Municipal and Northern Relations

Urban/Hometown Green Team

6th floor, 800 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N4
T 204-945-0901   TF 1-800-282-8069   
F 204-948-4042


Summer Jobs with Urban/Hometown Green Team (Winnipeg and rural Manitoba):

Green Team grants are awarded to non-profit organizations and municipal governments to hire youth between the ages of 15 and 29 to work on community projects between May and August.
Summer Jobs with in provincial parks:
If working in one of Manitoba’s provincial parks appeals to you, a number of positions are available from general maintenance duties to assisting with wildlife and forestry.  Interpretive assistant positions are also available to help deliver amphitheatre programs or provide information at interpretive centres.  Positions are available between May and August each year for youth between the ages of 15 and 29. For more information, visit
Student Jobs MB App:
You can apply for Green Team jobs through the Student Jobs MB app. This free app matches you to jobs in your area or around Manitoba with the click of a button. To learn more, visit: or to create your profile go to:


Green Team creates summer employment opportunities for youth ages 15 to 29 years. Participating employers provide a variety of community development projects that improve neighbourhoods, promote community involvement and help develop young leaders. The employement period is between May 1 and August 31.
The program’s second intake is now closed and is no longer accepting applications.
Department Name: Municipal Relations
Division/Branch Name: Community Planning and Development Division / Community Development Branch
Frequently Asked Questions
Student Jobs MB is a free app that allows you to post an unlimited amount of students jobs and see a list of top applicants for your positions so save you scrolling through profiles. We encourage you to use this app to streamline your hiring. To learn more, visit: or to create your profile go to:
As you are aware, Manitoba is currently under a province-wide State of Emergency under The Emergency Measures Act. In order to receive grant funding, you must confirm your organization’s ability to implement Green Team projects while ensuring compliance with all applicable physical distancing requirements and any relevant notices and practice guides released by the Province that describe the public health parameters under which your proposed program activities may operate. Information on the State of Emergency, including Public Health Orders respecting physical distancing rules, can be found at
Program Priorities
Preference for the second intake will be given to organizations that have not received funding in the current program year..
Indigenous youth, visible minority youth and youth with disabilities.
Projects located in northern Manitoba (north of 53rd parallel) and in areas of demonstrated need.
Eligibility Criteria - Projects
All projects that offer youth employment opportunities will be considered for the second intake.
Projects that are not eligible include:
Projects located in a federal jurisdiction.
Projects that are research based.
Projects proposing any type of advocacy or solicitation of funds.
Projects that include lifeguard, swimming instruction or pool maintenance duties.
Projects that include tasks required in the normal maintenance of an organization (ex: reception, accounting duties, janitorial work).
Eligibility Criteria - Organizations
Eligible organizations include:
Non-profit organizations in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba.
Municipal governments in rural Manitoba.
To be eligible for funding, organizations must also adhere to the following:
Be capable of providing project management and daily supervision of Green Team employees.
Have Workers’ Compensation coverage for all approved employees.
Conduct child abuse registry and criminal record checks on employees involved in coordinating and supervising activities for children/youth under the age of 18 and discontinue the employee’s contact with children/youth if the results from the checks raise any apprehension regarding children/youth safety.
Ensure that all work done on private, residential and municipal properties has the required permission from all affected parties (waiver forms).
For volunteer and children/youth recreation projects, keep track of the number of participating children/youth and submit that information on the claim for reimbursement form.
Pay all approved program employees the Manitoba minimum wage plus 4% vacation allowance (visit for the most current minimum wage rate).
Document all hours worked by each employee on a daily basis.
Issue cheque stubs showing hours worked, gross/vacation pay, deductions and net pay.
Remit all applicable payroll deductions to Canada Revenue Agency.
Issue a T4 slip to each Green Team employee.
Provide the program with funding recognition on any promotional or advertising materials.
Eligibility Criteria - Employees
Eligible employees must:
Be youth aged 15 to 29, living in Manitoba, legally entitled to work in Canada, have a valid Social Insurance Number, and have a Young Worker Readiness Certificate if 15 years of age.
Not result in the lay-off, reduction of hours or dismissal of any current employees or replace employees who have previously been laid-off or dismissed.
Not be funded by other provincial or federal government employment programs for the same employee.
Those not eligible as employees include:
Immediate relatives (specifically: husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister) of a board member, director or executive member of the applicant organization or of any person who is involved in the hiring process or responsible for the supervision of the youth hired through the program.
Individuals already employed by the organization prior to the approved start date (if worked longer than three months on a full-time basis just prior to their start date with Green Team).
Individuals with a financial interest in the applicant organization.
Self-employed individuals, independent contractors, sub-contractors or commissioned salespersons.
Organizations are responsible for ensuring employees meet the eligibility requirements and must submit an employee profile form for each Green Team employee they hire within one week of hiring.  If an employee does not meet program criteria, any hours worked will not be reimbursed to the organization. 
Financial Assistance
Organizations are eligible to apply for up to eight positions per site (a project is considered to have multiple sites if the project is running simultaneously at the different sites and has separate employees at each site). 
Organizations may request up to 480 hours per position.
Any non-profit organization that is approved for four positions or more must designate one position for every four positions approved for an Indigenous youth, visible minority youth or youth with disabilities.
Non-profit organizations will be reimbursed the following:
Manitoba minimum wage and 4% vacation allowance for each approved program employee (visit for the most current minimum wage rate) and up to $250 in support costs for each approved position.
Municipal governments will be reimbursed the following:
Half of the Manitoba minimum wage rate and 4% vacation allowance for each approved program employee on a 50/50 cost-shared basis and up to $125 in support costs for each approved position on a 50/50 cost-shared basis.
Support costs are to help cover expenses such as: safety clothing, employer remittances for CPP and EI, criminal record and child abuse registry checks, workers’ compensation coverage (non-profits only), project materials, etc.  Receipts and other supporting documentation are required to claim for support costs.
Reimbursement will not be provided for any hours worked outside the program operating dates (May 1 to August 31) or for any overtime hours worked (over eight hours per day and over 40 hours per week).
If actual hours worked per position are less than the funding amount approved, grants will be reduced accordingly.  Reimbursement for the support costs will also be reduced if those expenses are less than the total amount approved.
Approved non-profit organizations will be provided with an advance payment of 65% of approved employee wage funding and the full amount for support costs.  The remaining 35% of approved employee wage funding will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the project following the submission of a claim for reimbursement form. 
Approved municipal governments will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the project following the submission of a claim for reimbursement form. 
Workplace Safety and Health
All approved organizations agree to:
Comply with the provincial Workplace Safety and Health Act and regulations applicable to your organization.
Provide general and job specific workplace safety and health training for participants.  Resources are available at
Train managers and supervisors on how to train participants. Keep in mind that supervisors must be competent to provide safety and health training for workers.
Spend ample time explaining the job, providing training and supervising young and new worker participants.
Identify all hazards and provide specific training on how to perform each task safely before asking participants to do a job.
Before allowing them to work, make sure participants demonstrate what they have learned and correct any unsafe practices immediately.
Explain organization safety rules, emergency procedures, and any restricted work areas, tools or equipment.
Keep a record of all safety training provided, including evaluations to demonstrate that participants know how to follow the safe work procedures for specific tasks assigned.
Explain the importance of prompt reporting of unsafe conditions and concerns. Make sure participants know it is a priority for you and tell them how and to whom they must report a hazard or safety concern.
Encourage participants to ask questions and ask for help if they are unsure about a task.
Introduce and provide contact information for members of the workplace safety and health committee or representative.
Terms and Conditions
All approved organizations agree to:
Comply with all public health orders related to COVID-19.
Comply with all federal and provincial laws and regulations governing employers.
Comply with all labour employment standards directed by Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade.
Comply with all applicable requirements under the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations.
Permit identification of the organization by name in publicity related to the program.
Permit the release of contact information to potential employees for approved projects.
Report any changes to a project description or organization’s contact information to program staff (changes may affect approved funding).
Return phone calls and send in requested information to program staff in a timely fashion.
Provide information to assist in reviewing the effectiveness of the program.
Follow all criteria as set out on all program forms and documents.
If in the opinion of program staff responsible for the administration of the Green Team program, an approved applicant or authorized representative has misrepresented the information provided in the application or other program documents, used part or all of the funding for purposes other than authorized on the approved application, or fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the program as described, program staff may cancel any funding provided and take the appropriate steps to require the approved applicant or authorized official to repay in whole or part any funds provided.  Failure by program officials to take action for non-compliance or for a breach of any or all terms and conditions shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment of this right.
Program staff will conduct scheduled and non-scheduled site visits throughout the duration of the program to ensure criteria are being followed.  Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health may also make unannounced visits to project sites to ensure workplace safety and health procedures are in place and enforce Workplace Safety and Health regulations.
Important Contacts
COVID-19 Information
Information on the State of Emergency, including Public Health Orders respecting physical distancing rules, can be found at
Canada Revenue Agency
To obtain a Canada Revenue Agency Business # and information on employer/employee contributions to C.P.P. and E.I., phone 1-800-959-5525.
Employment Standards
If you have any questions regarding your obligations as an employer in Manitoba (ex: payment of statutory holidays), phone 204-945-3352 or 1-800-821-4307 or visit
Workers' Compensation
To register with the Workers' Compensation Board of Manitoba, call 204-954-4321 or 1-800-362-3340.
Workplace Safety and Health
If you have any questions regarding your obligations as an employer for workplace safety and health or are looking for resources on how to properly train your employees, visit
Child Abuse Registry Check
For information, contact the Child Abuse Registry Unit at 204-945-6967 or 1-800-282-8069.
Criminal Records Check
For information on criminal records checks, contact your local police department or local RCMP detatchment.
Social Insurance Number
For information on how youth can obtain a Social Insurance Number, contact Employment and Social Development Canada at 1-800-206-7218 or visit their web site at for an online application.
Young Worker Readiness Certificate
Youth 15 years of age can complete the course on-line at: