
List of Services and Supports

Here are the services that may be available to you depending on your needs:






For information about how these services are delivered and funded, please see our listing of Service Definitions and Funding Models.

Supports to People Living at Home with Family

If you live at home with your family, we can provide supports to help you and your family be a strong team and live well together. Depending on your needs, some of these supports could include:


This is an opportunity for you to experience time away from your family.  During this time, a respite worker can support you to:

  • work on the skills you want to learn to be more independent
  • take part in fun activities in the community
  • volunteer in the community
  • enjoy a hobby or a game that you like to do
  • make friends and meet other people

There are different types of respite that might work for you and your family.

  • Self Administered Respite – You and your family will hire, train and pay a respite worker directly.
  • Agency Delivered Respite – An agency will hire, pay and manage respite workers to provide you and your family with respite.
  • Manitoba Families Direct Service Providers – Direct Service Providers that are employed by the Province may provide you and your family with respite.

In-Home Services

In Home Support Services provide you and your family with more support if you have complex needs. In Home Support Services are only for individuals with higher support needs (Level 3 to Level 7). Individuals with lower support needs (assessed with Level 1 or 2 needs) can access Respite Services.

In Home Support Services may be offered in two ways: Supports to Families or Outreach services:

1. Supports to Families

Supports to Families can help you and your family to live well together.  These supports will be based on your person-centred plan and will focus on you and your family.

Supports may include:

  • person-centred and family focused planning
  • help with problem solving
  • before and after school/day service support
  • activities in your community
  • training or learning opportunities for you and your family

2. Outreach

Outreach services can provide short-term help during a time of change in your life.  Supports may include:

  • help getting ready to move to the community on your own
  • help with developing skills that fit your goals
  • learning opportunities for you and your family

School In-Service and Summer Programming

If you are 18 to 21 years old and in high school, you can receive support during the summer when school is not in session, and during school in-service dates.

During these times, your respite worker can support you to access the community, work on learning new skills, connect with friends or take part in fun activities you like to do.

The amount and type of support you could receive will depend on your needs and your person-centred plan.

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Day Services

If you are about to finish school, or if you graduated long ago but are new to Community Living disABILITY Services, you may be interested in taking on new challenges in this next chapter of your life. Day services can help you with employment, job training, or going to a day service operated by an agency.

The type of day service you attend will be based on your employment and personal goals. Based on your goals, your day service may support you to:

  • find a job in the community, and support you to succeed in that job
  • learn the skills you need to find employment in the future
  • be a part of the community and enjoy personal, social, and recreational activities

You can access day services in July of the year you turn 21 years old.

Transportation services may also be available to take you to your day service.

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Residential Services

Community Living disABILITY Services provides supports to help you live in the home that best meets your support needs. There are four kinds of services that may be available::

Living at Home with Family

If you live at home with your family, we can provide supports to help you and your family be a strong team and live well together. Learn more about Supports to People Living at Home with Family.

Supported Independent Living

You might live in your own home or apartment, either by yourself or with a roommate. If you live in your own place, it is up to you to pay the rent and utilities and make sure your home is well managed and comfortable.

Depending on your needs, some of these Supported Independent Living supports could include:

  • Direct Support from a Worker:

The program can provide you with some hours of support each week to help you take care of managing your own place and to support you to live in the community.

A support worker can help you with things like:

  • planning your meals for the week and making a grocery list
  • managing your money
  • paying bills
  • doing laundry
  • cleaning the house
  • taking care of home maintenance
  • Rent Top-Up:

If you are living in a Supported Independent Living arrangement, renting your own place (by yourself or with roommates) and receiving Manitoba Supports for People with Disabilities, you may be eligible for rent top-up.  If your MSPD budget and other sources of money do not cover the cost of the rent, we can provide some additional funding within limits.  Rent Top-Up is only available after you have used your other sources of money, such as: 

  • Manitoba Supports for People with Disabilities
  • Non-MSPD Rent Assist (if you are a low-income earner and not getting MSPD)
  • income earned from a job
  • other income (such as a legal settlement, inheritance, worker’s compensation)
  • Portable Housing Benefit
  • Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and/or Guaranteed Income Supplement

The amount of Rent Top-Up you could receive depends on the cost of housing, whether you are receiving other types of shelter assistance, and the other money you have available.

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Home Share

You might share a home with an adult care provider or family that provides you with support when you need it.

In this living situation:

  • Your care provider will provide you with assistance to develop skills that fit your goals.
  • You may stay in this home short-term and work towards moving to a place of your own or you may stay in this home long-term.
  • You may attend day time activities such as school, employment, or day service.
  • Your home is safe and clean, and is owned or rented by your care provider.
  • Your care provider is not related to you.
  • Your home is licensed by Residential Care Licensing

A Home Share can be either agency-supported or private.

  • In an Agency-Supported Home Share, an agency does the following:
    • Finds individuals to be Home Share care providers
    • Provides training to care providers
    • Answers questions and provides support
    • Helps care providers if there is an emergency situation
    • Supports care providers with licensing requirements
  • In a Private Home Share, your Community Service Worker and Residential Care Licensing staff provide support to the care provider.

Shift-Staffed Homes (Group Home)

You might live in a home with agency staff who are available to provide you with support when you need it.  Your home will be safe, clean, and comfortable, and your family and friends will be welcome.

In this living situation:

  • support workers will be in your home to provide you with the support you need, when you need it
  • you may attend day time activities such as school, employment, or day services
  • your home must be licensed by Residential Care Licensing, and meet standards such as fire and building code requirements.  For more information, please see our Residential Care Licensing page.
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Clinical Services

It is important that we understand your unique support needs.

You may need an assessment from a qualified clinician to determine if you are eligible for the program. You might need a care plan to support a special diet or other health care need you have. Depending on your needs and services, specialized training and support for your caregivers might be provided. We may provide these services if there is no other funding available for you (for example: from your school, regional health authority, or private insurance).

There are two types of Clinical Services that can be used to assess needs:

Clinical Assessment

Clinical professionals may be called to do assessments in a variety of specialty areas:

  • Assessments to determine eligibility  
  • Feeding assessments
  • Independent living assessments
  • Occupational or Physical Therapy assessments
  • Behavioural assessments

Clinical Therapy

Therapy services may be available to provide you with short-term treatment services, therapy, and support. These services respect your rights, honour your strengths, and aim to meet your emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual, environmental, and cultural needs.

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Crisis Intervention

Community Living disABILITY Services understands that unexpected and crisis situations will happen. The safety and well-being of you, your family, roommates, and your support workers are very important to us. Depending on what is happening in your life, immediate, short-term crisis intervention services may be provided.

If your living situation has become unsafe, services can help you to live safely in your current home, or give you a short-term place to stay until you can return safely to your home.

Services may also include counselling and support for you and your caregivers to continue living well together.

For information on how we assess your needs, continue to the next page.

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Community Nurse Consultant Service

The Community Nurse Consultant Service (CNCS) is available for Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) participants and CLDS Service Providers through referral by the CLDS Service Provider, Primary Care Provider or Community Services Worker (CSW). As more individuals with complex medical needs are supported in the community, it is critical that individuals and their supporting agencies have access to professional nurses who specialize in care provision, assessment, and training for persons with intellectual disabilities.

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