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Documents à l'appui présentés au procès de Mary Rex, page 19.
A of M, A 0088, GR 0363, Q. vs. Mary Rex, No. 4, G 7068

Dear Mrs. Stewart,
The two children are to leave next Thursday May 10th and sail by the SS “Lake Superior”. Blakes live under charge of Mr. Broadhurst who will put them into the train at Montreal. He will give the conductor special instructions to pass the children on from one to another and that they shall be well looked after right away to Elkhorn. Mr Broadhurst will also telegraph on when they start by train from Montreal. Mrs. Singer kindly sent a cheque of $13.14 which was calculated would cover all train expenses. We must thank you very much indeed for taking these children and we only hope they will turn out nice children and be the Lord’s servants and so reward you for taking them. We shall have a special interest in them coming from our old home. I should have liked to see them but the night they passed through London is my night at Mr. George Hollands but my mother hopes to go and meet them and see them off with the party leaving, also - Your letter arrived just too late to send them off with the last part. We are so thankful and glad to hear the good news of your son may he be a mighty witness for the Lord. We have a nice man for [unknown] and only hope he may be strong enough for the work, it is such a battle. I must send you our two little reports we have had such a wonderful letter from our brother in China, he has just been filled with the Holy Ghost. After many months of great depression a real baptism so that he speaks Chinese easier than English and thinks in Chinese and can’t hold back from speaking. Well the Lord is teaching him, praise the Lord for his love. May the Lord bless you much among all you are surrounded by.

Constance Beauchamp