Tuesday, April 9, 2024

TIME – 6 p.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Logan Oxenham (Kirkfield Park)

VICE-CHAIRPERSON – MLA Jelynn Dela Cruz (Radisson)


      Members of the committee present:

Mr. Balcaen, MLAs Cross, Dela Cruz, Messrs. Nesbitt, Oxenham, MLA Pankratz


      MLA Cross for MLA Moroz


      Tom Bilous, United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg


Bill 200 – The Fire­fighters Recog­nition Day Act (Com­memo­ra­tion of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)

* * *

Clerk Assistant (Ms. Katerina Tefft): Good evening. Will the Standing Com­mit­tee on Social and Economic Dev­elop­ment please come to order.

      Before the com­mit­tee can proceed with the busi­ness before it, it must elect a Chairperson.

      Are there any nominations?

MLA Jelynn Dela Cruz (Radisson): I nominate Mr. Oxenham.

Clerk Assistant: Mr. Oxenham has been nominated.

      Are there any other nominations?

      Hearing no other nominations, Mr. Oxenham, will you please take the Chair.

The Chairperson: Order, please.

Committee Substitution

The Chairperson: I would like to inform the com­mit­tee that under rule 85(2), the following member­ship substitution has been made for this com­mit­tee effective imme­diately: MLA Cross for MLA Moroz.

      Thank you.

* * *

The Chairperson: Our next item of busi­ness is the election of a Vice-Chairperson.

      Are there any nominations? [interjection] Sorry, Mr. Pankratz.

MLA David Pankratz (Waverley): I nominate MLA Dela Cruz.

The Chairperson: MLA Dela Cruz has been nominated.

      Are there any other nominations?

      Hearing no other nominations, MLA Dela Cruz is elected Vice-Chairperson.

      This meeting has been called to consider the following bill: Bill 200, The Fire­fighters Recog­nition Day Act (Com­memo­ra­tion of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended).

      I would like to inform all in attendance of the provisions in our rules regarding the hour of adjournment. A standing com­mit­tee meeting to consider a bill must not sit past midnight to hear public pre­sen­ta­tions or to consider clause by clause of a bill except by unanimous consent of the com­mit­tee.

      Just offer some public pre­sen­ta­tion guide­lines: Prior to proceeding with public pre­sen­ta­tions, I would like to advise members of the public regarding the process for speaking in a com­mit­tee. In accordance with our rules, a time limit of 10 minutes has been allotted for pre­sen­ta­tions, with another five minutes allowed for questions from com­mit­tee members. Questions shall not exceed 30 seconds in length, with no time limit for answers. Questions may be addressed to presenters in the following rotation: first, the member sponsoring the bill; second, a member of the official op­posi­tion; and third, an in­de­pen­dent member.

      If a presenter is not in attendance when their name is called, they will be dropped to the bottom of the list. If the presenter is not in attendance when their name is called a second time, they will be removed from the presenters' list.

      The proceedings of our meetings are recorded in order to provide a verbatim transcript. Each time someone wishes to speak, whether it be an MLA or a presenter, I first have to say the person's name. This is the signal for the Hansard recorder to turn the mics on and off.

      I will now call on MLA Pankratz–[interjection] Sorry? Oh, sorry.

      I will now call on Mr. Bilous to please proceed with your pre­sen­ta­tion.

Tom Bilous (United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg): If you'll–if you and the com­mit­tee will indulge me, before I do my pre­sen­ta­tion, being that this is about fire­fighter ap­pre­cia­tion, we had a tragic suicide of one of our members today.

      I would ask, if you'll allow for it, would just join me in a moment of silence before I begin, couple seconds. Thank you.

The Chairperson: Is there leave from com­mit­tee for a moment of silence? [Agreed]

      Please rise.

A moment of silence was observed.

T. Bilous: Good evening. My name's Tom Bilous. I am the president of the United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg, repre­sen­ting 1,600 active and retired fire­fighters.

      It's with great pride and gratitude that I'm allowed to speak on this humbling recog­nition. The fact that this gov­ern­ment has taken steps and has put the effort in to formally recog­nize and ap­pre­ciate Manitoba fire­fighters is fantastic, and yet not surprising.

      The Manitoba gov­ern­ment has always been there for Manitoba fire­fighters. It was in 2002 where we were the first province to enact presumptive legis­lation coverage for occupational cancers for fire­fighters. That legis­lation has not only been added to as science-supported infor­ma­tion as it evolved, but it has meant better, faster care and proper compensation for fire­fighters and their families that have suffered or made the ultimate sacrifice.

      We also now have our beautiful prov­incial fire­fighter memorial just across the street, where we can gather for ceremony every September. Again, we are lucky to live in a province where we are ap­pre­ciated and recog­nized for our profession.

      I want to thank MLA David Pankratz, whom is also a UFFW member and Winnipeg fire­fighter, for putting this bill together. And, of course, without the support of his colleagues, our many great MLAs from all parties, and last, but not least, Premier Kinew, for their very much ap­pre­ciated support on this endeavour.

      Fire­fighters typically are humble people and often say they're just doing their job, which is true. However, we are lucky to be placed in a position to assist people on what is sometimes the worst day of their life.

      That's why I speak in favour of this bill and urge everyone to support it. Its simple intent to recog­nize the good work Manitoba fire­fighters continue to do every day is warranted and will be ap­pre­ciated.

      On behalf of my members, we say thank you for allowing us to do this profession and for always having our backs.

      Thank you. Happy to answer any questions.

The Chairperson: Thank you for your pre­sen­ta­tion and under such terrible circum­stances. I'm very sorry for your loss.

      Do members of the com­mit­tee have questions for the presenter?

Mr. Wayne Balcaen (Brandon West): More of a statement than a question. First of all, thank you for your pre­sen­ta­tion, and thank you and all of your 1,600-plus members in Winnipeg and more across the province for your service and your selfless sacrifices that you give.

      And on behalf of myself, our colleagues and all of us in emergency services past, present, I am very sorry for the loss of a family member, because it's truly a member of your family that you have lost.

      So, again, thank you, and we look forward to talking further on this bill.

The Chairperson: Any other questions for the presenter?

      Well, thank you very much for your pre­sen­ta­tion. Ap­pre­ciate it.

      That concludes the list of presenters I have before me.

* * *

The Chairperson: We will now proceed with clause-by-clause of Bill 200.

      Does the bill sponsor, the hon­our­able member from–for Waverley, have an opening statement?

MLA Pankratz: So, I prepared a bunch of remarks for this, and then I spent the last hour since the Chamber rose talking to co-workers and friends and family members about what happened at WFPS today with our brother.

      And I think it's im­por­tant that I just take a moment, since this is a bill for fire­fighters recog­nition day, and attempt to not get too emotional talking about it, but just say how difficult this job can be in a lot of ways that people don't necessarily expect. So, mental health is a major issue, obviously, as we've seen first hand today.

      And there are calls that we go on–my apologies–that don't necessarily leave you, and so–and I'm looking across at a fellow first responder, fire–or, police officer, and I'm sure he could speak to many of these same sort of calls.

* (18:10)

      I think it's just so im­por­tant that we are con­sistently reaching out to people who are in our health-care system, who are on our front lines, to make sure that they're checking in on their own mental health, and that it's okay to tell them it's okay to not be okay, and to reach out to your friends and to be open about that.

      So I just wanted to put that on the record very quickly before I also say that, you know, the fire­fighter family is such an in­cred­ible group. You go through things that you never could possibly–you could never imagine–with one another. You're volunteering in the com­mu­nity, you're cooking meals together and laughing about some of the ridiculous things that you deal with in your job. And then you also have nights where you're running into a house that's on fire, right?

      So it's this in­cred­ibly wildly disparate set of experiences that you have when you're doing this work. And I'm just, again, as Tom mentioned, it's a humble group. They wouldn't ask for this. No fire­fighter would necessarily ask for this. I am really privileged and honoured to be in the position that I am in, as an MLA, and to be able to bring this forward. And I sincerely ap­pre­ciate all of the support from my co-workers on both sides of the Chamber on this. I know it got unanimous votes and support, and so I really ap­pre­ciate that.

      And I look forward to celebrating this with brothers and sisters across this amazing province on May the 4th, once this passes through. So thank you again to everyone for being here today.

The Chairperson: We thank the member. Thank you.

      Does any other member wish to make an opening statement on Bill 200?

Mr. Balcaen: It's certainly very difficult–line of work; I can speak first-hand. And again, I ap­pre­ciate all of the work that people in emergency services–and today, let's recog­nize the work that the emergency services in the firefighting area really look after. Mr. Pankratz spoke about, you know, you can go from nothing to a burning home in a matter of seconds.

      So in our language from the police service, we used to say they moved from zero to hero in a matter of seconds. And it rings through today, because they're the first ones to run into the burning building while others are running out. So it's also not lost on us, and myself, that this is May the 4th. And we joked in the House, we said some things, but–and again, I think it's im­por­tant today, may the force be with you, and your–sorry, your firefighting force and your group of people, and continue to gather around each other and provide support. Mental health, physical health and working together.

      So we on this side certainly ap­pre­ciate this bill being brought forward, and I'd be remiss if I didn't say that of all of the things I've learned with fire­fighters and emergency services, the mantra of fire­fighters has always stuck with me. And I hope I do it justice, but it's: I will risk nothing to save nothing, I will risk a little to save a little, but I will risk a lot to save a lot. And that says it all. They're willing to run into the most dangerous situations, risk every­thing that they have–including life–and make sure that others are taken care of.

      So, again, we won't be laying out any hose to block traffic on this. We're going to make sure that we're here to hear line by line and make sure that this moves through for our heroes in the fire de­part­ment.

      Thank you.

The Chairperson: Thank you, Mr. Balcaen.

      Does any other member wish to make an opening statement on Bill 200?

      Okay. So, seeing now–none, we shall move to the clauses.

      Clause 1–pass; clause 2–pass; clause 3–pass; enacting clause–pass; title–pass. Bill be reported.

      All right, the hour being 6:15, what is the will of the com­mit­tee?

Some Honourable Members: Rise.

The Chairperson: Okay. Com­mit­tee rise.



Social & Economic Development Vol. 3

TIME – 6 p.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

Mr. Logan Oxenham
(Kirkfield Park)

MLA Jelynn Dela Cruz


Members of the committee present:

Mr. Balcaen,
MLAs Cross, Dela Cruz,
Messrs. Nesbitt, Oxenham,
MLA Pankratz


MLA Cross for MLA Moroz


Tom Bilous,
United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg


Bill 200 – The Fire­fighters Recog­nition Day Act (Com­memo­ra­tion of Days, Weeks and Months Act Amended)

* * *