Till Geochemistry Surveys in Manitoba Publications
To view further bibliographic information on any Manitoba Geological Survey-produced reports, please visit the Bibliography of Manitoba Geology. If an MGS publication is currently available for download, it will be linked from its title in the listing below.
To view further bibliographic information on any Geological Survey of Canada-produced reports, please visit Natural Resources Canada.
Geochemical reanalysis of archived till samples from northernmost Manitoba
L.A. Dredge and I. McMartin 2007
Publication #:
GSC OF5546
Grain sizes:
<63 μm
Method: Partial ICP-ES (63μm); INAA (63μm)
Format: Digital
Geochemistry and physical properties of till in northernmost Manitoba
L.A. Dredge and S.J. Pehrsson 2006
Publication #: GSC OF5320
Grain sizes:
<2 μm; <63 μm
Method: AAS (2μm); Colourimetry (2μm); Fluorimetry (2μm); INAA (63μm; only Au); Chittick (63μm)
Format: Digital
Surficial geology, till composition, stratigraphy and ice-flow indicator data, Seal River–North Knife River area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P)
M.S. Trommelen 2015
Publication #:
Grain sizes:
<63 μm
Method: Carbonate (63μm); LECO (63μm); Near-total ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); Partial ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); LOI (63μm)
Format: Digital
Till composition and ice-flow indicator data, Great Island - Caribou Lake area (parts of NTS 54L, 54M, 64I and 64P), northeast Manitoba
J.E. Campbell, M.S. Trommelen, M.W. McCurdy, C.O.
Böhm and M. Ross 2012
Publication #:
GSC OF6967
Grain sizes: <63 μm
Method: Ca-Mg (63μm); Total ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); Partial ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); Leco (63μm); LOI (63μm)
Till composition, stratigraphy, ice-flow indicator data and glacial history of the North Knife River–Churchill River region, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, 64I)
M.S. Gauthier 2019
Publication #:
Grain sizes: <63 μm
Method: Carbonate (63μm); LECO (63μm); Near-total ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); Partial ICP-ES and ICP-MS (63μm); LOI (63μm); INAA (63μm)
Till geochemistry of the Seal River area, east of Great Island, Manitoba
E. Nielsen 1987
Publication #:
Grain sizes: <2 μm; <63 μm; Heavy Minerals
Method: AAS; Colourimetry; X-ray fluorescence; INAA; Fire assay - AA
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