
$10 a Day Child Care

Print Version: $10 a Day Child Care FAQ (PDF)

Effective April 2, 2023, parents of children who are enrolled in infant, nursery and preschool programs will pay $10 a day per child for regular hours of care (4 to 10 hours) at licensed child care facilities that receive operating grants. For school-age children attending for three periods per day (before school, lunch and after school), parent fees are also being reduced to $10 a day.

This means families will see a significant reduction in the child care fees they pay for their child or children at provincially funded licensed child care facilities beginning April 2.

The Manitoba government is committed to improving access to high-quality, inclusive child care for Manitobans. Province-wide average $10 a day child care, funded by the federal and provincial governments, will help make life more affordable for families.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why are parents’ child care fees being reduced?

    The governments of Canada and Manitoba are committed to improving access to high-quality, inclusive child care for Manitobans to help make life more affordable for families.

    Under the Canada-Manitoba Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, Manitoba committed to reaching an average of $10 per day for parent fees by 2026 for children under the age of seven.

  2. Are all child care facilities required to reduce parent fees?

    Non-profit centres (including infant, preschool, nursery, and school age programs) and child care homes that receive provincial operating grant funding are required to comply with the regulated maximum parent fees.

    Licensed centres and child care homes that do not receive provincial operating grant funding are not required to follow the regulated maximum daily fees for non-subsidized families; however, they cannot charge subsidized families more than the maximum daily fees.

  3. How do I know if the new parent fees apply to my child care facility?

    $10 a day child care will be available to families at over 1,000 licensed child care facilities across the province. Families may contact the licensed child care facility directly to confirm if the facility is funded and the new fees apply. For a listing of licensed child care facilities visit Manitoba Child Care Search at To find out what fees your child care facility is allowed to charge, you can also learn more at:

  4. Do families need to apply to be eligible for the new fees?

    Beginning on April 2, 2023, Manitoba will reduce the regulated parent fees to $10 per day for regular full-time hours (4 to 10 hours of care) for infant, preschool and nursery school spaces in non-profit centres and child care homes that receive operating grant funding.

    Families with children enrolled at licensed funded child care facilities are eligible for the new rates and do not need to apply for them.

  5. Will parent fees be reduced for school age children?

    Parent fees are also being reduced to $10 a day for school age children attending for three periods per day (before school, lunch and after school) in funded facilities.

  6. Are all parent fees being reduced to $10 per day?

    No. In some cases, the fees will be lower or higher than $10 per day depending upon the type of care. For example, part-time infant/preschool care for less than four hours per day, including morning or afternoon nursery school sessions will be less than $10 per day. In cases where extended child care over 10 hours is required by families, fees will be higher than $10 per day.

    School age fees for in-service days and school holidays will remain the same at $20.80 per day or $18.20 per day depending on the type of facility.

  7. How will the new parent fees affect families who receive child care subsidy?

    The Child Care Subsidy Program will continue to provide financial support for eligible families to ensure that cost is not a barrier to quality early learning child care and programming.

    Manitoba families currently receiving child care subsidy will be reassessed. No families receiving child care subsidy will have their child care costs increased as a result of this change. Some families may no longer require child care subsidy if under the new parent fee rates they will be paying less than they were paying with previously subsidized fees.

  8. Will families need to reapply for child care subsidy after April 2, 2023?

    No. Current subsidy approvals will be automatically reassessed at the new parent fee rates. Families will receive an Approval for Child Care Subsidy Letter through Child Care Online indicating the amount of their family contribution.

  9. Where is the funding coming from to cover the cost of reducing parent fees?

    Canada and Manitoba are investing over $76 million in 2023/24 to support this affordability initiative. Additional funding will be provided to child care facilities to offset the parent fee reductions, equivalent to the difference between the previous and new fees, ensuring that facilities continue to receive the same revenue as prior to April 2, 2023.

  10. How will families know what their new child care fees are?

    Child care facilities are encouraged to communicate with their families about the new parent fees. Facilities will begin charging new reduced parent fees effective April 2, 2023.

    Facilities will continue to invoice families for the amount of fees that are due to the child care facility according to each facility’s regular invoicing and payment schedule.

  11. How will child care facilities and families find out more details about the reduced parent fees?

    This announcement is being made now to ensure child care facilities and families are supported in the transition to the new fees. The department will be working closely with facilities, including providing information they can distribute to families. The department will be communicating directly with those families participating in the Child Care Subsidy Program to ensure continuity of support.