Collective Bargaining

Core Public Service Collective Bargaining

This website has been created for regular updates and transparency concerning the ongoing collective bargaining process in core government. Interest and engagement levels are naturally high, especially when the normal bargaining cycle falls in the somewhat charged environment before a provincial election.

The Manitoba government - through the Workforce Relations Division of the Public Service Commission - remains fully committed to collaboratively working through the always complex bargaining process to reach fair and balanced new collective agreements for our dedicated, professional public servants.

Bargaining with the various unions representing our employees will continue in good faith to advance these shared goals, and bargaining dates at a number of tables have been scheduled throughout August. While bargaining will pause for the election, reflecting the structural safeguards and expectations of the caretaker convention, we fully expect that bargaining will resume in October.

Collective bargaining is a key foundational element for workplace relations. Bargaining involves a series of meetings between the union and the employer where proposed changes to the current collective agreement - including compensation issues - are discussed and negotiated. The bargaining process provides a platform and opportunity for the employer and employees to make mutually beneficial improvements to employment terms.

The aim in every round of bargaining is reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement. This is "tentative," pending ratification by the applicable union members through a direct voting process. On ratification, a final new agreement is reached and signatures conclude the process of collective bargaining. Sometimes other bargaining resolution pathways are explored, hopefully through a mutually beneficial approach that minimizes disruption for both the employees and the employer.

Click here for updates and information on the status of collective bargaining between the Province of Manitoba and its bargaining agents

Please continue to check this webpage for updates.