Till Geochemistry Surveys in Manitoba Publications
To view further bibliographic information on any Manitoba Geological Survey-produced reports, please visit the Bibliography of Manitoba Geology. If an MGS publication is currently available for download, it will be linked from its title in the listing below.
To view further bibliographic information on any Geological Survey of Canada-produced reports, please visit Natural Resources Canada.
A trans-jurisdiction database of till composition across the Circum-Kisseynew area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
I. McMartin, J.E. Campbell and L.A. Dredge 2012
Publication #: GSC OF7064
Grain sizes:
<2 μm; <63 μm; 0.177 mm
Method: Carbonate (63μm); Partial ICP-AES (2μm); Partial ICP-AES (63μm); INAA (63μm); Near total ICP-ES and ICP-MS (0.177 mm); INAA (0.177 mm)
Format: Digital
Gold and arsenic in till, Wheatcroft Lake dispersal train, Manitoba
C.A. Kaszycki, W. Suttner and R.N.W. DiLabio 1989
Publication #: GSC Paper 88-1C, pages 341-351
Grain sizes:
<2 μm; <63 μm
Method: AAS (2μm); Colourimetry (As, 2μm); INAA (U, 2μm); INAA (63μm)
Format: Digital release within GSC OF2118
Surficial geology and till composition, northwestern Manitoba
C.A. Kaszycki 1989
Publication #: GSC OF2118
Grain sizes:
<2 μm; <63 μm; Heavy Minerals
Method: AAS; Colourimetry; INAA; Fluorimetry; Fire assay - INAA; Chittick; Fire assay - AA
Format: Digital release within GSC OF5873
Surficial geology, till and humus composition across the Shield margin, north-central Manitoba and Saskatchewan: geospatial analysis of a glaciated environment
I. McMartin, P.J. Henderson, E. Nielsen and J.E. Campbell 1996
Publication #: GSC OF3277
Grain sizes:
<2 μm
Method: AAS (2μm); cold vapour AAS (2μm); Colourimetry (2μm); Partial ICP-AES (2μm); Total carbonate by AAS
Format: Digital
Till geochemistry data for the Elbow Lake area, northwest Manitoba (NTS 63K15, 16, 63N2)
E. Nielsen and M.S. Gauthier 2020
Publication #: Data Repository Item DRI2020016
Grain sizes:
<2 μm; <63 μm; Heavy Minerals
AAS; cold vapour AAS; Partial ICP-AES (2um); INAA (63um); Gold grains (HM)
Format: Digital
Till-geochemistry data from Kississing Lake (NTS 63N3), northwest Manitoba
E. Nielsen and M.S. Gauthier 2020
Publication #: Data Repository Item DRI2020018
Grain sizes:
<63 μm; Heavy Minerals
INAA (63μm); AAS (2μm); Gold grains (HM)
Format: Digital
Till geochemical investigations in northwestern Manitoba
E. Nielsen 1985
Publication #: GSC OF3277
Grain sizes:
Format: Hard copy
Till geochemistry in northwestern Manitoba (NTS 63N, 64B, 64F and 64G and parts of 63K, 63O, 64A and 64C)
P.G. Lenton and C.A. Kaszycki 2005
Publication #: OF2005-2
Grain sizes:
<0.177 mm
Method: Near-total ICP and ICP-MS (0.177mm); INAA (0.177mm)
Format: Digital