High School Programs

The High School Recruitment Program is directed at rural and northern Grade 11 and 12 students who are interested in civil engineering and/or highway construction. Students earn over $16.00 per hour, earn overtime at 1.5 times after eight hours Monday to Friday and double time on weekends; estimated earnings over a two month period is $5000.00 plus overtime. Approximately 25 high school students are hired as part of the High School initiative.

Grade 11

  • Grade 11 students eligible for hire must state an interest in Civil Engineering Technology or Engineering.

Grade 12

  • Grade 12 students eligible for hire must be pre-registered for either Civil Engineering Technology or Engineering.
  • After completion of Grade 12 and entry into an engineering program, students are eligible for hire for the duration of their summer co-op terms.

Student Sponsorship Program

Manitoba Infrastructure (MI) is pleased to announce a sponsorship program to continue our efforts to promote engineering and engineering technology. Based on a student's previous work history with MI, selected students are invited to apply for a one time sponsorship in the amount of $1,000.00 to offset some tuition and/or book costs while pursuing a post secondary education to become a Civil Engineer or Civil Engineering Technician or Technologist.

MI is offering financial support to five (5) rural students annually who have graduated from Grade XII and are continuing their post secondary education in either Civil Engineering or Civil Engineering Technology.  In addition, all sponsorship recipients will also be offered summer employment with the Department as they continue their education in the field of Civil Engineering and Technology.


Sponsorship Initiative for Northern and Rural Manitoba Students 2017/18

The program offers $1,000 per student toward their first year of post-secondary education and also a summer student position with Manitoba Infrastructure for each year the student continues their engineering-related studies at the post-secondary level.

Training, Development, and Recruitment Section of Construction Support Services has evaluated and selected the recipients for the 2017/2018 sponsorship awards. The award recipients are:

�Benjamen Leclerc - The Pas, MB - first year - Civil Engineering - University of Manitoba

�Brady Perreault - Brandon, MB - first year - Direct Entry - Faculty of Engineering - University of Manitoba

�Dylan Mills - Boissevain, MB - first year - Direct Entry - Faculty of Engineering - University of Manitoba

�Randy McLeod - Brandon, MB - first year - Civil Engineering Technology - Red River College

�Willi Hodelmann - Mitchell, MB -First Year - Direct Entry - Faculty of Engineering - University of Manitoba

Group photo of recipientsBenjamen Leclerc - The Pas, MB

In rural and northern Manitoba, there are job opportunities for people with an engineering-related background in the design, construction and maintenance of the province�s highways, bridges and overpasses, as well as with the provincial drainage system and at northern airports and marine locations.

In 2017, 13 grade 11 and 12 students from rural and northern Manitoba schools took part in Manitoba Infrastructure's high-school hiring initiative, which offers summer employment for students who meet eligibility requirements.

Past Recipients