
Early Learning and Child Care Committees

Minister's Consultation Table (MCT)

The Minister's Consultation Table provides recommendations for consideration that will advance early learning and child case system improvements that are in the best interest of Manitoba families, communities and support economic growth. This includes providing feedback on provincial and federal priorities and action plans. The consultation table represents a wide range of child care providers across the province.


The table consists of up to 20 members in total, each of whom is appointed by the minister with two members designated by the minister to co- chair table meetings.

Minister Consultation Table Committee Members

  • Co-Chair: Sarah Whiteford, Assistant Deputy Minister, Early Learning and Child Care Division
  • Co-Chair: Bonnie Ash, Executive Director of Morrow Avenue Child Care Programs for Families
  • Brigitte L'Heureux, General Director, Fédération des parents de la francophonie manitobaine
  • Brenda Gill, Director, Gillam Preschool and Child Centre
  • Caryn LaFleche , Vice President of Childcare and Development YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg
  • Jodie Kehl , Executive Director, Manitoba Child Care Association
  • Karolina Dressler, Executive Director, Brightling Children's Academy
  • Karlin Mann, Director, Oak Street Nursery School Inc.
  • Kisa MacIsaac, ECE III
  • Lisa Nemetcheck, Executive Director, Little Voyageurs Learning Centre Inc.
  • Ron Blatz, Director, Discovery Children's Centre Inc. (retired)
  • Aisha Edirisinghe, Director/ Owner of a private for-profit Montessori facility: Richmond Montessori School Inc.
  • Sheila Murdock, Early Learning Child Care Manager, Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre

Child Care Parent Advisory Committee (CCPAC)

The Child Care Parent Advisory Committee provides recommendations for consideration from a parent/family perspective to advance system improvements, services and provides advise on how they can be more responsive and flexible to needs of Manitoba families. This includes feedback on provincial and federal priorities and action plans. The committee represents a diverse range of parents who have children from birth-to age 12 from across the province.


The committee consists of up to 12 members in total, each of whom is appointed by the minister with one member designated by the minister to chair committee meetings.

Child Care Parent Advisory Committee Members

  • Chair: Sarah Whiteford
  • Laura Matlashewski
  • Kathryn Lee
  • Ron Fillion
  • Erin Furgala
  • Keesy Rodewald
  • Karla Dane
  • Edith Cormier
  • Patricia Petti
  • Okechukwu Ikeh
  • Jaymi Witzke
  • Kendall Kouk

Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee (CCQTC)

The Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee is a statutory committee that provides advice and recommendations about any matter relating to the qualifications and training of staff facilities, or any other duty assigned to it. This includes Manitoba’s approved Early Childhood Education post-secondary programs.


The committee consists of up to nine members in total, each of whom is appointed by the minister with one  member designated by the minister to chair and vice- chair committee meetings.

Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee Members

  • Chair: Joanne Broatch
  • Vice-Chair: Dr. Burcu Nteliogloub
  • Debbie O'Donnell-Weigelt
  • Sharon T. Varga
  • Joanne Vinet
  • Laura Hunter (Matlashewski)
  • Arlene Rollins
  • Heather Cybulski

Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee (CCQTC)

Committee listings current as of August 2023

For information further information on ELCC engagement committees, contact

To learn more about Early Learning and Child Care governing boards in Manitoba, visit section on Roles, Responsibilities and Functions of a Board (for licensed early learning and child care providers)