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Public Registry File: 4522.10 - RM of Gimli - Biosolids Storage and Land Application

Latest information was posted August 30, 2024


2024-08-30 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted August 30, 2024

2024-08-02 Notice of Alteration to Add Additional Biosolids - posted August 30, 2024

Environment Act Licence No. 2473 RR - posted July 27, 2022

Summary - posted July 27, 2022

2021-03-25 Additional Information - posted June 13, 2022

2020-06-19 Additional Information - posted June 13, 2022

December 16, 2019 Notice of Alteration Approval - posted January 13, 2020

October 23, 2019 Addendum to Environment Act Proposal - posted July 7, 2020

Technical Advisory Committee Comments - posted June 13, 2022

Advertisement - posted October 17, 2018

Environment Act Proposal - posted October 17, 2018


Environmental Approvals Contact: Bereket Assefa