKI Sanday Wass[o]HB [MB] Churchill River£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.57
Gray, James1785HB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman Labourer£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.171
Gray, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.(4) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.71
Gray, James180640Scot OKI Stromness£15 pa.s (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas+£2 to accountA.32/15 fo.31
Gray, John1818Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryCarpenter£40 pa. (5) sig. £30 advanceA.32/19 fo.184
Gray, John181545Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter Boat Builder£40 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance] 5ft 11 ins dark hair dark complexionA.32/18 fo.137
Gray, John180620Scot OKI Stromness£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.57
Gray, John1799Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.1
Gray, John180539Scot OKI Stromness£36 pa. (5) sig. 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.149
Gray, Robert1882Scot OKI StromnessApprentice Clerk£2-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/31 fo.226
Gray, Sam[ue]l180322Scot OKI Stenness£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.2
Gray, Samuel1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/31 fo.227
Gray, William1838Eng LND LimehouseSeaman£24 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/31 fo.229
Gray, William1833Eng LND LimehouseHB Columbia RiverSeaman£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.228
Gray, William John188821Scot OKI StromnessCarter General Servant£27 pa. (5) sig. testimonial certs. Health character & service advance £10 served as ship's carpenter & fishingA.32/31 fo.230-231
Green, James1833Eng HAM PortsmouthHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.232
Green, John183640Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [MB] Norway HouseDevant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.237
Green, John1822Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman800 livres pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.233
Green, John Jemmy183035Can [PQ] Montréal St. LouisHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.235-236
Green, John Jemmy182840Can [PQ] Montréal St. Louis CaughnawagaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.234
Green, John Macmorland1913Scot ABD Aberdeen 12 Cairnfield Pl.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. testimonials one brother/sister medical history testimonialA.32/31 fo.239-244
Green, Joseph1867Scot SHI LerwickBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. served apprenticeship as cooperA.32/31 fo.245
Green, William1837HB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.247
Green, William1834HB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.246
Green, William1839Eng NTH NorthamptonHB Columbia RiverSteward£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.248
Greene, Joseph1809Eng STS CannockHB [ON] Moose FactorySurgeon£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.144
Greenhill, John180826Eng KEN St Mary CrayHB [PQ] EastmainCarpenter£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.135
Greenwood, Henry Arthur Evelyn191131Eng SAL Market DraytonHB [BC] St. James, FortApprentice ClerkEntered service 1899 New Caledonia dist. Left post refused permission to marryA.32/31 fo.250
Greenwood, Henry Arthur Evelyn1911Eng SAL Market DraytonHB [ON] DinorwicApprentice ClerkDOB 9 June 1880 Market Drayton married family 4 retired July 31 1912A.32/31 fo.249
Greeve, Magnus1801Scot OKI St. Andrew's£10-12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.101
Gregoire, Ignace1822Can [PQ]HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Milieu400 livres pa. + equipment (1) his markA.32/31 fo.251
Gregoire, Louis1864Can [PQ] MontréalHB [SK] Pelly, FortMilieu£22 +£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.254-255
Gregoire, Louis185821Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Hivernant100 piastres pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.252-253
Gregory, William192020Scot ABD Aberdeen 28 King St.Junior Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) DOB 15 Aug 1899 Banff NB single photograph testimonials medical/dental cert. copies advance £25A.32/31 fo.256-257
Grenwell, George1792Eng DUR HartlepoolHB [ON] AlbanyArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.8
Grey, Benjamin1821Scot OKI Orphir The BullHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/31 fo.267
Grey, Harry1823Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/31 fo.268
Grey, John1834Scot OKI Westray PierowallLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/31 fo.269
Grey, Samuel1836Eng NFKMiddleman£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.270
Grey, Samuel1839Eng NFK KirbyHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.271
Grey, William1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer(1) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.94
Grieve, Ernest1921Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseGeneral Servant$40 (3) DOB 1866 Oxford Ho. Married family 5 no new contractA.32/31 fo.272
Grieve, George180440Scot OKI Rousay£20 pa. (5) his mark £4 + £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.57
Grieve, James1823Scot OKILabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.273
Grieve, James1837Scot OKI RousayMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.277
Grieve, James1834Scot OKI RousayFisherman£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.276
Grieve, James1831Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] Island LakeLabourer Bowsman Fisherman£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.274-275
Grieve, James180440Scot OKI Rousay£10 pa. (5) his mark 3+1 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.81
Grieve, James181419Scot OKI RousayHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £10.8.0 [advance] 5ft 6 ins tall light hair & light complexion slenderA.32/18 fo.50
Grieve, James181618Scot OKI Rousay SourinHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa.(5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.70
Grieve, Robert180445Scot OKI Rousay£10 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to account 1 guineaA.32/13 fo.82
Grieve, Thomas1860HB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Boatbuilder£8-15 pa. (7) sig. NativeA.32/31 fo.278-279
Grieve, William1853HB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Mechanic£8-15 pa. (7) his mark NativeA.32/31 fo.280-281
Grieve, William1867HB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder£35 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/31 fo.282-283
Grieve, William1874Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseCarpenter Joiner$200 pa.+$10 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.285
Grieve, William1869Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder£38 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark NativeA.32/31 fo.284
Grieve, William1881Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder£41 pa. +£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.286-287
Grieve, William1883Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder Carpenter£43 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/31 fo.288-289
Grieve, William1885Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Island LakeBoat Builder Carpenter£43 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.290-291
Grieve, William1886Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder£43 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.292-293
Grieve, William1887Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseBoat Builder£45 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/31 fo.294-295
Griffith, Neville Owen Tudor1905Eng LND North KensingtonHB [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£30-50 pa (3) sig. advance £15A.32/31 fo.296-297
Griffiths, William1834Eng SSX BattleHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/31 fo.298-299
Grignon, Amable1822USA Lake Michigan Baie VerteCommis1200 livres (1) his markA.32/31 fo.300
Grimbester, James1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Cooper£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/1 fo.113
Grimbester, James1784Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactorySawyer£18 pa.+£2 (3) sig. advance £1A.32/2 fo.83
Grimbister, James179046Scot OKI KirkwallCooper Labourer£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.48
Groat, George1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.62
Groat, George1791Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£8-10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.178
Groat, George1829Scot OKI Ronaldsay HoolsLabourer£18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.301
Groat, George179229Scot OKI Westray£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.199
Groat, George180334Scot OKI Westray£14 pa. (5) his markA.32/13 fo.33
Groat, John1859Scot CAIHB [MB] York FactorySlooper£26 pa. (2) his mark advance £8A.32/31 fo.303-304
Groat, John1843Scot OKI DeernessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/31 fo.302
Groat, Malcolm1861Scot CAI HalkirkHB [MB] York FactoryHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copypromised grant of 25 acres of land after term of 5 yearsA.32/31 fo.306-307
Groat, Malcolm1834Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/31 fo.305
Groat, Malcolm1783Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.146
Groat, Malcom1799Scot OKI RonaldsaySteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.50
Groat, Thomas180632Scot OKI Westray£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to account double folioA.32/15 fo.51
Grondin, Joseph1828Can [PQ] Montréal Petit Bois de DotraiMiddlemanprix du poste 8 piastres d'Espagne (3) his mark d'avance 8 piastres à son départ 5 piastresA.32/31 fo.308-309
Grott, Malcolm179632Scot OKI RonaldsaySteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.40
Grott, Malcolm179026Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman£15 pa. (3) his mark adv. disc. NorthA.32/4 fo.41
Grott, Malcolm [Malchorn]179329Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.51
Groundwater, Alexander1790Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.10
Groundwater, Andrew1864Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/31 fo.310
Groundwater, David178224Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.148
Groundwater, George180450Scot OKI Kirkwall£16 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.92
Groundwater, George179239Scot OKI St. Ola£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.198
Groundwater, James1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£8-10 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.118
Groundwater, Magnus179120Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.111
Groundwater, Thomas1824Scot OKI Orphir NewbiggingHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/31 fo.311
Groundwater, William1780HB [MB] York FactoryMariner£15 pa. (2) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.42
Groundwater, William1780HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Mariner£12 to £15 (2) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.25
Groundwater, William1790Scot OKI OrphirCanoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.36
Groundwater, William1785Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1A.32/2 fo.140
Guérin, François 184926Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Hivernant£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.312-313
Guertin, Jean Baptiste1819Can [PQ] St. Jean Baptiste de VercheresMilieu600 livres advance 256 livres equipment delivered in fullA.32/31 fo.314-315
Guibord, Louis183830Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesHB [NT] Liard, FortDevant£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.318
Guibord, Louis183524Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesMilieu Hivernantprix du poste pa. (3) his mark d'avance 10 piastresA.32/31 fo.316-317
Guidon, Jacques1820Can [PQ] Montréal SorelHB [NT] AthabascaGouvernail1200 piastres (3) advance 324 piastresA.32/31 fo.319-320
Guil, Michel1852Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisVoyageur Hivernant Traiteur£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.321-322
Guilbault, François dit Giroux1827HB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.328-329
Guilbeau, Joseph1820Can La RivièreHB [AB] Colvile [Peace River]Devantsame sum as last year & same equipment (1) his markA.32/31 fo.323
Guilbeault, Edouard1844HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.326-327
Guilbeault, Edouard1837HB [SK] CarltonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.324-325
Guillaume, François1823Middleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.330
Guille, Felix1843HB [PQ] St. MauriceVoyageur£27.1.8 pa. Halifax currency (1) his markA.32/31 fo.331
Guille, Felix1845Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant Traiteur650 livres ancien cours pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.332-333
Guille, Guillaume1828Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant800 livres pa. his mark +15 piastresA.32/31 fo.334-335
Guille, Michel1827Can [PQ] Trois RivièresInterpreter1000 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.336-337
Guille, Michel dit Languemois1828Can [PQ] St. FrançoisHB [PQ] WeymontachingueHivernant20 piastres pa. his mark previous contractA.32/31 fo.338
Guille, Michel dit Languemois1829Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisHivernant500 livres his markA.32/31 fo.339-340
Guille, Michel dit Languemois183039Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisHB [PQ] St. MauriceHivernant Chasseur Traiteur£7.10.0 pm. his mark d'avance 15 piastresA.32/31 fo.341-342
Guimon, Augustin1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [ON] Rat PortageMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.343
Guimon, Joseph1849Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman Labourer£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/31 fo.344-345
Gulbrandsen, Carl Lauris1850NorwayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.346
Guldbransen, Ole1855Norway SmaaleneLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.15.4 cancelled 9 Sept 1859 copyA.32/31 fo.347-348
Gulhon, Thomas1836Scot OKI EdayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.5.0A.32/31 fo.349 353
Gullion, George1864Scot OKI EdayHB [AB] EdmontonBoat Builder£35 pa.+£2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/31 fo.350
Gullion, James186122Scot OKI EdayHB [AB] EdmontonSawyer Labourer£23 pa. (2) sig.A.32/31 fo.352
Gullion, William1834Scot OKI Westray SeaquoyLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/31 fo.355
Gun Alexander179023Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.16
Gun Peter1781Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£8 pa. (3) his markA.32/2 fo.24
Gun, John179028Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.15
Gun, Peter1784Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£12 pa. (3) his markA.32/2 fo.99
Gun, Peter1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£12 pa. (3) his markA.32/1 fo.116
Gun, Robert1798Scot OKIHB£12-18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.4
Gunn, Adam1835Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/31 fo.357
Gunn, Alexander180426Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.102
Gunn, Alexander179528Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.51
Gunn, Alexander179829Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.46
Gunn, Benjamin1813Scot SUT KildonanLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/31 fo.358
Gunn, Donald1822Can [MB] York FactoryClerk Trader£40 pa. (1) his markA.32/31 fo.359
Gunn, Duncan1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornaway MelbostSlooper£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.10.0 grant of 25 acres at end of contractA.32/31 fo.360
Gunn, George1852Scot CAI ThursoHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. deserted & returned for passage home forfeited salary for first yearA.32/31 fo.362
Gunn, George179627Scot OKI OphirCanoeman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.48
Gunn, George179120Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.133
Gunn, George1783Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (4) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.7
Gunn, George1861Scot OKI WallsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/31 fo.363
Gunn, Hugh1861Scot CAI Watten NewtownHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.364
Gunn, Hugh1861Scot CAI Watten NewtownHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.361
Gunn, James188122Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] Swan RiverBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/31 fo.366
Gunn, James1836Scot OKI OphirHB [MB] York FactoryMason£26 pa. (5) sig.A.32/31 fo.365
Gunn, James1836Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryMason£26 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/31 fo.356 365
Gunn, John180323Scot CAI ThursoCooper£20 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.7
Gunn, John1832Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£27-29 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.18.0A.32/31 fo.367
Gunn, Peter188321Scot OKI HoyHB [AB] Peace RiverFisherman Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 certificates with originalA.32/31 fo.368
Gunn, Robert1847Scot CAI ThursoHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9.14.6A.32/31 fo.369
Gunn, Robert179321Scot OKI St. Ola£6 pa. (5) sig. £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.70
Gunn, William1873Scot OKI FlottaLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 Cancelled contract due to health 18 Oct. 1873A.32/31 fo.370-372
Gunner, John1873HB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Interpreter£32 pa. (2) his mark postmaster's allowance for tea & sugar etc.A.32/31 fo.383-384
Gunner, John1871Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Interpreter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.381-382
Gunner, John1868Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [PQ] Rupert RiverInterpreter Guide Postmanager£30 pa.+£2 (3) his markA.32/31 fo.379-380
Gunner, John1859Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert RiverGuide Boute£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.374
Gunner, John1862Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Steersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.375-376
Gunner, John1865Can Hudson' s BayGuide Steersman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.377-378
Gunner, John1875Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Interpreter£34 pa.+ Postmaster's allowance (2) his markA.32/31 fo.385
Gunner, John1856Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoute£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/31 fo.373
Gutcher, George180631Scot OKI Ronaldsay£14 pa. (3) his mark recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.68
Gutcher, George179218Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.167
Gutcher, Thomas179221Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.166
Guthrey, William1782HB [MB] York FactoryHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.163
Guthrie, David1828Scot OKI KirkwallHB Columbia RiverBoatswain£42 pa. (3) sig.A.32/31 fo.387
Guthrie, John180723Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas bounty to accountA.32/15 fo.87
Guthrie, William178338Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.104
Hackland, Andrew181625Scot OKI Sandwick ScarwellHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.47
Hackland, George Garson1861Scot OKI StromnessCooper£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/32 fo.1
Hackland, Gilbert1862Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactorySloop Master£60-75 pa. (5) sig. passage for wife 2 childrenA.32/32 fo.2
Hackland, James1852Scot OKIPostmaster£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.5-6
Hackland, James1850Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyCooper£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.3-4
Hackland, James1860Scot OKI StromnessClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.7
Hackland, Thomas1783Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverTailor£8 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.33
Hackland, Thomas180649Scot OKI StromnessTai[lo]r£14 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account 8 guineasA.32/13 fo.167
Hacrow, William1790Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.12
Hadley, James1828Eng LND Blackwall Poplar All SaintsHB Columbia RiverCarpenter£54 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.8
Halcro, James1799Scot OKI OrphirSteersman Pilot£20-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.37
Halcro, James179420Scot OKI OrphirBowsman£10-14 pa. (3) sig.A.32/6 fo.28
Halcro, Thomas180424Scot OKI Orphir£12 pa. (5) sig. £3+ £1 to accountA.32/13 fo.56
Halcro, Thomas180421Scot OKI Stromness£20 pa. (5) sig. 4+2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.77
Halcro, William180530Scot OKI Orphir£18 pa. (5) sig. 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.130
Halcrow, David181534Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 3½ ins high black hair dark complexion returned home last year from YFA.32/18 fo.118
Halcrow, Gideon1869Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.10
Halcrow, James1829Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£25-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.11
Halcrow, James179521Scot OKI OrphirBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.54
Halcrow, John179528Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.41
Halcrow, John179225Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBowsman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.108
Halcrow, Joseph1868Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.12
Halcrow, Thomas1823Blacksmith£30 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/32 fo.9
Halcrow, Thomas1874Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman$135 pa. (3) his mark deserted 1875A.32/32 fo.16
Halcrow, Thomas1870Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/32 fo.14-15
Halcrow, Thomas1782Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FortBricklayer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.176
Halcrow, Thomas179228Scot OKI Orphir£10 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.161
Halcrow, Thomas180642Scot OKI Orphir£12 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.36
Halcrow, Thomas1783Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.(5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.37
Halcrow, Thomas1864Scot SHI DunrossnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.13
Halcrow, William1835Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/32 fo.17
Halcrow, William1795Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.17
Hales, Edward1872Eng LND 24 New Broad St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. 300 tins per dayA.32/32 fo.18-19
Halford, Bethel "B"1886Eng LND London 22-23 Redcross St.Clerk Warehouseman£100-150 pa. (3) sig. clause for BoardA.32/32 fo.20
Halkland, Andrew1830Scot OKI Sandwick FlawsLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark copy advance £8.10.0A.32/32 fo.21-22
Hall, James178732Eng LND LimehouseCarpenter£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.166
Hall, James178330Eng LND Limehouse St. AnnHB [MB] Churchill RiverHouse Carpenter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.96
Hall, Joseph1884Eng LND 287 Oxford St.Salesman£125 pa. (3) sig. advance £10A.32/32 fo.24
Hall, Joseph1881Eng MDX Upper Westbourne ParkSalesman£50-100 [£125] pa.(3) sig. advance £15A.32/32 fo.23
Hallet, Francis1806Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill River£10 pa. (5) sig. RunawayA.32/17 fo.128
Hallett, Henry1793Eng SRY BatterseaLabourer£10 pa.+£2 bounty inland (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.27
Halpin, Henry Ross187218Ire LIM BallingarryHB [MB] Garry, FortApprentice Postmaster£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.25-26
Hamilton, John178528Eng LAN LiverpoolMariner£15 pa. (3) sig. Recd advance, leftA.32/3 fo.139
Hamilton, Maxwell G.191044Can [ON] PeterboroughHB [MB] WinnipegPost Manager$60 pm. (monthly) sig. DOB 7 Oct 1865 Peterborough singleA.32/32 fo.27
Hamilton, William1835Can [PQ]First Officer£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.28
Hamilton, William R.190456Can [PQ] Saguenay Pointe BleueClerk$900 pa. (1) sig.A.32/32 fo.29-30
Hamlin, Charles1858Can [AB] Lac Ste. AnneHB [AB] EdmontonBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.33-34
Hamlin, Charles1850Can Saskatchewan Dist.HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.31-32
Hammond, Charles Nathaniel1871Eng LND Cripplegate 6 Milton St.Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4.10.0 350 tins dailyA.32/32 fo.37-38
Hammond, Charles Nathaniel1870Eng LND London 15 Lower WhitecroftHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£25 pa. (3) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/32 fo.35-36
Handford, Reginald Julian Clarke1908Eng STS Colwich Little HaywoodClerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15A.32/32 fo.39-40
Handley, William1833Eng HAM PortsmouthHB Columbia River2nd Mate£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.41
Hangedal, Peder Aanensen1858Norway Lister BjellandLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/32 fo.42-43
Hannas, Jean Baptiste1833Can [PQ] St. FrançoisVoyageur600 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.46-47
Hannas, Jean Baptiste1836Can [PQ] St. FrançoisHivernant Voyageur Traiteur Coureur de Derouine et Pêcheur700 livres ancien coursA.32/32 fo.44-45
Hansen, Anders1856NorwayDay Labourer£17 pa.+ allowances (5) his markA.32/32 fo.48-49
Hansen, Andreas1858Norway Akershus EnebaksLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/32 fo.50-53
Hansen, Arne1859Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman Labourer£22 pa. (2) his mark winter in YukonA.32/32 fo.56-57
Hansen, Arne1856Norway Akershus Christiana [Oslo]Labourer£17 pa. + allowances (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.54-55
Hansen, Caspar185623NorwayLabourer Butcher£17 pa. + allowances (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.58-59
Hansen, Ole1858Norway Trondhjem StördalenLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/32 fo.60-63
Harcus, David181821Scot OKI Westray PapaHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £9.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.120
Harcus, George180740Scot OKI Ronaldsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd.8 guineas £2 to account wagesA.32/16 fo.7
Harcus, George181620Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.49
Harcus, James181821Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.121
Harcus, John1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortFisherman£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark exempt from voyage to YF in boatsA.32/32 fo.64-65
Harcus, John181823Scot OKI Rendall NorthendHB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/19 fo.134
Harcus, John180440Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.58
Harcus, John181720Scot OKI Westray PapaHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £9 advance + £1A.32/19 fo.81
Harcus, Thomas180523Scot OKI Westray Papa Westray£36 pa. (5) sig. £2/12/6 to accountA.32/13 fo.135
Harding, Robert1827Eng MDX Hornsey HighgateClerk£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.66
Hardisty, Richard1833Eng MDXClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.67-68
Hardisty, William1842Can Southern DepartmentHB [MB] Garry, FortApprentice Postmaster£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.69-70
Hardy, Francis1835Eng MDX LimehouseSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.71
Harkes, George1821Scot OKI Firth BearbreeksLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £8E.50/3 fo.9
Harkes, George1821Scot OKI Firth BearbreeksHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/32 fo.72
Harkness, André1823Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.73
Harper, Barclay1870Scot SHI UnstLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.74
Harper, Gauden1864Scot SHI UnstLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.75
Harper, Henry1818Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £8.14.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.162
Harper, John1858CanHB [MB] York FactoryTinsmith£30 pa.+£5 checker at lauch (2) sig. NativeA.32/32 fo.78-79
Harper, John1818Scot AYR KilmourHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £17.2.6 advanceA.32/19 fo.167
Harper, John1799Scot OKI BirsayTailor Bowsman£16-18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.44
Harper, John179321Scot OKI BirsayTailor£8 pa. (3) sig. £1 advance part of wagesA.32/5 fo.40
Harper, John1807Scot OKI Orphir£42 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.97
Harper, John179426Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£ ? pa. (3)+bounty sig. note on contract Northward ExpeditionA.32/6 fo.44
Harper, John179225Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.106
Harper, John1825Scot OKI Stromness KirbisterHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/32 fo.76-77
Harper, John James "B"1873Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman General Service£24 pa. +£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/32 fo.82-83
Harper, John James "B"1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortMiddleman£24 pa. +£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/32 fo.80-81
Harper, John jnr.179624Scot OKI BirsayBowsman Tailor£14 pa.+25% additional wages to accompany Mr. Ross Northward (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.38
Harper, Joseph1797Eng DUR StocktonHB [PQ] EastmainSmith Armourer£30 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.29
Harper, Joseph[1792]Eng YKSHB [PQ] EastmainArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.11
Harper, Magnus1836Can [MB] Nelson RiverSteersman Guide£22 pa.+ allowances given to guides (2) his mark half-breed Native + 20/= [£1] for trip to Norway HouseA.32/32 fo.86
Harper, Magnus1838Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] York FactorySteersman Guide£27 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/32 fo.87
Harper, Magnus183023Can Hudson' s BayHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/32 fo.84-85
Harper, Magnus jnr.1856Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] York FactoryCooper£22-25 pa. (3) sig. NativeA.32/32 fo.88-89
Harper, Peter180729Scot OKI Evie£25 pa. (3) his initials recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.11
Harper, Thomas1838Can [MB] Norway HouseGuide£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.90
Harper, Thomas1870Scot SHI UnstLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/32 fo.93
Harper, Thomas "B"185316HB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Joiner£8-16 pa. (7) sig. NativeA.32/32 fo.91-92
Harper, William180322Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (5) sig. 2 guineas to account 10/6A.32/13 fo.17
Harper, William1861Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/32 fo.95-96
Harper, William "B"1828HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.94
Harrald, Alexander181829Scot OKI Kirkwall St. Ola£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/19 fo.143
Harrald, William1806Scot OKI RousayLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.35
Harray, Hugh1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (3) his mark received as part of wages £1.1.0A.32/1 fo.73
Harrigold, Joseph178424Eng Stockton*HB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.125
Harriott, John Edward[1809]12Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice(7) sig.A.32/17 fo.143
Harrison, Daniel Alfred1853Eng MDX EnfieldHB [MB] Prince of Wales, FortApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/32 fo.97-98
Harrison, John179025Eng DUR StocktonShipwright£36 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.55
Harrison, John178723Eng Stockton*Shipwright£36 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.169
Harrison, William178822Eng LND St. Martin's Le GrandLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.190
Harrold, Alexander1858Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactorySteward£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/32 fo.99-100
Harrold, James1836Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/32 fo.101-102
Harrold, John1831Eng KEN Deptford St. NicholasCarpenter£54 pa. (3) sig. advance £9A.32/32 fo.103
Harrold, Robert1861Scot MLN EdinburghHB [ON] Moose FactoryHired Servant Labourer£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.104-105
Hart, James1886Can [MB] Keewatin Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/32 fo.112-113
Hart, James1885Can [MB] Keewatin Oxford HouseHB [MB] Island LakeLabourer£28 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/32 fo.110-111
Hart, James1884Can [MB] Keewatin Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/32 fo.108-109
Hart, James1882Can [MB] Keewatin Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/32 fo.106-107
Hart, Joseph1874Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer Runner$120 pa.+$10 t/s (2) his markA.32/32 fo.115-116
Hart, Joseph1877Can [MB] Oxford HouseHB [MB] Oxford HouseRunner Labourer£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/32 fo.117
Hart, Joseph1868Can [MB] Oxford HouseSawyer Trader£23 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/32 fo.114
Hartley, George1836Eng LIN Gedney Church EndFarm Servant+1oz. tea/week (5) his markA.32/32 fo.118
Harvay, Andrew179238Sandwick*£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.187
Harvey, Abraham1795Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose FortArmourer£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.11
Harvey, Alexander1871Can [ON] Moose FactoryClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.120
Harvey, Alexander1837Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/32 fo.119
Harvey, Andrew178322Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.115
Harvey, Andrew1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.54
Harvey, Andrew1835Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/32 fo.121
Harvey, Andrew179218Scot Sandwick*£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.126
Harvey, Andrew Wilson1881Scot OKI Firth ShoresideHB [MB] York FactoryJoiner£35 pa.+Board (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 testimonials copyA.32/32 fo.122-124
Harvey, Christopher1801HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.68
Harvey, Christopher179217Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.204
Harvey, Christopher180629Scot OKI Birsay£25 pa. (3) sig. 6 guineas to account 6 guineasA.32/13 fo.166
Harvey, Christopher181438Scot OKI BirsaySteersman£30 pa. (3) sig. 5 guineas bountyA.32/18 fo.46
Harvey, Daniel1840Eng KEN DeptfordHB Columbia RiverMiller Farmer£50 pa. (5)A.32/32 fo.125
Harvey, George1799Scot OKI OrphirSteward Distiller£25 pa.(2) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.27
Harvey, George1806Scot OKI Orphir£35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.81
Harvey, George1873Scot OKI StromnessApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. copiesA.32/32 fo.126-127
Harvey, James1871Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.128
Harvey, James181640Scot OKI Sandwick NewgarHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.43
Harvey, John180626Scot OKI Birsay£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.60
Harvey, John1820Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Blacksmith£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/32 fo.129
Harvey, John1868Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/32 fo.131
Harvey, John1840Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactorySlooper£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/32 fo.130
Harvey, Magnus1830Scot OKI Birsay Greeny TeevithHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £9A.32/32 fo.132
Harvey, Magnus184423Scot OKI SandwickHB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman£22 pa. (2) sig.+gratuity of a llarge dressed Moose skin at Peel RiverA.32/32 fo.133-134
Harvey, Robert181528Scot OKI Orphir MidlandHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 7 ins high dark complexionA.32/18 fo.71
Harvey, Robert181619Scot OKI Sandwick SkeabraeHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa.(5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.66
Harvey, Samuel179120Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (3) his mark good worker but he has crooked legs.A.32/4 fo.79
Harvey, Samuel180735Scot OKI Birsay£28 pa. (3) his mark 6 guineas to accountA.32/16 fo.38
Harvey, Samuel181746Scot OKI Birsay GreenayHB [ON] Albany£18 pa. (3) his mark £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.101
Harvey, Thomas1801HB [ON] Albany£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.58
Harvey, Thomas180619Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.191
Harvey, Thomas1820Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourerold wages. (4) sig. advance £10 old hand previous contractA.32/32 fo.135
Harvey, Thomas1793Scot OKI Birsay£8-10 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.25
Harvey, Thomas181819Scot OKI Birsay GreenyHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.147
Harvey, Thomas180629Scot OKI Stromness£25 pa. (3) sig. recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.61
Harvey, William180535Scot OKI Birsay£15 pa. (5) his mark £1 to accountA.32/13 fo.146
Harvey, William1797Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactorySawyer£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.19
Harvey, William179220Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.147
Harvey, William180519Scot OKI BirsayBlacksmith£20 pa. (5) his mark 4+1 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.139
Harvey, William181522Scot OKI Firth North sideHB [ON] AlbanySailor£20 pa. (5) sig. £11 advanceA.32/18 fo.129
Harvie, Abraham1790Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.8
Hassall, Thomas1838Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterprète Milieu£25 pa.(2) sig. NativeA.32/32 fo.138-139
Hassall, Thomas1836Can [NT] AthabascaHB [MB] Norway HouseInterprète Milieu£25 pa.+sugar & flour (2) sig. NativeA.32/32 fo.136-137
Haukland, Thomas1791Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverTailor(5) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.185
Hawes, George1894Eng ESS West Ham 10 Cecil Rd.Slooper£30 pa. (3) sig. triplicateA.32/32 fo.140-142
Hawes, John1892Eng LND Limehouse 32 Pigot St.Master of Ketch "Princess"£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.143
Hawkings, James1876Boat Master Salmon Catcher£3.5.0 pm. (seasonal) his mark advance £1A.32/32 fo.144
Hawkins, James1870Eng SRY WalworthHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4.5.0A.32/32 fo.148-149
Hawkins, James1868Eng SRY WalworthTinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £2A.32/32 fo.146-147
Hawkland, William179630Sandwick*Netmaker Canoeman Fisherman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.58
Hawthorn, Henry Hamlet180321Eng LND London£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.116
Hay, Alexander Mackenzie1830Scot ROC DingwallHB [MB] York FactoryApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.150
Hay, Charles179120Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.90
Hay, Charles180635Scot OKI Orphir£16 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.37
Hay, Charles179626Scot OKI OrphirBowsman£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.27
Hay, Charles1862Scot OKI WallsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.151
Hay, Henry1821Scot OKI Ophir PetertownHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/32 fo.152
Hay, Henry179330Scot OKI OrphirBowsman£12 pa. (3) his initials previous contractA.32/5 fo.47
Hay, Henry179633Scot OKI OrphirSawyer£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.61
Hay, Henry1799Scot OKI OrphirCook£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.29
Hay, Henry 2nd1807Scot OKI Harray£33 pa. sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.101
Hay, Honeyman179320Scot OKI StromnessHouse Carpenter Joiner£20 pa. (3) sig. £3 advanceA.32/5 fo.75
Hay, Honeyman180531Scot OKI Stromness£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/13 fo.151
Hay, Honeyman179824Scot OKI StromnessHouse Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.47
Hay, Honeyman181338Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] AlbanyHouse Carpenter£40 pa. (3) sig. £22.14.3 [advance]A.32/18 fo.35
Hay, John1911HB [LB] RigoletLabourer$16 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/32 fo.156
Hay, John1838Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig.advance £12A.32/32 fo.155
Hay, John1829Scot OKI Orphir GrendillaHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder£25-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.153
Hay, John1833Scot OKI Sandwick BrockanHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder£29 pa. (5) sig. advance £13A.32/32 fo.154
Hay, Magnus181318Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £6.9.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.34
Hay, Robert1864Scot CAI WickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.157
Hay, Robert1870Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/32 fo.158
Hay, Thomas1829Scot FIF St Ceres CeresHB Columbia RiverCarpenter Seaman£54 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.159
Hay, Thomas1785Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1A.32/2 fo.135
Haydon, Walton1877Eng SRY Lambeth Bethlehem Hosp.HB [ON] Moose FactorySurgeon Clerk£120 pa.+ rations (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.160
Hays, John1833Eng HAM PortsmouthSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.163
Haythorn, S.E.1875Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4.5.0 300 tins of salmon per dayA.32/32 fo.161-162
Haywood, Joseph1807Eng DBYHB [MB] York Factory£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.129
Head, Adam1848Can [ON] AlbanyLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.164-165
Heald, Edward1840Springfield*Second Officer£50.8.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.168
Heald, Edward1838Springfield*HB [MB] Churchill RiverSecond Officer£50.4.0 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/32 fo.166-167
Heard, Richard1908HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$11 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/32 fo.169
Heard, William1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4.5.0 copyA.32/32 fo.170-171
Heath, Joseph1799Eng WAR. BirminghamHB [MB] Churchill RiverArmourer£10 pa. (3) his mark advance £6.6.0A.32/17 fo.80
Heath, William1839Eng BKM MarloweHB Columbia River1st Mate£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.174
Heath, William1837Eng BKM MarloweHB Columbia River1st Mate£75.12.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.173
Heath, William1832Eng BKM MarloweHB Columbia River2nd Mate£50.8.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.172
Heatherington, Alexander1829Eng YKS StockwellHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.259
Hebert, Basil1859HB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his mark to get a good horse to winter at Rocky Mountain House and saw if requiredA.32/32 fo.175-176
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,1838CanMilieu£19 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.187
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,1829Can [PQ]HB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.181-182
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,1824Can [PQ] Pays SauvagesHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.178
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,183642Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [NT] Resolution, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.185-186
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,183038Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.183-184
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,1841Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (3)A.32/32 fo.224-225
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,182733Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.179
Hebert, Henri dit Fabien,1821Can [PQ] St. GregoireHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu1100 livres (3) his markA.32/32 fo.177
Hebert, Jean dit Manuel183725Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.189-190
Hebert, Jean dit Manuel185039Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [NT] Good Hope, FortSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.194-195
Hebert, Jean dit Manuel1834Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [MB] Red RiverBricklayer Labourer£26.5.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.188
Hebert, John dit Fabien1850Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Confidence, FortInterpreter£40 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.193
Hebert, John dit Fabien184518Can [NT] AthabascaHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Middleman£8-12 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.191-192
Heddle, James1823HB Southern Dept.Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.196
Heddle, James181635Scot OKI Kirkwall£20 pa.(3) sig.A.32/19 fo.60
Heddle, James1818Scot OKI Tankerness HollandHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.161
Heddle, Thomas181419Scot OKI Kirkwall St. Ola£20 pa. (5) sig. £9.5.3 [advance] 5ft 5 ins tall brown hair & fair complexion slenderA.32/18 fo.49
Heddle, William1828Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaSailor£18+ pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.200
Heddle, William181520Scot OKI ShapinsayHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £10 advanceA.32/18 fo.124
Heddle, William181629Scot OKI Shapinsay BrecksHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £12 advance + £1 in accountA.32/19 fo.54
Heddle, William 1826Scot OKI ShapinsayLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.198
Heddle, William "B"1829Scot OKI ShapinsayLabourer£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/32 fo.199
Heddle, William "B"1823Scot OKI ShapinsayLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.197
Hedger, Henry1798Eng LND St. George in the EastHB [MB] Churchill RiverJoiner Carpenter£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.75
Hénault, Michel183117Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu500 livres ancien cours (3) This man did not embark in Lachine possible he may embark in [Montreal]?A.32/32 fo.201-202
Hendenon, Edward180717Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bounty + £3A.32/16 fo.21
Hendenon, Samuel180719Scot OKI Kirkwall£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bounty + £3 account wagesA.32/16 fo.28
Henderson, Angus1875Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman$136.27 pa. + $9.73 t/s (1) sig.A.32/32 fo.205
Henderson, Angus1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortBowsman£25 +£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.203-204
Henderson, Donald1829Scot CAI Halkirk BrawlLabourer£17-18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.207
Henderson, George1801HB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.61
Henderson, George1807HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.42
Henderson, Jacob1794Eng NBL Newcastle£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.33
Henderson, Jacob1800Eng NBL Newcastle-upon-TyneHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer [crossed out]£8 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.81
Henderson, James1825Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/32 fo.208-209
Henderson, John1864Scot SHI BressayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.210
Henderson, Joseph1859Scot CAI Halkirk WesterdaleLabourer Hired Servant£22 pa. (5) sig. to settle in RR with 25 acres landA.32/32 fo.211
Henderson, Peter1824HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/32 fo.214
Henderson, Peter1822Scot CAI ThursoBowsman£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/32 fo.213
Henderson, Peter1812Scot CAI ThursoHB [ON] AlbanyAssistant Smith Bowsman Labourer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.212
Henderson, Richard1878Can [MB] LisgarHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£28 pa. +£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/32 fo.215-216
Henderson, Richard1876Can [MB] Lisgar St. Peter’sHB [MB] Grand RapidsMiddleman£26 pa. +£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/32 fo.206
Henderson, Samuel184924HB [ON] Lac La PluieBowsman£23 pa. (3) sig.A.32/32 fo.217-218
Henderson, Samuel181437Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. £11.5.0 [advance] 5ft 6 ins tall dark hair & complexion 6 years at Albany River stout hardy looking manA.32/18 fo.47
Henderson, Samuel180618Scot OKI St. Ola£8 pa. (3) no sig. no markA.32/13 fo.158
Henderson, William1869Scot CAI ThursoLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.219
Hendriksen, Ole Nicolai1858Norway Lister & Mandel ChristiansandLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/32 fo.220-223
Hendry, Daniel180120Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.92
Hendry, John1797Eng LND LondonHB [MB] York Factory£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.63
Hendy, John Knell1790Eng SRY LambethHB [ON] Moose FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.70
Henry, Andrew1863Scot SHI BressayLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.226
Henry, George1862Scot SHI BressayLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/32 fo.227
Henry, Jacob1861Can [ON] Lac La PluieMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.228-229
Hepburn, Andrew1839Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15A.32/32 fo.231
Hepburn, Andrew1828Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/32 fo.230
Hepburn, Andrew180723Scot OKI Shapinsay£16 pa. (3) his mark 10 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.43
Hepburn, James1871Scot OKI KirkwallBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) his mark advance £17.10.0A.32/32 fo.233
Hepburn, James1864Scot OKI St. OlaLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/32 fo.232
Hepburn, Thomas180620Scot OKI Shapinsay£8 pa. (3) his mark 4 guineas 4 guineas £1 to accountA.32/13 fo.156
Hercus, John1839Scot OKI St. Andrew'sHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/32 fo.234
Hercus, William jnr188318Scot OKI Kirkwall Budge St.Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 certificates health service characterA.32/32 fo.235
Heron, Frank1886Can [SK] Prince AlbertHB Simpson, Fort*Clerk£100 pa. (3) sig. advance £15A.32/32 fo.236-237
Heroux, Urbain183321Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMiddleman700 cents livres ancien cours de Québec pa. (3)A.32/32 fo.238-239
Hervey, Magnus1839Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/32 fo.240-241
Heseltine, Samuel1858Eng MDX EnfieldChief Engineer£240 pa. (5) sig. testimonials gentleman well educatedA.32/32 fo.242-248
Hester, Joseph1876CanMiddleman Steersman£22 pa. (3) his mark cancelled July 1876A.32/32 fo.255-256
Hester, Joseph1871Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Steersman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.251-252
Hester, Joseph1867Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.249-250
Hester, Joseph1873Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Steersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.253-254
Hester, Joseph1865Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Steersman£15 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.257-258
Higgings, George1875Eng HRT St. AlbansSlooper£24-30 pa. (3) sig. advance £4 cancelled 4 Sept. 1877 MooseA.32/33 fo.1-2
Hill, George1807Scot OKI Firth£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.43
Hill, John1781EngHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/1 fo.128
Hill, John1785Eng YKS WhitbyHB [ON] Moose Fort£15 pa. (4) his markA.32/2 fo.121
Hislop, G.W.1887Eng LND London Portman Sq. Blandford St.Salesman Shopwalker£225 pa. (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.3
Hitchman, James1875Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.5.0 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4.5.0A.32/33 fo.4-5
Hodges, John Toogood1780Eng SOM YeovilHB [MB] Churchill RiverSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.46
Hodges, John Toogood1783Eng SOM YeovilHB [MB] Churchill RiverSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.106
Hodgson, George1850CanHB [MB] Norway HouseBoat Builder£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/33 fo.10-11
Hodgson, George184421Can [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his mark inlandA.32/33 fo.8-9
Hodgson, George184221Can Rupert’s LandMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/33 fo.6-7
Hodgson, George184421Can Rupert’s LandMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his mark inlandA.32/33 fo.8-9
Hodgson, John1781HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.135
Hodgson, John1792HB [ON] Henley HouseMaster £50-60 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.94
Hodgson, John1822£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.12
Hodgson, John[1794]Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sHB [ON] Albanyno informationA.32/17 fo.34
Hodgson, Thomas1842CanPostmaster Boat Builder£40 pa. (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.20-21
Hodgson, Thomas1864CanCarpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.22-23
Hodgson, Thomas1822Can [BC] New CaledoniaCarpenter Boat Builder1600 livres Canada + supplies (2)A.32/33 fo.15
Hodgson, Thomas1834Can [ON] AlbanyGuide Boat Builder£40 pa. (1) sig.A.32/33 fo.19
Hodgson, Thomas1824Can [PQ]HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBoat Builder Guide Steersman£40 pa. + supplies (3) sig. cancelledA.32/33 fo.16
Hodgson, Thomas182636Can Hudson' s BayHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide Steersman Boat Builder£29 pa. (3) sig. NativeA.32/33 fo.17-18
Hodson, Joseph1833Eng MDX Limehouse St. Ann'sSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £5A.32/33 fo.14
Hodson, Joseph1831Eng MDX Limehouse St. Ann'sSeaman£30 pa. (3) his mark advance £5A.32/33 fo.13
Hogg, Arthur Shewan191018Scot ABD Aberdeen 36 BeaconsfieldClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. application testimonials medical cert.A.32/33 fo.24-32
Hogg, William183320Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu 600 livres ancien cours de PQ (3)A.32/33 fo.33-34
Hogue, Amable1824Can [PQ]HB Columbia RiverHyvernant [Hivernant]£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/33 fo.35
Holdsworth, George1813SurgeonFor appointment of G. Holdsworth as Surgeon R.R.A.32/33 fo.36a
Holdsworth, George1813HB [MB] Red RiverSurgeonTo visit YF before next ship if reqd.A.32/33 fo.36b
Holland, George1835Eng LND St. PancrasSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.37
Holland, James181519Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10.14.4 5ft 11 ins high fair hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.60
Holland, Thomas1837Seaman£24 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/33 fo.38-39
Holland, William1808Eng LND St. George in the EastHB [PQ] EastmainMariner£21 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.134
Holloway, F.W.1880Eng LND 22/23 Red Cross St.Salesman Clerk£50-100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.40
Holmes, Pocock John180524Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill RiverSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.122
Holt, George180130Eng LAN ManchesterHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.97
Holt, George177929Eng LND St. Paul ShadwellHB [MB] Churchill RiverSloop Master£40 pa.+ £10 serv. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.28
Hontow, James1833Scot OKI Stromness LangskaillHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0 copyA.32/33 fo.41-42
Hontow, Peter181839Scot OKI Stromness MainlandHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £9.0.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.135
Hontow, Peter1819Scot OKI Stromness WhomeLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/33 fo.43
Hoog, Amable182125Can [PQ] Ecorces, vis-à-vis La Rivière des PrairiesMilieu600 livres + supplies advance 20 piastras d'EspagneA.32/33 fo.44-45
Hoole, Antoine184337HB [NT] MacKenzie River Dist.Guide£25 pa.+ supplies (2) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.51
Hoole, Antoine1824HB [MB] Swan RiverMilieu£14 pa. (2) his markA.32/33 fo.46
Hoole, Antoine1848HB [USA/ALK] YukonInterpreter£25 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) his mark permission to use a steel trap when in the Yukon & receive allowances of InterpreterA.32/33 fo.47-48
Hoole, Antoine184123CanInterpreter£32 pa.+ t/s + supplies (3) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.49-50
Hoole, Antoine "B"1859CanHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Interpreter£32 pa.+ supplies (2) his mark Native exempt from voyaging during the term of the engagementA.32/33 fo.52-53
Hoole, Baptiste1886HB [AB] Smith LandingTripman30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Hoole, Baptiston see Alphonse Lieucheux1886A.32/33 fo.54
Hoole, Francis185020Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman Labourer£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/33 fo.55-56
Hoole, Francis "A"1824Can [AB] Vermilion, FortHB [MB] Swan RiverSteersman£22 pa (2) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.59
Hoole, Francis "C"1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/33 fo.57-58
Hoole, François183028CanHB [BC] Halkett, FortInterpreter Milieu£25 pa.+supplies (3) his markA.32/33 fo.61-62
Hoole, François1859Can [MB] Red River SettlementInterpreter£32 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.70
Hoole, François "B"1840HB [BC] Halkett, FortInterpreter Milieu£25 pa.(1) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.65-66
Hoole, François "B"182828Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/33 fo.60
Hoole, François "B"1864Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [NT] Liard, FortInterpreter Fisherman£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/33 fo.71-72
Hoole, François "B"183939Can [NT] AthabascaHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Milieu£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/33 fo.63-64
Hoole, François "B"1841Can [NT] AthabascaHB [BC] Halkett, FortInterpreter Canoe Builder£25 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.67
Hoole, François "B"1847Can [NT] AthabascaInterpreter Canoe Builder£25 pa.(1) his mark Native privileges exempt from some duties & free passage with family to RRS or MontréalA.32/33 fo.68-69
Hoole, Jean Baptiste1878HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman General Service£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark NativeA.32/33 fo.74-75
Hoole, Jean Baptiste1823CanLabourer£18 pa. (1) his markA.32/33 fo.73
Hoole, Jean Baptiste1886Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/33 fo.76-77
Hoole, Pascal186124Can [NT] Slave LakeLabourer£15 pa. (3) his markA.32/33 fo.78-79
Hoole, Pierrish1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7 his markA.32/34 fo.63-64
Hoole, Wapeless1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7 his markA.32/34 fo.63-64
Hoole, William185826Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter£32 pa. (2) his markA.32/33 fo.80-81
Hoole, William1860Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/33 fo.82-83
Hoole, William1862Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [SK] Portage La LocheSteersman£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/33 fo.84-85
Hooton, Quintin1836Eng MDX ShadwellSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.86
Hope, Frederick1862FinlandSlooper Fisher[man]£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/33 fo.87
Hope, James1859Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] EdmontonInterpreter£25 pa.(1) sig.A.32/33 fo.95-96
Hope, James1837Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.90
Hope, James1841Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.92
Hope, James1840Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman£22 pa. (1) sig.A.32/33 fo.91
Hope, James1851Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa. (2) sig. to winter at Peels RiverA.32/33 fo.93-94
Hope, James183220Can [MB] Red River SettlementMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. give mother (Withery Capot's wife) £2 pa.A.32/33 fo.88-89
Hope, Joseph1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7A.32/34 fo.63-64
Hopkins, Richard177821Eng LND St. Paul ShadwellHouse Carpenter£30 pa. (3) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.17
Horie, John1821Scot OKI Firth CoubisterHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/33 fo.143-144
Horn, David178823Eng KEN GravesendMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.209
Horne, Alexander Dawson192018Scot ABD Aberdeen 499 King St.Junior Clerk$240-480 pa. (3) sig. DOB 19 Jan 1902 Aberdeen single photograph advance £25 testimonials medical/dental certs. father: Alexander Horne, mother: Edith J. HorneA.32/33 fo.97-113
Horne, Herbert Bruce192122Scot ABD Aberdeen 180 Crown St.Junior Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) sig. DOB 15 June 1898 Aberdeen single photograph advance £25 application army record dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/33 fo.114-129c
Hornmoen, Ole Olsen1858Norway Hedemarken Elverum Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.131-132
Horsey, Joseph178821Eng LND Southwark St. ThomasLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.200
Hossack, John188421Scot CAI DunnetSlooper£25 pa. (3) sig. advance £12.10.0 certs. CopyA.32/33 fo.133-134
Hougedal, Peder Aanensen1858Norway Lister & Mandel BjellandLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/33 fo.141-142
Houle, Alex183730Can [PQ] La Prairie de la MadelaineHB [PQ] Coulonge, FortVoyageur Hivernantprix due poste (3) his markA.32/33 fo.135-136
Houle, Gabriel182945Can [PQ] NicoletMiddleman550 livres pa. (2) his mark d'avance 5 livres to winter two years at St. MauriceA.32/33 fo.137-138
Houle, Joseph182921Can [PQ] NicoletHB [PQ] St. MauriceMiddleman Hivernant450 livres pa. (3) his mark ill health discharged own requestA.32/33 fo.139-140
Hounson, Thomas[1791]£36 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.244
Hourey, James179124Scot OKI St. OlaHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.124
Hourie, James179224Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.149
Hourie, James1873Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.146
Hourie, James179627Scot OKI St. OlaSailor£14 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.68
Hourie, John1829[Black]Smith£30-35 pa. (3) sig. to winter at Churchill or YorkA.32/33 fo.145
Hourie, John1868Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.148
Hourie, John1867Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.147
Hourie, John1807Scot OKI Scapa£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.63
Hourie, John1807Scot OKI Scapa£16 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.60
Hourie, Peter1857Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortInterpreter Trader£30 pa. (3) sig. usual allowances for Swan River Dist. CopyA.32/33 fo.151-153
Hourie, Peter184918Can [MB] Red River£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.150
Hourie, Philip1850Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Garry, FortLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/33 fo.154-155
Hourie, Robert1865Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseBowsman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/33 fo.130
Hourston, Hugh181344Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] Churchill RiverSteersmansame wages as a steersman of equal skill (3) his mark £15 [advance]A.32/18 fo.5
Hourston, Hugh180640Scot OKI Kirkwall£25 pa. (3) his mark £6 to account 6 guineas £3 advanced wagesA.32/13 fo.193
Hourston, Hugh1820Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaLabourer£24 pa.+ what may be fixed by the Chief Factor (5) his mark advance £9.1.6 Old handA.32/33 fo.149
Hourston, James181323Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £11 [advance]A.32/18 fo.42
Hourston, James1866Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance no amountA.32/33 fo.160
Hourston, James1821Scot OKI Harray HandestHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£25 pa. (3) sig. advance £9.9.0A.32/33 fo.156-157
Hourston, James1835Scot OKI WestrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6.17.0 copyA.32/33 fo.158-159
Hourston, John1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Labourer£12 pa.(2) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.100
Hourston, John1829Scot OKI Evie PiverhallLabourer£16-17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.161
Hourston, John1871Scot OKI HarrayLabourer Blacksmith£25-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.162
Hourston, John179220Scot OKI Stenness£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.151
Hourston, Joseph1868Scot OKI EvieLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.163
Hourston, Magnus181322Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (3) sig. £8.8.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.43
Hourston, Peter179222Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.189
Hourston, Thomas1801HB [ON] Albany£18-21 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.56
Hourston, Thomas181820Scot OKI EvieHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.126
Hourston, Thomas1790Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.13
Hourston, Thomas1795Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose Fort£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.10
Hourston, Thomas1871Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.164
Hourston, Thomas179321Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) sig. £1 advanceA.32/5 fo.44
Hourston, William180624Scot OKI Harray£8 pa.(3) sig. 4 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.186
Hourston, William181621Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay HoxaHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) his mark £10.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.18
House, Joseph179521Eng GLS CirencesterHB [MB] York FactoryWriter£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.48
Houston, Hugh179127Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/4 fo.130
Houston, Hugh179631Scot OKI Kirkwall St.MagnusSteersman£20 pa.+25% if he travels north to Athabasca country (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.47
Houston, James179121Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.128
Houston, James179626Scot OKI Kirkwall St.MagnusBowsman£16 pa.+25% bonus if he goes to Athabasca country (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.45
Houston, John1780HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Labourer£10 pa.(2) sig formerly Alb. Houston expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.22
Houston, John1807Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.86
Houston, John179120Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£9-10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.165
Houston, John1794Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£10-12 pa. (3) his markA.32/6 fo.61
Houston, Samuel1807Scot OKI Harray£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.58
Houston, Thomas180633Scot OKI Harray£26 pa. (3) sig. 6 guineas to account + 6 guineasA.32/13 fo.196
Houston, William179340Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance part of wagesA.32/5 fo.29
Hovington, Joseph snr.184244Can [PQ] Malbaie SaguenaySkipper£72 pa. (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.165-166
Huart, Sévère1873Can [PQ] St. Maurice St. EtienneHB [PQ] CoocoocacheCultivateurpaid in piastres copyA.32/33 fo.167-170
Hubbard, John180813Eng LND Bermondsey Grange RoadHB [ON] Albany£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.137
Hudson, George1785HB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.150
Hudson, George178928Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sInland Trader£40 pa.+bonus (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.224
Hudson, James178314Eng LND St. Marylebone Fitchfield StreetHB [ON] AlbanyWriter£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.95
Hudson, Robert178920Eng LND Westminster St. Margaret'sWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.216
Hughes, Frederick1828Wales CGN AberystwythHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.171
Hughes, John1831Eng LAN LiverpoolHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/33 fo.172
Hughson, Arthur1868Scot SHI NestingLabourer£22 pa. (5) signed over stamp which has been removedA.32/33 fo.173
Hume, James1861Scot MLN EdinburghHired Servant Labourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/33 fo.174-175
Hume, John1868Scot OKI FirthBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig.advance £17.10A.32/33 fo.176
Hume, Thomas1830Eng LND St. George-in-the EastSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.177
Humphray, Robert1869Scot SHI LerwickBoat Builder Hired Servant£35 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/33 fo.178-179
Humphreys, Charles1837Master of any vessel£126 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.180
Hunson, Robert179127Scot OKI St. Ola£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.122
Hunt, Captain John1911Can [ON] Bruce Co.HB [ON] Lac SeulCaptain of "Lac Seul"$40-75 pm. (seasonal) sig. DOB 18 Aug 1862 Bruce County ON married no familyA.32/33 fo.181
Hunt, Michael1793Ire DUB DublinHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.20
Hunter, Alexander1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.108
Hunter, Alexander1796Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.16
Hunter, Alexander1793Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.22
Hunter, Andrew1860Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.182
Hunter, Isaac1881Scot OKIHB English River Dist.Postmaster£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.187-188
Hunter, Isaac1873Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryActing Postmaster£25 pa.+£10 (3) sig. allowance of 10 lbs tea 60 lbs sugar to be allowed to retire to TémiscamingueA.32/33 fo.185-186
Hunter, Isaac188649Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] AlbanyPostmaster£50 (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.189-190
Hunter, Isaac1870Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper Labourer£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/33 fo.183-184
Hunter, James1863Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.191
Hunter, James Shearer1837Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/33 fo.192
Hunter, John188216HB [ON] English River Dist.Apprentice Labourer£8-16 pa.+£2 t/s (5) sig. consent father Isaac HunterA.32/33 fo.193-194
Hunter, John1887Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/33 fo.195-196
Hunter, Laurence1868Scot SHI BressayLabourer£22 pa. (3) sig. advance £11A.32/33 fo.197
Hunter, Robert1799New Castle*£21 pa. (3) his markA.32/11 fo.9
Hunter, Thomas1777Master Severn Sloop£40 pa.+£10 serv. (3) No sig.A.32/3 fo.8
Hunter, Thomas1831Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/33 fo.198
Hunter, William1781EngHB [ON] Moose FortMariner£20 pa. his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.127
Hunter, William178845Eng DUR HartlepoolHB [ON] AlbanyMariner£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/3 fo.26
Hunter, William Archibald192418Scot ABD Bucksburn 3 Inverairie RdApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 18 Apr 1906 Buckpool single photograph application medical/dental certs. testimonials copiesA.32/33 fo.199-209
Huntley, Thomas178620Eng OXF BanburyMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.156
Huppé, Damas1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Middleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/33 fo.214-215
Huppé, Damas1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu Middleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark copyA.32/33 fo.210-213
Huppé, Damas1872Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/33 fo.216
Huppé, Joseph1849CanHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Gouvernail£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/33 fo.223-224
Huppé, Joseph1870Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/33 fo.221-222
Huppé, Joseph1867 1870Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/33 fo.219-220
Huppé, Joseph183519Can [MB] Red River SettlementMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/33 fo.217-218
Hurry, James181523Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £13 5ft 6 ins brown hair & fair complexionA.32/18 fo.58
Hurtubise, Clement183226Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu600 livres ancien cours de Québec (3) his mark advance payments DesertedA.32/33 fo.225-226
Hury, George1821Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £9.10.0A.32/33 fo.277[227]
Hury, William181519Scot OKI Firth WallHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high black hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.87
Hutcheon, Alexander192518Scot ABD Aberdeen 55 Short LoaningsApprentice Clerkmedical & dental certificates copiesA.32/33 fo.243-248
Hutcheon, Alexander192518Scot ABD Aberdeen 55 Short LoaningsApprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 26 Feb 1907 Aberdeen single photograph application academic work & character testimonialsA.32/33 fo.231-248
Hutchings, John1879Eng DEV Stoke FlemingSalmon Catcher£3.5.0 pm. (18 mos.) sig. pay Mrs. Hutchings £2 pmA.32/33 fo.228
Hutchinson, John180631Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineas to account & 4 guineas for brother Samuel H.A.32/15 fo.42
Hutchinson, Peter179527Scot OKI OrphirMiddleman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.45
Hutchinson, Samuel180630Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account 4 guineas £2 to account wagesA.32/13 fo.181
Hutchison, James179120Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.88
Hutchison, James1836Scot OKI St. OlaBoatman£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/33 fo.229
Hutchison, James1867Scot SHI WhalsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/33 fo.230
Igniabitum, Baptiste1839Middleman£17 pa. (3) his mark allowed to leave service if his health fails before contract expiresA.32/34 fo.1-2
Inkester, John178320Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.121
Inkster, Andrew1839Scot CAI WickSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.3
Inkster, George180318Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.25
Inkster, Henryn.d.HB [ON] Albany£35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.29
Inkster, Hugh1869Scot OKI RousayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/34 fo.4
Inkster, James1806HB [ON] Albany£35 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.30
Inkster, James1824Scot OKI Orphir NorquoyHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/34 fo.5
Inkster, James1864Scot SHI YellHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/34 fo.7-8
Inkster, James "B"1829Labourer Carpenter£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.6
Inkster, John1781HB [ON] Severn£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.105
Inkster, John1790Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] Churchill RiverSailor£15 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.61
Inkster, John178523Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] Churchill RiverSeaman£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.147
Inkster, John1821Scot OKI Orphir NorquoyHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/34 fo.9
Inkster, John180418Scot OKI Rousay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.83
Inkster, John1830Scot OKI Sandwick EathHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/34 fo.11-12
Inkster, John1828Scot OKI StromnessSailor£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.10
Inkster, John179229Scot OKI Stromness£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.159
Inkster, John181336Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] Eastmain£20 pa. (3) his mark £12 [advance] one contract at York FactoryA.32/18 fo.38
Inkster, John179640Scot OKI StromnessMariner Steersman£18 pa. +£6 (1) sig.A.32/8 fo.25
Inkster, John179135Scot OKI Stromness£18 pa. (5) sig. advance £3A.32/4 fo.157
Inkster, Robert178221Scot OKI ClestrainHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.154
Inkster, Robert1835Scot OKI RousayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6.12.6A.32/34 fo.15
Inkster, Robert1828Scot OKI Rousay GornLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/34 fo.13-14
Innes, George1812Scot CAI HalkirkHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £3.10.0A.32/34 fo.16
Innes, George Mackenzie192221Scot ABD Aden Mintlaw StationClerk$250-500 pa. (5) DOB 29 Nov 1900 Lossiemouth single photograph application 5ft 9ins 2 yrs Fur Trade London testimonials medical/dental cert. letter of debt to HBC investigation of honesty withdrawal of accusation testimonialsA.32/34 fo.17-39
Innes, James Grant185822Scot BAN TomintoulClerk£100 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.40
Ironbird1864CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortHunter Labourer£25 +£1 t/s (2) his mark NativeA.32/21 fo.393-394
Ironside, Angus McGregor1853HB [ON] Sault Ste. MarieApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.41-42
Irvin, James1806Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] EastmainCarpenter£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contract 1805A.32/14 fo.25
Irvin, John1785HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12-15 pa. (4) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.161
Irvin, John179633Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.30
Irvin, John1799Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.43
Irvin, John snr.179140Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Steersman Canoe Builder£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.149
Irvin, John snr.1801Scot OKI StromnessSteersman Pilot£30 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.102
Irvine, Andrew1833Scot OKI Stromness DykesideHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.10.0A.32/34 fo.43
Irvine, Cesar1821Scot OKI Birsay MarwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/34 fo.44
Irvine, David1868Scot OKI SandwickBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/34 fo.49
Irvine, David1862Scot OKI StromnessHB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Skipper Boat Builder Fisherman£45 pa. (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.47-48
Irvine, David1860Scot OKI StromnessSkipper Boat Builder Fisherman£40 pa. (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.45-46
Irvine, Edward1876Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/34 fo.50-51
Irvine, George1824Scot OKI Sandwick FeaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/34 fo.52
Irvine, George180425Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (5) his mark 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.89
Irvine, George jnr.180423Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (5) his mark 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.90
Irvine, James1852Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Boat Builder Steersman£32 pa. (2) his mark to get a guides allowance and not to carry on the voyage from Portage La Loche to RRA.32/34 fo.55-56
Irvine, James1851Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Portage La LocheBoat Builder Steersman£32 pa. (1) his markA.32/34 fo.53-54
Irvine, James1861Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy refused to obey orders contract cancelled no claim to wagesA.32/34 fo.58-59
Irvine, James179223Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.181
Irvine, James180341Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (5) sig. 5 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.39
Irvine, James1874Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/34 fo.60
Irvine, James179027Scot OKI StromnessSeaman Harpooner£18 pa. (5) sig. advance £4.9.0 & bounty on oilA.32/4 fo.21
Irvine, John1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverSteersman£9A.32/34 fo.63-64
Irvine, John1780Scot OKIHB [MB] Prince of Wales, Fort£20 pa. (3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.40
Irvine, John180422Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (5) sig. £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.52
Irvine, John179244Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (3) sig. advance on wages £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.98
Irvine, John178521Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.(5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.127
Irvine, John179330Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.10
Irvine, John180320Scot OKI Stromness£21 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.40
Irvine, John1861Scot SHI Dunrossness & Fair IsleHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.57, 61
Irvine, John1871Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.66
Irvine, John1868Scot SHI LunnastingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.65
Irvine, John jnr.179027Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£12 pa. (3) hs mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.34
Irvine, John jnr.1863Scot SHI Tingwall LeullowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.62
Irvine, Joseph1836Scot OKI EvieHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/34 fo.67-68
Irvine, Peter181540Scot OKI Stromness BrecknessHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 [advance] 5ft 4 ins brown hair fair complexion has been 6 years at CRA.32/18 fo.136
Irvine, Robert1833Scot OKI Stromness OutertownHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£23 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/34 fo.69
Irvine, Samuel1823Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/34 fo.70
Irvine, Thomas1830Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/34 fo.71
Irvine, Turnbull1871Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.73
Irvine, Turnbull1864Scot SHI TingwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.72
Irvine, William1862Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 grant of 25 acres to settle in RRCA.32/34 fo.75
Irvine, William1795Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill River£10-12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.59
Irvine, William1828Scot OKI StromnessMate£52 pa. (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.74
Irvine, William180348Scot OKI Stromness£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/13 fo.45
Irvine, William Byas1861Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 contract cancelled refused orders renounced claim to wagesA.32/34 fo.76-77
Irvine, William Laughton1879Scot OKI StromnessHB [LB] UngavaLabourer£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig. advance £11A.32/34 fo.78
Irving, Magnus179130Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.135
Irving, William179135Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill River£8 pa. (3) his mark, he was out 5 years last wages £8 inlandA.32/4 fo.140
Isaacs, Jacques or Jacquot1864CanHB [SK] Touchwood HillsMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark Native + a bag of flour summer & fallE.50/3 fo.543
Isaacs, Jacques or Jacquot1864CanHB [SK] Touchwood HillsMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark Native to have 1 bag of flour to summer inlandA.32/34 fo.79-80
Isbester, Samuel1783Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryTailor£12 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.21
Isbester, Thomas1783Scot OKI OphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0 gratuity of £2 if he acts as a sawyer's mateA.32/2 fo.18
Isbister, Adam185517Can [MB] Nelson RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseApprentice Labourer£12-17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.81-82
Isbister, David1833Scot OKI Stenness BigswardHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/34 fo.83
Isbister, Frank M.191026Can [ON] KenoraAssistant$40 (1 month) sig. DOB 23 May 1883 Nelson House singleA.32/34 fo.84
Isbister, Henry1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/34 fo.85-86
Isbister, James1857CanHB [MB] Norway HouseInterpreter£25 pa.+£5 (2) sig. NativeA.32/34 fo.94-95
Isbister, James1821Scot OKI Firth EstabenLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/34 fo.88-89
Isbister, James179226Scot OKI HarraySawyer Labourer£8-10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.58
Isbister, James1838Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/34 fo.91
Isbister, James1840Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8 copyA.32/34 fo.92-93
Isbister, James179529Scot OKI HarraySawyer£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.38
Isbister, James1819Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/34 fo.87
Isbister, James1833Scot OKI Harray QuinaLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/34 fo.90
Isbister, James1830Scot OKI Harray QuinaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/34 fo.100
Isbister, James180328Scot OKI Sandwick£8 pa.(5) sig. 3 guineas to account 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.18
Isbister, John1823Scot OKI Harray BuckquoyHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman Middleman£17 pa. (3) sig. sister twins given notice to leave next yearA.32/34 fo.97
Isbister, John181722Scot OKI Harray Grimeston£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7A.32/34 fo.96
Isbister, John181722Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7 advanceA.32/19 fo.106
Isbister, John1828Scot OKI Harray HybreckLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.98
Isbister, John1828Scot OKI Harray QuinaFisherman£18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.99
Isbister, John180518Scot OKI Stromness£8 pa. (5) sig. 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.133
Isbister, Magnus1830Scot OKI Birsay GreenyHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£24 pa. (5) sig. £10.10.0A.32/34 fo.101
Isbister, Robert1785HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£10 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.178
Isbister, Robert1793Scot OKI Orphir£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.24
Isbister, Robert1782Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa. (3) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.138
Isbister, Robert1791Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/4 fo.163
Isbister, Samuel180340Scot OKI Stromness£14 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas on accountA.32/13 fo.10
Isbister, Thomas180728Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 4 guineasA.32/16 fo.25
Isbister, Thomas179219Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.178
Isbister, Thomas1828Scot OKI HarrayClerk£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.102
Isbister, Thomas179724Scot OKI HarrayCanoeman Bowsman£12-14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.32
Isbister, Thomas181525Scot OKI Harray MirbisterHB [PQ] Eastmain£20 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 7 ins high brown hair dark complexion home last year from YFA.32/18 fo.119
Isbister, Thomas181335Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) his mark £10.10.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.14
Isbister, Thomas1795Scot OKI StenhouseHB [PQ] Abitibi HouseLabourer£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.5
Isbister, Thomas1797Scot OKI StennessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.15
Isbister, Thomas180534Scot OKI Stenness£17 pa. (5) sig. 4+2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.137
Isbister, Thomas1868Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/34 fo.103
Isbister, William1860Can [MB] Nelson RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.107-108
Isbister, William1825Scot OKI Harray BuckquoyHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/34 fo.104
Isbister, William179725Scot OKI StennessBowsman£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.34
Isbister, William1799Scot OKI StennessSteersman£16-18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.49
Isbister, William1833Scot OKI Stenness StoursdaleHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/34 fo.106
Isbister, William1828Scot OKI StromnessBoat Fisherman£18 pa. + merit increase (5) sig.A.32/34 fo.105
Isbister, William179120Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.86
Iserhoff, Charles1887CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer General Service£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.113-114
Iserhoff, Charles1884CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£18 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.111-112
Iserhoff, Charles1875CanHB [PQ] WaswanipiLabourer£15-17 pa. (3) sig. NativeA.32/34 fo.109-110
Iserhoff, John1865CanHB [PQ] WaswanipiCanoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/34 fo.119-120
Iserhoff, John1861CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder£20-22 pa. (3) his markA.32/34 fo.117-118
Iserhoff, John1855CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/34 fo.115-116
Iserhoff, John187827Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder Guide£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig. copyA.32/34 fo.125-127
Iserhoff, John1868Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Labourer£8-17 pa. (7) his markA.32/34 fo.121-122
Iserhoff, John188735Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder Guide£33 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.132-133
Iserhoff, John1881Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder Guide£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig. copyA.32/34 fo.128-129
Iserhoff, John "B"1875Can [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder Guide£25 pa. +£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.123-124
Iserhoff, John "B"1884Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoe Builder Guide£28 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig. copyA.32/34 fo.130-131
Iserhoff, John "C"1884HB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide General Service£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.134-135
Iserhoff, John "C"1887Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [ON] Moose FactoryGuide General Service£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.136-137
Iserhoff, Joseph1835HB [PQ] Rupert HouseMiddleman Labourer£8-15 pa (7) sig.A.32/34 fo.138-139
Iserhoff, Joseph1859Can [PQ] EastmainHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Guide£25 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.150-151
Iserhoff, Joseph1873Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [ON] Moose FactoryCanoe Builder£26 pa +£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/34 fo.156-157
Iserhoff, Joseph1842Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] WaswanipiMiddleman£17 pa (5) his markA.32/34 fo.140-141
Iserhoff, Joseph1865Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseSteersman Guide£25 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.154-155
Iserhoff, Joseph1855Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£22 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.148-149
Iserhoff, Joseph1850Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£20 pa (2) his markA.32/34 fo.144-145
Iserhoff, Joseph1852Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£20 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.146-147
Iserhoff, Joseph1862Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman Guide£25 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.152-153
Iserhoff, Joseph1846Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman£20 pa (3) his markA.32/34 fo.142-143
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold1878CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide£28 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) sig. copyA.32/34 fo.162-163
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold1878Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Boat Builder£30 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.164a
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold188833Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [PQ] Rupert HouseActing Postmaster£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.168-169
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold186914Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa (7) his markA.32/34 fo.158-159
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold1884Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Canoe Builder£35 pa. (3) his markA.32/34 fo.166-167
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold188126Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseGuide Canoe Builder£30 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.164-165
Iserhoff, Joseph Leopold187723Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£22 pa. + £2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.160-161
Iserhoff, Joseph Thomas187426Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCarpenter£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig. NativeA.32/34 fo.174-175
Iserhoff, Joseph Thomas186719Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Carpenter£10-16 pa. (5) his markA.32/34 fo.170-171
Iserhoff, Joseph Thomas188537Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.178-179
Iserhoff, Joseph Thomas187224Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCarpenter£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/34 fo.172-173
Iserhoff, Joseph Thomas187729Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCarpenter£25 pa.+£2 t/s+ bonus (3) his markA.32/34 fo.176-177
Iserhoff, Samuel1886CanLabourer General Service£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.182-183
Iserhoff, Samuel1881Can [NT]HB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice Labourer£8-12 pa.+£2 t/s (5) his markA.32/34 fo.180-181
Iserhoff, Samuel1889Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer$110 pa.+$10 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.184-185
Iserhoff, William188423HB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£16 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.186-189
Iserhoff, William1887Can [PQ] WaswanipiHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer£20 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/34 fo.188-189
Isham, Charles1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.97
Isham, Charles Thomas179745HBTrader Linguist£60 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.51
Isham, Charles Thomas1782HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.160
Isham, Charles Thomas1795Trader£60 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.26
Isham, Charles Thomas1785HB [MB] York FactoryCanoeman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.151
Isham, Charles Thomas1799Can [MB] York, FortTrader£70 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.41
Isham, Charles Thomas178934Eng LND Bloomsbury St. GeorgeHB [MB] Swan RiverInland Trader Canoe Supervisor£30 pa.+bonus (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.225
Iversen, Olans1855NorwayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. cancelled 25 Sept 1858 due to bad health refused to cancel contract advance £4.18.2A.32/34 fo.190-191
J[o]hnson, James1800Mate Eastmain Schooner£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.85/2
Jackman, George1792Eng LND BloomsburyHB [PQ] EastmainSurgeon£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.18
Jackman, Robert1794£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.30
Jackman, Robert1802Sawyer£15 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/17 fo.101
Jackman, Robert178827Eng LND Southwark St. Savour'sLabourer£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.204
Jackson, Charles1875Eng LND LondonSlooper£24-30 pa. (3) sig. advance £4A.32/35 fo.1
Jackson, Robert1836Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.13.0A.32/35 fo.2
Jacob, Joshua1796Can£10 pa. (1) his markA.32/8 fo.3
Jacobsen, Carl1856NorwayDay Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. translation copiesA.32/35 fo.3-6
Jacoondechta, Jacques1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieuusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Jaiskoosin1857Can [PQ] EastmainHBBowsman Steersman£17-20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.17-18
Jaiskoosin1842Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHBBowsman Hunter35 made beaver + 5 made beaver/mo. His mark any furs from animals killed traded with Company meat from same animals belong to CompanyA.32/35 fo.9-10
Jaiskoosin1838Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHBBowsman Hunter40 made beaver + 5 made beaver/mo. His markA.32/35 fo.7-8
Jaiskosin, Alexander1843Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer Bowsman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.11-12
Jaiskosin, Alexander1846Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHBBowsman Hunter£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.13-14
Jaiskosin, Alexander1849Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.15-16
Jaiskosin, Alexander1860Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactoryCanoe Builder Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.19-20
Jaiskosin, Alexander1863Can Hudson' s BayHBCanoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.21-22
Jaiskosin, William186221CanHB [PQ] Rupert HouseCanoeman£17-20 pa. (3) sig. £3 allowed when acting as bowsman or steersman left service 1864A.32/35 fo.25-26
Jaiskosin, William185514Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseApprentice£8-16 pa. (7) his markA.32/35 fo.23-24
James, Andrew1783Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryMariner£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.16
James, Edward184916Eng KEN ChislehurstHB Columbia RiverApprentice Seaman£8-12 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.27
James, John1828Eng SRY Long DittonSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.28
James, Joseph1910HB [MB] Alexamder, FortAssistant40 pm.+ rations discharged by clerk in chargeA.32/35 fo.29
James, Thomas177822Eng LND Shadwell St. PaulCarpenter£30 pa. (nt) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.16
Jamieson, Alexander1889HB [LB] CartwrightCooper£48 pa. (1) sig.A.32/35 fo.32
Jamieson, Alexander1884Scot ABD Peterhead 42 Windmill St.Cooper£40 pa. (2.5) sig. advance £25A.32/35 fo.33
Jamieson, Alexander1878Scot KCD StonehavenCooper£35 pa. (3) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/35 fo.30-31
Jamieson, David[1869]Scot SHI WallsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.34
Jamieson, Forbes1849Scot SHI YellLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.35
Jamieson, Gilbert1868Scot SHI LunnastingHB [MB] York FactorySlooper Sawyer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.38-39
Jamieson, Gilbert1867Scot SHI LunnastingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copy cancelledA.32/35 fo.36-37
Jamieson, Hugh1859Scot SHI DeltingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.40
Jamieson, John 1864Scot SHI YellLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/35 fo.41-42
Jamieson, William1849Scot SHI YellLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/35 fo.43
Jamieson, William Smith1914Scot ABD Aberdeen 36 Watson St.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. medical cert. testimonialsA.32/35 fo.44-56
Jamison, Henry1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.(4) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.53
Jamison, Thomas181620Scot SHI North YellHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £13 advanceA.32/19 fo.56
Jarvis, John1835Eng SOM BristolSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/35 fo.59-60
Jarvis, Philip1868Eng SRY Lambeth York Rd 17 Tension St.Salmon Preserver Tinsmith£60 pa.+ 10/- for 1,000 lb fish (3) sig. copy allowance to wife cancelled health problems 16 Oct 1869A.32/35 fo.61-62
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste1831Can [PQ] Bas CanadaMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.65
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste185048Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSummerman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.74-75
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste183534Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.67-68
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste1862Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.80-81
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste183634Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.69-70
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste1834Can [PQ] L’AssomptionBowsman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.66
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste1842Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.73
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste1860Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.78-79
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste185255Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his mark excused from carrying Company's property outcomingA.32/35 fo.76-77
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste184038Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, Fort£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.71-72
Jeanvenne, Jean Baptiste183030Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/35 fo.63-64
Jefferson, William178343HB [MB] Churchill River£50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.114
Jefferson, William1780Eng YKS YorkHB [MB] Prince of Wales, Fort£50 pa. (3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.41
Jeffrys, Thomas1806Eng LND LondonHB [PQ] EastmainSurgeon£40 pa. (3) no sig.A.32/17 fo.126
Jennings, John179120Eng BRK Abingdon St. Helen'sHB [MB] York FactoryWriter£15 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.166
Jensen, Jorgen1857NorwayLabourer Smith£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.57-58
Jensen, Kund1858Norway Lister & Mandel [Vest-Agder] Brandassen GrebstadHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. cancelled 3 Sept 1859 copyA.32/35 fo.82-85
Jensen, Lars Martin1858Norway BergenLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. cancelled Sept 1860A.32/35 fo.86-89
Jepson, Joseph180123Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill RiverCarpenter£25-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.89
Jesse, Robert1858Eng SRY CamberwellClerk£100 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.90
Jesseaume, François182125Can [PQ] VaudreuilHB [MB] York FactoryDevant Hivernant£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.91
Jewell, Thomas1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) his mark advance £4.10.0 copyA.32/35 fo.92-93
Jik, John1857Can Indian CountryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.94-95
Jobin, Ambroise184421Can [PQ]HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.98
Jobin, Ambroise184021Can [PQ] MontréalMiddleman£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.96-97
Jobson, Christopher J.R.186715Scot OKIApprentice Postmaster£20 pa. (6) sig.A.32/35 fo.99-100
Joe1851Can [MB] Norway House RossvilleHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£19 pa. (3) his mark Gone to Columbia no account of himA.32/35 fo.101-102
Johansen, Andreas1858Norway Smaalene [Ostfold Fylke] EnabekLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/35 fo.103-106
Johansen, Martin1858Norway Akershus AkerHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copy cancelled 3 Sept 1859 no further claims on HBCA.32/35 fo.107-110
Johansen, Pedar1857NorwayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer(5) his mark sig.A.32/35 fo.111-112
John, Henry1860Scot SHI TingwallCooper£35 pa. (5) his markA.32/35 fo.113
Johns, William1829Scot MLN LeithHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.114
Johnson, Hugh1800Scot OKI Birsay£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.39
Johnson, James181626Scot OKI Dearness SandHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa.(5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.69
Johnson, John179434Scot OKI BirsayBowsman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.30
Johnson, John1782Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.140
Johnson, John snr.179432Scot OKI BirsaySteersman Canoe Builder£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.29
Johnson, William18[01]HB [ON] Albany£18 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.73
Johnston see Johnstonen.d.A.32/35 fo.122
Johnston, Adam179221Scot OKI Sandwick£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.171
Johnston, Alex181619Scot OKI Birsay SwannayHB [ON] Albany£20 pa.(5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.61
Johnston, Alexander1820Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/35 fo.123
Johnston, Alexander181336Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] Eastmain£20 pa. (3) sig. £8 [advance]A.32/18 fo.20
Johnston, Alexander1830Scot OKI Birsay TodhallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/35 fo.124
Johnston, Andrew1830Seaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.115
Johnston, Andrew1863Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.125
Johnston, Andrew1798Scot OKI SandwickHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.8
Johnston, Archibald1864Scot OKI St. Andrew'sLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.126
Johnston, Cesar181818Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £8.8.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.142
Johnston, Charles185620Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£20 pa. (3) sig. NativeA.32/35 fo.127-128
Johnston, David1806Scot OKI Sandwick£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.4
Johnston, Frank1857Can [PQ]HB Saskatchewan Dist.Middleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.116-117
Johnston, George1824Scot OKI SandwickSloopmaster£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.131
Johnston, George181720Scot OKI Sandwick WarthHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £13 advanceA.32/19 fo.79
Johnston, Hugh1806HB [ON] Albany£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.27
Johnston, Hugh1861Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy contract cancelled refused ordersA.32/35 fo.129-130
Johnston, Hugh1818Scot OKI Sandwick Wart[h]HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £13 advanceA.32/19 fo.171
Johnston, James1806HB [ON] Albany£40 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.24
Johnston, James1796Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyBoat Builder£20-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.11
Johnston, James180722Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/16 fo.9
Johnston, James180726Scot OKI BirsayTailor£12 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.96
Johnston, James179236Scot OKI BirsayCanoeman Labourer£18 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.84
Johnston, James1835Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/35 fo.139
Johnston, James179120Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.105
Johnston, James1860Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 grant 25 acres landA.32/35 fo.145
Johnston, James1839Scot OKI LerwickHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/35 fo.140
Johnston, James1857Scot OKI OrphirHB Northern Dept.Blacksmith£32 pa. (5) sig. advance £16A.32/35 fo.144
Johnston, James1818Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £8.10 advanceA.32/19 fo.154
Johnston, James1829Scot OKI StromnessHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.136
Johnston, James181344Scot OKI Stromness£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/18 fo.30
Johnston, James "E"1841Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.143
Johnston, James "E"1840Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£17 pa. (1) sig.A.32/35 fo.141-142
Johnston, John1833HB Simpson, Fort*Devant£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/35 fo.118-119
Johnston, John1784Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£14 pa. (3) his markA.32/2 fo.100
Johnston, John1781Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill River£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.126
Johnston, John1839Scot OKI BirsaySteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.120a
Johnston, John183732Scot OKI BirsaySteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.154
Johnston, John1792Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/5 fo.87
Johnston, John1783Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£8 pa.(3) his markA.32/2 fo.30
Johnston, John181720Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) his mark £9 advanceA.32/19 fo.85
Johnston, John1828Scot OKI Birsay RousayLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.151
Johnston, John1828Scot OKI Harray BrattafieldLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.152
Johnston, John179230Scot OKI OrphirSteersman£16 pa. (3) his markA.32/5 fo.105
Johnston, John1782Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.143
Johnston, John1833Scot OKI Sandwick BeaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/35 fo.153
Johnston, John1818Scot ROC RedcastleLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. received money on account goods £4 deserted Forks Spring 1823A.32/35 fo.150
Johnston, John jnr.1797Scot OKI BirsayBowsman£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.39
Johnston, Jonathan1872HB Fort George*Slooper Pilot£23 pa. (3) his mark IndianA.32/35 fo.155-164
Johnston, Jonathan1880Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Labourer General Service£24 pa.+t/s (3) his markA.32/35 fo.159-160
Johnston, Jonathan1882Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Labourer General Service£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.161-162
Johnston, Jonathan1888Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer General Service£26 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark two days weekly country provisions for wifeA.32/35 fo.163-164
Johnston, Jonathan1874Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£23 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark IndianA.32/35 fo.157-158
Johnston, Joseph179227Scot OKI Burray£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.196
Johnston, Joseph179030Scot OKI StromnessSeaman Harpooner£18 pa. (5) sig. advance £2.1.0 & bounty on oilA.32/4 fo.23
Johnston, Joseph179436Scot OKI StromnessSailor£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.56
Johnston, Joseph1820Scot OKI Walls BrimHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/35 fo.165
Johnston, Lorne R.1908HB [ON] NipigonAssistant50 pm. Appointed 1 Dec. 1908 Married family oneA.32/35 fo.166
Johnston, Magnus1785HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.182
Johnston, Magnus179219Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.194
Johnston, Magnus1780Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig.A.32/1 fo.10
Johnston, Magnus181521Scot OKI Birsay SabistonHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high fair complexion red hairA.32/18 fo.75
Johnston, Malcolm Firth Corrigal1865Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.167
Johnston, Peter1798Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/11 fo.11
Johnston, Peter179543Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.20
Johnston, Peter179240Scot OKI Birsay£10 pa. (3) his mark Service 9 yrs wages £10 pa. advance £2.1.0A.32/5 fo.214
Johnston, Peter1821Scot OKI Birsay WattleHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/35 fo.168
Johnston, Peter1871Scot OKI St. OlaBlacksmith General Service£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/35 fo.169
Johnston, Rob[er]t1824Scot OKI BirsayLabourer Carpenter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.170
Johnston, Robert180623Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) his mark 4 guineas to account 1 guinea 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.182
Johnston, Robert181619Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £16 advanceA.32/19 fo.10
Johnston, Robert181820Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £10.5.0 advance sent from [ ] on board 'Eddystone'A.32/19 fo.146
Johnston, Robert180418Scot OKI Evie£8 pa. (5) sig. 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.95
Johnston, Thomas1838Scot ABD AberdeenHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/35 fo.173
Johnston, Thomas1791Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£10 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.182
Johnston, Thomas1792Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] EastmainLabourer£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.83
Johnston, Thomas1795Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] EastmainMaster of R[upert] H[ouse]£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.22
Johnston, Thomas180640Scot OKI Evie£15 pa. (3) his mark 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.12
Johnston, Thomas1793Scot OKI EvieHB [PQ] Eastmain£10 pa. (3) his mark £1 advanceA.32/5 fo.33
Johnston, Thomas179026Scot OKI LaveyLabourer£10 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.63
Johnston, Thomas1857Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£32 pa. (5) sig. advance £16A.32/35 fo.174
Johnston, Thomas180740Scot OKI Sandwick£18 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.95
Johnston, Thomas180628Scot OKI Sandwick£16 pa. (3) sig. 5 guineas bounty 5 guineasA.32/13 fo.162
Johnston, William1878Eng LND 18 Dean St. Commercial Rd.Second Engineer£144 pa.+rations (3) sig. advance £12A.32/35 fo.121
Johnston, William1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.107
Johnston, William1800Scot OKI Birsay£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.29
Johnston, William180620Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. 3 guineas to account 1 guinea 4 guineasA.32/13 fo.165
Johnston, William179233Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (3) his mark advance £1A.32/5 fo.193
Johnston, William1836Scot OKI BirsayHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman Boat Builder£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/35 fo.120b
Johnston, William181340Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryBowsmansame wages as bowsman of equal experience (3) sig. £10 [advance]A.32/18 fo.2B
Johnston, William180634Scot OKI Birsay£30 pa. (3) his mark recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.67
Johnston, William1838Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/35 fo.181
Johnston, William1852Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/35 fo.182
Johnston, William1861Scot OKI BirsayBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15A.32/35 fo.185
Johnston, William1862Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.187
Johnston, William179726Scot OKI BirsayCanoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.46
Johnston, William1821Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/35 fo.176
Johnston, William1818Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £8.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.182
Johnston, William1835Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/35 fo.180
Johnston, William181319Scot OKI Harray£20 pa. (3) sig. £9.9.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.9
Johnston, William1833Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/35 fo.179
Johnston, William1862Scot OKI OrphirBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/35 fo.186
Johnston, William180430Scot OKI Sandwick£10 pa. (5) sig.A.32/13 fo.111
Johnston, Wm.179222Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.163
Johnstone, Henry1875Scot MLN Edinburgh 27 Blair StreetHB [MB] York FactoryCooper£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/35 fo.132
Johnstone, James1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaSteersman Carpenter£27 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/35 fo.148-149
Johnstone, James1860Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaSteersman Carpenter£27 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/35 fo.146-147
Johnstone, James183225Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Red RiverLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (5) his mark to give wife Mary Anderson £4 pa. out of wagesA.32/35 fo.137-138
Johnstone, James1781Scot OKIHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.60
Johnstone, James1828Scot OKI Evie BurgarLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.135
Johnstone, James1826Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay HoxaLabourer£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £8A.32/35 fo.134
Johnstone, James "B"1824Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£17 pa. (1) sig.A.32/35 fo.133
Johnstone, Robert1826Scot ABD AberdeenSeaman£30 pa. (3) his mark advance £5A.32/35 fo.171
Johnstone, Robert1833Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/35 fo.172
Johnstone, Thomas1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.111
Johnstone, William1858Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortLabourer Harness Maker£23 pa. (5) his mark HBC agreed to sell a cart horse £10 limitA.32/35 fo.183-184
Johnstone, William1869Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.189
Johnstone, William181819Scot OKI Birsay NorthsideHB [MB] York Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £8.6.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.149
Johnstone, William1829Scot OKI Birsay WascrayLabourer Boat Builder£18-30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.177
Johnstone, William1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20+ pa. (5) initials advance £7.10.0 old handA.32/35 fo.175
Johnstone, William1831Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Sailor£17 pa. (5) sig. £25 pa. if acts as sailorA.32/35 fo.178
Johnstone, William1869Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.188
Johnstone, William Linklater1867Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/35 fo.190
Joinvin, Louis183818Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [PQ] LachineMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his mark d'avance 10 piastras d'Espagne desertedA.32/35 fo.191-192
Jollibois, Baptiste alias Bainset182624Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganDevant1000-1200 livres his markA.32/21 fo.55
Jollicoeur, Louis1801HB [ON] Albany£24 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.51
Jollicoeur, Louis1791CanHB [ON] Gloucester HouseVoyageur£12 pa. (1) his markA.32/4 fo.160
Jollicoeur, Louis1797Can [PQ] MontréalHB£16-18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.3
Jones, David184028Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/35 fo.193-194
Jones, Ernest1882HB [NF] Harbor GraceServant£9 pa. sig.A.32/35 fo.195
Jones, George179129Eng LND St. George'sSmith Armourer£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.245
Jones, John179131Eng LND AldgateHB [ON] SevernArmourer£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.75
Jones, John178524Eng LND Aldgate St. BotolphHB [MB] York FactoryArmourer£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.134
Jones, Joseph1831WalesSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/35 fo.196
Jones, Owen1840Wales CAE CaernarvonHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/35 fo.197
Jorgensen, Ole1858Norway KongsbergLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/35 fo.198-201
Jose, Jean Baptiste1843Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.202-203
Jourdain, Baptiste1852Can Hudson' s BaySteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/35 fo.204-205
Jourdain, Baptiste1860Can Indian CountryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.206-207
Jourdain, Jean Baptiste1854Steersman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/35 fo.212-213
Jourdain, Jean Baptiste1851Gouvernail£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/35 fo.210-211
Jourdain, Jean Baptiste1841CanHB English River Dist.*Bowsman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.208-209
Jourdain, Joseph1835CanHB [ON] Lac La PluieDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.216
Jourdain, Joseph1842CanDevant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/35 fo.217-218
Jourdain, Joseph1835CanHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu£19 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/35 fo.221-222
Jourdain, Joseph183223Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Middlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/35 fo.223-224
Jourdain, Joseph1858Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [ON] Lac La PluieDevant£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.219-220
Jourdain, Joseph1837Can [ON] Lac La PluieMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.225
Jourdain, Joseph183326Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [ON] Frances, FortDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.214-215
Jowasconton, Pierre1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceGuideusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Joyal, Tousaint183031Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.228-229
Joyal, Tousaint182831Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.226-227
Joyce, Austin1812Labourer£20 pa. (3) sig. HBC to pay father 6 guineas for each yearA.32/35 fo.230
Juissaume, Alexis Laurent1839Can [PQ] RigaudHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Fisherman£21 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.235-236
Juissaume, Alexis Laurent1841Can [PQ] RigaudHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Fisherman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.237
Juissaume, Bazil François1823Can Indian CountryBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/35 fo.238
Juissaume, Laurent Alexandre183619Can [PQ] VaudreuilMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his mark copyA.32/35 fo.231-234
Justine, Joseph187725Can [NT] Great Slave LakeHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortLabourer Middleman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/35 fo.239
Kabonsay1866Can [ON] AlgomaRunner Labourer$110 pa. (1) his mark to receive 2 rations per weekA.32/36 fo.1-2
Kanaquasse, Pierre183328Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisMilieu600 ancien cours de PQ (1) prix du poste (2) his mark arctic land expeditionA.32/36 fo.3-4
Kanhetara, Jacques1846Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisBoute£26.10.4 pa. his mark d'avance 12 piastrasA.32/36 fo.5-6
Kaonasse, Michel1852USA [WA] Fort VancouverHB [MB] York FactoryGuide£35 pa. (1) his mark Joseph Onawanoron replaced Michel who was disabledA.32/36 fo.7-8
Karahisen, Ignace1804Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu Hivernant400 livres agent de Montréal (1) his mark avec equip.F.5/3 fo.21
Karahoton, Thomas1846Guide£30.6.1 pa. his mark advance £2.10.0A.32/36 fo.9-10
Kariwagairon, Jacques1848Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide£30.6.2 pa. his markA.32/36 fo.11-12
Kayaroton, Baptiste1846Boute£26.10.4 pa. his mark d'avance 12 piastresA.32/36 fo.13-14
Kean, William1891Can [NF]Clerk$120 (season) sig.A.32/36 fo.15
Kearney, Hugh1837Ire ARM LoughgillyHB [MB] Garry, FortLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) sig. as middleman £3 extraA.32/36 fo.16-17
Keeling, John179934Eng WAR BirminghamHB [MB] Churchill RiverArmourer£25 pa. (5) his markA.32/17 fo.77
Keeper, Lawrence1868Can [MB] Oxford HouseSawyer Trader Labourer(3) his markA.32/36 fo.18
Keith, James Buchan1903Scot ABD Aberdeen 32 SchoolhillClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.19-20
Kellock, James snr.1830ScotClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.21
Kellock, James snr.1833Scot DNB DumbartonClerk£100 pa. (3) sig. drowned 5 June 1836 nearA.32/36 fo.22-23
Kellock, James snr.1825Scot DNB DumbartonClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.46
Kelly, John1833Eng LND St. GeorgeSeaman£24 pa. (5) his markA.32/36 fo.24
Kemp, John177922Eng SFK WickhamLabourer£8 pa. (3) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.31
Kempe, Nicholas1817[Des Meuron]Milieu900 livres ancien cours de Bas Canada pa.sig.A.32/36 fo.25
Kennedy, Alexander1801Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.82
Kennedy, Andrew184022Scot INV InchLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.26
Kennedy, Donald1821Scot ROC Lewis Lochs BalallanHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.10.0A.32/36 fo.27
Kennedy, Frederick1887Can [MB] Lisgar St. Peter'sHB [SK] Green LakePostmaster Trader£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.28-29
Kennedy, George1866Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseApprentice Postmaster£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.30
Kennedy, Henry1864Bowsman Steersman£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig. Native to have the first vacancy as steersmanA.32/36 fo.31
Kennedy, James1852Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseLabourer£17 pa. (2) sig.A.32/36 fo.32-33
Kennedy, John1829North AmericaHB Columbia RiverSurgeon£60 pa. (3) sig. advance £40A.32/36 fo.34
Kennedy, Kenneth1837Scot ROC Lochs CalbostBoatman Slooper£20 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.2.0A.32/36 fo.35
Kennedy, Roderick1871Scot ROC Lewis LochsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.38
Kennedy, Roderick1864Scot ROC LochalshLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/36 fo.36-37
Kennedy, Thomasn.d.£20 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark comment contract worthless lack of informationA.32/36 fo.39
Kennedy, William1833Can Rupert’s LandApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/36 fo.40
Kenny, Joseph1812Labourer£20 pa. (3) sig. payment £8.8.0 to father James KennyA.32/36 fo.41
Kent, Matthew1833Ire WEX Old RossHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.42
Kerley, Stephen1865Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway Keith St.HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £12 copyA.32/36 fo.43-44
Kerr, Thomas1878Scot ELN HaddingtonHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/36 fo.45
Kessler, Godfery177831Eng LND Limehouse St. AnnCooper£20 pa. (5) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.21
Kilpatrick, James1878Scot OKI OrphirLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/36 fo.47
King, Anthony1782EngHB [ON] Moose FactoryShallop Master£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.172
King, Anthony1785Eng CAM HarwickHB [ON] Moose Factory£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.189
King, Henry1807Eng SFK WoodbridgeMariner£21 pa. (5) his markA.32/17 fo.131
King, Joseph1864Can Rupert’s LandHB [MB] Ellice, FortLabourer Middleman£20 pa. (2) his mark to be allowed to purchase a horse from HBCA.32/36 fo.48-49
King, Samuel A.190334Can [ON] ThedfordHB [ON] MissanabieClerk in Charge$700 pa. (3) DOB 26 Feb 1869 mar. 3 children entered service 1898A.32/36 fo.50
King, William Cornwallis187228HB [MB] Garry, FortClerk£100 pa. (3) sig. son of Colonel Henry Cornwallis KingA.32/36 fo.52-53
King, William Cornwallis1862IOM Douglas Oakley CottageApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. son of Colonel Henry Cornwallis KingA.32/36 fo.51
Kinnaird, George1875Scot ANS Dundee 11 South George St.Apprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15A.32/36 fo.54
Kipling [Kippling], Thomas1870Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 (3) his mark failed to give notice of retiringA.32/36 fo.58-59
Kipling, John1781HB [ON] Gloucester HouseMaster£36 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.132
Kipling, John1785HB [ON] Albany£50 pa. (2) sig.A.32/2 fo.183
Kipling, Thomas Pisk [Patrick]1820CanRunner Interpreter£30 pa. (2) his markA.32/36 fo.55
Kippling, George1851Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaGuide Steersman£29 pa. (3) his markA.32/36 fo.56-57
Kippling, Thomas1876Can [MB] Lisgar Mapleton St. Clement'sHB [AB] DunveganBowsman$140 pa. (1) his markA.32/36 fo.61
Kippling, Thomas "B"187028Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Bowsman$140 pa. (2) his markA.32/36 fo.60
Kippling, William1873CanHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/57 fo.78
Kippling, William1873Can [MB]HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his mark £1 extra for acting as casket bearer copyA.32/36 fo.68-70
Kippling, William187630Can [MB] Lisgar St. Peter'sHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Officer's Servant$150 incl. tea money (1)A.32/36 fo.71
Kippling, William1877Can [MB] Lisgar St. Peter'sHB [MB] Garry, FortRunner General Service$146 pa.+$9.73 t/s (3) his mark copy leaves wife & children in MB provides funds from wages copyA.32/36 fo.72-75
Kippling, William1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/36 fo.65
Kippling, William1871Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/36 fo.67
Kippling, William1866Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman Winterer£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/36 fo.66
Kippling, William1861Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Garry, Lower FortMiddleman£20 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark exchanged places with Joseph King who goes to Swan RiverA.32/36 fo.63-64
Kirk, Alexander L.1874Eng SOM BathApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.76
Kirk, William1838Eng SFK WoodbridgeCook General Service£27 pa. (5) his markA.32/36 fo.77
Kirkness, Adam179826Scot OKI HarrayTailor£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.43
Kirkness, Adam1800Scot OKI Harray£16 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.24
Kirkness, Adam1829Scot OKI HarrayMason Labourer£18 pa. (2) sig.A.32/36 fo.79
Kirkness, Adam179219Scot OKI Harray£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.177
Kirkness, Adam1824Scot OKI Harray BiggingsHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/36 fo.78
Kirkness, Andrew1824Scot OKI Birsay ClookHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) his mark advance £10A.32/36 fo.80
Kirkness, David1783HB [ON] Moose FortArmourer£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.60
Kirkness, George1848Scot OKI StromnessBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0 copyA.32/36 fo.81-82
Kirkness, Hugh180332Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.14
Kirkness, James1886Can [MB] Oxford House Island LakeHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer Runner£26 pa. £2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/36 fo.87-88
Kirkness, James1887Can [MB] Oxford House Island LakeHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer£28 pa. £2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/36 fo.89-90
Kirkness, James1864Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.84
Kirkness, James1849Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/36 fo.83
Kirkness, James "B"1883Can [MB] Oxford House Island LakeHB [MB] Oxford HouseLabourer£22 pa. £2 t/s (3) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.85-86
Kirkness, James Laird1871Scot OKIHB [BC] Great Bear LakeFisherman£25 pa. £2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/36 fo.92-93
Kirkness, James Laird1864Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.91
Kirkness, John180421Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.101
Kirkness, John180719Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.32
Kirkness, John1824Scot OKI HarraySteersman£24 pa. (1) sig. inteneded to go home in AutumnA.32/36 fo.94
Kirkness, John1847Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/36 fo.96
Kirkness, John180618Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.46
Kirkness, John181527Scot OKI Harray GrimestonHB [MB] York Factory£25 pa. (3) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high black hair fair complexion out 5 yrs beforeA.32/18 fo.115
Kirkness, John178222Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.149
Kirkness, John1828Scot OKI Sandwick Upper LeskenLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.95
Kirkness, John1783Scot OKI StenwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) his mark advance £1.1.0 plus £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.4
Kirkness, John1884Scot OKI StromnessApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.97
Kirkness, John1892Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] Mingan Long PointClerk General Service$400 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.98-99
Kirkness, John James1864Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.100
Kirkness, Magnus1785HB [ON] AlbanyTailor£12 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.175
Kirkness, Magnus1782Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyTailor£10 pa. (3) sig. received as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.137
Kirkness, Magnus181521Scot OKI Harray CorstonHB [PQ] Eastmain£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 8 ins high fair complexionA.32/18 fo.74
Kirkness, Peter1801Scot OKI Birsay£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.89
Kirkness, Peter1865Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.101
Kirkness, Robert180422Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.59
Kirkness, Robert1812Scot OKI HarraySeaman£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/36 fo.102
Kirkness, Robert1833Scot OKI Harray HowHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/36 fo.103-104
Kirkness, Thomas183837HB [MB] York FactorySailor£27 pa. (3) sig. injury to left hand permission to cancel if necessaryA.32/36 fo.108-109
Kirkness, Thomas184741HB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Fisherman£20 pa. (1) sig.A.32/36 fo.110-111
Kirkness, Thomas185027Scot OKI SandwickFisherman£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/36 fo.112-113
Kirkness, Thomas180419Scot OKI Sandwick£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.100
Kirkness, Thomas1852Scot OKI SandwickHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Fisherman£25 pa.(1) sig.A.32/36 fo.114-115
Kirkness, Thomas1833Scot OKI Sandwick BeaHB [MB] York FactorySailor£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 copyA.32/36 fo.106-107
Kirkness, Thomas181529Scot OKI Sandwick HighlandHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. (3) his mark [advance] £10 5ft 5 ins high dark complexion dark hair has been 9 yrs at YFA.32/18 fo.85
Kirkness, Thomas1830Scot OKI Sandwick Wart[h]HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9A.32/36 fo.105
Kirkness, Thomas H.1856Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9.10.0 premium £25 at end of contract for purchase of land at RR for £1/acre after 5 yearsA.32/36 fo.116
Kirkness, Thomas H.1862Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.117-118
Kirkness, William179220Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.140
Kirkness, William181727Scot OKI Rousay MorwickHB [MB] York Factory£28 pa. (3) sig. £11.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.102
Kirkness, William180635Scot OKI Sandwick£15 pa. (3) incompleteA.32/13 fo.190
Kirkness, William1860Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy grant of 25 acres of land at RR Settlement at end of contractA.32/36 fo.120-121
Kirkness, William1863Scot OKI Sandwick KirknessApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.122
Kirkness, William1820Scot OKI Sandwick Wart[h]HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0A.32/36 fo.119
Kirkpatrick, F.F.1895Can [ON] MontizambertClerk£150 pa. (3) sig. copyA.32/36 fo.123-126
Kirkpatrick, William Rae188632Scot OKI OphirHB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Fisherman£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/36 fo.129
Kirkpatrick, William Rae188323Scot OKI StromnessHB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Fisherman£3 pm. (3 mos.) sig. advance £6 with engagements to contract in country for yearsA.32/36 fo.127-128
Kirlow, Thomas178121HB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter Joiner£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.57
Kitchen, Joseph1884CanApprentice Labourer£8-16 +£2 pa. (7) his mark NativeA.32/36 fo.130-131
Kitson, Charles1791HB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter Joiner Sailor£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.1
Knarston, John1790Eng OXF OxfordHB [ON] Moose FortBricklayer£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.73
Knarston, John1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryBricklayer£16-20 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.105
Knarston, John1798Scot OKIHB£25-30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.2
Knarston, John1842Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryMason£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/36 fo.132
Knarston, John180636Scot OKI Stromness£30 pa. (3) sig. recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.39
Knarston, Thomas1785Scot OKI StenhouseHB [ON] Moose Fort£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.122
Knarston, Thomas1872Scot OKI Stenness IrelandLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.133
Knarston, Thomas181619Scot OKI Stenness IrelandBlackamith£25 pa. (5) his mark £16.16.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.9
Knarston, William1782HB [ON] AlbanySawyer£12 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.169
Knarston, William1781Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.81
Knarston, William Thomas188125Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] Swan RiverLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/36 fo.134
Knight, James1818Scot OKI BoraHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£30 pa. (3) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.160
Knight, James1818Scot OKI BoraSteersman£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £10A.32/36 fo.135
Knight, James1806Scot OKI BurraySteersman£18 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.5
Knight, James183932Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/36 fo.137-138
Knight, James1828Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay The GrindLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/36 fo.136
Knight, John1888HB [MB] Moose LakeTrader Runner$25 pm. (monthly) his mark + allowances ½ bag flour/monthA.32/21 fo.182
Knight, John1807Can Hudson' s BayHB£10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.75
Knight, Magnus1801HB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.55
Knight, Magnus179320Scot OKI Burray£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.66
Knight, Mark1865Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseBowsman Steersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/36 fo.139-140
Knight, Peter1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMiddleman£7A.32/34 fo.63-64
Knight, Peter179323Scot OKI Burray£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance part of wagesA.32/5 fo.45
Knight, Peter180636Scot OKI Stromness£12 pa. (3) his mark recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.34
Knight, Richard1792Eng LND London£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.136
Knight, Thomas1807Can Hudson' s BayHB£12 pa. (3) his mark. previous contractA.32/14 fo.76
Knight, Thomas1795Eng LND LondonHB [PQ] EastmainSurgeon£60 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.43
Knight, Thomas178726Eng LND Ludgate HillSurgeon£40 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.163
Knivett, Robert1782Eng SFK Ipswich St. ClementHB [ON] Moose FactoryMariner£20 pa.(3) sig.A.32/1 fo.174
Knowles, George Wright179035Eng LND£50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.233
Knox, John1903Scot ABD Aberdeen 108 RosemountClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.141-142
Knudsen, Aasmund1857NorwayLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.143-144
Knudsen, Aasmund185830NorwayHB [MB] York FactoryCarpenter£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/36 fo.145-146
Knudsen, John1858Norway Lister & Mandel OddernasHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copy contract cancelled Sept 1859A.32/36 fo.147-150
Koon e cappo or Winterstand, Michel1839Can [MB] Shoal RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/59 fo.152
Koronheeson, Michel1850HB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieuusual wages for St. Maurice 2nd trip IroquoisB.230/z/1 fo.9
Kyan, John1834Eng CHS ChesterSeaman£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/36 fo.151
Kynoch, Alexander191219Scot ABD Aberdeen 62 Gladstone Pl.Clerk£20-30 pa.+Board £75 to be paid on expiration of contract (3) sig. application testimonials academic record no birth cert.A.32/36 fo.152-161
L’Etendre, Pierre1864Milieu£20 +£2 t/s pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.160
L’Eveiller, Pierre1823Can [PQ] St. Paul St. JosephMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.165
L’Italien, Joseph Letoile186226Can [PQ] Ste. Anne de la Pocatière KamouraskaMilieu1000 piastras + 10 piastras t/s par année (3) his markA.32/38 fo.161-162
La Chance, Charles1823Can [PQ] Rivière du LoupHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.18
La Deux, Baptiste183534HB [MB] Ellice, FortLabourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.39-40
La Douceau, Joseph1828HB [AB] EdmontonEngagé(3) his mark list of purchasesA.32/37 fo.41-42
La Lande, Paul1823HB [AB] DunveganGuide1200 livres pa.+ 25 lbs sugar & flour (2) his markA.32/37 fo.162
La Maitre, François Latenville dit183727Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Fisherman£21 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.396
La Malice, Bouché, Jean Baptiste1825HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant(2) his mark 800 livres deducted annually from his old debtA.32/22 fo.55
La Malice, Boucher, Baptiste186234Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB [NT] Rae, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.50-51
La Malice, Boucher, Baptiste185830Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB [NT] Liard, FortSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.48-49
La Malice, Boucher, Baptiste1871Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Boat Builder£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.53a-b
La Malice, Boucher, Baptiste1864Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Carpenter£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/22 fo.52a
La Malice, Boucher, J. B.1842HB [MB] York FactoryMiddlemanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/22 fo.56
La Nieu, Francis1791CanHB [ON] Albany£15 pa. (1) his markA.32/4 fo.156
La Rivais, Hyacinthe1832Can [PQ] MontréalHB [PQ] Fort de la Montagne de RocheDevant£20 (3) his markA.32/37 fo.349-350
Labarge, Jean Baptiste184418Can [PQ] ChateauguayMilieu Hivernantle prix du poste +d'avance 10 piastres d'espagne (3) his mark desertedA.32/37 fo.3-4
Laberge, François 186428Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.1-2
LaBrie, Amable183630Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu Masson Hiivernantle prix due poste d'avance 10 piastres à son depart 10 piastres d'Espagne (3) his markA.32/37 fo.7-8
Lacerte, Alexis183322Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu Voyageur Traiteur Coureur de derouine Pêcheur600 livres ancien cours de PQ d'avance 8 piastres (3)A.32/37 fo.9-10
Lacerte, Alexis183725Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu Voyageur Traiteur Pêcheur Coureur de derouine Pêcheur650 livres ancien cours de PQ (3)A.32/37 fo.11-12
Lacerte, Jean 183318Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu600 livres ancien cours de PQ (3) his markA.32/37 fo.13-14
Lacerte, Pierre183321Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu600 livres ancien cours de PQ (3) his markA.32/37 fo.15-16
Lacey, Charles James1882Eng LND Bayswater Westbourne GroveClerk Salesman£50-100 pa. (3) sig. previous employer Whiteley's LondonA.32/37 fo.17
LaChapelle, Louis 182448Can [PQ]Milieu Pêcheur£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.19
LaChapelle, Narcisse 183123Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu500 livres ancien cours (1) prix du poste (2) his markA.32/37 fo.20-21
Lachardis, Joseph1823Milieu800 livres de vingt sols + equipment (2) his markA.32/37 fo.22
Lachouette, Pierre Laliberté dit1851HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseGouvernail Steersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.169-170
Lachouette, Pierre Laliberté dit1857Can Indian CountryHB [SK] Portage La LocheConductor Portage La Loche£30 pa. (3) his mark + post allowance see Minutes of CouncilA.32/37 fo.171-172
Lackey, William1826Scot STI Falkirk GrangemouthSeaman£30 pa. (3) his mark advance £5A.32/37 fo.23
Lacombe, Augustin1827HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Tonnelier£10 pa. (3) his mark renewed one year same termsA.32/37 fo.25-26
Lacombe, Christophe1820Milieu850 livres ou schelins cours de cette Province (2) his markA.32/37 fo.24
Lacourse, Antoine1819Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu800 livres ou schelins ancien cours de cette Province (3) advance 115 piastres d'EspagneA.32/37 fo.27-28
Lacuillère, Michel1853Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark debts at RR YF Norway HouseA.32/37 fo.29-30
Laderoute, Frederick 184728Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisMilieu Hivernantprix due poste (3) his markA.32/37 fo.31-32
Laderoute, Frederick 185129Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisMilieu Hivernant100 piastres courant (3) his markA.32/37 fo.33-34
Laderoute, Olivier Seguin dit1860Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] EdmontonCarpenter£35 pa. (1) his mark to live in his house inland with his family too light cannot readA.32/53 fo.23
Laderoute, Olivier Seguin dit185340Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [AB] EdmontonCarpenter£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/53 fo.20
Laderoute, Olivier Seguin dit185750Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu Hivernantcurrent sum for job at post (3) his markA.32/53 fo.21-22
Laderoute, see Seguin, Oliviern.d.A.32/37 fo.34b
Ladeux, Antoine/Baptiste see Ledoux, Antoine/Baptiste1834Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.68
Ladouceur, Pierre1860Can [PQ] Grande BruleHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.43-44
Laferté, Alfred185730Can [MB] Red River SettlementSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark cannot engage in traffic of horses or any other businessA.32/37 fo.47-48
Laferté, Alfred185130Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortPêcheur£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.45-46
Laferté, André 182324Can [PQ] YamaskaGouvernail700 livres agent de Montréal pa. (2) his mark plus suppliesA.32/37 fo.49
Laferte, Henri1879Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.50-51
Laferte, Louis1822HB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman1000 livres + equipment (3) his mark sign final contract Norway HouseA.32/37 fo.52
Laferte, Louis "B"1879Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.53-54
Laferte, Louison1879Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.59-60
Laferte, Louison1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] Resolution, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.57-58
Laferte, Louison "A"1862Can [MB] St. BonifaceHB [NT] Resolution, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.55-56
Laferte, Modeste1872Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter£25 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.61-62
Laferte, Modeste1879Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [NT] Good Hope, FortInterpreter General Service$155.73 pa.+$9.73 t/s (2) sig.A.32/37 fo.63-64
Laferte, Octave1880Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.65-66
Laferte, Octave1880Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.65b
Laferte, Octave1879Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.65a
Laferte, Oliver dit Théroux1828Can [PQ] YamaskaMilieu Hivernantprix due poste (3) his markA.32/37 fo.67-68
Laferte, Pierre1821HB [AB] Wedderburn, Fort [Chipewyan]Milieu Hivernant1300 livres ou chelins anciers cours de la Province (1) his markA.32/37 fo.69
Laferté, Pierre185656CanHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£23 pa. (2) his mark not obliged to work in boatsA.32/37 fo.329
Laferté, Pierre183335Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Fisherman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.70-71
Laferte, Pierre [Nenie]1851HB [MB] Garry, FortPêcheur Hivernant£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.72-73
Lafevre, Louis1828Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.75-76
Laflèche see Riché, Augustinn.d.A.32/37 fo.73b
Lafleche, Augustin Riché dit 183836Can [PQ] SorelForgeron£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/50 fo.222-223
Lafleur also Brosseau, Basil1841HB [BC] Langley, FortMilieuA.32/22 fo.298-299
Lafleur, Pierre Forcier dit1825Can [PQ] YamaskaMilieu400 livres ancien cours (1) 500 livres (2) his markA.32/37 fo.117-118
Lafleur, Baptiste186330Milieu£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.74-75
Lafleur, Charles1858ApprenticeNativeA.32/37 fo.87-88
Lafleur, Charles1838HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.76
Lafleur, Charles1842HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.85-86
Lafleur, Charles1842HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.84
Lafleur, Charles1858Milieu£15-17 pa. (3) his mark apprenticeA.32/37 fo.87-88
Lafleur, Charles1839CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.80-81
Lafleur, Charles182924Can [AB] Peace RiverMilieu£15-19 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.77
Lafleur, Charles1840Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu Labourer£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.82-83
Lafleur, Charles1835Can Natif du PaysHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£19 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.78-79
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste183041Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.89
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste1831Can [PQ]HB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.90
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste186060Can Rupert’s LandHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.97-98
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste1865Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] Norway HouseInterpreter£30 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.105-106
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste 1839HB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£25 pa.(1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.91-92
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "A"1862Can [AB] La Rivière du PaixInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.99-100
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "A"1868Can [AB] Peace RiverHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.101
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "A"185763Can Rupert’s LandHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (2) his mark to remain inlandA.32/37 fo.93-96
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "A"1866Can Rupert’s LandHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.102
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "A"187063Can Rupert’s LandHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.93-102, A.32/57 fo.98
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1876HB [BC] St. John, FortInterpreter$160 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.114
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1863Interpreter£30 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.104
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1869CanInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.108-109
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1870CanHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£30 pa. +allowances (1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.111
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1867CanHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£30 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.110
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1866CanHB [BC] St. John, FortInterpreter£30 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.107
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1871CanInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) 20lbs sugar 25 lbs flour 10 lbs grease his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.112
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste "B"1874Can [NT] AthabascaHB [BC] St. John, FortInterpreter$160 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.113
Lafleur, Jean Baptiste (jnr.fils)1856Can Pays SauvageHB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.103
Lafleur, Jean Bte1870HB [AB] DunveganInterpreter£30 pa.+£2 gratuity (1) his mark + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs greaseA.32/57 fo.98
Lafleur, Joseph188523Can [AB] DunveganHB [NT] AthabascaTripper Voyageur$150 pa.+$9.73 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.115-116
Lafleur, Pierre 186456Can [PQ] Trois RivièresFisherman£23 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.119-120
Lafleur, Pierre Gagant dit1829Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur600 livres la livre de vingt sol his markA.32/30 fo.13-14
Lafleur, Pierre Gagant dit1831Can [PQ] Yamaska St. MichelHB [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur600 livres la livre de vingt sol his mark d'avance 72 livresA.32/30 fo.11-12
Lafond, Baptiste1858HB [MB] Swan RiverMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.132b-133
Lafontaine, Jean Baptiste1823Interpreter£30 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/37 fo.135
Lafontaine, Jean Baptiste182223Can [MB] Red RiverInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.134
Lafortune see Joseph Telliern.d.MilieuA.32/37 fo.132a
Lafortune, Joseph Tellier dit1825Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Boute Hivernant500 livres ancien cours de cet province pa (2) sig. + 100 Livres pa.he can write and he must please his employeesA.32/56 fo.108-109
Lafortune, Joseph Tellier dit1828Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant£30 pa (3) his markA.32/56 fo.114-115
Lafortune, Joseph Tellier dit1827Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant800 livres copyA.32/56 fo.110-113
Laframboise, François1829HB [AB] Fort des PrairiesDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.136-137
Lafrance, François1829Can [MB] York FactoryHB [AB] Fort des PrairiesMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.141-142
Lafrance, François1832Can [PQ]Devant£20 pa.+£3 gratuity (3) his mark debt to be deducted annually from wageA.32/37 fo.138-139
Lafrance, François 183537Can [PQ] Pointe ClaireHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortDevant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.143-144
Lafrance, Louis 185526Can [PQ] Lachine Lac des deux MontagnesMilieu Hivernant100 piastras pa. (3) his mark d'avance 8 piastresA.32/37 fo.145-146
Lafrance, Louis 185826Can [PQ] Lachine Lac des deux MontagnesHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.147-148
Lafrance, Pierre184718Can [PQ] GentillyMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) advance £2A.32/37 fo.149-150
Lafrenier, Charles1820HB [MB] Rock DepotDevant1800 livres ou chellins anciens cours de la Province du Bas Canada (1) his markA.32/37 fo.140
Lafreniere, Louis182137Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu700 livres argent de la Province de Bas Canada (2) his markA.32/37 fo.151
Lafretay, Pierre 183839Can Rupert’s LandFishermanStandard wages for fishermen (3) his markA.32/37 fo.152-153
Lagace, Pemis Cadien dit1860Can [AB] Fort des PrairiesHB [SK] CarltonMilieu£22 pa.+£2 (2) his markA.32/23 fo.6-7
LaGard, Joseph1822HB [NT] AthabascaForeman900 livres pa.+supplies (3) his mark 200 livres taken from salary annually until debt acquitted.A.32/37 fo.154
LaGraise, Louis Creole dit183521CanDevant£19 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/24 fo.409
Laing, James1862Scot MOR ElginTinsmith£35 pa.+ Board (5) sig. advance £20A.32/37 fo.261
Laing, Leslie1902Scot ABD Aberdeen 25 Cotton St.Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.155-156
Laird, Alexander1858Scot OKI S. RonaldsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/37 fo.157
Lajeunesse, Augustin 185121Can [PQ] St. HughesMilieu Hivernant£25 pa.(3)A.32/37 fo.158-159
Lajeunesse, Augustin 1856Can [PQ] St. HughesHB [AB] EdmontonLabourer£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/37 fo.160-161
Laliberte, Antoine1873CanHB AthabascaMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/57 fo.78
Laliberté, Antoine1860HB Keg PortageMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.163-164
Laliberte, Antoine "A"1869HB [MB] York FactoryMidman£24 pa.+£2 gratuity (2) his mark at Keg PortageA.32/37 fo.5-6
Laliberté, Pierre183819Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Boute£17 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.165-166
Laliberté, Pierre184225Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseBoute£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.167-168
Laliberté, Pierre dit Lachouette1851HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseGouvernail Steersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.169-170
Laliberté, Pierre dit Lachouette1857Can Indian CountryHB [SK] Portage La LocheConductor Portage La Loche£30 pa. (3) his mark + post allowance see Minutes of CouncilA.32/37 fo.171-172
Lalonde, Paul183952HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.173-174
Lalonde, Paul183655Can [PQ] Ste. AnneHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide Gouvernail£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.177-178
Lalonde, Pierre Paul1829HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide Gouvernail£29 pa. (2) his mark to winter at the fort & take charge of the canoesA.32/37 fo.175-176
LaMalice, Baptiste Bouché dit1852Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB Fort Simpson*Pêcheur£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/22 fo.46-47
Lamallice see Bouché, Baptisten.d.A.32/37 fo.179
Lamb, James1864Scot SHI UnstLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.180
Lamb, John1865Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/37 fo.181
Lamb, Robert Urquhart192418Scot ABD Aberdeen Rosevale Cottage 414 King St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 9 March 1906 Aberdeen single photograph copies of documentsA.32/37 fo.182-183
Lambert, Augustin183622Devant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.190-191
Lambert, Augustin1842Steersman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.194-195
Lambert, Augustin1839HB [AB] EdmontonDevant Steersman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.192-193
Lambert, Daniel1871Can [BC] Lake TaklehHB [BC] Buckley [Bulkley] HouseMiddleman Labourer£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.196
Lambert, John1882Can [MB] Lisgar St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Farmer Cattlekeeper General Service£30 pa.+ gratuity (2) sig.A.32/37 fo.125
Lambert, John1870Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.121-122
Lambert, John1874Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Bowsman$140 pa.(2) sig.A.32/37 fo.123-124
Lambert, John1865Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverSteersman£9A.32/34 fo.63-64
Lambert, Michael1820Can Rupert’s LandLabourer£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.189
Lambert, Michel1823Can [MB] York FactorySteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.197
Lambert, William1881Can [MB] WinnipegGeneral Servant£35 +£2 t/s pa. (1) sig.A.32/37 fo.126-127
Lambert, William John1885Can [MB] Lisgar St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortCarpenter General Servant£40 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/37 fo.199
Lambert, William John1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Middleman£24 +£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark failed to give noticeA.32/37 fo.128-129
Lambert, William John1870Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddlemanA.32/37 fo.128-129
Lambert, William John1881Can [MB] WinnipegHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]General Servant£30 pa.+£2 t/s flour 35 lbs sugar 5 lbs rice 5 lbs raisins 2 lb tea (1) sig.A.32/37 fo.198
Lambert, William John1874Can Rupert's LandHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman$135 +$9.73 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.130-131
Lamirande, Louis1823Can [PQ] St. FrançoisHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGouvernail1000 livres de vingt sols Halifax (2) his markA.32/37 fo.200
Lamirande, Louis183040Can [PQ] St. FrançoisHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGouvernail£24 (2) his markA.32/37 fo.201-202
Lamotte, Antoine1840Can [PQ] BerthierHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.205-206
Lamotte, Antoine183322Can [PQ] Trois RivièresMilieu600 libres ancien cours de Quebec (1) prix du poste (2)A.32/37 fo.203-204
Lamoureux, Baptiste185319Can [PQ] Montréal MascoucheHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu Hivernant100 piastras pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.207-208
Lamoureux, Baptiste185719Can [PQ] Montréal MascoucheHB [AB] DunveganFisherman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/37 fo.209-208
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1869HB [BC] Hudson HopeCarpenter£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.217
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1870CanHB [BC] St. John, FortCarpenter£30 pa.+£2 t/s + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs grease (1) his markA.32/37 fo.218
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1867CanHB [NT] AthabascaFisherman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.216
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1871CanCarpenter£30 pa.+£2 t/s + 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs grease (1) his markA.32/37 fo.219
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1866CanHB [BC] St. John, FortFisherman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/37 fo.215
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste186023Can [PQ] Montréal MascoucheHB [AB] DunveganMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.211-212
Lamoureux, Jean Baptiste1862Can [PQ] Montréal MascoucheMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.213-214
Lamprant, Joseph1824HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu800 livres du Québec (1) his markA.32/37 fo.220
Landman, Johan Edward see Loinnmann Johan Edward1860A.32/37 fo.221
Landrie, Alexandre1850CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman£23 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.222
Landrie, Alexis1852HB [SK] Carlton, FortBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.227-228
Landrie, Alexis1858HB [MB] Norway HouseDevant£23 pa. (2) his mark to be allowed to purchase a horse or mare in the SK district at the usual priceA.32/37 fo.229-230
Landrie, Alexis186326Devant£23 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.231-232
Landrie, Alexis1842Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] Liard, FortDevant£22 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.225-226
Landrie, Alexis184026Can Pays SauvageHB Simpson, Fort*Devant£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.223-224
Landrie, Charles183020Can [PQ] St. Joseph de MasquinongéMilieuprix du poste (3) his mark desertedA.32/37 fo.233-234
Landrie, Louis1822HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter600 livres argent du Grand Portage (1)+ equipment supplies his mark to send his father Julian Landrie 300 livres permission to take 3 D[eer] Skins & shoes ensuing yearA.32/37 fo.235
Landrie, Louis1828HB [NT] AthabascaInterpreter£25 pa.(3) his mark + 20 lbs sugar 20 lbs flour 10 lbs greaseA.32/37 fo.236-237
Landry, Charles1820Can [PQ] MaskinongéMilieu500 livres pa.+ equipment (5) advance 280 livres his mark to pay his father in the fall 100 livresA.32/37 fo.238-239
Lane, Richard1838Eng KEN SandgateApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.242
Lane, William184526HB [ON] Moose Factory Apprentice Postmaster£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.243-244
Lane, William Fletcher183136Ire WAT DrumcannonHB Columbia RiverClerk£75 pa. (2) sig. new contract 1832A.32/37 fo.240-241
Lane[u]ville, Pierre Duhorné dit184233Can [PQ] Trois Rivières BécancourMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his markA.32/26 fo.169-170
Laneau, Alexander dit Cadieu1848Can [NT] AthabascaApprentice Interpreter£10 pa. (7) his mark NativeA.32/37 fo.245-246
Laneau, Alexander dit Cadieu1853Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Bowsman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.247-248
Laneuville alias Baumier, Joseph 1841Can [PQ] BécancourMilieu Hivernant650 francs pa. (2) his mark to winter 2 years in St. MauriceA.32/21 fo.148-149
Laneuville, Joseph1829Can [PQ] BécancourHB [PQ] St. MauriceInterpreter Bowsman700 livres la livre de vingt sols (2) his markA.32/37 fo.253-254
Laneuville, Joseph1844Can [PQ] BécancourInterpreter Bowsman650 livres ancien cours (1). his markA.32/37 fo.255-256
Laneuville, Joseph1828Can [PQ] BécancourHB Simpson, Fort*Interpreter Bowsman£3.15.0 pm. his mark copyA.32/37 fo.249-250
Laneuville, Pierre1829Can [PQ] BécancourVoyageur5 livres pm. his markA.32/37 fo.257-258
Laneuville, Thomas1828Can [PQ] BécancourVoyageur4 livres 7 chelins ½ courant pm. his markA.32/37 fo.259-260
Langé, Edouard184421Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£19 pa. (2) his mark deserted 1844A.32/37 fo.262-263
Langé, François jnr.1835Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£17 pa. (3) his mark advance £6 deserterA.32/37 fo.264
Langley, George1831Eng NBL WarkworthSecond Mate£50.8.0 pa. (3) sig. advance £8.8.0A.32/37 fo.266
Langlois, Jacques185229Can [PQ] St. JacquesHB [ON] William, FortLabourer$100 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.267a-b
Langlois, Pierre183322Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.107-108
L'Anglois, Pierre see L'Englais, Pierre1833A.32/37 fo.268
Langskeil, Alexander1837Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/37 fo.269
Langtry, Robert1875HB [LB] Esquimaux Bay [NW River]Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (3) sig. advance £9.15.0 + £3.5.0A.32/37 fo.270-271
Langtry, Robert1874Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£6.10.0 pm. (season) sig. advance £6.10.0 responsible for blown tins or tins insufficiently filled copyA.32/37 fo.272-273
Languemois, Michel Guille dit1828Can [PQ] St. FrançoisHB [PQ] WeymontachingueHivernant20 piastres pa. his mark previous contractA.32/31 fo.338
Languemois, Michel Guille dit183039Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisHB [PQ] St. MauriceHivernant Chasseur Traiteur£7.10.0 pm. his mark d'avance 15 piastresA.32/31 fo.341-342
Languemois, Michel Guille dit1829Can [PQ] Trois Rivières St. FrançoisHivernant500 livres his markA.32/31 fo.339-340
Languemois, Michel Guille see Guille, Michel dit Languemois1830A.32/37 fo.274
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit182950Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.250
Lapierre, Antoine1836HB [SK] CarltonMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.278-281
Lapierre, Antoine1838Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.280-281
LaPierre, Antoine Brillant dit1835Can [PQ] DebouléSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.268
Lapierre, Baptiste1823Can [PQ] Chenail des moinesMilieu Interpreter1000 livres + equipment clothing (2) his markA.32/37 fo.282
Lapierre, Jean Baptiste1828Milieu Hivernantprix du poste (3) his markA.32/37 fo.283-284
Lapierre, Joseph1858Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMilieu£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.285-286
Lapierre, Louis1868Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£24 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark copyA.32/37 fo.287-290
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit1841Can [ON] Upper CanadaSteersman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.255
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit1837Can [PQ]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.253-254
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit183052Can [PQ]HB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.251-252
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit182638Can [PQ] EbouléeHB [MB] York FactoryGouvernail£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.248-249
LaPierre, Louis Briant dit1843Can [PQ] MontréalHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/22 fo.256-257
Lapierre, Pierre1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Shoal RiverInterpreter£30 pa. (1) sig.A.32/37 fo.303-304
Lapierre, Pierre185124Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Shoal RiverWinterer Middleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.291-292
Lapierre, Pierre1853Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) sig. has permission to trade a horse if he can get oneA.32/37 fo.293-294
Lapierre, Pierre1861Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/37 fo.299-302
Lapierre, Pierre1871Can [MB] Red RiverHB [NT] AthabascaBowsman£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.306
Lapierre, Pierre1855Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortLabourer£20 pa. (3) his mark summer inland for 3 yearsA.32/37 fo.295-296
Lapierre, Pierre1858Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Touchwood HillsWheelwright Trader£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/37 fo.297-298
Lapierre, Pierre1869Can [MB] Red RiverHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£24 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.305
Lapiné, Baptiste1858Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide£32 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.307-308
Lapiné, Baptiste1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.311-312
Lapiné, Baptiste1862Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Guide Steersman£32 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.309-310
Laplante, Antoine1861HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.313-314
Laplante, Augustin182922Can [PQ] ChateauguayMilieule prix du poste (3) his mark desertedA.32/37 fo.315-316
Laplante, Joseph1832Can [PQ] Yamaska St. MichelVoyageur£30 pa. his mark d'avance 12 livres 6 chelinsA.32/37 fo.317-318
Laplante, Joseph1833Can [PQ] Yamaska St. MichelHB [PQ] St. MauriceVoyageur11 piastres d'Espagne pm. (2) his mark d'avance 50 piastres d'EspagneA.32/37 fo.319-320
Laplante, Joseph dit Badagac1830Can [PQ] MaskaHB [PQ] WeymontachingueMilieu900 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/21 fo.5-6
Laplante, Louis1837CanHB [MB] York FactorySteersman Guide£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.323-324
Laplante, Louis1841CanHB [MB] York FactoryGuide£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.325
Laplante, Louis1835Can Indian CountryHB [AB] EdmontonSteersman Guide£25 pa. (2) his mark to winter in the Saskatchewan Dist.A.32/37 fo.321-322
Laplante, Louis1846Can Indian CountryHB [MB] York FactoryGuide£27 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.326-327
Lapointe, Michel1820Can [PQ] La Riviere du Chien£24 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.328
Lapointe, Platant Deshautel dit182120Can [PQ] Grand-Esprit, St. RochMiddleman600 livres pa. (4) plus équipmentA.32/25 fo.234-235
Laporte, Jerome St. George, dit1851Can [ON] Lake SuperiorHB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman Bowsman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/52 fo.102-103
Laporte, Jerome St. George, dit1862Can [PQ] LachineHB [NT] Good Hope, FortFisherman£25+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/52 fo.106-107
Laporte, Jerome St. George, dit1864Can [PQ] MontréalHB [NT] Good Hope, FortFisherman£25+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/52 fo.108-109
Laporte, Jerome St. George, dit1855Can [PQ] MontréalHB Simpson, Fort*Fisherman£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/52 fo.104-105
Laporte, Pierre "A"182347Can [PQ] La PrairieHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseMilieu500 livres de vingt sols 200 livres deducted from debtA.32/37 fo.340
Larance, Bazil1857HB [AB] Fort des PrairiesGouvernail£25 (3) his mark not to trade in horses must accompany boatsA.32/37 fo.347-348
Larance, Bazil1841Steersman£25 (3) his markA.32/37 fo.342
Larance, Bazil182134Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Wedderburn, Fort [Chipewyan]Boute1700 livres (1) his markA.32/37 fo.341
Larance, Bazil1832Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] Fort des PrairiesGouvernail£22 (3) his markA.32/37 fo.343-344
Larance, Bazil183534Can [PQ] BerthierHB [AB] EdmontonGouvernail£22 (2) his markA.32/37 fo.345-346
Larendure, Joseph1822HB [MB] Norway HouseMil[ieu]800 pa. {(3) + equipment for mil[ieu]A.32/37 fo.439
Larivie, Louis1827 1831Can [PQ] St. HenriHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman Steersman Middlemanstandard wages (4) his mark must give 1 yr notice before end of contractA.32/37 fo.351-352
Larivie, Louis1831Can [PQ] St. HenriSteersman£22 (1) his markA.32/37 fo.353
Lariviere, Abraham1859Can Indian CountryHB [MB] York FactoryBoatman£23 (2) his markA.32/37 fo.354-355
Lariviere, François183034Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.358-359
Lariviere, François1820Can [PQ] St. Pierre de L’AssomptionMilieu500 livres pa. for 1826 £19 pa. (5) equipment & payment to his fatherA.32/37 fo.356-357
Lariviere, Joachim1823HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu600 livres courant Halifax (2) his mark part wages to old debtA.32/37 fo.360
Lariviere, Joachim1825Can [PQ] CèdresHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£22 pa. (3) his mark Drowned June 1826A.32/37 fo.361
Lariviere, Joseph1828Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant864 livres pa.(1) his markA.32/37 fo.362-363
Larke, Thomas183326Can [PQ] MontréalLabourer Voyageur£29.3.4 pa. Halifax currency (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.364-365
Larke, Thomas1836Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] EdmontonSteersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.366-367
Larocque, Baptiste1842HB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£22 pa. (2) his mark Interpreter's AllowanceA.32/37 fo.368
Larocque, Baptiste Pierre1855HB [MB] Garry, FortMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.369-370
Larocque, Benjamin182021Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu20 piastras d'Espagne pa. (4) supplies contract cancelledA.32/37 fo.371-372
Larocque, Charles1858Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Swan RiverMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.373-374
Larocque, François1851HB [MB] Garry, FortGouvernail£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.375-376
Larocque, François1855HB [MB] Swan RiverSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark to be allowed to take his familyA.32/37 fo.377-378
Larocque, Jean Baptiste1855HB [MB] Garry, FortMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.379-380
Larocque, Joseph1828Can [PQ] St. Ours de ChamblyHivernant700 livres ancien cours de cet Province (2) his markA.32/37 fo.381-382
Larocque, Moyse1858Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Fort des PrairiesMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.383-384
Larocque, Pierre182236Can [PQ] Pointe OlivierHB [ON] William, FortGuide1200 livres argent de Montréal (2) his mark settled in the ColonyA.32/37 fo.385
Laronde, Paul1886HB [MB/SK] Shell RiverClerk£100 pa.+$1 p.diem sig.A.32/37 fo.386
Larrett, Henry1833Eng ESS ChelmsfordHB Columbia RiverSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.387
Larsen, Peder Elias1858Norway Lister & Mandel ChristiansandLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/37 fo.388-391
Larsen, Reier1858Norway Lister & Mandel ChristiansandLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.392-393
Laten, John178719Scot OKI KirkwallMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.175
Latenville, François1836Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineHB [NT] Liard, FortMilieu£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.395
Latenville, François dit La Maitre183727Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu Fisherman£21 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.396
Latham, Henry 1828Eng MDX Clerkenwell St. JamesSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.399
Latinville, François1834Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Milieu£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/37 fo.394
Latraille, William 1843HB [PQ] WeymontachingueFor St. Maurice£25 pa.(2) 27.1.8 (1) his markA.32/37 fo.400a-b
Latreille, Alexis 1844Can [PQ] St. MauriceTraiteur Pêcheur Coureur650 livres ancien cours $11 pm. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.401-402
Latreille, Antoine 1833Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineVoyageur£33 pa. his markA.32/37 fo.403-404
Latreille, Guillaume 184726Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] St. MauriceVoyageur Chasseur Pêcheur Coureur650 livres la livre de vingt sols (1) his markA.32/37 fo.405-406
Latreille, Guillaume 184827Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Chasseur Pêcheur Coureur650 livres la livre de vingt sols (1) his markA.32/37 fo.407a
Latreille, Severe 184524Can [PQ] Cap de la MadeleineHivernant Voyagekur Traiteur Pêcheur£20-25 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.408a
Lattenville, Pierre 183122Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu500 livres ancien cours pa. (1) prix du poste (2) deserted en routeA.32/37 fo.397-398
Lattey, Alexander 1830Scot FIF KirkaldySeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.409
Laughton, Daniel1780Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa. (5) his mark received 17 June 1780 as part of wages £1A.32/1 fo.4
Laughton, David1785HB [ON] AlbanySawyer£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/2 fo.176
Laughton, David1782Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£8-£10 pa. (3) his markA.32/1 fo.183
Laughton, Donald1801Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBoatman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.91
Laughton, Gilbert179431Scot OKI BirsayArmourer Smith Steersman£30 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.31
Laughton, Gilbert179633Scot OKI BirsaySmith Canoebuilder Steersman£36 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.54
Laughton, Gilbert1799Scot OKI BurraySteersman Armourer£40 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.33
Laughton, Gilbert1783Scot OKI BurrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£7 pa. (4) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.8
Laughton, Gilbert179229Scot OKI BurrayBlacksmith Canoe Builder Steersman£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.103
Laughton, Gilbert1790Scot OKI St. Andrew'sSmith Steersman Canoe Builder£20 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.42
Laughton, John1783HB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£8-£10 pa. (3) his markA.32/2 fo.68
Laughton, John1796HB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.20
Laughton, John1781EngHB [ON] Moose Fort£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.134
Laughton, John1790Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£15 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/4 fo.59
Laughton, John1782Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FortLabourer£8 pa. (2) his markA.32/1 fo.180
Laughton, Malcolm181725Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay St. Margaret'sBlacksmith£15 pa. (5) sig. he is a good blacksmith & if employed as such to be allowed the wages of that employA.32/19 fo.90
Laughton, Peter178324Scot OKIHB [MB] Churchill RiverMariner£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.77
Laughton, Peter178122Scot OKI HolmHB [MB] Churchill RiverSeaman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.82
Laughton, Robert179140Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Albany£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.106
Laughton, William1782HB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£8 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.168
Laughton, William181719Scot OKI Tankerness EssonquoyHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7 advance + £1A.32/19 fo.78
Launaville, Joseph1845HB [PQ] Weymontachingue(1) his markA.32/37 fo.411
Launaville, Joseph1840HB [PQ] Weymontachingue£27.1.8 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.410
Launaville, Joseph Baumier dit1843Can [PQ] BécancourHB [PQ] St. MauriceMilieu£27.1.8 Halifax currency pa. (1)A.32/22 fo.26
Laundrie, Louison1829Labourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.412-413
Launiere, Joseph1828Can [PQ] Trois RivièresVoyageur Hivernant600 livres pa. la livre de vingt sols (1) his markA.32/37 fo.414-415
Launiere, Joseph1830Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [PQ] St. MauriceVoyageur Hivernantprix du poste his markA.32/37 fo.416-417
Laurenson, Robert1864Scot SHI NestingLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.418
Laurent, Severe1821Can [PQ] MontréalMilieu1200 livres pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.419
Laurion, Louis183538Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesMiddleman Hivernantprix due poste (3) his markA.32/37 fo.420-421
Laurion, Narcisse1830Can [PQ] Pointe aux TremblesMilieu Labourerprix du poste (3) his markA.32/37 fo.422
Lavalee, Baptiste1828CanMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.423-424
Lavallé, Louis1824HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortHouse Carpenter£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/37 fo.425
Lavallé, Louis1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.426-427
Lavallé, Louis1867Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/37 fo.428
Lavallé, Louis1871Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/37 fo.429
Lavallé, Martin183032Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] York FactoryDevant£20 pa. (2) his mark bonus for fursA.32/37 fo.430-431
Lavallé, Michel1833Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.432-433
Lavallé, Michel1835Can [PQ] SorelHB [AB] EdmontonMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.434-435
Lavallé, Pierre182340Can [PQ] SorelHB [SK] Cumberland HouseDevant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.436
Lavallé, Pierre1836Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.438
Lavallé, Pierre1831Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.437
Laverdure, Joseph1822CanHB [NT] AthabascaMilieu800 livres pa.+ equipment (3) his markA.32/37 fo.439
Lavigne, Benjamin Poudrette1861Can [PQ] RigaudLabourer£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.441
Lavigne, Benjamin Poudrette1861Can [PQ] Rigaud Petit BrouletMilieu Hivernant1000 piastras £20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.440
Lavigne, Jean Baptiste Boursi dit184222Can [PQ] Ste. Martine CultivateurHB [MB] York FactoryMilieule prix du poste (3) his mark deserted [?] at the Pas Saskatchewan River Summer 1842A.32/22 fo.149
Lavigne, Joseph Poudrette186118Can [PQ] Rigaud Petit BrouletMilieu Hivernant1000 piastras (3 ) his mark son of BenjaminA.32/37 fo.442-443
Laviolette, Antoine1855Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [MB] Norway HouseDevant£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.444-445
Laviolette, Antoine1858Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman Labourer£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/37 fo.446
Laviolette, Antoine1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Steersman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/37 fo.447-448
Laviolette, Charles1823Can [PQ] St. OursMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.449
Laviolette, Jean Baptiste1856Milieu£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.450-451
Laviolette, Pierre1876Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortHunter Middleman Steersman£25 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark bonus for animals killedA.32/37 fo.452
Laviolette, Pierre1881Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/37 fo.453
Lavoie, Fabien1862Can [PQ] Notre Dame de la pointe LevyMilieu1000 piastras pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.454-455
Lawler, Michael1820Ire KER CaploughHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20+ pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/37 fo.456
Lawson, Alex1896Can [ON] OsnaburghHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseGeneral Servant30 pm. DOB unknown married 1 childA.32/37 fo.457
Lawson, Henry1829Can [ON] Moose FactoryHB [ON] Moose FactorySteersman Guide£22.10.0+£5 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.458
Lawson, James1868Scot SHI LerwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.459
Lawson, John1791Eng YKS WhitbyHB [ON] Moose FactoryShallop Master£25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.175
Lawson, John1794Eng YKS WhitbyHB [ON] Moose FactorySloop Master£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/6 fo.22
Lawson, Peter1838Denmark CopenhagenHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.460
Lawson, Thomas A.1878CanLabourer£30 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his markA.32/37 fo.472-473
Lawson, Thomas A.1875Can [NT]HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer General Servant Acting Postmaster£25 pa.+£2 t/s+£3 postmaster (3) his markA.32/37 fo.470-471
Lawson, Thomas A.1858Can [PQ] Rupert HouseHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer Middleman£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.463
Lawson, Thomas A.185322Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/37 fo.461-462
Lawson, Thomas A.1860Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer Middleman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.464-465
Lawson, Thomas A.1865Can [PQ] Rupert RiverHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseLabourer£23 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.466-467
Lawson, Thomas A.1869Can Rupert's LandHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/37 fo.468-469
Layer, Francis1798Can [MB] Churchill RiverSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/10 fo.50
Layland, Richard183223EngHB [AB] Sanspareil, Fort [Edmonton]Labourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.474-475
Layland, Richard1836EngHB [AB] Sanspareil, Fort [Edmonton]Bowsman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/37 fo.476
Layye, Francis1797HB [MB] Churchill River£16 pa. (1) sig.A.32/9 fo.66
Learmont[h], Walter1830Scot OKI KirkwallLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.1
Learmonth, David Houston1904Scot ABD Aberdeen 207 King St.Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.2-3
Learmonth, Lorenz Alexander191118Scot ABD Aberdeen 15 North Silver St.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 application brother 90 miles south Vermillion medical cert. testimonials Gordon's College report 6 years serviceA.32/38 fo.4-10
Learning, Edward1907Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightGeneral Workman$225 pa. (3) sig. DOB 20 March 1853A.32/38 fo.11
Learning, Elizabeth Mary1894Can [LB] CartwrightDomestic Servant$4 pm. (1.5) sig.A.32/38 fo.12
Leask, Charles1830Scot OKI Sandwick MyresHB [MB] York FactorySailor£20 pa. (3) sig. advance £8A.32/38 fo.15
Leask, Charles1820Scot OKI Sandwick NiagarHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/38 fo.13-14
Leask, Henry1837Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [ON] Moose FactorySloop Master£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20A.32/38 fo.16
Leask, Hugh179218Scot OKI Evie£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.176
Leask, Hugh179635Scot OKI OphirSteersman£25 pa.+25%bonus if he travels northwards (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.35
Leask, Hugh1799Scot OKI OrphirTrader Occasional Master£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.51
Leask, Hugh179029Scot OKI OrphirSteersman£20 pa. (3) sig. advance on wages thuswill travel North on journey of discovery previous contractA.32/4 fo.38
Leask, Hugh1783Scot OKI OrphirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (4) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.11
Leask, Hugh179433Scot OKI OrphirHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseSteersman£20 pa. (3)+ bonus sig. note previous contract Northward ExpeditionA.32/6 fo.47
Leask, James1835Scot OKI StennessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £6 copyA.32/38 fo.18-19
Leask, James1828Scot OKI Stenness BrodgarBoat Fisherman£21 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.17
Leask, James1818Scot OKI Stenness BrodgarHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £11.4.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.151
Leask, John1785HB [ON] Moose FactoryTailor£12 pa.+ £2 (3) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.173
Leask, John1782Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FortTailor£10-£12 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.177
Leask, John181620Scot OKI Evie£20 pa. (5) sig. not to goA.32/19 fo.5
Leask, John1830Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/38 fo.20
Leask, John1799Scot OKI Orphir£15-20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/11 fo.3
Leask, John181518Scot OKI Rousay WestnessHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £12.2.0 5ft 4 ins high dark hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.106
Leask, John1865Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.21
Leask, John1870Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.24
Leask, John1866Scot SHI WhalseyLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/38 fo.22-23
Leask, Joseph1878Can [MB]HB [NT] Resolution, FortBowsman General Servant$121.67 +$9.67 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.25-26
Leask, Joseph1880Can [MB]HB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£27 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/38 fo.27-28
Leask, Joseph1884Can [MB]HB [AB] McMurray, FortBowsman General Servant£35 pa.+ £2 t/s pa. his markA.32/38 fo.29-30
Leask, Peter180647Scot OKI Evie£10 pa. (3) his mark recd. 10 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.80
Leask, Robert1833Scot OKI RendallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/38 fo.31
Leask, Robert180623Scot OKI Westray£8 pa. (3) sig. 4 guineas to account 4 guineas £3 to advanced wagesA.32/13 fo.161
Leask, Samuel 185824Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Red RiverCarpenter£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.32-33
Leask, Thomas1856Scot OKICarpenter Labourer£25 pa.(2) sig.A.32/38 fo.35
Leask, Thomas1844Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/38 fo.34
Leask, William181820Scot OKI Evie Outer EvieHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £5.14.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.125
Leask, William180644Scot OKI Firth£25 pa.(3) sig. 12 guineas bounty advance £6A.32/15 fo.10
Leask, William181621Scot OKI Kirkwall St. OlaHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.23
Leask, William1793Scot OKI StenhouseHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper Tailor£18 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.26
Leask, William1858Scot SHI DeltingSlooper£23 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.36
Leask, William 1807Can Hudson' s BayHB£10 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.74
Lebeau, Hyacinth1878CanHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman£25 +£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.37-38
Lebeau, Norbert1858CanHB [NT] Resolution, FortMiddleman£22 pa. (2) his mark to Norway Ho. In springA.32/38 fo.43
Lebeau, Norbert1856CanHB [NT] Peel RiverMiddleman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.41-42
Lebeau, Norbert1852Can [PQ] St. HubertHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman Labourer£22 pa. (1) his mark promises to winter at Slave Lake not grantedA.32/38 fo.39-40
Leblanc, François1825Can [PQ] BécancourHyvernant [Hivernant]600 livres ancien cour de cette provinceA.32/38 fo.44-45
Leblanc, François1827Can [PQ] BécancourHB [PQ] St. MauriceHyvernant [Hivernant]700 livres de vingt coppres ancien cour de cette province (1) his markA.32/38 fo.46-47
Leblanc, Louis1870HB [MB] York Factory£25+£2 gratuity (1) his markE.132/1 fo.2
Leblanc, Louis1836HB [AB] Edmonton£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.48-49
Leblanc, Louis1862Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.50
Leblanc, Louis1864Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Qu'AppelleMiddleman£20 +£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.51
Leblanc, Lucien183219Can [PQ] St. Joseph de MasquinongéMilieu500 livres ancien cours (1) pris du poste (2) discharged to his father at L RRA.32/38 fo.52-53
Lebrun, Moyse183022Can [PQ] St. Joseph de MasquinongéMilieuprix due poste (3) his mark DesertedA.32/38 fo.54-55
Leclaire, Dominique1846Milieu£18.18.10 pa. no advancesA.32/38 fo.56-57
Leclaire, François1848Can [PQ] ContrecoeursMilieu18 louis 18 chelins 20 sous pa. d'avance quinze piastres d'Espagne desertedA.32/38 fo.58-59
Lecree, François1868Can [MB] Red RiverHB English River Dist.Milieu£22 +£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/38 fo.60-63
Lecree, François1872Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Rapid RiverMilieu Hivernant Fisherman£22 +£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark wage increase for different occupationA.32/38 fo.64-65
Ledeux, Antoine183420HB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.35-36
Ledeux, Antoine183621HB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/37 fo.37-38
Ledoux, Antoine1838Middleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.66-67
Leduc, Jean Baptiste (fils)1827Can [PQ] BécancourVoyageur Labourer400 livres (1) 500 (2) la livre de vingt sols his markA.32/38 fo.69-70
Leduc, Thomas 182920Can [PQ] VaudreuilMilieu Hivernantprix du poste (2) his mark DesertedA.32/38 fo.71-72
Leesk, James1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£12 pa.(2) sig. previous contractA.32/1 fo.110
Lefevre, Joachim1848Can [PQ] BeauharnoisHB Northern Dept.Milieu18 louis 18 chelins 20 sous pa.A.32/38 fo.73-74
LeFoin, Abraham1869Can [SK] Fond du LacMiddleman£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.77
Leijman, Mikel1900Eng LND 14 Princess Sq. Mayfield Bldg EHB [ON] Moose FactoryCarpenter£6.10.0 pm. (2) sig. work his passage £6.10.0 advance copyA.32/38 fo.78-79
Leith, Alexander1836Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.5.0 copyA.32/38 fo.80-81
Leith, Harry1920Scot ABD Aberdeen 6 Hosefield Rd.Junior Clerk$240-$480 pa. (3) sig. DOB 7 June 1900 single photograph application dental medical certs. Testimonials copies advance £25A.32/38 fo.82-84
Leith, James181825Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay Eastside£15 pa. (5) sig. £3.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.136
Leith, Laughlan1800Scot OKI Firth£18 pa. sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.36
Leith, Laughton179726Scot Firth*Canoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.55
Leith, Laughton179120Scot OKI Firth£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.95
Leith, Nich[o]l[as]179729Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySteersman£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/9 fo.56
Leith, Nicho[las]179431Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.36B
Leith, Nicholas1783Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£8 pa. (5) sig.A.32/2 fo.29
Leith, Peter180325Scot OKI Firth£8 pa. (5) sig. 2 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.35
Leith, William1800Scot OKI Firth£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.42
Leith, William1807Scot OKI Firth£21 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/14 fo.94
Leith, William179227Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.132
Leith, William1869Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.95
Lemai Pierre dit Delorme Junior183519Can [SK]HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.104-105
LeMai, Jean Baptiste dit Quebec1825CanMiddleman£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.97
LeMai, Jean Baptiste dit Quebec1824 182556Can [PQ] LotbinereMiddleman£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.96
Lemai, Pierre Delorme dit183355Can [PQ] Rivière aux ChiensMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.101
Lemai, Pierre dit Delorme183155Can [PQ] Bas CanadaMilieu£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.98-99
Lemai, Pierre dit Delorme père1835Can [PQ]HB [AB] EdmontonMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.102-103
Lemon, Frederick1885Eng LNDSteward£24 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/38 fo.106
Lenay, Henry1800Scot OKIHB [ON] Albany£30 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.5
Lenay, Robert181622Scot OKI OrphirHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) sig. £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.35
Lendre, Joseph1857Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman Fisherman£20 pa. +£3 (3) his mark bnot to trade horses, furs or leather with IndiansA.32/39 fo.201-202
Lenney, William178226Scot OKI St. Andrew'sHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.147
Lenney, William1861Scot OKI StromnessBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 copyA.32/38 fo.109-110
Lennie, David1861Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.111
Lennie, James1880Scot OKI TankernessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.112
Lennie, John1861Scot OKI StromnessApprentice Blacksmith£15-35 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/38 fo.113-114
Lennie, John Flat1870Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.115
Lennie, Thomas1869Scot OKI KirkwallLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.116
Lennon, John1832Eng ESS West Ham StratfordSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.117
LeNoire, Pero184719Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverLabourer£12 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.118-120
LeNoire, Pero1851Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Middleman£22 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.121
LeNoire, Pero1855Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Bowsman Fisherman£25 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.122
Leonard, Richard178827Can [ON] CornwallMariner£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.208
LePiné, Baptiste185228Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Gouvernail£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.124-125
LePiné, Jean Baptiste183327Can [PQ] BeauportMilieu700 livres ancien cours de PQ (3) his mark deserted Lake Superior 1833A.32/38 fo.126-127
Lepine, Joseph1824CanHB [BC] New CaledoniaHyvernant [Hivernant]£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.128
Leroux, Jean184318Can [PQ] BouchervilleMiddleman Hivernantprix du poste chaque année (3) his markA.32/38 fo.129-130
Lesley, Thomas1837Seaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.143
Leslie, Colin1879Scot SUT ClyneLabourer£17-18 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.131
Leslie, Ewen192320Scot BAN Buckie 36 East Church St.Apprentice Clerk$240-504 pa. (5) sig. DOB 28 June 1902 Aberdeen single copies dental/medical cert. testimonials cert. of meritA.32/38 fo.132-142
Lespérance, Joseph182027Can [PQ] SorelMilieu30 piastres d'Espange pa. (2) +20 piastresA.32/38 fo.144-145
L'Esperence dit Bonamis, Alexis1825HB [MB] York factoryGouvernail£22 pa. (2) his mark cancelled mutual consent 5 Sept 1825A.32/22 fo.9-10
L'Esperence dit Bonamis, Alexis1824HB Columbia RiverBowsman£20 pa. his markA.32/22 fo.8
L'Esperence, Alexis Bonamis dit1823Can [PQ] Montréal St. JosephBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/22 fo.7
L'Esperence, Alexis Bonamis dit182629Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] Norway HouseGuide Lower Red River£27 pa. (3) his markA.32/22 fo.11
Lessert, John1821CanHB [AB] Wedderburn, Fort [Chipewyan]Middleman1500 livres money Lower Canada (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.146-146
Lessert, John182834CanMiddleman£19 pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.147
Lessert, John183138Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverMiddleman Fisherman£21 pa. (1) sig.A.32/38 fo.148-149
Letang, Jaque1823Can [PQ] MontréalBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.150
Letendre, Joseph1864CanHB [MB] FairfordFisherman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.159
Letendre, Joseph1855CanHB [MB] Ellice, FortMiddleman Hivernant£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.157-158
Letendre, Joseph1853CanMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.155-156
Letendre, Joseph "A"1843CanHB English River Dist.*Middleman Fishermanprix du poste (3) his markA.32/38 fo.153-154
Letendre, Joseph "A"184040Can [PQ] SorelMiddleman£19 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.151-152
Letoile, Joseph L’Italien186226Can [PQ] Ste. Anne de la Pocatière KamouraskaMilieu Hivernant1000 piastras + 10 piastras t/s par année (3) his markA.32/38 fo.161-162
Letourneau, Joseph1819Can [PQ] BerthierMilieu800 livres + equipment (3)A.32/38 fo.163-164
Levesque, Henry187518Can [PQ] ChicoutimiLabourer$120-144 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.166
Levesque, William187523Can [PQ] ChicoutimiLabourer$120-144 pa. (3) his markA.32/38 fo.167-168
Levi Johnson also Joseph Lewis1796USA New Eng. ManchesterSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark sober steady man excellent steersmanA.32/8 fo.36
Lewes, Adolphus Lee1839Can [AB] Lesser Slave LakeHB Columbia RiverClerk Surveyor£50-90 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.169
Lewis, Herbert1823Eng LIN HorncastleHB [LB]Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.335
Lewis, John1807Eng LND LondonHB [MB] Churchill RiverWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.130
Lewis, Joseph1800CanSteersman£25 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.40
Lewis, Joseph1807Canno informationA.32/14 fo.59
Lewis, Joseph alias Levi Johnson1796USA New Eng. ManchesterSteersman£20 pa. (3) his mark sober steady man excellent steersmanA.32/8 fo.36
Lewis, William1845Can [PQ] Montréalprix du poste (3) sig. d'avance 8 recerva à son départ 10 piastresA.32/38 fo.170-171
Lewtit, Thomas1800Scot OKI Harray£16 pa. (2) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.25
Lexbridge, Christopher1908HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$8 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/38 fo.172
Lexbridge, Norman1908HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$11 pm. (seasonal) his markA.32/38 fo.173
Leydon, Philip1812Labourer£15-20 pa. (5) his mark to pay father James £5 pa.A.32/38 fo.174
Liard, Médard183323Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMilieu700 francs pa. (3)A.32/38 fo.175-176
Liard, Médard1843Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [NT] Liard, FortPêcheur£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.180
Liard, Médard1841Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB Simpson, Fort*Milieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.179
Liard, Médard183929Can [PQ] L’AssomptionMilieu£19 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.177-178
Lidgate, Duncan1852Scot MLN Haddington FalaCarpenter£30 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.182
Lieucheux, Alphonse1885CanFisherman Sawyer30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm. + tea/tobaccoA.32/38 fo.183
Lieucheux, Alphonse1886CanFisherman Sawyer30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Lillie, Alexander1854Scot MOR AdinkillieApprentice Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.186
Lilly, James1882Able Servant£15 pa. (seasonal) his markA.32/38 fo.185
Linay, George181626Scot OKI Evie£20 pa. (5) sig. not to goA.32/19 fo.6
Linay, Henry1795Scot OKI Kirkwall£18 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.2
Linay, John180324Scot OKI Firth£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/13 fo.28
Lindsay, George1878Scot MLN EdinburghLabourer£24 pa. (5) sig. advance £12A.32/38 fo.188
Lindsay, Thomas1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [ON] Lac La PluieMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.187
Lineay, Henry1797Scot OKIHB£20-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.7
Liney, Henry1792Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£12 pa. (2) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.52
Liney, James181524Scot OKI FirthHB [ON] Moose Factory£20 pa. (5) sig. [advance] £10 5ft 6 ins high fair hair fair complexionA.32/18 fo.99
Linklater, Adam179130Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.127
Linklater, Andrew1784Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactoryCarpenter£16 pa.+ £2 (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.82
Linklater, Andrew1824Scot OKIMiddleman£19 pa. (1) sig.A.32/38 fo.189
Linklater, Andrew1833Scot OKI Birsay MillhouseHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (1) sig. advance £8A.32/38 fo.191
Linklater, Andrew1828Scot OKI Harray BreckLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.190
Linklater, Archibald184821CanHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.192-193
Linklater, Archibald178022Eng KEN GreenwichHB [ON] AlbanySailor£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.44
Linklater, Benjamin1870CanBoat Builder Sloopmaster£35 pa.+ gratuity (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.202-203
Linklater, Benjamin186133CanBoat Builder£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.200-201
Linklater, Benjamin184824Can [ON] AlbanySawyer Sailor Tailor£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.194-195
Linklater, Benjamin185530Can [ON] AlbanyBoat Carpenter Sailor£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.196-197
Linklater, Benjamin185931Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryBoat Builder Sailor£30 pa. (2) sig. his wife to receive rations when away from postA.32/38 fo.198-199
Linklater, Charles1862Can [MB] Red RiverMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.204
Linklater, George1879Can Indian CountryApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (7) sig.A.32/38 fo.206-207
Linklater, George180422Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. £2 to accountA.32/13 fo.60
Linklater, George180428Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.73
Linklater, George1868Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.205
Linklater, George "C"1889Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanySlooper General Service$146+$9.73 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.212-213
Linklater, George "C"1884Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper£25+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.208-209
Linklater, George "C"1887Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper£28+£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.210-211
Linklater, Harry180736Scot OKI StromnessSailor£21 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas bounty to accountA.32/15 fo.83
Linklater, Henry1798Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactorySailor£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.71
Linklater, Hugh181819Scot OKI SandwickHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.124
Linklater, Hugh1824Scot OKI SandwickMechanic£22 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.214
Linklater, Hugh177827Scot OKI StromnessMariner£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/3 fo.13
Linklater, James1881CanHB [ON] Moose FactorySlooper£30 pa.+ 5 lbs tea 51 lbs sugar (3) sig. rations for wifeA.32/38 fo.226-227
Linklater, James185422Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.216-217
Linklater, James1877Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.222-223
Linklater, James1879Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.224-225
Linklater, James1872Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryBlacksmith Slooper£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.218-219
Linklater, James1874Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Slooper Labourer£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.220-221
Linklater, James180622Scot OKI Evie£8 pa.(3) his mark 4 guineas to account crossed outA.32/13 fo.187
Linklater, James180635Scot OKI Harray£10 pa. (3) his mark recd.10 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.56
Linklater, James1829Scot OKI SandwickBlacksmith£25-28 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.215
Linklater, James181629Scot OKI Walls FlottaHB [ON] Albany£20 pa.(3) his mark £10 advanceA.32/19 fo.76
Linklater, John1785HB [ON] AlbanyCarpenter£25 pa. (5) sig. previous contractA.32/2 fo.181
Linklater, John1796Scot OKILabourer£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/8 fo.9
Linklater, John1785Scot OKIHB [ON] Moose FactorySeaman£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.112
Linklater, John1784Scot OKIHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa.+ £2 (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.77
Linklater, John180720Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.89
Linklater, John178525Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.142
Linklater, John1793Scot OKI Birsay£20 pa.+bounties (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.1
Linklater, John1847Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] Montréal Dept.Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/38 fo.229
Linklater, John179131Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York Factory£6 pa. (3) his mark was out last 4 yrs same wage advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.132
Linklater, John1791Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Gloucester HouseLabourer£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/4 fo.162
Linklater, John1854Scot OKI BirsayHB [PQ] Montréal Dept.Postmaster£35 pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.230-231
Linklater, John179825Scot OKI HarrayCanoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.45
Linklater, John180619Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.27
Linklater, John1795Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Churchill RiverBricklayer£10 pa. (1) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.58
Linklater, John1862Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.232
Linklater, John179219Scot OKI Stenness£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.175
Linklater, John1825Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/38 fo.228
Linklater, John180733Scot OKI Stromness£12 pa. (3) sig. crossed outA.32/15 fo.59
Linklater, John179243Scot OKI Stromness£16 pa. (3) sig. advance on wages £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.100
Linklater, John 179533Scot OKI BirsaySawyer£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.34
Linklater, John "B"1870Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/38 fo.233-234
Linklater, John James1905Can [MB] Berens RiverHB [ON] SavanneClerk in Charge$25 pm. One month's notice DOB 28 June 1875 mar. 1 child previously employed as tripper & assistantA.32/38 fo.236-237
Linklater, John James190630Can [MB] Berens RiverHB [ON] SavanneClerk in ChargeDischarged for misconduct 26 Feb 1906A.32/38 fo.235
Linklater, Magnus1836Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/38 fo.239-240
Linklater, Magnus181320Scot OKI FirthHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. £10.10.0 [advance]A.32/18 fo.10
Linklater, Magnus1828Scot OKI Harray HossanHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/38 fo.238
Linklater, Peter1851Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseLabourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/38 fo.243-244
Linklater, Peter185626Can Indian CountrySteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/38 fo.245-246
Linklater, Peter1858Can Indian CountrySteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/38 fo.247-248
Linklater, Peter1828Scot OKI Birsay LobadyLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.242
Linklater, Peter180735Scot OKI Harray£10 pa. (3) his mark recd. 10 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.70
Linklater, Peter1865Scot OKI SandwickBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/38 fo.249
Linklater, Peter188417Scot OKI StromnessHB [AB] DunveganLabourer Joiner£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/38 fo.250
Linklater, Peter1820Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his markA.32/38 fo.241
Linklater, Robert179425Scot OKI BirsayBowsman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.48
Linklater, Thomas1836Scot OKI BirsayHB Simpson, Fort*Labourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/38 fo.253-254
Linklater, Thomas1830Scot OKI Birsay MillhouseHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/38 fo.251
Linklater, Thomas179122Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill River£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.138
Linklater, Thomas180435Scot OKI Stromness£15 pa. (5) sig. £5 to accountA.32/13 fo.114
Linklater, Thomas1793Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill River£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/5 fo.2
Linklater, Thomas179430Scot OKI StromnessSteersman£14 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/6 fo.42
Linklater, Thomas1833Scot OKI Stromness WindyroallsHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £9A.32/38 fo.252
Linklater, Thomas M.1871Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryPostmaster£50 pa. (1) sig.A.32/38 fo.255-256
Linklater, Thomas M.1881Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Oxford HouseClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.257-258
Linklater, Thomas M.1884Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] Oxford HouseClerk£100 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.259-260
Linklater, Thomas Marwick1866Scot OKI SandwickJoiner£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/38 fo.263
Linklater, Thomas Marwick1859Scot OKI SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copy grant 25 acresA.32/38 fo.261-262
Linklater, William1859CanHB [ON] Osnaburgh HousePost Master £45 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.269-270
Linklater, William1856Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his mark to be allowed to leave the brigade at Norway House & go to RR rule prohibiting trade of horses explained to himA.32/38 fo.275-276
Linklater, William1854Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) sig.A.32/38 fo.273-274
Linklater, William186025Can [MB] Red RiverMiddleman Labourer Bowsman£20 pa. (3) his mark entitled to bowsman's wages when acting in that capacityA.32/38 fo.277-278
Linklater, William1861Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryPost Master £45 pa. (3) sig. contract made in error should be for 2 yearsA.32/38 fo.271-272
Linklater, William1876Can Indian CountryHB Fort George*Apprentice Slooper£8-16 pa. + t/s (7) his markA.32/38 fo.284-285
Linklater, William180637Scot OKI Birsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 4 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.35
Linklater, William180645Scot OKI Harray£14 pa. (3) his mark recd. 6 guineas on accountA.32/15 fo.7
Linklater, William1836Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/38 fo.264
Linklater, William1862Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 grant 25 acres land RRA.32/38 fo.281
Linklater, William1818Scot OKI Harray CorstonHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. £7.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.156
Linklater, William1861Scot OKI SandwickBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0 copyA.32/38 fo.279-280
Linklater, William1797Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverTrader£40 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.67
Linklater, William1794Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill River£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.62
Linklater, William1792Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverSteward£15 pa. (1) sig.A.32/5 fo.90
Linklater, William1791Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverSteward£15 pa. (1) sig. aged parents at home previous contractA.32/4 fo.190
Linklater, William1783Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverLabourer£6 pa.(5) sig.A.32/2 fo.26
Linklater, William "A"1851Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Swan RiverLabourer£17-20 pa. (5) his markA.32/38 fo.265-266
Linklater, William "A"181623Scot OKI Walls FlottaHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (5) his mark £12.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.27
Linklater, William "B"185633Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryPost Master £40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/38 fo.267-268
Linklater, William "B"1863Can Indian CountryHB [MB] York FactorySteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/38 fo.282-283
Linneard, John1834Scot OKI WasbisterLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8A.32/38 fo.286
Linney, James1783Scot OKI KirkwallHB [ON] AlbanyBlacksmith£12 pa. (3) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.44
Linney, Robert1820Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/38 fo.287-288
Linney, William178326Scot OKI St. Andrew'sLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/3 fo.82
Lisk, Hugh178221Scot OKI ClestrainHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa. (5) his markA.32/1 fo.151
Lisk, Peter1780Can [PQ] EastmainHB [ON] AlbanyMariner£20 pa. (4) his mark removed to Albany RiverA.32/1 fo.18
Lisotte [Lizotte], Jean1882Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter General Servant£30 pa.+gratuity (2) his markA.32/38 fo.331-332
Lisotte [Lizotte], Jean1884Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter General Servant£35 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/38 fo.333
Lisotte, Jean1881Can [AB] Vermilion, FortInterpreter£25 pa.+ 25 lbsflour 20lbs sugar 2 lbs tea (1) his markA.32/38 fo.289-290
Lisotte, Jean1886Can [AB] Vermilion, FortInterpreter General Service£33 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/38 fo.291
Lisotte, Michel184323Can [PQ] YamaskaMilieu Hivernantprix du poste pa. (3)A.32/38 fo.292-293
Lissotte, Michel1868CanHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Carpenter Farmer£30 pa.+£2 t/s ¼ Keg sugar ¼ cwt flour 10 lbs grease (1) his markA.32/38 fo.300-301
Lissotte, Michel1869CanHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Carpenter Farmer£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.302-303
Lissotte, Michel1867CanHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Charpentier£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.299
Lissotte, Michel1866Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Carpenter Farmer£30 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.298
Lissotte, Michel1862Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Carpenter Farmer£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/38 fo.297
Lissotte, Michel "B"1886Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter General Servant£33 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his mark NativeA.32/38 fo.309-310
Littlebury, John1876Eng LND Limehouse Sea Cut IronworksEngineer£12 pm. (3) sig. advance £12A.32/38 fo.311
Littlehales, Baker Joseph1833Eng BKM Westbury1st Mate£75.10.0 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.312
Littleton, Jesse1865Eng MDX BrentfordLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/38 fo.313
Livingston, Duncan1823Can [NT] AthabascaInterprète faiseur des Traines Raquettes et Canots1000 livres courant de Bas Canada pa.+ supplies (2) his mark advance £10A.32/38 fo.314
Livingston, John191320Scot ABD Aberdeen 139 Blenheim Pl.HB Ungava Dist.Clerk£40-60 pa. (3) sig. advance £20 medical/ cert application copies testimonials applicationA.32/38 fo.315-330
Lizotte, Lizzotte see Lissotte1862A.32/38 fo.334
Lizotte, Michel1860Carpenter£25 pa.(2)A.32/38 fo.296
Lizotte, Michel1871CanHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Carpenter Cattle Keeper£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/38 fo.304
Lizotte, Michel1862Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [ON] AlbanyCarpenter£25 pa.(1) his markA.32/38 fo.295a
Lizotte, Michel185939Can [PQ] YamaskaLabourer£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/38 fo.294a
Lizotte, Michel "B"1882Can [AB] Vermilion, FortHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter General Service£30 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/38 fo.308
Lizotte, Michel "B"1876Can [NT] AthabascaHB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Interpreter Labourer£19 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/38 fo.306-310
Lizzotte, Michel1873Can [PQ]HB [AB] Vermilion, Fort [Peace River]Farmer£30 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/38 fo.305
Lloyd, Arthur1873Eng LND 5 Western Pl. MaryleboneTinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) advance £4.10.0A.32/39 fo.1-2
Loader, Charles1830Eng DEV TivertonHB Columbia RiverSteward Seaman£34.4.0 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.3
Lockey, William1784HB [MB] York Factory£40 pa. (1) sig.A.32/2 fo.102
Lockey, William1780Can [MB] York, FortHB [MB] York Fort [Factory]Mariner£40 pa. (3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.20
Lockhart, James1849CanApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.4-5
Lockyear, Thomas1835Eng MDX RatcliffeHB Columbia RiverOrdinary Seaman£12.12.0 pa. (5) his markA.32/39 fo.6
Lodge, Martin1831Ire COR St. John'sSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.7
Lodge, Martin1835Ire COR St. John'sSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/39 fo.8-9
Loggie, Robert1821Scot OKI Westray Broughton CottHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/39 fo.11
Logie, James1834Scot OKI Westray Nether TunabyLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/39 fo.10
Logie, James1840Scot OKI Westray Nether TunabyLabourer£17+ pa. (5) sig. advance £8.10.0A.32/39 fo.12
Longmore, John1863Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/39 fo.15-16
Longmore, John1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (1) his markA.32/39 fo.17-18
Longmore, Robert1781HB [MB] York Fort [Factory]£60 pa. (3) sig.A.32/1 fo.104
Lonie, John Erskine Watson1913Scot ABD Aberdeen 64 Enfield Ave.Clerk£30-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £15 medical cert. testimonials academic recordA.32/39 fo.19-25
Lönmann, Johan Edward1858Labourer£22 pa. (2) sig.A.32/37 fo.277
Lönmann, Johan Edward1855NorwayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig.A.32/37 fo.275-276;
Lönmann, Johan Edward1860SwedenHB [NT] Good Hope, FortLabourer£22 pa. (1) sig.A.32/39 fo.13-14
Lorimier, George de183025Can [PQ] Sault St. LouisClerk£60 pa. (1) sig.A.32/39 fo.26-27
Lorkin, Thomas [William]1835HB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.28
Louis, Joseph1822Milieuprix du poste pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.29
Loutit, Archibald180422Scot OKI St. Andrew's£8 pa. (5) sig. 3 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.125
Loutit, John1781£12 pa. (2) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/1 fo.46
Loutit, Robert H.1870Scot OKI EvieBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/39 fo.132
Loutit, Thomas180620Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£8 pa. (3) sig. recd. 8 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.58
Loutit, William1781HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/1 fo.87
Loutit, William179323Scot OKI Birsay£6 pa. (5) his mark £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.76
Loutit, William180643Scot OKI Rendall£25 pa. (3) his mark recd. 6 guineas to accountA.32/15 fo.28
Loutit, William1818Scot OKI SandwickHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (5) his mark £14.13.5 advanceA.32/19 fo.159
Loutitt see Louttit1840A.32/39 fo.34
Loutitt, Alexander1860CanHB [ON] Osnaburgh HouseLabourer£20 pa. (5) his markA.32/39 fo.37-38
Loutitt, Alexander1877Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£13 pa.+ £2 t/s (3) his markA.32/39 fo.41-42
Loutitt, James1880Can [NT]HB [ON] AlbanyApprentice Cooper£8-16 +£2 t/s pa. (7) sig. with consent of fatherA.32/39 fo.87-88
Loutitt, James180738Scot OKI Rendall£15 pa. (3) sig. recd. 6 guineas bountyA.32/16 fo.6
Loutitt, John1854HB [PQ] TémiscamingueGuide£30 pa. (1) his mark 2 bags flour 2 bags corn 1 keg greaseE.252/2 fo.10-11
Loutitt, John1878CanLabourer General Service£24+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.91-92
Loutitt, John187216Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyApprentice Labourer£8-16 +£2 t/s pa. (6) sig. father possibly Peter LoutittA.32/39 fo.89-90
Loutitt, Peter "B"187716Can [ON] AlbanyHB [ON] AlbanyApprentice Blacksmith£8-16 +£2 t/s pa. (5) his mark with the knowledge & consent of his fatherA.32/39 fo.120-121
Loutitt, Peter "B"1884Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyBlacksmith£28 +£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.124-125
Loutitt, Samuel1841HB [PQ] Rupert HouseSlooper Sailor£21 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.139-140
Loutitt, Samuel1857Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (5) his markA.32/39 fo.145-146
Loutitt, Samuel186216Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyApprentice Labourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.147-148
Loutitt, Samuel1837Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [PQ] EastmainSlooper Sailor£21 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.137-138
Loutitt, Samuel1847Scot OKI S. RonaldsaySlooper£25 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/39 fo.143-144
Loutitt, Samuel1835Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [PQ] Rupert HouseLabourer Slooper Sailor£17 pa.+£4 (3) his markA.32/39 fo.135-136
Loutted, James1840Scot OKI RousayMiddleman£19 pa. (1) sig.A.32/39 fo.33
Loutted, James183527Scot OKI RousayHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Middleman£19 pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.31-32
Loutted, James1828Scot OKI Rousay BraikanLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.30
Louttit, Alexander185718Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Labourer£12-16 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.35-36
Louttit, Alexander1865Can Rupert's LandLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.39-40
Louttit, Andrew1839Scot OKI BirsayHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £15A.32/39 fo.43
Louttit, Andrew181618Scot OKI Harray£25 pa. (5) sig. £12.10.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.12
Louttit, David1874CanHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverCooper£30 pa.+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.48-49
Louttit, David186515Can [PQ] George, FortHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverApprentice Cooper General Servant£8-16 pa. (7) his markA.32/39 fo.44-45
Louttit, David1884Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Great Whale RiverCooper Carpenter£35 pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.56-57
Louttit, David1886Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper Carpenter£35 pa. (1) sig.A.32/39 fo.58
Louttit, David1889Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper Carpenter£39 pa.+£2 t/s+ 3 days weekly of country provisions for wife pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.60-61
Louttit, David1887Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper Carpenter£37 pa.+£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.59
Louttit, David1882Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.54-55
Louttit, David1879Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper Carpenter£35 pa.+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.52-53
Louttit, David1877Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortCooper£30 pa.+£2 t/s+ £5 pa. (2) his markA.32/39 fo.50-51
Louttit, David1872Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverCooper£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/39 fo.46-47
Louttit, Edward186922Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverLabourer£25 pa.(1) sig.A.32/39 fo.62-63
Louttit, Edward1888Can Indian CountryHBBlacksmith£25 pa.(2) sig.½ rations for his wife & mother when away +£2A.32/39 fo.78-79
Louttit, Edward1870Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverBlacksmith£35 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.64-65
Louttit, Edward1873Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverBlacksmith£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.66-67
Louttit, Edward1876Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortBlacksmith£35+£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.+½ rations for his motherA.32/39 fo.68-69
Louttit, Edward1878Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortBlacksmith£35 pa.+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.½ rations for his mother when away +£2 when he assists with tradeA.32/39 fo.70-71
Louttit, Edward1881Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortBlacksmith£35 pa. (2 sig. ½ rations for his mother when away t/s +£2 gratuityA.32/39 fo.72-73
Louttit, Edward1883Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortBlacksmith£35 pa. (2) sig.½ rations for his family when away +t/s +£2 gratuityA.32/39 fo.74-75
Louttit, Edward1885Can Indian CountryHB [PQ] George, FortBlacksmith£35 pa. (3) sig.½ rations for his wife & mother when away +t/s +£2 gratuityA.32/39 fo.76-77
Louttit, Harry "B"1820Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay EastsideHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.81
Louttit, Harry jnr.1818Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryClerk£25-50 pa. (5) sig. £20 advanceA.32/19 fo.188
Louttit, Harvy1820Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay EastsideHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0 copyA.32/39 fo.80
Louttit, Henry1824Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£20 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.82
Louttit, James1828A.32/39 fo.83
Louttit, James179327Scot OKI HarrayTailor£8 pa. (3) his mark £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.64
Louttit, James179731Scot OKI HarrayTailor Canoeman£12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.60
Louttit, James1800Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York Factory£14 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/12 fo.46
Louttit, James1836Scot OKI RendallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.84
Louttit, James1851Scot OKI S. RonaldsayHB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£23-25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.85-86
Louttit, John1890CanHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer$140+$9.73 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.99-100
Louttit, John1887Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySlooper Labourer£28+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.97-98
Louttit, John1884Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£28+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.95-96
Louttit, John1881Can Indian CountryHB English River Dist.*Labourer£24+£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.93-94
Louttit, John1790Scot OKI HarrayLabourer£6 pa. (5) sig. advance £1.1.0A.32/4 fo.6
Louttit, John1795Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose Fort£10 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/7 fo.13
Louttit, John1798Scot OKI HarrayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/10 fo.8
Louttit, John1818Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£30 pa. (5) sig. £15 advanceA.32/19 fo.170
Louttit, John1794Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] EastmainCooper£20 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.23
Louttit, John1797Scot OKI StromnessHB [PQ] EastmainCooper£25 pa.(1) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.27
Louttit, John jnr.180434Scot OKI Stromness£25 pa. (5) sig. £6 to accountA.32/13 fo.86
Louttit, Low1835Scot OKI HarrayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £6A.32/39 fo.101
Louttit, Magnus1833Scot OKI Harray NettletirHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/39 fo.103
Louttit, Magnus1844Scot OKI RendallHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. advance £8A.32/39 fo.104
Louttit, Magnus1807Scot OKI Rendall£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/14 fo.84
Louttit, Magnus180325Scot OKI Stromness£20 pa. (5) sig. £6 to accountA.32/13 fo.42
Louttit, Magnus1821Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/39 fo.102
Louttit, Peter1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (3) his mark copyA.32/39 fo.114-117
Louttit, Peter1885Can [MB] St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortCarpenter's Mate£43 +£2 t/s pa. (2) sig. copy + 5lbs raisins, rice & tea 80 lbs sugar 200 lbs flour grease or baconA.32/39 fo.128-131
Louttit, Peter1871Can [MB] St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFarmer Horsekeeper£26 pa.+£2 t/s (1) sig.A.32/39 fo.118
Louttit, Peter1873Can [MB] St. Andrew'sHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortFarmer General Service£30 +£2 t/s pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.119
Louttit, Peter1849Can [PQ] TémiskcamingueApprentice Cooper£8-16 pa. (5) his mark total advances £17.5.3A.32/39 fo.106-107
Louttit, Peter1862Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyCooper£30 pa. (2) sig.A.32/39 fo.112a
Louttit, Peter1858Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyCooper£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.110-111
Louttit, Peter1854Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryCooper£25 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.108-109
Louttit, Peter1864Can Rupert's LandHB [ON] AlbanyCooper£35 pa. (3) his mark continuesA.32/39 fo.113a
Louttit, Peter1823Scot OKI Stromness KirkbisterHB [MB] York FactoryBoat Builder£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/39 fo.105
Louttit, Peter "B"1881Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyBlacksmith£25 +£2 t/s pa. (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.122-123
Louttit, Peter "B"1886Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanyBlacksmith£30 pa.+ 51 lbs sugar 8½ lbs tea (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.126-127
Louttit, Samuel1845Scot OKISlooper£25 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.141-142
Louttit, Samuel1829Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay SandwickLabourer Slooper or Sailor£17 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/39 fo.133-134
Louttit, Thomas179325Scot OKI HarrayHB [PQ] Eastmain£6 pa. (3) his mark £1 advance of wagesA.32/5 fo.72
Louttit, Thomas180421Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) sig. £2 + £1 to accountA.32/13 fo.61
Louttit, Thomas1812Scot OKI Harray£18 pa. (3) sig. expiration of last contractA.32/39 fo.149
Louttit, Thomas181428Scot OKI S. Ronaldsay£20 pa. (5) sig. £20.10.0 [advance] 5ft 5 ins tall slender dark complexion 4 years at Albany RiverA.32/18 fo.51
Louttit, William1815Home from Churchill RIver last year wishes his chest sent homeA.32/18 fo.124 d
Louttit, William1823Scot OKIFisherman Labourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/39 fo.150
Louttit, William1793Scot OKI StennessLabourer£10-12 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/6 fo.2
Louvion, Louis dit St. Cartier1825Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Pêcheur£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/39 fo.151-152
Love, Joseph190635Eng LND Poplar 51 Arcadia St.Engineer£150 pa. (3) sig. advance £40 £60 to wife DOB 29 July 1870 copies testimonialsA.32/39 fo.166-171
Low, James Stevenson192221Scot ABD Aberdeen 387 Clifton RdClerk$250-504 pa. (5) DOB 25 June 1900 single application photograph letters testimonials dental cert. copiesA.32/39 fo.153-165
Low, John1826Scot OKI StromnessSeaman£30 pa. (3) sig. advance £2.17.0A.32/39 fo.172
Low, John1836Scot OKI StromnessSeaman£27 pa. (5) sig. advance £4.10.0 copiesA.32/39 fo.173-175
Low, William1825HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hatter£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/39 fo.176-177
Lowden, John179842Eng MDX Brentfor£40 pa. (3) sig.A.32/17 fo.69
Lowes, William179221Eng NBL Newcastle-upon-TyneSailor£18 pa. (1) sig.A.32/5 fo.57
Loyer, Louis182827HB [AB] EdmontonSteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.178-179
Loyer, Louis1841HB [MB] York FactorySteersman£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.180-181
Loyer, Louis1853HB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/39 fo.182-183
Lucas, John1835Eng WAR BirminghamHB Columbia RiverSeaman£24 pa. (5) sig.A.32/39 fo.184
Lucas, Kellow1869Eng LND Wandsworth Battersea 9 Louraine RdEngineer Clerk General Service£75-100 pa. (5) sig. cancelled 15 Sept 1870 Mr. Lucas refuses to cancel the contractA.32/39 fo.185-186
Lucier, François fils1839HB [AB] EdmontonHorsekeeper£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.193-194
Lucier, François fils1836CanHB [AB] EdmontonHorsekeeper£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/39 fo.191-192
Lucier, François fils182926Can [AB] Fort des PrairiesHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu Horsekeeper£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/39 fo.187-188
Lucier, François fils183333Can Pays SauvageHB Saskatchewan Dist.Milieu£17 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/39 fo.189-190
Lucier, Toussaint1824Can [PQ] Montréal VarennesHB [MB] Lake WinnipegBowsman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/39 fo.195
Lucy, Adam1876Can [LB] EyelickHB [LB] RigoletLabourer£15-20 + £2 t/s pa. (5) his markA.32/39 fo.196-197
Lundgren, Claude Antony190355SwedenHB [ON] White RiverDelivery Man$26 pm. (1 month notice) sig. DOB 12 Sept. 1848 Sweden singleA.32/39 fo.198
Lunn, Henry1872Eng LND Southwark Bridge Rd. 26 Peter St.HB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4.10.0 pm. (seasonal) 300 cans per day 18 month contractA.32/39 fo.199-200
Lutit, Henry178221Scot OKI ClestrainHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£6 pa.(5) his markA.32/1 fo.144
Lutit, Thomas179630Scot OKI HarrayCanoeman£12 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/8 fo.33
Lutitt, William1801Scot OKI BirsayHB [ON] Albany£20 pa. (1) his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.67
Lutitt, William1800Scot OKI StenhouseHB [ON] AlbanySteersman£18 pa. (2) sig. his mark previous contractA.32/12 fo.11
Lyall, James1880Scot CAI Wick 17 Saltoun St.Cooper£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £18A.32/39 fo.203
Lyall, John1872Scot OKI S. RonaldsayBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/39 fo.204
Lyall, Sinclair1894Scot CAI Wick 19 Saltown St.Cooper£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £26 medical cert. testimonialsA.32/39 fo.205-208
Lyall, Wiliam Davie1903Scot ABD Aberdeen 164 Crown St.Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/39 fo.209-210
Lynd, George1862Can [PQ] Saint RochMilieu Hivernant1000 piastras pa. +10 piastres t/s (3) sig.A.32/39 fo.211-212
Lyon, Isaac1868Scot OKI StennessBlacksmith£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/39 fo.213
Lyon, Joseph1876Scot OKI HoyCarpenter£40 pa. (5) sig. advance £20A.32/39 fo.214
Macardi, François1822Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [NT] AthabascaSteersman1000 livres de vingt sol pa. (2) his markA.32/40 fo.3
Macardi, François1824Can [PQ] MaskinongéHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman Milieu£22 pa. (3) his mark 2 years as millieu £19 pa.A.32/40 fo.4
MacAulay, Angus1860Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway HolmSlooper Labourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.5.0A.32/40 fo.8
MacAulay, Angus1865Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway HolmHB [AB] Chipewyan, Fort£22 pa. (1) sig.A.32/40 fo.9
MacAulay, Donald1863Scot ROC Lewis Lochs BalallanLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.1.6A.32/40 fo.12
MacAulay, Donald1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig ValtosLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.10.6A.32/40 fo.10
MacAulay, John1837Scot ROC Lewis Lochs RanishBoatman Slooper£20 pa. (5) his mark advance £10.0.0 copyA.32/40 fo.16-17
Macaulay, John1856Scot ROC Lewis StornowayApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10.0.0 states contract 3 & 5 yearsA.32/40 fo.21
MacAulay, John1860Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway GrimshaderLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.10.0A.32/40 fo.22
MacAulay, John1839Scot ROC Lewis UigLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/40 fo.18
Macaulay, John1840Scot ROC Lewis Uig BostaSlooper£20 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/40 fo.19-20
MacAulay, Neil1837Scot ROC Lewis Uig CallernishLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.19.7A.32/40 fo.33
MacAulay, Roderick1869Scot ROC Lewis LochsHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 copyA.32/40 fo.37-38
Macaulay, Roderick1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway MelbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.10.0A.32/40 fo.36
Macaulay, Roderick1840Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway MelbostLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/40 fo.34-35
MacCraw, Joseph1829Can [PQ] MaskinongéMilieuprix du poste pa. (5) his mark living with father Daniel MacCrawA.32/40 fo.76-77
MacDonald, Angus1874Scot ROC BarvasLabourer General Servant£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/40 fo.104
MacDonald, Angus1864Scot ROC Lewis BackLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/40 fo.99
MacDonald, Angus1840Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway VatskirLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/40 fo.89-90
MacDonald, Donald1812Scot ARLLabourer£20 pa. (4) sig. advance £5 signed contract at Sligo IrelandA.32/40 fo.114
MacDonald, Donald1832Scot ROC BarvasHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.9.0A.32/40 fo.126
Macdonald, Donald1859Scot ROC LewisApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £10A.32/40 fo.130
Macdonald, Donald1882Scot ROC Lewis LochcarronApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/40 fo.138
Macdonald, Donald1852Scot ROC Lewis LochsHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/40 fo.137
MacDonald, Donald1837Scot ROC Lewis Melbost Ness BorveLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.4.0 copyA.32/40 fo.129
Macdonald, Donald1821Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway GressHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/40 fo.115
Macdonald, Donald1837Scot ROC Lewis Uig BreascleteLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.12.0A.32/40 fo.128
MacDonald, Donald1832Scot ROC Lewis Uig HobsonHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.14.2A.32/40 fo.127
MacDonald, Farquhar1832Scot ROC Lewis Uig [Captill]HB [MB] York FactorySlooper£18-20 pa. (5) sig. advance £9.7.0A.32/40 fo.143
MacDonald, Hector1813Scot INV South Uist£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/40 fo.145
Macdonald, James1858Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/40 fo.147
MacDonald, John1874Scot INV Glasgow BankApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/40 fo.170-171
MacDonald, John1832Scot ROC BarvasHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.13.0 returned to EuropeA.32/40 fo.150-151
Macdonald, John1821Scot ROC Barvas ShaderLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.10.0A.32/40 fo.149
MacDonald, John1861Scot ROC Barvas ShaderLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/40 fo.154
MacDonald, John1861Scot ROC Lewis Garabost BaybleLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/40 fo.156
MacDonald, John1837Scot ROC Lewis Lochs LeurbostBoatman Slooper£20 pa. (5) his mark advance £10A.32/40 fo.152
Macdonald, John1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig CrowlistaLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/40 fo.148
MacDonald, John "A"1879Scot INV InvernessHB [PQ] Little Whale RiverClerk£75 pa. (3) sig.A.32/40 fo.181-182
Macdonald, John "B"1866Scot ROC BarvasHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/40 fo.159-160
MacDonald, Kenneth1857HB [SK] Pelly, FortLabourer£20 pa. (2) his mark goes one trip to YF remains inland last year of contractA.32/40 fo.196-197
MacDonald, Kenneth1850Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [SK] Pitt, FortLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.8.4A.32/40 fo.195
MacDonald, Kenneth1864Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [SK] Pitt, FortMiddleman£22 +£2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/40 fo.200-201
MacDonald, Kenneth1860Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [SK] Pelly, FortBowsman£23 +£2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/40 fo.198-199
MacDonald, Malcolm1870Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway [Porluaquon]Labourer£22 pa. (5) his markA.32/40 fo.207
MacDonald, Malcolm1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig KirkbostLabourer£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £5A.32/40 fo.204
MacDonald, Malcolm1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig TackletLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/40 fo.203
MacDonald, Murdo1832Scot ROC Lewis Lochs ShawbostLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £10.6.6. copyA.32/40 fo.208-209
MacDonald, Murdo[ch]1848Scot ROC BarvasHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £8.10.0A.32/40 fo.210
MacDonald, Murdo[ch]1853Scot ROC BarvasHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/40 fo.211-212
MacDonald, Murdo[ch]1863Scot ROC Barvas ArnolLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.3.0 copyA.32/40 fo.214-215
MacDonald, Murdo[ch]1862Scot ROC Lewis Lochs LaxayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/40 fo.213
MacDonald, Norman192220Scot AYR Ardrossan 3 Pavilion Pl.Clerk$250-500 pa. (5) DOB 21 July 1902 Ardrossan single photograph letter application letters medical/dental cert. testimonials copiesA.32/40 fo.231-241
MacDonald, Norman1850Scot ROC BarvasLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark [advance] £8.10.0A.32/40 fo.227
MacDonald, Robert Leith1867Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/40 fo.242
MacDonald, Vincent Martin191419Scot ABD Aberdeen 44 Maberly St.Clerk£30-50 pa. (5) sig letters testimonials medical cert.A.32/40 fo.243-249
MacDonald, William181619Scot INV May MayhallLabourer£16 pa. (3) sig advance £8 especially recommended reference on folioA.32/40 fo.250
MacDonald, William1824Scot OKI Stenness BarnhouseLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig advance £7.10.0A.32/40 fo.251
MacDonald, William1824Scot OKI Stenness BarnhouseLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £7.10.0A.32/40 fo.255
Macfarlane, Donald1864Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway TongLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/41 fo.17
Macfarlane, John1863Scot ROC Ness SkigerstaLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.1.6A.32/41 fo.18
Macheconeas1863HB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman Labourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/41 fo.48
MacIver, Allan1841Scot ROC Lewis Uig [Tarnahanie]Labourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.10.4A.32/41 fo.53
MacIver, Angus1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig ReefHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) sig. advance £6.7.0A.32/41 fo.54
MacIver, Donald1840Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway BayheadLabourer£16 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/41 fo.55-56
MacIver, Donald1863Scot ROC Lewis Uig Callernish CarlowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.2.6 copyA.32/41 fo.57-58
MacIver, Francis1871Scot ROC Barvas BorveLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/41 fo.62
MacIver, John1859Scot ROC Barvas ArnolHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 cancelled 6 Sept.1861A.32/41 fo.69-70
MacIver, John Jr.1861Scot ROC Lewis Carloway CallernishLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/41 fo.72-73
MacIver, Murdo[ch]1860Scot ROC Lewis BackLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/41 fo.89
MacIver, Murdoch1861Scot ROC Lewis BackHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£23 pa. (2) sig.A.32/41 fo.90-91
MacIver, Murdoch1863Scot ROC Lewis BackHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£24 pa. (2) sig.A.32/41 fo.92-93
Mackay, Alexander1864Scot ROC Lewis StornowayBoat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/41 fo.116
Mackay, Angus1821Scot ROC Barvas LionelHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £7A.32/41 fo.119
MacKay, Donald188329Scot CAI ThursoHB [LB]Fisherman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (5) sig. advance £11 certs. testimonials checkedA.32/41 fo.145
Mackay, Donald1864Scot CAI WickLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/41 fo.141
Mackay, Donald1860Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.13.6 incl. bed sack blankets copy grant of 25 acres of land cancelled refused ordersA.32/41 fo.136-137
MacKay, Donald1863Scot ROC Barvas BragarLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.6.6A.32/41 fo.140
MacKay, Donald1888Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway TolstaFisherman General Servant£30 pa. (5) his mark advance £15 certs. testimonials checkedA.32/41 fo.146-147
Mackay, John1875Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [SK] Portage La LocheMiddleman$140 pa. (1) his markA.32/41 fo.187
Mackay, John1875Can [MB] Norway HouseHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortBowsman Fisherman£32 pa. (1) his markA.32/41 fo.188
Mackay, John1835Can [MB] Red RiverLabourer£17 pa. (5) sig. copyA.32/41 fo.178-179
Mackay, John1821Scot ROC Barvas LionelLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/41 fo.175
MacKay, John1821Scot ROC Barvas North GalsonLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £7 copyA.32/41 fo.174
Mackay, John1859Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway LaxdaleLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 land grant 25 acres copyA.32/41 fo.181-182
Mackay, John Dugald1854Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his markA.32/41 fo.189-190
MacKay, Malcolm1864Scot ROC Lewis Lochs HarbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/41 fo.217
Mackay, Murdo[ch]1873Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/41 fo.218-219
MacKay, William1865Scot ROC InvergordonApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/41 fo.275
Mackenzie, Alexander1832Scot ROC DingwallApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (3) sig. advance £4.10.0A.32/42 fo.3
MacKenzie, Angus1832Scot ROC Lewis Lochs LaxaySlooper£18-20 pa. (5) his mark advance £10.8.9 copyA.32/42 fo.11-12
MacKenzie, Donald1863Scot ROC BackLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark £11.4.0A.32/42 fo.24
MacKenzie, Donald1818Scot ROC FoddertyClerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. advance £20.10.0A.32/42 fo.18
MacKenzie, George188423Scot INV InvernessLabourer Fisherman£22-24 pa. (5) sig. £11 certificates providedA.32/42 fo.25
Mackenzie, John1826Scot ROCHB [PQ] MontréalClerk£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/42 fo.28-29
MacKenzie, John1863Scot ROC Lewis CarlowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.6.6A.32/42 fo.38
Mackenzie, John1852Scot ROC Lewis StornowayHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.5.4.A.32/42 fo.33
MacKenzie, John1863Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway SandwickLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £12 copyA.32/42 fo.36-37
Mackie, James1870Scot OKI BirsayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/41 fo.184
MacKinnon, Robert1857Ire COR CorkHead Fisherman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/42 fo.108-9
Mackintosh, Alexander1861Scot MLN EdinburghLabourer£22 pa. + benefits (5) sig. copyA.32/42 fo.110-111
Mackintosh, Robert1818Scot ROC Logie MarybankLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £10 + £2A.32/42 fo.112
Macklin, Thomas1871Can [MB]HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide Steersman£33 pa. £2 t/s (1) his markA.32/42 fo.127
Macklin, Thomas1875Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide Steersman General Assistant£40 pa. £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/42 fo.129
Macklin, Thomas1873Can [MB] Lisgar MapletonHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortInterpreter General Service£35 pa. £2 t/s (1) his markA.32/42 fo.128
Macklin, Thomas185620Can [MB] Red River SettlementBowsman Steersman£23 pa. (3) his mark winter YF distrct last year of contractA.32/42 fo.113-114
Macklin, Thomas1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa. (1) his markA.32/42 fo.123
Macklin, Thomas1862Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortSteersman£27 pa. (1) his mark copy freedom to choose region at end of contractA.32/42 fo.119-122
Macklin, Thomas1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortGuide£35 pa. (2) his mark to get each Autumn 25 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs greaseA.32/42 fo.126
Macklin, Thomas1859Can [MB] Swan RiverHB [NT] AthabascaBowsman£25 pa.(2) his mark copyA.32/42 fo.115-118
Macklin, Thomas1865Can [MB] Swan RiverSteersman Winterer£27 pa. (2) his mark "we cannot make out if this one is for one or two yearsA.32/42 fo.124-125
MacLachlan, Hamilton1825Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £6A.32/42 fo.132
MacLean, John1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway [Culegrue]Carpenter Boat Builder£35 pa. (5) sig. advance £17.10.0A.32/42 fo.188
MacLean, Malcolm1872Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/42 fo.193
MacLean, Murdo[ch]1862Scot ROC Lewis Carloway North ShawbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 desertedA.32/42 fo.194
Maclear, Hugh Frederick1897Eng KEN Canterbury St. AugustineApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig. G.F. McLean father/guardianA.32/42 fo.199-200
MacLeod, Angus1870Scot ROC Lewis Lochs CarlowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/43 fo.37
MacLeod, Angus1871Scot ROC Lewis Lochs CarlowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/43 fo.38
MacLeod, Angus1862Scot ROC Lewis Lochs GravirLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/43 fo.22
MacLeod, Angus1840Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway GressLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/43 fo.20-21
MacLeod, Angus1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway LaxdaleLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/43 fo.23
MacLeod, Angus "A"188221Scot ROC BarvasHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman General Service£28 pa.+£2 t/s (2) sig.A.32/43 fo.33
MacLeod, David1869Scot ROC TainLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/43 fo.50
Macleod, Donald1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway MelbostSlooper£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.10.0 grant of 25 acres copyA.32/43 fo.67-68
MacLeod, George1869Scot OKI StromnessLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/43 fo.91
MacLeod, George1821Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway GressLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/43 fo.88
MacLeod, John191917Scot INV InvernessApprentice Clerk$20-40 pa. (3) sig. photograph advance £10 medical cert.testimonialsA.32/43 fo.131-137
MacLeod, John1863Scot ROC BarvasLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11.11.0 refused orders contract cancelled copyA.32/43 fo.114-115
Macleod, John1862Scot ROC Lewis Lochs CarbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11A.32/43 fo.113
MacLeod, John1861Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway Newmarket HillLabourer£22 pa. (5) his mark advance £11 copyA.32/43 fo.111-112
MacLeod, John "1st"1837Scot Lochs DellmoreLabourer£16 pa. (5) his mark advance £9.19.8A.32/43 fo.97
MacLeod, Normand1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig [Uua Vore]HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/43 fo.171
Macleod, Roderick1859Scot ROC Lewis Lochs ShawbostLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11A.32/43 fo.186
MacMillan, John1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig [Tacklet]Labourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/43 fo.238
MacRae, Colin1859Scot ROC KintailHB [ON] Moose FactoryHired Servant Labourer£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig. grant 25 acres RR SettlementA.32/43 fo.307
Macrae, George Stewart1873Can [PQ] MontréalApprentice Clerk£20-50 pa. (5) sig.A.32/40 fo.74-75
MacRae, John1859Scot ROC KintailHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£22 pa.+ Board (5) sig.A.32/43 fo.314
MacRae, Murdo[ch]1860Scot ROC Lewis StornowayLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £12 free grant of 25 acres of landA.32/43 fo.316
MacRitchie, Angus1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig CaptellHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5A.32/43 fo.317
MacRitchie, Malcolm1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig ValtosHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5A.32/43 fo.322
MacSween, Angus1862Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway SteinishSlooper£25 pa. (5) his mark advance £12.10.0A.32/43 fo.325
MacSween, Murdoch1821Scot ROC Lewis Stornoway GarabostHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £5.15.0A.32/43 fo.331
Macuras, Hugh1821Scot OKI Birsay BreckHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/42 fo.130
Macuras, John1828Scot OKI Birsay BreckHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£18 pa. (5) his markA.32/42 fo.131
Maddern, John1868Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB]Tinsmith Salmon Preserver£4 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £4A.32/44 fo.1
Madsen, Hans1858NorwayHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.2-3
Magloire, Maurice1901HB [SK] Île-à-la-CrossePost Master£55 pa.+ gratuities (3) his markA.32/44 fo.351-352
Magloire, Maurice1898Can [SK] Ile-à-la-CrossePostmaster General Service£60 pa. (3) his mark postmaster's allowanceA.32/44 fo.349-350
Mainckman, James179318Eng YKS WhitbySailor£18 pa. (3) sig.A.32/5 fo.20
Mainland, James180718Scot OKI Westray£8 pa. (3) his mark recd. 8 guineas bounty + £1 to ac[oun]t wagesA.32/16 fo.33
Mainland, Thomas180647Scot OKI Rousay£15 pa. (3) sig. recd. 12 guineas bountyA.32/15 fo.73
Mainland, Thomas179232Scot OKI Rousay£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/5 fo.206
Mainville, Augustin1854Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] Alexamder, FortMilieu£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.4-5
Mainville, Augustin1859Can [ON] Lac La PluieSteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/44 fo.6-7
Mainville, Augustin1864Can [ON] Lac La PluieGuide Steersman£30 pa. (1) his mark to receive 20 lbs flour 20 lbs sugar 10 lbs butterA.32/44 fo.8
Mainville, Baptiste1857HB [MB] York FactoryFisherman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.11
Mainville, Baptiste1855Can [AB] Slave LakeHB [NT] Resolution, FortInterpreter£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.9-10
Mainville, Baptiste " B"1864Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverHB [NT] Resolution, FortMiddleman£22 pa.+£2 t/s (2) his markA.32/44 fo.14-15
Mainville, Baptiste jnr.186130Can [NT] Mackenzie RiverIndian Trader£17 pa.+tea money (3) his markA.32/44 fo.12-13
Mainville, Francois1842North AmericaInterpreter£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/44 fo.20-21a
Mainville, François1838Interpreterwages same as last contract (2) his markA.32/44 fo.18-19
Mainville, François1848Interpreter Postmaster£25 pa.+£5 when in charge of post (2) his markA.32/44 fo.21b
Mainville, François "B"1862Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] Alexamder, FortSteersman£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/44 fo.28
Mainville, François jnr or "B"1859Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] York FactoryBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.26-27
Mainville, François jnr.1853North AmericaHB [MB] Alexamder, FortLabourer Middleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.23-24
Mainville, François s[n]r.1856Can Rupert's LandHB [MB] Alexamder, FortBowsman£23 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.25
Mainville, Francois snr.1834 1838 1842 1848 185654Can [ON] Grand PortageHB [ON] Frances, FortInterpreter£25 pa.(2) his markA.32/44 fo.16-22
Mainville, François snr.1856HB [MB] Alexamder, FortInterpreter£30 pa. (3) his mark allowance tea half keg sugar 1 cwt fine and common flourA.32/44 fo.22
Mainville, Michel1878CanHB [NT] Resolution, FortFisherman General Service$121.67+$9.73 pa. (1) his mark NativeA.32/44 fo.30-31
Mainville, Michel1879Can [NT] AthabascaHB [NT] Resolution, FortFisherman General Service£25 +t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.32-33
Mainville, St. Jean1862Can [ON] Lac La PluieHB [MB] Alexamder, FortMiddleman£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.29
Maisakamiskaum1842HB [PQ] Rupert HouseHunterAmmunition for 30 made beaver, geese partridge, ducks (1) his markA.32/44 fo.34-35
Majeau, Ambroise182117Can [PQ] Montréal FaubourgVoyageur Middleman500-600 livres de vingt sous pa. (4) his markA.32/44 fo.36-37
Majeau, Louis "A"182535Can [PQ] L’AssomptionHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseInterpreter£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.38
Malaterre, Basil1853HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.39-40
Malaterre, Louis185321HB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.41-42
Malboeuf, Pierre185650Can [PQ] SorelHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.47-48
Malboeuf, Pierre1852Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.43-44
Malboeuf, Pierre185326Can [PQ] YamaskaHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.45-46
Malco[l]mson, Hugh1797Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverBoat Builder£30 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/9 fo.63
Malcolm, Donald180522Scot CAI Wick£20 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas +10/- to accountA.32/13 fo.122
Malcolm, John1830Seaman£30 pa. (3) sig.A.32/44 fo.49
Malcolm, John181724Scot OKI Walls LonghopeHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £14 advanceA.32/19 fo.87
Malcolm, William1830Scot OKI StromnessHB [ON] Moose FactorySailor£23 pa. (3) sig. advance £9 copyA.32/44 fo.51-52
Malcolm, William1820Scot OKI Walls BremsLabourer£15 pa. (5) sig. advance £8.11.0A.32/44 fo.50
Malcom, Robert181620Scot CAI Wick£25 pa. (5) sig. £18 advanceA.32/19 fo.3
Mallett, John1840Eng ESS HarwichMaster of Schooner£60 pa.+ board for family (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.57
Mallette, Antoine183048Can [PQ] Ste. AnneHB Edmonton Dist.Gouvernail£22 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.55-56
Mallette, Antoine182745Can [PQ] Ste. Anne Isle PerrotHB [MB] Norway HouseGouvernail£22 pa. (3) sig. advance £8.11.0A.32/44 fo.53-54
Mallette, Arsene1856Can [MB] Red RiverHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.58-59
Mallette, Arsene1860Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Île-à-la-CrosseBowsman£23 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.60-61
Mallette, Joseph1864HB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£22+£2 t/s pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.71-72
Mallette, Joseph1843CanHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.65-66
Mallette, Joseph186219Can [MB] La Rivière RougeHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman£22+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.69-70
Mallette, Joseph1858 1862 186419Can [SK]HB [MB] Norway HouseMiddleman£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.67-68
Mallette, Joseph "B"1824Can [PQ] VaudreuilMilieu Middleman£17 pa. (3) his mark + deduction for old debtA.32/44 fo.62
Mallette, Joseph "B"1838Can [PQ] VaudreuilHB [MB] York FactoryMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.63-64
Mamaniquenao, David1861HB [MB] York FactoryLabourer£17 pa. (3) his mark NativeA.32/44 fo.73-74
Maminicoochin1834Can [MB] York FactoryHB Ungava Dist.Labourer Hunter£5 pa. (3) sig. Native exclusion of payment for their hunts cancelledA.32/59 fo.141-142
Mana, Charles179028Eng LND MaryleboneSurgeon£40 pa. (1) sig.A.32/3 fo.236
Mandeville, Baptiste see Mainville, Baptiste "B"n.d.A.32/44 fo.75
Mandeville, Jose1886HB [AB] Smith LandingTripman30 M[ade] B[eaver] pm.A.32/38 fo.184
Mandeville, Michel1883 1883Can [NT] Great Slave LakeHB [NT] AthabascaFisherman Interpreter General Service£26+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.78
Mandeville, Michel188130Can [NT] Resolution, FortHB [NT] Resolution, FortFisherman General Service£25+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.76
Mandville, Jose see Lieucheux, Alphonse1886A.32/44 fo.77
Mangosit, Pascal1866Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] AthabascaMidman£22+£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/44 fo.79-82
Maniscum, William1880Can Indian CountryLabourer£21+£2 t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.83-84
Manitokeeshick, Charles1856Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman Labourer£17+£2 t/s pa. (3) his mark rule against horse tradingA.32/44 fo.87-88
Manitokeeshick, Charles1860Can [MB] Red RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman Labourer£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.89
Manitokeeshick, Thomas1856Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [SK] Pelly, FortHorsekeeper£20 pa. (2) his markE.387/1 fo.1
Manitokeeskick, Edward1859CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortMiddleman Labourer£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.92
Manitokeeskick, Edward1857Can [MB] Swan RiverHB [SK] Pelly, FortApprentice Labourer£12 pa. (2) his mark NativeA.32/44 fo.90-91
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1863CanHorsekeeper£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.101
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1848CanHorsekeeper£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.95-96
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1858CanHorsekeeper£20 pa. (1) his mark to receive a 1-2 year colt on expiration of contractA.32/44 fo.99-100
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1854CanHB [SK] Pelly, FortHorsekeeper£20 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.97-98
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1843Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.93-94
Manitokeeskick, Thomas1864Can Rupert's LandHB [SK] Pelly, FortHorsekeeper£20+£2t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.102
Manitokeshuk1839Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.85-86
Mann, Huntly Shaw192221Scot ROC AvochClerk$250-500 pa. (5) photographs medical/dental cert. letter application correspondenceA.32/44 fo.103-125
Mannall, John1786Eng SFK KelsaleWriter£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.147
Mannall, John1791Eng SFK KelsaleHB [ON] Moose FactoryWriter£20-25 pa. (3) sig. previous contractA.32/4 fo.173
Mannock, Henry1834Eng MDX LondonOrdinary Seaman£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.126
Manson, David181719Scot OKI Westray RackwickHB [ON] Moose Factory£15 pa. (5) sig. £8 advanceA.32/19 fo.82
Manson, David1869Scot SHI TingwallHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig. advance £11 copyA.32/44 fo.127-128
Manson, Gilbert180418Scot CAI Wick£20 pa. (5) sig. 4 guineas to accountA.32/13 fo.53
Manson, James1848Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] York FactoryBlacksmith£25 pa. (5) sig. advance £12.10.0A.32/44 fo.129
Manson, James1869Scot SHI LerwickLabourer Slooper£23 pa. (5) sig. advance £11.10.0 copyA.32/44 fo.130-131
Manson, John1820Scot OKI BurrayHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15 pa. (5) his mark advance £7.10.0A.32/44 fo.132
Manson, John180321Scot OKI Harray£8 pa. (5) his mark 3 guineas on accountA.32/13 fo.11
Manson, William1821Scot OKI Hoy RackwickHB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£15-18 pa. (5) initials advance £7.10.0A.32/44 fo.133
Manson, William181638Scot OKI KirkwallHB [MB] York Factory£20 pa. 5) sig. £13.3.0 advanceA.32/19 fo.74
Manson, William179234Scot OKI Orphir£12 pa. (3) his mark advance £2A.32/5 fo.170
Manson, William179537Scot OKI OrphirPlatoon£20 pa. (3) his mark previous contractA.32/7 fo.35
Manson, William1783Scot OKI StromnessHB [MB] Churchill RiverSeaman£15 pa. (3) sig.A.32/2 fo.51
Manson, William1783Scot OKI WallsHB [ON] AlbanyLabourer£6 pa. (5) his mark advance £1.1.0A.32/2 fo.39
Manuel, Jean Hebert dit183725Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [MB] York FactoryMilieu£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/32 fo.189-190
Manuel, Jean Hebert dit1834Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [MB] Red RiverBricklayer Labourer£26.5.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/32 fo.188
Manuel, Jean Hebert dit185039Can [PQ] Trois RivièresHB [NT] Good Hope, FortSteersman£27 pa. (2) his markA.32/32 fo.194-195
Manville, Herbert1886Eng LND 22-23 Red Cross St.Clerk Warehouseman£100-150 pa. (3) sig. special clause BoardA.32/44 fo.134
Marceau, Louis1820Can [PQ] Montréal Terrebonne£20 pa. (3) his mark to winter at Brandon House or Beaver CreekA.32/44 fo.135
Marceau, Louis1823Can [PQ] Montréal Terrebonne£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.136
Marceille, George1857Can Indian CountryHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.139-140
Marceille, George186221Can Indian CountryLabourer£20 pa. (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.141-142
Marceille, James184216Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswonabyApprentice Labourer£8-15 pa. (7) his mark father Jos[ep]h gave permission for his son to work with his mark his markA.32/44 fo.143-144
Marceille, James1859Can Hudson' s BayHB [PQ] WaswanipiCanoe Builder Fisherman£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.149-150
Marceille, James1854Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.147-148
Marceille, James1849Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/44 fo.145-146
Marceille, John1869CanHB [MB] Norway HouseSteersman£27+£2 t/s pa. (2) sig. +£2 as Boatbuilder NativeA.32/44 fo.158b-159a
Marceille, John1855Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswonabyHB [ON] AlbanySteersman Carpenter£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.153-154
Marceille, John184716Can Hudson' s BayHB [ON] Moose FactoryApprentice Labourer£8-16 pa. (5) his markA.32/44 fo.151-152
Marceille, John1858Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySteersman Carpenter£25 pa. (3) sig.A.32/44 fo.155-156
Marceille, John1861Can Indian CountryHB [ON] AlbanySteersman Carpenter£27 pa. (2) sig. has permission to take his wife and family to Albany is responsible for paying their wayA.32/44 fo.157-158
Marceille, Joseph1854Can [PQ] BerthierCanoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.172-173
Marceille, Joseph1828Can [PQ] Montréal BerthierSteersman£22.10.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.159b
Marceille, Joseph1836Can [PQ] Montréal BerthierSteersman£22.10.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.160-161
Marceille, Joseph183949Can [PQ] Montréal BerthierHB [PQ] WaswanipiSteersman Canoe Maker£22.10.0 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.162-163
Marceille, Joseph1851Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswanabyCanoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.170-171
Marceille, Joseph1845Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswanabySteersman Canoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.166-167
Marceille, Joseph1842Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswanabyHB [PQ] WaswanipiSteersman Canoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.164-165
Marceille, Joseph "A"1848Can [PQ] Rupert River WoswanabyCanoe Builder£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.168-169
Marceille, Pierre1864Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB [NT] Mackenzie River Dist.Bowsman General Labourer£23+£2 t/s pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.178-179
Marcellais, Jean Baptiste1860Can [MB] Red River SettlementHB Simpson, Fort*Carpenter£32 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.137-138
Marcellais, John1860Can [MB] Red RiverHB Simpson, Fort*Labourer£17 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.174-175
Marcellais, Pierre1856Bowsman£24 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.176-177
Marchand, Felix1861HB [MB] Garry, FortMilieu Hivernant£20 pa. (3) his mark copyA.32/44 fo.180-183
Marcussen, Martin1858Norway Lister & Mandel ChristiansandLabourer£17 pa. (5) his mark copyA.32/44 fo.184-187
Marion, François1822Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionHB [MB] Lower Red RiverBlacksmith(1) his markA.32/44 fo.188
Marion, François1827Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionHB [MB] Lower Red RiverForgeron Milieuprix du poste (3) his mark consideration of his age will work occasionallyA.32/44 fo.190
Marion, François1823Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionHB [MB] Lower Red RiverBlacksmith£40 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.189
Marion, Narcisse1827Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionForgeron Milieuprix du poste (3) his markA.32/44 fo.192-193
Marion, Narcisse183024Can [PQ] Montréal L’AssomptionHB [MB] York FactoryForgeron Milieu£30 pa.+£5 (3) his markA.32/44 fo.194-195
Marman, Johnn.d.21Eng LND St. CatherinesArmourer£25 pa. (3) no sig. "Run"A.32/3 fo.35
Marois, Pierre1825HB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMilieu£24 pa. (2) his markA.32/44 fo.199a
Marois, Pierre1828Can [AB] Chipewyan, FortHB [MB] Norway HouseMilieu£19 pa. (3) his mark permission to take family to Norway House + provisionsA.32/44 fo.196-197
Marois, Pierre182429Can [PQ] Bas CanadaHB [AB] DunveganMilieu Hivernant800 [livres de vingt sols ancien cours de PQ] pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.198-199
Maron, Joseph Ducharme dit1829Can Hudson' s BayMiddleman£17 pa. (2) his markA.32/26 fo.155
Marsden, James1797Eng SRY Lewisham£15 pa. (5) sig.A.32/17 fo.62
Marsden, John1801HB [ON] Moose FactoryLabourer£10 pa. (5) no sig.A.32/17 fo.90
Marsellois, Baptiste jnr.183517Can [MB] Red RiverMilieu£15-17 pa. (5) his markA.32/44 fo.199b-200
Marshall, Charles1835Scot MLN North LeithHB [MB] York FactoryTinsmith£30 pa. (5) sig. advance £17A.32/44 fo.201
Marshall, George1792Eng DUR StocktonHB [ON] Moose FactoryTailor£18 pa. (3) his markA.32/17 fo.5
Marshfield, John178833Eng DOR Poole WorehamCooper£20 pa.+bonus (5) sig.A.32/3 fo.195
Marsier, Etienne183221Can [PQ] Montréal St. Laurent FauxbourgMilieu600 livres de ancien cours (1) et prix du poste (2) pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.202-203
Martel Prémont, Nazaire dit see Prémont, Nazairen.d.A.32/44 fo.209b
Martel, George186119Can [PQ] St. JeanMilieu Hivernant600 piatras pa. (3) sig.A.32/44 fo.204-205
Martel, Joseph1875Can [PQ] ChicoutimiLabourer General Service$120-$144 pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.206-207
Martel, Manuel186120Can [PQ] St. JeanMilieu Hivernant600 piastras + 10 piastras t/s pa. (3) his markA.32/44 fo.208-209a
Martel, Nazaire1876Can [PQ] MontréalHB [AB] McMurray, FortLabourer Shop Assistant£26 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his mark exempt from boat service + 25 lbs flour 10 lbs grease 21 lbs sugar 3 lbs teaA.32/49 fo.418
Martel, Nazaire Prémont dit1869CanHB [AB] DunveganMilieu£24 pa.+ £2 t/s (2) his markA.32/49 fo.414
Martel, Nazaire Prémont dit1871CanHB [NT] AthabascaLabourer£24 pa. + £2 t/s (1) his markA.32/49 fo.415
Martel, Nazaire Prémont dit1873CanHB [AB] Chipewyan, FortMiddleman General Service£24 pa. + £2 t/s (1) his markA.32/49 fo.416-417
Martel, Nazaire Prémont dit1866Can [PQ] St. RochHB [AB] DunveganMilieu£22 pa. (2) his markA.32/49 fo.413
Martel, Nazaire Prémont dit1863Can [PQ] St. RochMilieu Hivernant£22 pa. (3) his markA.32/49 fo.411-412
Martin, Donald1872Scot ROC BarvasLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.213
Martin, Donald188126Scot ROC BarvasHB [LB]Labourer£22 pa.+ board (5) sig. advance £6.8.6A.32/44 fo.214
Martin, Donald1871Scot ROC Lewis LochsLabourer£22 pa. (5) sig.A.32/44 fo.212
Martin, Donald1831Scot ROC Lewis Uig CrowlistaLabourer£17 pa. (5) his markA.32/44 fo.211
Martin, Donald1821Scot ROC Lewis Uig VuyaLabourer£15 pa. (3) his mark advance £6A.32/44 fo.210
Martin, George1888Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightServant£20 pa. (1) his markA.32/44 fo.215
Martin, George188920Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightServant$80 pa. +$9.73 tea/molasses (3) his markA.32/44 fo.216-217
Martin, Henry1885Cooper Boatmaster£45 pa. sig. wages less advanceA.32/44 fo.222
Martin, Henry188028Can [LB]HB [LB] CartwrightCooper Slooper$192 +$9.73 tea/molasses pa. (3) sig.A.32/44 fo.218-219
Martin, Henry1881Eng DEV DartmouthHB [LB] CartwrightCooper Salmon Catcher£4 pm. (seasonal) sig. advance £5A.32/44 fo.220-221
Martin, James1907HB [LB] CartwrightLabourer$35 (season) his mark 1907A.32/44 fo.225
Martin, James1889Can [