National Public Service Week


Activies à Winnipeg

[vendredi, 17 juin 2011]

Récipiendaires des 13e prix annuels d'excellence du service au Manitoba

Voici les récipiendaires des 13e prix annuels d'excellence du service au Manitoba

MESA Recipients

2011 Community Service Recipient

Sean Brennan
(Justice; Winnipeg)

2011 Community Service Recipient
From left to right: Sean Brennan (Justice) and Grant Doak (Deputy Minister for Family Services and Consumer Affairs)

Sean was instrumental in transforming Agape Table from a soup kitchen that served approximately 300 people daily in to a community nutrition centre. Based on the four philosophical pillars of nutrition, empowerment, dignity and community, Agape Table programming has been expanded to include a subsidized breakfast, a low-cost grocery, low-cost clothing and arts, crafts and music programs. In spearheading this transformation, Sean has been a role model, mentor, coach and leader to the board, staff and clients of Agape Table. Additionally, Sean volunteers his time in support of other community organizations.

"Sean has very much been a force for change and innovation in his time at Agape Table. Sean was not content with being a band-aid or the boy with his finger in the dam. . . . Agape has improved as a direct result of Sean's breadth of involvement, tireless enthusiasm, commitment of many hours and keen intellect challenging the status quo and societal preconceptions."

Nominators:  Shaun Sass and Corinne Pierce


2011 Innovation Recipient

Manitoba Student Financial Aid Information System (SFAIS)
(Advanced Education and Literacy; Innovation, Energy and Mines - Winnipeg)

2011 Innovation Recipient

Mike Anderson
Barb Bielak
Darren Brothers
Glenn Deley
Boguslawa Dittmar
Hussein Dostmohamed
Victor Dyck
Vanessa Falk
Eloida Francisco
Don Gerrard
Tom Glenwright
Leigh Hampton
Jay Hipolito
Kimberley Huebner
Emmanuel Huletey
Natasha Jainarine
Gil Kneeshaw
Krista MacDonald
Romiel Malixi
Jacquie Manaigre
Marilyn McCorrister
Donna McLachlan
Ryan McRonald
Melanie Mirecki
Riyaz Mohammed
Lorna Nicholson
Jose Pantig
Mike Patterson
Mike Proteau
Ira Reyes
Jasmine Robillon
Susan Rosenberg
Gary Sandiford
Jamie Sawchuk
Bob (Robert) Scott
Donna Talampas
Shirley Trafton
Robyn Van Vliet
Fred Vanderlip
Vinod Veturi
Kim Zayac

This project transformed the Manitoba Student Loan Administration unit from a paper-based, multiple computer system interlaced with manual processes, into a single integrated automated system with minimal manual processes. SFAIS streamlined the disbursement of student loan funds and collection of student loan payments. Data entry was also streamlined into a single computer system that manages workflows, tracks interactions, requires no manual entry and re-entry of data, and eliminates paper and spreadsheet files. New policies, processes and interfaces were developed for interacting with credit bureaus, the Royal Bank and the government's SAP system. The solution met the needs of all stakeholders and was delivered on time and on budget.

"Improvements to processes and procedures coupled with system automation are exceeding business stakeholders and users expectations. Students using Manitoba Student Aid are receiving funding quicker with less staff time. By developing an in-house system, Manitoba no longer relies on a leased program that did not ever meet all of its needs. Business has transformed, and has improved in quantifiable and significant ways."

Nominators: Gisela Rempel and Kathie Hardy


2011 Leadership Recipient

Janet Fontaine
(Health; Winnipeg)

2011 Leadership Recipient
From left to right: Harvey Bostrom (Deputy Minister for Aboriginal and Northern Affairs) and Janet Fontaine (Health)

Working in the Aboriginal and Northern Health Office (ANHO), Janet largely worked on files that represented vulnerable populations, often in remote and isolated communities. She held herself and others accountable for the implementation and commitment to ANHO's goals of reducing health disparities and promoting a more culturally appropriate health care system for vulnerable populations. Janet's work played a very large role in expanding ANHO from three to 14 staff. She showed that AHNO needed to evolve to address the health challenges for Aboriginal people. Janet understood and respected the jurisdictional issues and the political sensitivities and helped internal staff to understand and respect various governance structures of Aboriginal partners and organizations, both regionally and nationally.

“Janet is an exceptional teacher, liaison and facilitator, and is well respected in both government and community settings. As such, she exudes her influence by modelling the way for her colleagues. Her influence in government policy-making and decision-making over the years has had significant impact on both government staff and communities."

Nominators: Rose Neufeld and Joanna Plater


2011 Service Excellence Recipients


Wayne Hildebrand
(Water Stewardship; Neepawa)

2011 Service Excellence Recipient - Individual
From left to right: Wayne Hidebrand (Water Stewardship) and Joy Cramer (Deputy Minister for Housing and Community Development)

Wayne led the development and implementation of the conservation districts' program "Framework for the Future." His diplomatic skills and extensive knowledge made it possible for stakeholder consensus to be achieved on the content of this major policy. Wayne worked with his team to restructure the watershed-planning framework to better suit the needs of the individual conservation districts. Focus was placed on achieving excellent public participation in planning and greater engagement of all organizations to establish watershed goals. Wayne's success in leading the delivery and coordination of this program has contributed to a strong participatory environment. He helped his team develop a high standard of service provided through planning for all stakeholders involved.

“Wayne has worked to build the most successful soil and water program in Manitoba's history. Along the way, he encouraged everyone around him to realize their potential and to appreciate the power of working together for a greater purpose. Wayne is an outstanding example of service excellence both professionally and personally."

Nominators: Rhonda McDougal and Sarah Coughlin



CentrePlace Manitoba Team (Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games)
(Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Entrepreneurship,
Training and Trade, Family Services and Consumer Affairs, Finance, Infrastructure
and Transportation, Labour and Immigration; Winnipeg)

2011 Service Excellence Recipient - Team
CentrePlace Manitoba Team with Jeff Schnoor (Deputy Minister for Justice, third from right)

Mike Benson
Pat Britton
Karen Bryk
Gerri Cooper
Bob Dilay
Graham Gork
Rob Kennedy
Karen Lawlor
Joe McKellep
Ada Chauca Sabroso
Jason Sheps
Cindy Stevens
Michelle Wallace
John Wyndels
Nuo Yang

The team, comprised of staff from across government, coordinated all aspects of Manitoba's involvement, presence and partnerships leading up to and during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Vancouver. They were responsible for organizing the seven days the Olympic Torch Relay spent in 33 Manitoba communities; hosting more than 120,000 visitors and dignitaries from around the world at the Vancouver pavilion; and, coordinating CentrePlace Manitoba's internet presence, which had 16,000 hits during the three weeks of the Games. The team also raised the international awareness of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights; helped to showcase 30 Manitoba arts groups, as well as organize a sold-out Manitoba Social and the Manitoba Day celebrations. CentrePlace Manitoba was awarded a VANOC Sustainability Award, as well as two Prairie Wood Design Awards. The team would also like to recognize the work of Travel Manitoba.

"Due to their hard work and the immense scope of the project, the team has set the standard for Manitoba's participation in any similar future events of this magnitude."

Nominators: Sandra Hardy and Terry Welsh


2011 Partnership Recipient

Enhanced Telehealth Capacity for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Consultation to the North

Partners: Family Services and Consumer Affairs, First Nations & Inuit Health, Health Canada, Health, Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre, Manitoba Telehealth

2011 Partnership Recipient
Enhanced Telehealth Capacity for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Consultation to the North Team with Barry Todd (Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, fourth from right)

Rhonda Campbell
Deirdre Ellis
Wanda Helman
Dr. Keith Hildahl
Dr. Mark Koltek
Jana Kozar
Leona Lathlin
Liz Loewen
Stephanie Loewen
Doug Mercer
Lori Middendorp
Lisa Nachbaur
Rose Neufeld
Kirk Nyquist
Virginia Sanderson
Fran Schellenberg
Frankie Scribe
Debra Senychych
Marg Synyshyn
Lise Turenne
JT Turner
Kim Vander Putten
Paul Vincent
Jim Wolfe

The project provides regular and ongoing child and adolescent mental health consultation, including psychiatry services, via MBTelehealth to four remote First Nations communities, reducing the number of youths required to travel outside of their communities to receive these specialized services. Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness is one of the biggest risk factors contributing to youth suicide. In Manitoba, Aboriginal youth suicide rates are seven times higher than for non-Aboriginal youth. Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre staff provide the mental health services via Telehealth, while MBTelehealth staff ensure that community-based personnel are trained to use the MBTelehealth equipment. All of the partners have remained actively engaged in supporting and ensuring the success of the program; frequently connecting regarding potential expansions and key decision points that have occurred as the project unfolds and expands.

"It was deemed essential for partnerships to be forged and maintained in order for this project to be where it is today: a successfully active service in four First Nations communities."

Nominators: Marie Perchotte and Lorraine Dacombe Dewar


2011 Premier's Career Achievement Recipient

Shaunda Rossington
24 years of service
(Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - Beausejour)

2011 Premier's Career Achievement Recipient

Very well known and appreciated by all staff throughout the department, Shaundra has earned distinction through the recognition and respect of client groups and has contributed significantly to the creation of positive client connections. She has demonstrated long-term and versatile service, as well as the exemplary actions of a provincial civil servant. Shaunda's contributions are also well known and respected throughout the Manitoban and Canadian 4-H programs and in Japan through youth and trade relations with the York-Benimaru Foundation.

"Her style of leadership of MAFRI's 4-H and Youth program has made significant contributions to the government as a whole, by positively impacting rural Manitobans' perspectives of MAFRI. This also extends to the agri-industry as she has built strong positive relationships with the many companies and organizations that sponsor the 4-H program. She has this amazing ability to make others feel important by focusing her attention on them."

Nominators: Kim Beilby and Leanne Sprung

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Government of Canada Province of Manitoba City of Winnipeg