Look North

Take a Trip

To get you started and help you focus your trip, visit this great website www.visitnorthernmanitoba.ca. While there, be sure to check out their many videos, as well as the amazing northern photography featured on their Instagram pages www.instagram.com/tourismnorth/.


Welcome to our north

We know once you visit, you'l love it as much as we do! And chances are, you'll be back. We welcome you with open arms and warm hearts and a Look North.

Manitoba: Lonely Planet's 2019 best in travel

Manitoba was named one of the world's top 10 places to visit in 2019 by Lonely Planet. Travel Manitoba put together a great video showcasing the diverse cultural and natural beauty Manitoba has to offer. Watch the video.

Manitoba Road and Traveller Information


Public Transportation Options:

Rail - www.viarail.ca
Air - http://www.calmair.com, www.perimeter.ca, www.bearskinairlines.com, www.wingsoverkississing.com, www.missinippiair.ca, www.northwayav.com

Thompson airport partners: http://thompsonairport.ca/thompson-airport-partners/


At approximately 438,492 km2 northern Manitoba is a vast geographic area; it's hard to know where everything is. With a combination of all-weather roads, winter roads, rail travel and communities accessible only by air or boat, it could be a challenge to find your way around -- if northern hospitality and modern maps weren't at your disposal! The resources in this section will get you off to a great start.
