Administrative Penalties are issued to employers who repeatedly choose not to be compliant with employment standards legislation.

As part of an investigation, the employer will be educated on the proper method of paying wages by way of a formal letter. This letter will clearly outline what provisions under legislation are in question as well as the possibility of further penalty with continued non compliance. A future review of payroll records will show whether or not an employer has become compliant. These are necessary steps prior to the Director issuing an Administrative Penalty.

The Director of Employment Standards can impose a penalty of $500 per employee per offence, to a maximum of $10,000, for failing to comply with The Employment Standards Code or The Construction Industry Wages Act, when the violation occurs after the person has received a formal letter to comply.

Penalties listed below are those which have been paid by the employer, the employer has appealed to The Manitoba Labour Board and lost or, where the penalty has been formally filed into judgement with the Court of Queen’s Bench.

Recent-last 3 months

Archived 2012

Archived 2011

Archived 2009/2010

(Above are all links to Word documents listing the Penalties)